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    XMulator: A listener-based integrated simulation platform for interconnection networks

    , Article 1st Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation - Asia Modelling Symposium 2007, AMS 2007, 27 March 2007 through 30 March 2007 ; 2007 , Pages 128-132 ; 0769528457 (ISBN); 9780769528458 (ISBN) Nayebi, A ; Meraji, S ; Shamaei, A ; Sarbazi Azad, H ; Al Dabass D ; Zobel R ; Abraham A ; Turner S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2007
    Simulation is perhaps the most cost-effective tool to evaluate the operation of a system under design. A flexible, easy to extend, fully object-oriented, and multilayered simulator for interconnection networks can be a very useful tool for multicomputer designers and researchers. It is so desirable to attach newly designed components to the existing models and to exploit detailed results. This paper presents XMulator, an object-oriented listener-based simulation environment for evaluating multicomputer interconnection networks. The simulator involves a toolbox of various network topologies, routing algorithms, switching techniques, and flexible router models. This work introduces a... 

    X-ray powder diffraction beamline for iranian light source facility

    , Article IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai ; May , 2013 , Pages 130-132 ; 9783954501229 (ISBN) Khosroabadi, H ; Azhir, A. G ; Amiri, S ; Ghasem, H ; Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA); American Physical Society Division of Physics of Beams (APS-DPB); Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG) ; Sharif University of Technology
    X-ray Powder Diffraction beamline is one of the first priorities of Iranian Light Source Facility day-onebeamlines. This beamline will cover the research requirements of scientific community in the fields of physics, material science, chemistry, etc and also have benefits for industries. This paper shortly reports the ray tracing calculations for the optical design of this beamline. The results show that bending magnet source would satisfy the nowadays users requirements, although insertion device should also be considered for covering the requirements of the future users. In this paper the effects of the optical elements on the users' requirements have been discussed to obtain the... 

    X-ray diffraction analysis and williamson-hall method in usdm model for estimating more accurate values of stress-strain of unit cell and super cells (2 × 2 × 2) of hydroxyapatite, confirmed by ultrasonic pulse-echo test

    , Article Materials ; Volume 14, Issue 11 , 2021 ; 19961944 (ISSN) Rabiei, M ; Palevicius, A ; Dashti, A ; Nasiri, S ; Monshi, A ; Doustmohammadi, A ; Vilkauskas, A ; Janusas, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI AG  2021
    Taking into account X-ray diffraction, one of the well-known methods for calculating the stress-strain of crystals is Williamson-Hall (W–H). The W-H method has three models, namely (1) Uniform deformation model (UDM); (2) Uniform stress deformation model (USDM); and (3) Uniform deformation energy density model (UDEDM). The USDM and UDEDM models are directly related to the modulus of elasticity (E). Young’s modulus is a key parameter in engineering design and materials development. Young’s modulus is considered in USDM and UDEDM models, but in all previous studies, researchers used the average values of Young’s modulus or they calculated Young’s modulus only for a sharp peak of an XRD pattern... 

    World city mode choice: Choice of rail public transportation

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 11, Issue 4 , 2004 , Pages 320-331 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Poorzahedy, H ; Tabatabaee, N ; Kermanshah, M ; Aashtiani, H. Z ; Toobaei, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2004
    The choice of technology to transport passengers in large metropolitan areas is an important issue everywhere. There are many factors involved in this choice. This paper deals with the possibility of the objective use of available information in the analysis of the suitability of a rail public transport system for a city. A database has been made from publications on public city transportation and country level information. Logit models of choice have been calibrated by the maximum likelihood and nonlinear least square methods based on the acquired information. Each city is treated as an "individual", choosing rail or non-rail modes for its trips. Only cities with a population of more than... 

    Workspace analysis of a three dof cable-driven mechanism

    , Article Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics ; Volume 1, Issue 4 , 2009 , Pages 1-7 ; 19424302 (ISSN) Alikhani, A. R ; Behzadipour, S ; Sadough Vanini, A ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A cable-driven mechanism based on the idea of BetaBot (2005, "A New Cable-Based Parallel Robot With Three Degrees of Freedom, " Multibody Syst. Dyn., 13, pp. 371-383) is analyzed and geometrical description of its workspace boundary is found. In this mechanism, the cable arrangement eliminates the rotational motions leaving the moving platform with three translational motions. The mechanism has potentials for large scale manipulation and robotics in harsh environments. A detailed analysis of the tensionable workspace of the mechanism is presented. The mechanism, in a tensionable position, can develop tensile forces in all cables to maintain its rigidity under arbitrary external loading. A... 

    Workflow change patterns: Opportunities for extension and reuse

    , Article Studies in Computational Intelligence ; Volume 253 , 2009 , Pages 265-275 ; 1860949X (ISSN) ; 9783642054402 (ISBN) Aghakasiri, Z ; Mirian Hosseinabadi, S. H ; Lee, R ; Ishii, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Workflow systems have won widespread enterprise adoption due to their role in automation of executive processes. It leads to the development of a wide-range of workflow systems with different design technologies which aid design and implementation of workflows. Though difference in implementation issues, all workflow systems conform to a generic paradigm, which is exposed by abstract substrate of Workflow Patterns. Workflow patterns provide a coherent template for design of workflow systems. However, the dynamism presented in business environments, demands support and management of dynamic changes in the workflow systems designed. To accommodate dynamic change management, we introduce... 

    Work-in-progress: heterogeneous redundancy to address performance and cost in multi-core SIMT

    , Article 2017 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis, CODES+ISSS 2017, 15 October 2017 through 20 October 2017 ; 2017 ; 9781450351850 (ISBN) Naghashi, M ; Mozafari, S. H ; Hessabi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    As manufacturing processes scale to smaller feature sizes and processors become more complex, it is becoming challenging to have fabricated devices that operate according to their speciication in the irst place: yield losses are mounting [3]. © 2017 ACM  

    Work-in-Progress: heterogeneous redundancy to address performance and cost in multi-core SIMT

    , Article Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis Companion, CODES 2017, 15 October 2017 through 20 October 2017 ; 2017 ; 9781450351850 (ISBN) Naghashi, M ; Mozafari, S. H ; Hessabi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    As manufacturing processes scale to smaller feature sizes and processors become more complex, it is becoming challenging to have fabricated devices that operate according to their speciication in the irst place: yield losses are mounting [3]. In this work, we investigate adding heterogeneous hot redundancy (i.e., the architecture of redundant hot cores is diferent from the baseline cores) to improve the cost and performance of multicore single-instruction, multiple-thread (SIMT) architectures. We propose to utilize x86 out of order (OoO) cores as redundancy in SIMT processors. In this case, dice with unused functional redundancies can beneit from two types of processing cores (OoO and SM)  

    Work hardening of Duratherm 600 cobalt superalloy using repetitive corrugation and straightening process

    , Article Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals ; Volume 51, Issue 1 , February , 2010 , Pages 59-61 ; 10678212 (ISSN) Sheikh, H ; Paimozd, E ; Hashemi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the effect of repetitive corrugation and straightening (RCS) process on hardness of Duratherm 600 superalloy has been investigated. To do so, the RCS was carried out until 25 cycles using multiple teeth corrugative setup that the rotation of sample with 90° between cycles was utilized. The results show that the increasing of cycle number enhances the value of hardness. Also, the microstructures of samples are an evidence of slipbands formation during RCS showing the applied strain on the material. As a result, the increasing of hardness can be attributed to formation of subgrains, LAGBs and hcp martensitic plates at large strains  

    WordPars: A tool for orthographic and phonological neighborhood and other psycholinguistic statistics in Persian

    , Article Behavior Research Methods ; 2021 ; 1554351X (ISSN) Esmaeelpour, E ; Saneei, S ; Nourbakhsh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    This paper presents a Windows program providing statistics on word and non-word stimuli in Persian, including word frequency, orthographic and phonological length, orthographic and phonological neighbors, and transposed-letter neighbors. It also generates possible non-words that are orthographic neighbors of the target word. Persian is an under-represented Indo-European language that has historically been influenced by Arabic and adopted certain characteristics in its writing, e.g., the omission of short vowels. This tool aims to help researchers in psycholinguistics, specifically with regard to isolated word recognition in Persian. This downloadable program computes the aforementioned... 

    WordPars: A tool for orthographic and phonological neighborhood and other psycholinguistic statistics in Persian

    , Article Behavior Research Methods ; Volume 54, Issue 4 , 2022 , Pages 1902-1911 ; 1554351X (ISSN) Esmaeelpour, E ; Saneei, S ; Nourbakhsh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2022
    This paper presents a Windows program providing statistics on word and non-word stimuli in Persian, including word frequency, orthographic and phonological length, orthographic and phonological neighbors, and transposed-letter neighbors. It also generates possible non-words that are orthographic neighbors of the target word. Persian is an under-represented Indo-European language that has historically been influenced by Arabic and adopted certain characteristics in its writing, e.g., the omission of short vowels. This tool aims to help researchers in psycholinguistics, specifically with regard to isolated word recognition in Persian. This downloadable program computes the aforementioned... 

    Wolfram-like syndrome with bicuspid aortic valve due to a homozygous missense variant in CDK13

    , Article Journal of Human Genetics ; Volume 66, Issue 10 , 2021 , Pages 1009-1018 ; 14345161 (ISSN) Acharya, A ; Raza, S. I ; Anwar, M. Z ; Bharadwaj, T ; Liaqat, K ; Khokhar, M. A. S ; Everard, J. L ; Nasir, A ; Nickerson, D. A ; Bamshad, M. J ; Ansar, M ; Schrauwen, I ; Ahmad, W ; Leal, S. M ; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Nature  2021
    Background: Wolfram syndrome (WFS) is characterized by deafness, diabetes mellitus, and diabetes insipidus along with optic atrophy. WFS has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance and is due to variants in WFS1 and CISD2. Methods: We evaluated the underlying molecular etiology of three affected members of a consanguineous family with hearing impairment, bicuspid aortic valve, diabetes mellitus and insipidus, clinodactyly, and gastrointestinal tract abnormalities via exome sequencing approach. We correlated clinical and imaging data with the genetic findings and their associated phenotypes. Results: We identified a homozygous missense variant p.(Asn1097Lys) in CDK13, a gene previously... 

    Wolfram-like syndrome with bicuspid aortic valve due to a homozygous missense variant in CDK13

    , Article Journal of Human Genetics ; Volume 66, Issue 10 , 2021 , Pages 1009-1018 ; 14345161 (ISSN) Acharya, A ; Raza, S. I ; Zeeshan Anwar, M ; Bharadwaj, T ; Liaqat, K ; Khokhar, M. A. S ; Everard, J. L ; Nasir, A ; Nickerson, D. A ; Bamshad, M. J ; Ansar, M ; Schrauwen, I ; Ahmad, W ; Leal, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Nature  2021
    Background: Wolfram syndrome (WFS) is characterized by deafness, diabetes mellitus, and diabetes insipidus along with optic atrophy. WFS has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance and is due to variants in WFS1 and CISD2. Methods: We evaluated the underlying molecular etiology of three affected members of a consanguineous family with hearing impairment, bicuspid aortic valve, diabetes mellitus and insipidus, clinodactyly, and gastrointestinal tract abnormalities via exome sequencing approach. We correlated clinical and imaging data with the genetic findings and their associated phenotypes. Results: We identified a homozygous missense variant p.(Asn1097Lys) in CDK13, a gene previously... 

    Wire-Based friction stir processing as a novel pathway for solid-state surface alloying of magnesium

    , Article Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science ; Volume 52, Issue 11 , 2021 , Pages 4737-4741 ; 10735623 (ISSN) Zahiri Sabzevar, M ; Mousavizade, S. M ; Pouranvari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    Wire-based friction stir processing is introduced as a solid-state surface alloying strategy for surface alloying of AZ31 magnesium alloy with aluminum, as a key alloying element in magnesium alloys. This technique enables the formation of a defect-free, grain refined and alloyed surface with the increased volume fraction of Mg-Al second phase, and thus, enhanced surface hardness. This simple technique provides a solid-state surface alloying pathway to improve the surface properties of the metallic materials. © 2021, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International  

    Wind-tolerant optimal closed loop controller design for a domestic atmospheric research airship

    , Article Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines ; 2020 Amani, S ; Pourtakdoust, S. H ; Pazooki, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2020
    Airships are inherently sensitive to random atmospheric disturbances that could potentially make their data gathering and observation missions a formidable task. In this context robust closed loop feedback controllers are important. The present study is therefore focused on optimal feedback controller design of an indigenous domestically designed airship (DA) for added robustness against atmospheric disturbances. While the general airship six degrees of freedom (6DoF) governing equations of motion are mathematically nonlinear, one often needs to resort to local linearization methods to benefit from proven linear closed loop controller (CLC) design approaches. In this sense an optimal linear... 

    Wind-tolerant optimal closed loop controller design for a domestic atmospheric research airship

    , Article Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines ; Volume 50, Issue 6 , 2022 , Pages 2046-2066 ; 15397734 (ISSN) Amani, S ; Pourtakdoust, S. H ; Pazooki, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2022
    Airships are inherently sensitive to random atmospheric disturbances that could potentially make their data gathering and observation missions a formidable task. In this context robust closed loop feedback controllers are important. The present study is therefore focused on optimal feedback controller design of an indigenous domestically designed airship (DA) for added robustness against atmospheric disturbances. While the general airship six degrees of freedom (6DoF) governing equations of motion are mathematically nonlinear, one often needs to resort to local linearization methods to benefit from proven linear closed loop controller (CLC) design approaches. In this sense an optimal linear... 

    Wind power in Iran: technical, policy, and financial aspects for better energy resource management

    , Article Energies ; Volume 15, Issue 9 , 2022 ; 19961073 (ISSN) Mirnezami, S. R ; Mohseni Cheraghlou, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI  2022
    Iran is situated in a wind belt. However, the installed wind capacity in Iran is around 300 MW, which is minuscule compared with the global 651 GW capacity as of 2021. Using novel data from wind trackers across Iran, the paper’s findings show immense potential for wind energy in Iran from a technical perspective. While attractive policies are already in place to incentivize wind energy development in Iran, the feed-in tariff (FiT) for wind energy has dropped to around 3 cents per kWh because of the sharp depreciation of the Iranian rial between 2018 and 2020. This paper shows that there is no economic justification for the development of wind farms in Iran at such low FiTs. A minimum FiT of... 

    Wind farm optimal connection to transmission systems considering network reinforcement using cost-reliability analysis

    , Article IET Renewable Power Generation ; Volume 7, Issue 6 , 2013 , Pages 603-613 ; 17521416 (ISSN) Taherkhani, M ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this study, a novel network reinforcement model incorporating optimal wind farms (WFs) integration to power systems is proposed. Based on the reinforcement model, new transmission lines are added to the network for eliminating the transmission network congestion. In addition, a methodology for determining the WFs optimal capacities, the economical WF lines transfer rates and the appropriate reinforcement plan, whereas maximising the total benefit using cost-reliability analysis is presented. In this way, the objective of the proposed optimisation problem has been divided into a master problem and two subproblems. Benders decomposition is employed to connect the master and subproblems of... 

    Wind farm layout optimization using imperialist competitive algorithm

    , Article Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ; Vol. 6, Issue. 4 , July , 2014 ; ISSN: 19417012 Kiamehr, K ; Hannani, S. K ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, the wind farm layout optimization problem is dealt with using a new approach. The aim of wind farm layout optimization is to maximize the output power of a wind farm considering the wake losses. Layout optimization minimizes the wake losses regarding the location of the turbines. Three different wind scenarios with different wind direction angles, wind direction blowing probabilities, and Weibull distribution parameters are assumed. Since, the problem is nonlinear and constrained, imperialist competitive algorithm is used as a modern and powerful algorithm for continuous optimization problems. The optimization outcomes indicate that imperialist competitive algorithm yields... 

    Wind energy status of Iran: Evaluating Iran's technological capability in manufacturing wind turbines

    , Article Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ; Volume 15, Issue 8 , 2011 , Pages 4200-4211 ; 13640321 (ISSN) Bagheri Moghaddam, N ; Mousavi, S. M ; Nasiri, M ; Moallemi, E. A ; Yousefdehi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Iran, as a developing country, will be confronted with a significant increase in electricity demand in future years. Being a petroleum producing country has resulted in extreme subsidies for energy production from fossilized resources such as oil and gas. This issue is one of the most important factors regarding underdevelopment of renewable energies in Iran. Expansive use of fossil resources in providing the necessary energy has resulted in Iran being among the 20 countries that have a share in the 75% spread of greenhouse gases. This issue has resulted in greater attention on behalf of the energy sectors policy makers regarding renewable energies, especially wind. Awareness regarding the...