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    Modeling and optimization of friction materials based on genetic programming and experimental frictional data

    , Article Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites ; Volume 34, Issue 7 , 2015 , Pages 581-590 ; 07316844 (ISSN) Khazaei, A ; Shojaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    SAGE Publications Ltd  2015
    A genetic programming technique was employed to develop empirical models for predicting specific wear rate and coefficient of friction on brake friction materials. The models consist of independent variables representing the volume fraction of the ingredients. The average absolute relative error for specific wear rate and coefficient of friction were found to be 1.93% and 1.92%, respectively. The models were also verified by the experimental data used for further control of the formulation. Utilizing Tornado plots, the models were found to be able to properly demonstrate the role of the ingredients on overall tribological performance of the brake friction materials. Moreover, a non-dominated... 

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Javar, Zahra (Author) ; khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    Increasing use of new data technologies have made data collection possible in large scales. Practicallity of the data relies upon the extraction of meaningful knowledge.Data mining is a solution to this problem. One of the new areas in data mining is consideration of the concern of privacy alongside the usefulness of the mining results.Main goal of privacy preserving data mining is to develop data mining models which only extract the useful knowledge. In recent years, many researches have been done in this area. Since the literature and notation of these published works vary, a survey would help to better understand these concepts. This thesis tries to explain, analyse,unify and categorize... 

    Return code schemes for electronic voting systems

    , Article 2nd International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, E-Vote-ID 2017, 24 October 2017 through 27 October 2017 ; Volume 10615 LNCS , 2017 , Pages 198-209 ; 03029743 (ISSN); 9783319686868 (ISBN) Khazaei, S ; Wikström, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2017
    We describe several return code schemes for secure vote submission in electronic voting systems. We consider a unified treatment where a return code is generated as a multiparty computation of a secure MAC tag applied on an encrypted message submitted by a voter. Our proposals enjoy a great level of flexibility with respect to various usability, security, and performance tradeoffs. © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG  

    A Study in Bound of Graph and Generalized Access Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nasirzadeh, Sajjad (Author) ; khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    Determining the value of optimal information ratio for a given access structure and finding the upper and lower bounds for the information ratio in secreet sharing is one of the main problems that has been studied over time. In this thesis, we have tried to introduce the tools used in this field, including polymatroids and Shannon’s inequalities, linear programming, decomposition and etc, examine the papers presented in this field and rewrite obtained results in a simpler way  

    Determining Regions of Linear Contribution Vectors of Small Access Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahariyan, Sorush (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    Objective of Secret Sharing is assigning some random variable which will be called shares, generated based on a random variable called secret, to some participant such that only specific subsets of participants could reconstruct the secret by polling their shares together. Constructing shares as small as possible is desired, hence notions like information ratio and average information ratio have been studied and considered to be a measure of efficiency of secret sharing schemes. In this research contribution vectors of access structures with five participants and graph based access structures with six participants have been studied. Small access structures have been considered shortly after... 

    Ciphertext-only attack on d × d Hill in O(d13d)

    , Article Information Processing Letters ; Volume 118 , 2017 , Pages 25-29 ; 00200190 (ISSN) Khazaei, S ; Ahmadi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2017
    Hill is a classical cipher which is generally believed to be resistant against ciphertext-only attack. In this paper, by using a divide-and-conquer technique, it is first shown that Hill with d×d key matrix over Z26 can be broken with computational complexity of O(d26d), for the English language. This is much less than the only publicly known attack, i.e., the brute-force with complexity of O(d326d2). Then by using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, it is shown that the computational complexity of the proposed attack can be reduced down to O(d13d). Using an information-theoretic approach, it is shown that the minimum ciphertext length required for a successful attack increases by a factor of... 

    Forecasting Residential Natural Gas Consumption in Tehran Using Machine Learning Methods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khazaei, Armin (Author) ; Maleki, Abbas (Supervisor)
    According to increasing energy demand in Iran and the world, the role of natural gas as a relatively clean and cost-effective source has received more attention. Given the high share of the residential sector in the country's natural gas consumption, providing a model for forecasting the demand of this sector is of great importance for policy makers and decision makers in this field. In the present study, we employ three popular methods of machine learning, support vector regression, artificial neural network and decision tree to predict the consumption of natural gas in the residential sector in Tehran according to meteorological parameters (including temperature, precipitation and wind... 

    Hinting Pseudorandom Generation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abshari, Danial (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    In many sciences, including computer science, generating random numbers have always been an interesting problem.Pseudo-random generators are one of the most important solutions to this problem and one of the primitives, used especially in cryptography and computer science, which have made it easier for us to generate random numbers.The main purpose of these generators is to increase the length of an n-bit string to an l-bit string where l>n.We need an initial value called Seed in this definition. We will present a new and stronger definition in this essay, called the Hinting Pseudorandom Generator, which has different outputs as well. Thus, our input is n bits and our output is n.l bits. We... 

    Dynamic localization of light in squeezed-like photonic lattices

    , Article Optics Communications ; Volume 367 , 2016 ; 00304018 (ISSN) Khazaei Nezhad, M ; Golshani, M ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Langari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2016
    We investigate the dynamic localization of light in the sinusoidal bent squeezed-like photonic lattices, a class of inhomogeneous semi-infinite waveguide arrays. Our findings show that, dynamic localization takes place for the normalized amplitude of sinusoidal profile (α) above a critical value α c. In this regime, for any normalized amplitude α>αc, there is a specific spatial period (ℓ) of waveguides, in which the dynamical oscillation, with the same spatial period occurs. Moreover, the specific spatial period is a decreasing function of the normalized amplitude α. Accordingly, the dynamical oscillation and self-imaging is realized, in spite of the existence of inhomogeneous coupling... 

    Poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation of toluene and isooctane

    , Article Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering ; Volume 56, Issue 12 , 2017 , Pages 1286-1294 ; 03602559 (ISSN) Khazaei, A ; Mohebbi, V ; Behbahani, R. M ; Ahmad Ramazani, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide mixed matrix membranes have been prepared and applied for the pervaporation of isooctane (aliphatic) and toluene (aromatic) mixtures. Characteristics of the membranes such as crystallinity, morphology, and swelling have been investigated, and the results have been used to describe pervaporation performance. Experimental tests evidenced that incorporation of low content of graphene oxide nanoplates (0.5 wt%) in poly(vinyl alcohol) increases affinity of the membrane to aromatics by S and π bonds and selectivity increase to about four times. Moreover, interaction of graphene oxide with toluene results in increasing of swelling and decreasing of permeation... 

    Pervaporation of toluene and iso-octane through poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide nanoplate mixed matrix membranes: Comparison of crosslinked and noncrosslinked membranes

    , Article Journal of Applied Polymer Science ; Volume 135, Issue 7 , 2018 ; 00218995 (ISSN) Khazaei, A ; Mohebbi, V ; Behbahani, R. M ; Ramazani S. A., A ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Inc  2018
    Removal of aromatic compounds from fuel is an essential requirement in new environmental policies. In the present study, poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide (GO) mixed matrix membranes were prepared and applied to the separation of toluene from iso-octane by pervaporation, considering the similarity and interaction between graphene and aromatics. The effects of crosslinking and GO content on separation efficiency have been investigated in detail. Owing to the high affinity of GO with toluene through s and π bonds, the selectivity of the membranes was increased by incorporating a low amount of GO. The results also indicated that noncrosslinked membranes have higher selectivity and permeation... 

    Study of End-to-End Voting Systems Helios and Scantegrity II

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Chitgar, Ismael (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    Voting is a detachable part of the democratic governments. In the era of modern computer systems, the need for electronic voting systems in no longer avoidable.Designing a secure electronic voting system is a difficult problem since both privacy and integrity must be achieved at the same time. This difficulty has cast the problem to the center of attention of many researchers.In this thesis we will consider the new generation of voting systems known as end-to-end that were designed to solve the problems in the previous generations of voting systems and to uphold the security of the system. Many of end-toend voting systems use concepts of cryptography in addition to machine tools.A central... 

    Improving the Performance of Distributed Fusion for PHD Filter in Multi-Object Tracking

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khazaei, Mohammad (Author) ; Jamzad, Mansour (Supervisor)
    The Gaussian mixture (cardinalized) probability hypothesis density (GM-(C)PHD) filter is a closed form approximation of multi-target Bayes filter which can overcome most of multi-target tracking problems. Limited field of view, decreasing cost of cameras and its advances induce us to use large-scale camera networks. Increasing the size of camera networks make centralized networks practically inefficient. On the other hand, scalability, simplicity and low data transmission cost has made distributed networks a good replacement for centralized networks. However, data fusion in distributed network is sub-optimal due to unavailable cross-correlation.Among data fusion algorithms which deal with... 

    Functional Encryption

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babaeinejad, Sasan (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we will focus on Functional Encryption. At first a wide range of different types of requirements and applications which are not fulfilled by Public-Key Encryption are considered. These types of requirements finally led us to Functional Encryption. Then a breaf explanation of differrent types of Functional Encryption is presented. In the sequel we will exlain Functional Encryption more formally. Finally we will consider the latest achievemnets and open problems in this area  

    A Survey on Searchable Symmetric Encryption Schemes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sajadieh, Zahra Sadat (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    Using “Searchable Encryption” enables us to encrypt the data, while preserving the possibility of running search queries. One of the most important applications of the mentioned is in Cloud Storage. As users do not trust the Cloud space, they are not inclined to store their data on the Could. The solution to this problem is of course, Cryptography. However, ordinary Cryptography methods, eliminate the data’s searchability. Hence, we need encryption schemes that code the data while retaining their searchability. So far, various schemes has been proposed that differ in their performance, security level, and usage. In this thesis, we aim to discuss and analyze these methods  

    Design of peptide-based inhibitor agent against amyloid-β aggregation: Molecular docking, synthesis and in vitro evaluation

    , Article Bioorganic Chemistry ; Volume 102 , September , 2020 Jokar, S ; Erfani, M ; Bavi, O ; Khazaei, S ; Sharifzadeh, M ; Hajiramezanali, M ; Beiki, D ; Shamloo, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press Inc  2020
    Formation of the amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide aggregations represents an indispensable role in appearing and progression of Alzheimer disease. β-sheet breaker peptides can be designed and modified with different amino acids in order to improve biological properties and binding affinity to the amyloid beta peptide. In the present study, three peptide sequences were designed based on the hopeful results of LIAIMA peptide and molecular docking studies were carried out onto the monomer and fibril structure of amyloid beta peptide using AutoDock Vina software. According to the obtained interactions and binding energy from docking, the best-designed peptide (D-GABA-FPLIAIMA) was chosen and... 

    A Survey of Hitting Set Attack on Anonymous Protocols Based on Pure Mix-Net

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Seyed Akhlaghi, Hamed (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    One of the main requirements in today’s computer networks such as the Internet is protecting the privacy of users. Hence, anonymity is a useful tool for privacy and provides user’s anonymity. So far, several protocols have been designed to provide anonymity but most of the times, attackers found a way to take advantage of weaknesses in the design and implementation of these protocols. There is a class of attacks,where attacker tries to relate clients of anonymity system to each other, regardless of the communication protocols they use, just by observing networks traffic.The MIX technique forms the basis of many popular ervices that offer anonymity of communication in open and shared networks... 

    Private Set Operations Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Rafiee Karkevandi, Mojtaba (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    In recent years, different cryptographic tools have been introduced for a wide range of cloud computing applications that can be classified based on a trade-off between performance and security. In this thesis, we introduced the private set operation schemes, and at their heart, private set intersection schemes, in the cloud computing platform. These schemes are of particular importance because they can be used as basic cryptographic schemes for a wide range of functionalities in the cloud platform. Using these schemes, the user can securely store datasets on the cloud, run set queries remotely and receive the desired results. To this end, we first modeled the syntax and the security notions... 

    Sutdies in Ideal Access Structures

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kaboli Nooshabadi, Reza (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, in addition to reviewing the previous work done in the study of ideal access structures, we present the author's recent results in this field. As a first result, we introduce a new technique for reducing the size of the secret space in ideal homomorphic secret sharing schemes. The concept of decomposition of secret sharing schemes is formally introduced for the first time. In this regard, we show that ideal homomorphic and abelian secret sharing schemes are decomposable. We also examine the inherent group-characterizability of secret sharing schemes and show that an ideal secret sharing scheme is not necessarily inherently group-characterizable. Some weaker definitions of the... 

    Automated analysis of karyotype images

    , Article Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ; Volume 20, Issue 3 , 2022 ; 02197200 (ISSN) Khazaei, E ; Emrany, A ; Tavassolipour, M ; Mahjoubi, F ; Ebrahimi, A ; Motahari, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    World Scientific  2022
    Karyotype is a genetic test that is used for detection of chromosomal defects. In a karyotype test, an image is captured from chromosomes during the cell division. The captured images are then analyzed by cytogeneticists in order to detect possible chromosomal defects. In this paper, we have proposed an automated pipeline for analysis of karyotype images. There are three main steps for karyotype image analysis: image enhancement, image segmentation and chromosome classification. In this paper, we have proposed a novel chromosome segmentation algorithm to decompose overlapped chromosomes. We have also proposed a CNN-based classifier which outperforms all the existing classifiers. Our...