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Reliability Estimation in the Presence of Censored Data A Case Study in an Automotive Part Manufacturing System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eshraghniaye Jahromi, Abdolhamid (Supervisor)
In this study a brief definition of the basic concepts of the reliability and censoring data is given as well as the literature review of the censored data and introduction to concept of robust. In order to find suitable distribution by considering censored data, the goodness of fit test, Chi-squared test, and Anderson-Darling approaches are used. Moreover to estimate Parameter of the reliability distribution, Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE) is given. A case study in an automotive part manufacturing system is presented and the distributions of reliability parameters of several critical components (i.e. reliability, hazard rate, etc.) have been estimated. Considering all data, and...
Presentation of Knowledge Management Framework for Project-Based Organizations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shadrokh, Shahram (Supervisor)
Knowledge is an organization asset that if used in the direction of organization’s strategic mission, can provide values for the organization. Therefore, many organizations such as NASA, Siemens; and Microsoft have invested in order to improve their knowledge management practices. Many organizations have not been successful in implementing appropriate knowledge management and incurred by huge expenses, while others can use and improve their locations among their competitors in the business. The reason behind many of these organizations were ignoring factor(s) that have direct undeniable effect on result from organization’s knowledge management.
The framework of knowledge management is a...
The framework of knowledge management is a...
A Counting Formula for the Kervaire Semi-Characteristic
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mustafa (Supervisor)
Similar to the classical Poincare-Hopf index formula for the Euler characteristic, Zhang gave a counting formula for the Kervaire semi-characteristic of a 4q+1 manifold. We first study Witten deformation techniques in the proof of the Poincare-Hopf formula. Then we will represent Zhang’s formula which uses similar analysis. Both these formulas establish a connection between topological and geometrical data on a manifold. Both proofs will be analytical. Index theory will play the ’bridge’ between the topology and analysis. We begin with an analytic interpretation of the topologically defined quantities as indices of differential operators. We deform the operators with respect to appropriate...
Ricci Curvature on Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
In the present study, the Ricci curvature is defined on the graphs by using two methods and the lower bounds are obtained. In the first method, which is related to Bakry and Emery, a definition for Ricci curvature and lower bounds would be obtained by using Curvature-Dimension inequalities.The second method which is related to Ollivier, is based on the fact that in Riemannian Geometry,the Ricci Curvature controls the velocity of convergence and divergence of emanated geodesics from a same source. Next, the more Curvature-Dimension inequalities for Ricci curvature would be obtained by using local clustering. Finally, the Bonnet-Myers theorem would be proved on the graphs.
The Geometry of the Group of Symplectic Diffeomorphisms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eftekhary, Eiman (Supervisor) ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this thesis, we first define the pseudo-distance p on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms.Using the concept of displacement energy, we show that the pseudo-distance p is degenerate and if the manifold is closed, p will be zero for each p = 1; 2; 3; : : : Then, we introduce Lagrangian submanifolds and prove that if L R2n is a rational Lagrangian submanifold, we have the following inequality e(L) ≥ 1γ(L). : Finally, using the above inequality and the concept of displacement energy, for M = R2n we prove that 1 is non-degenerate. Therefore, the hypothesis for 1 to be a metric, are satisfied. This metric is called Hofer’s metric
Discrete Exterior Calculus
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
In this thesis, a discrete exterior calculus is studied. Discrete exterior calculus is an attempt to create a discrete analogy of differential geometry and topology which is potentially applicable in computer science and physics. At first, simplicial complexes are presented as approximation of smooth manifolds. Then discrete forms and discrete exterior derivative are defined. We will observe that Stokes, theorem can be stated and proved in discrete analogy too. We will obtain Hodge operator by using dual complex and after that discrete Laplacian and Heat kernel will be calculated by using Hodge operator. In addition, we will define discrete vector field independent of discrete forms and then...
Gravity in Noncommutative Geometry
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this thesis, the aim is to stating some of the noncommutative geometry(NCG) applications in formulating and describing the gravity. So, in the first chapter, we will work on some of metric aspects of NCG. In this chapter, we will review elements of the spin geometry, specifically we will define the Dirac operator which is the most important object in this thesis. Then, we will try to find counterparts of some of Riemannian geometric notions like integral and distance in the NCG framework. We will define some notions such as noncommutative infinitesimals, Dixmier trace, Wodzicki residue, noncommutative integral and spectral triples. Then, in the second chapter, we will work on some of the...
Hyperbolic Branching Brownian Motion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zade, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Hyperbolic branching Brownian motion is a branching diffusion process in which individual particles follow independent Brownian paths in the hyperbolic plane H2, and undergo binary fission(s) at rate λ > 0. It is shown that there is a phase transition in λ : For λ ≤ 1/8 the number
of particles in any compact region of H2 is eventually 0, w.p.1, but for λ > 1/8 the number of particles in any open set grows to ∞ w.p.1. In the subcritical case (λ ≤ 1/8) the set Λ of all limit points in ∂H2 (the boundary circle at ∞) of particle trails is a Cantor set, while in the supercritical case (λ > 1/8) the set Λ has full Lebesgue measure. For λ ≤ 1/8 it is shown that w.p.1 the Hausdorff dimension of Λ...
of particles in any compact region of H2 is eventually 0, w.p.1, but for λ > 1/8 the number of particles in any open set grows to ∞ w.p.1. In the subcritical case (λ ≤ 1/8) the set Λ of all limit points in ∂H2 (the boundary circle at ∞) of particle trails is a Cantor set, while in the supercritical case (λ > 1/8) the set Λ has full Lebesgue measure. For λ ≤ 1/8 it is shown that w.p.1 the Hausdorff dimension of Λ...
Chern–Weil Theory Extended to a Class of Infinite Dimensional Bundles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Given a principal bundle a characteristic class is an element of the cohomology al- gebra of the classifying space of structure group of the bundle with coefficients in a commutative ring with unit ,which have a functorial property .When the structure groupe of the bundle is a Lie group and the coefficient ring is the real or complex num- bers , the Chern–Weil approach provides a geometric construction of char-acteristic classes. Classical Chern–Weil formalism relates geometry to topology, assigning to the cur- vature of a connection, de Rham cohomology classes of the underlying manifold.This theory developped in the 40’s by Shiing-ShenChern and Andre Weil which can be seen as a generalisation...
Conformal Invariance in the 2D Ising Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Alishahi, Kasra (Co-Advisor)
Many 2D lattice models of physical phenomena are conjectured to have conformally invariant scaling limits: percolation, Ising model, self-avoiding polymers, . . .This has led to numerous exact (but non-rigorous) predictions of their scaling exponents and dimensions. We will discuss how to prove the conformal invariance conjectures, especially in relation to Schramm-Loewner Evolution
Sutures, Taut Manifolds and the Topology of 3-Manifolds
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this essay we focus on the question of whether a 3-manifold (possibly with bound- ary) like M supports a codimension-1 transversely oriented foliation like F , such that F is transverse to ∂M and does not have Reeb components. If such foliation exists, then ∂M is necessarily a (possibly
empty) union of tori and (based on the works of Novikov, Reeb and Rosenberg) M is either S2 × S1(with F being the prod- uct foliation) or M is irreducible. In a paper by David Gabai, which we discuss, the sufficiency of these conditions is proved in case of non-trivial second homology group.Furthermore, from the works of Thurston it is concluded that compact leaves of such foliation are norm minimizing...
empty) union of tori and (based on the works of Novikov, Reeb and Rosenberg) M is either S2 × S1(with F being the prod- uct foliation) or M is irreducible. In a paper by David Gabai, which we discuss, the sufficiency of these conditions is proved in case of non-trivial second homology group.Furthermore, from the works of Thurston it is concluded that compact leaves of such foliation are norm minimizing...
Grid Homology and the Existence of Exotic Structures on R4
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddasi, Reza (Supervisor) ; Eftekhari, Eaman (Supervisor) ; Daemi, Ali Akbar (Co-Advisor)
Knot theory is the study of ambient isotopy classes of compact 1–manifolds in a 3-manifold. In classical knot theory this 3-manifold is R3 or S3. This field has experienced a great transformative advances in recent years because of its strong connections with and a number of other mathematical disciplines including topology of 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds, gauge theory, representation theory, categorification, morse theory, symplectic geometry and the theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves. In this thesis we start with classical knot theory, introducing some of its (classical) invariants like unknotting number, Seifert genus and slice genus of a knot, knot group and finally Alexander Polynomial...
Deep Compositional Captioner
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahani Zadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Kamali Tabrizi, Mostafa (Co-Supervisor) ; Moghadasi, Jamshid (Co-Supervisor)
One of the most important applications of artificial intelligence, and especially deep learning is image captioning. Given an image, the task is to automatically produce a sentence, describing the image. Image captioning has several real world applications like helping the blind understanding the images, generating automatic captions for the social media, etc. In the past, several different methods for image captioning have been used, but after the emergence of deep learning, like many other areas, image captioning algorithms have been improved significantly. In this thesis, I talk about a specific method for image captioning, called ”Deep Compositional Captioning. In this method, at first...
3D Reconstruction and Extrinsic Parameters Calibration of Non-Overlapping Cameras
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Moghadasi, Reza (Co-Supervisor) ; Kamali Tabrizi, Mostafa (Co-Supervisor)
Non-overlapping Cameras in multi-camera systems have become prevalent in robotics and computer vision research; therefore, it is possible to cover the wide field of view, and researches have been done for computing extrinsic parameters of cameras. These cameras do not have any overlap in their views, so obtaining the corresponding point in their images is somehow impossible. Light and shadow geometry is analogous to Structure from Motion problem. In this thesis,we study Structure from Motion problem and have tried to propose an approach for estimating extrinsic parameters of non-overlapping cameras in Multi-camera systems. We formulate the problem by using light and shadow geometry and...
The Particle-Field Theory On The Possibility of New Formulation of Micro-phenomena
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shafiee, Afshin
In this thesis we are going to explore a new formalism in micro domain which describes quantum phenomena in a realistic casual fashion by introducing an unified concept of matter, energy, and Information. In this theory, a micro-entity, e.g. an electron, is a combination of a particle and its associated field integrated to a new entity called particle-field. The dynamics of such system will be analyzed. Then, some quantum examples which have controversial aspects will be discussed within the new theory. In a generalized form of formalism, the non-linear Schrödinger Equation is introduced, which enables us to predict some experimental data for common Quantum Mechanical stationary systems....
Molybdenum(VI) Complexes and Palladium Nanoparticles in Ionic Liquid-Liquid Biphasic and Supported Ionic Liquid phase (SILP) Catalysis, and Green Catalytic Processes using Polymeric Ionic Liquids (PILs
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
In this thesis, ionic liquids and polymeric ionic liquids were investigated as solvent and support for immobilization of molybdenum and palladium catalysts. Three newly synthesized room temperature ionic liquids containing molybdate anion, [DMIm][MoO2(NCS)4], [RPy][MoO2(NCS)4] (R = butyl or decyl), and previously reported [BMIm][MoO2(NCS)4] were used as catalysts for the reduction of sulfoxides. For facilitating the recyclability of the catalysts, the ionic liquid solvents, [RMIm][PF6] and [RPy][PF6] (RMIm=1-n-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium, RPy= 1-n-alkylpyridinium), were applied to immobilize molybdenum catalysts. These catalysts showed high catalytic activity for sulfoxide reduction in this...
Multipartite Entanglement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Memarzadeh Esfahani, Laleh (Supervisor)
Entanglement is one of the most important concepts in quantum information science. Aer playing a significant role in the foundations of quantum mechanics, it has been discovered as a new physical resource with potential commercial applications such as teleportation, dense coding and so on. Perhaps one of the most important problems in studying the properties of entangled states is the quantification of entanglement. There are many measure of entanglement that all of them has to satis some conditions. The structure of entanglement in multipartite systems is much richer than that in the case of bipartite systems and is an open problem in quantum information theory. Graph states are special...
Low-Temperature Coherence Properties of Z2 Quantum Memory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Memarzadeh Esfahani, Laleh (Supervisor)
Quantum memory which stores the coherent information of logical qubits, is an essential ingredient of quantum information processings. Each logical basis should be encoded on macroscopically distinct physical states since otherwise the indistinguishability of logical bases is easily destroyed by local errors.On the other hand, the memory must be able to have superposition of macroscopically distinct states of physical qubits. To maintain such superposition is very difficult. First, if the size of the memory is infinite, such macroscopic superposition is impossible since superposition of different phases is just a classical mixture of them in an infinite system. Second, even in finite...
Discussing the Behavior of the Boundary Theory Caused by Kalb-Ramond Field Perturbation in the Bulk, Using AdS/CFT Correspondence
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Arfaei, Hessamaddin (Supervisor)
In this thesis we have used the low energy effective action of the string theory to find an asymptotic Anti-de sitter metric with a non-vanishing H field. Then we have used the AdS/CFT correspondence to study the effects of the added Kalb_Ramond field on two calculations in the boundary theory. The first one was the calculation of the drag force exerted on a moving quark in the quark-gluon plasma. In the second calculation we observed the effect of the added field on the confinement-de confinement phase transition
Power of Quantum Channels for Creating Quantum Correlations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Memarzadeh Esfahani, Laleh (Co-Advisor)
In recent studies, it has been shown that entanglement is not the only kind of genuinely quantum correlation. There exist models of quantum computation that provide exponential speed up over the best known classical algorithms and don’t have any quantum entanglement. These models show that in some cases separable state can be very useful in quantum computing models. Look for a property that causes the performance of these scenarios, quantum correlation being one of the most important concepts, including but not limited to entanglement. Local noise can produce quantum correlations on an initially classically correlated state, provided that it is not represented by a unital or semiclassical...