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Measurement of the tt production cross section in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV in dilepton final states containing one τ lepton
, Article Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics ; Vol. 739, issue , 2014 , pp. 23-43 ; Sirunyan, A. M ; Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Bergauer, T ; Dragicevic, M ; Ero, J ; Fabjan, C ; Friedl, M ; Fruhwirth, R ; Ghete, V. M ; Hartl, C ; Hormann, N ; Hrubec, J ; Jeitler, M ; Kiesenhofer, W ; Knunz, V ; Krammer, M ; Kratschmer, I ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Rabady, D ; Rahbaran, B ; Rohringer, H ; Schofbeck, R ; Strauss, J ; Taurok, A ; Treberer-Treberspurg, W ; Waltenberger,, W ; Wulz, C. E ; Mossolov, V ; Shumeiko, N ; Suarez Gonzalez, J ; Alderweireldt, S ; Bansal, M ; Bansal, S ; Cornelis, T ; De Wolf, E. A ; Janssen, X ; Knutsson, A ; Luyckx, S ; Ochesanu, S ; Roland, B ; Rougny, R ; Van De Klundert, M ; Van Haevermaet, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Remortel, N ; Van Spilbeeck, A ; Blekman, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The top-quark pair production cross section is measured in final states with one electron or muon and one hadronically decaying τ lepton from the process tt→(ℓνℓ)(τντ)bb-, where ℓ=e,μ. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb-1 collected with the CMS detector in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV. The measured cross section σtt-=257±3 (stat)±24 (syst)±7 (lumi) pb, assuming a top-quark mass of 172.5 GeV, is consistent with the standard model prediction
Measurement of prompt J/ψ pair production in pp collisions at s = 7 Tev
, Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Vol. 2014, issue. 9 , September , 2014 ; ISSN: 1029-8479 ; Sirunyan, A. M ; Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Bergauer, T ; Dragicevic, M ; Ero, J ; Fabjan, C ; Friedl, M ; Fruhwirth, R ; Ghete, V. M ; Hartl, C ; Hormann, N ; Hrubec, J ; Jeitler, M ; Kiesenhofer, W ; Knunz, V ; Krammer, M ; Kratschmer, I ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Rabady, D ; Rahbaran, B ; Rohringer, H ; Schofbeck, R ; Strauss, J ; Taurok, A ; Treberer-Treberspurg, W ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C. E ; Mossolov, V ; Shumeiko, N ; Gonzalez, J. S ; Alderweireldt, S ; Bansal, M ; Bansal, S ; Cornelis, T ; De Wolf, E. A ; Janssen, X ; Knutsson, A ; Luyckx, S ; Ochesanu, S ; Roland, B ; Rougny, R ; Van De Klundert, M ; Van Haevermaet, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Remortel, N ; Van Spilbeeck, A ; Blekman, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Production of prompt J/ψ meson pairs in proton-proton collisions at s = 7 TeV is measured with the CMS experiment at the LHC in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 4.7 fb-1. The two J/ψ mesons are fully reconstructed via their decays into μ +μ -pairs. This observation provides for the first time access to the high-transverse-momentum region of J/ψ pair production where model predictions are not yet established. The total and differential cross sections are measured in a phase space defined by the individual J/ψ transverse momentum (p T J/ψ) and rapidity (|y J/ψ|): |y J/ψ| < 1.2 for p T J/ψ> 6.5 GeV/c; 1.2 < |y J/ψ| < 1.43 for a p Tthreshold that scales linearly...
Measurement of the t-channel single-top-quark production cross section and of the |Vtb| CKM matrix element in pp collisions at √S = 8 TeV
, Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2014, Issue 6 , June , 2014 ; ISSN: 11266708 ; Sirunyan, A. M ; Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Bergauer, T ; Dragicevic, M ; Ero, J ; Fabjan, C ; Friedl, M ; Fruhwirth, R ; Ghete, V. M ; Hartl, C ; Hormann, N ; Hrubec, J ; Jeitler, M ; Kiesenhofer, W ; Knunz, V ; Krammer, M ; Kratschmer, I ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Rabady, D ; Rahbaran, B ; Rohringer, H ; Schofbeck, R ; Strauss, J ; Taurok, A ; Treberer Treberspurg, W ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C. E ; Mossolov, V ; Shumeiko, N ; Suarez Gonzalez, J ; Alderweireldt, S ; Bansal, M ; Bansal, S ; Cornelis, T ; De Wolf, E. A ; Janssen, X ; Knutsson, A ; Luyckx, S ; Ochesanu, S ; Roland, B ; Rougny, R ; Van De Klundert, M ; Van Haevermaet, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Remortel, N ; Van Spilbeeck, A ; Blekman, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Measurements are presented of the t-channel single-top-quark production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √S = 8 TeV. The results are based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb -1 recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC. The cross section is measured inclusively, as well as separately for top (t) and antitop t̄, in final states with a muon or an electron. The measured inclusive t-channel cross section is σ t-ch. = 83.6 ± 2.3 (stat.) ± 7.4 (syst.) pb. The single t and t̄ cross sections are measured to be σ t-ch.(t) = 53.8 ± 1.5 (stat.) ± 4.4 (syst.) pb and σ t-ch. t̄= 27.6 ± 1.3 (stat.) ± 3.7 (syst.) pb, respectively. The measured ratio of cross...
The visual object tracking VOT2013 challenge results
, Article Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision ; 2013 , Pages 98-111 ; 9781479930227 (ISBN) ; Pflugfelder, R ; Leonardis, A ; Matas, J ; Porikli, F ; Čehovin, L ; Nebehay, G ; Fernandez, G ; Vojíř, T ; Gatt, A ; Khajenezhad, A ; Salahledin, A ; Soltani-Farani, A ; Zarezade, A ; Petrosino, A ; Milton, A ; Bozorgtabar, B ; Li, B ; Chan, C. S ; Heng, C ; Ward, D ; Kearney, D ; Monekosso, D ; Karaimer, H. C ; Rabiee, H. R ; Zhu, J ; Gao, J ; Xiao, J ; Zhang, J ; Xing, J ; Huang, K ; Lebeda, K ; Cao, L ; Maresca, M. E ; Lim, M. K ; ELHelw, M ; Felsberg, M ; Remagnino, P ; Bowden, R ; Goecke, R ; Stolkin, R ; Lim, S. Y. Y ; Maher, S ; Poullot, S ; Wong, S ; Satoh, S ; Chen, W ; Hu, W ; Zhang, X ; Li, Y ; Niu, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Visual tracking has attracted a significant attention in the last few decades. The recent surge in the number of publications on tracking-related problems have made it almost impossible to follow the developments in the field. One of the reasons is that there is a lack of commonly accepted annotated data-sets and standardized evaluation protocols that would allow objective comparison of different tracking methods. To address this issue, the Visual Object Tracking (VOT) workshop was organized in conjunction with ICCV2013. Researchers from academia as well as industry were invited to participate in the first VOT2013 challenge which aimed at single-object visual trackers that do not apply...
OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: the first spitzer bulge planet Lies near the planet/brown-dwarf boundary
, Article Astronomical Journal ; Volume 155, Issue 1 , 2018 ; 00046256 (ISSN) ; Yee, J. C ; Udalski, A ; Bond, I. A ; Shvartzvald, Y ; Zang, W ; Figuera Jaimes, R ; Jorgensen, U. G ; Zhu, W ; Huang, C. X ; Jung, Y. K ; Albrow, M. D ; Chung, S. J ; Gould, A ; Han, C ; Hwang, K. H ; Shin, I. G ; Cha, S. M ; Kim, D. J ; Kim, H. W ; Kim, S. L ; Lee, C. U ; Lee, D. J ; Lee, Y ; Park, B. G ; Pogge, R. W ; Calchi Novati, S ; Carey, S ; Henderson, C. B ; Beichman, C ; Gaudi, B. S ; Mróz, P ; Poleski, R ; Skowron, J ; Szymański, M. K ; Soszyński, I ; Kozłowski, S ; Pietrukowicz, P ; Ulaczyk, K ; Pawlak, M ; Abe, F ; Asakura, Y ; Barry, R ; Bennett, D. P ; Bhattacharya, A ; Donachie, M ; Evans, P ; Fukui, A ; Hirao, Y ; Itow, Y ; Kawasaki, K ; Koshimoto, N ; Li, M. C. A ; Ling, C. H ; Masuda, K ; Matsubara, Y ; Miyazaki, S ; Muraki, Y ; Nagakane, M ; Ohnishi, K ; Ranc, C ; Rattenbury, N. J ; Saito, T ; Sharan, A ; Sullivan, D. J ; Sumi, T ; Suzuki, D ; Tristram, P. J ; Yamada, T ; Yamada, T ; Yonehara, A ; Bryden, G ; Howell, S. B ; Jacklin, S ; Penny, M. T ; Mao, S ; Fouqué, P ; Wang, T ; Street, R. A ; Tsapras, Y ; Hundertmark, M ; Bachelet, E ; Dominik, M ; Li, Z ; Cross, S ; Cassan, A ; Horne, K ; Schmidt, R ; Wambsganss, J ; Ment, S. K ; Maoz, D ; Snodgrass, C ; Steele, I. A ; Bozza, V ; Burgdorf, M. J ; Ciceri, S ; D'Ago, G ; Evans, D. F ; Hinse, T. C ; Kerins, E ; Kokotanekova, R ; Longa, P ; MacKenzie, J ; Popovas, A ; Rabus, M ; Sajadian, S ; Skottfelt, J ; Southworth, J ; Von Essen, C ; Rahvar, S ; Sharif University of Technology
We report the discovery of OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb, which is likely to be the first Spitzer microlensing planet in the Galactic bulge/bar, an assignation that can be confirmed by two epochs of high-resolution imaging of the combined source-lens baseline object. The planet's mass, Mp = 13.4 ± 0.9 MJ, places it right at the deuterium-burning limit, i.e., the conventional boundary between "planets" and "brown dwarfs." Its existence raises the question of whether such objects are really "planets" (formed within the disks of their hosts) or "failed stars" (low-mass objects formed by gas fragmentation). This question may ultimately be addressed by comparing disk and bulge/bar planets, which is a goal...
OGLE-2017-BLG-0329L: a microlensing binary characterized with dramatically enhanced precision using data from space-based observations
, Article Astrophysical Journal ; Volume 859, Issue 2 , 1 June , 2018 ; 0004637X (ISSN) ; Novati, S. C ; Udalski, A ; Lee, C. U ; Gould, A ; Bozza, V ; Mroz, P ; Pietrukowicz, P ; Skowron, J ; Szymanski, M. K ; Poleski, R ; Soszynski, I ; Kozłowski, S ; Ulaczyk, K ; Pawlak, M ; Rybicki, K ; Iwanek, P ; Albrow, M. D ; Chung, S. J ; Hwang, K. H ; Jung, Y. K ; Ryu, Y. H ; Shin, I. G ; Shvartzvald, Y ; Yee, J. C ; Zang, W ; Zhu, W ; Cha, S. M ; Kim, D. J ; Kim, H. W ; Kim, S. L ; Lee, D. J ; Lee, Y ; Park, B. G ; Pogge, R. W ; Kim, W. T ; Beichman, C ; Bryden, G ; Carey, S ; Gaudi, B. S ; Henderson, C. B ; Dominik, M ; Helling, C ; Hundertmark, M ; Jorgensen, U. G ; Longa Pena, P ; Lowry, S ; Sajadian, S ; Burgdorf, M. J ; Campbell White, J ; Ciceri, S ; Evans, D. F ; Haikala, L. K ; Hinse, T. C ; Rahvar, S ; Rabus, M ; Snodgrass, C ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Physics Publishing
Mass measurements of gravitational microlenses require one to determine the microlens parallax π E, but precise π E measurement, in many cases, is hampered due to the subtlety of the microlens-parallax signal combined with the difficulty of distinguishing the signal from those induced by other higher-order effects. In this work, we present the analysis of the binary-lens event OGLE-2017-BLG-0329, for which π E is measured with a dramatically improved precision using additional data from space-based Spitzer observations. We find that while the parallax model based on the ground-based data cannot be distinguished from a zero-π E model at the 2σ level, the addition of the Spitzer data enables...
Tests of CMS hadron forward calorimeter upgrade readout box prototype
, Article Journal of Instrumentation ; Volume 7, Issue 10 , 2012 ; 17480221 (ISSN) ; Khachatryan, V ; Sirunyan, A. M ; Tumasyan, A ; Mossolov, V ; Shumeiko, N ; Cornelis, T ; Ochesanu, S ; Roland, B ; Staykova, Z ; Van Haevermaet, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Spilbeeck, A ; Alves G. A ; Junior, M. C. M ; Martins, T ; Pol, M. E ; Vaz, M ; Alda Junior, W. L ; Carvalho, W ; Chinellato, J ; De Oliveira Martins, C ; Matos Figueiredo, D ; Manganote, E ; Molina, J ; Mundim, L ; Nogima, H ; Prado Da Silva, W. L ; Santoro, A ; Zachi, A ; Finger, M ; Finger Jr., M ; Tsamalaidze, Z ; Borras, K ; Gunnelini, P ; Jung, H ; Knutsson, A ; Lutz, B ; Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M ; Sen, N ; Baus, C ; Katkov, I ; Ulrich, R ; Wohrmann, H ; Panagiotou, A ; Bencze, G ; Horvath, D ; Beri, S. B ; Gupta, R ; Kaur, M ; Mittal, M ; Nishu, N ; Saini, L. K ; Banerjee, S ; Bhattacharya, S ; Gomber, B ; Jain, Sh ; Khurana, R ; Sharan, M ; Aziz, T ; Maity, M ; Majumder, G ; Mazumdar, K ; Mohanty, G. B ; Sudhakar, K ; Banerjee, S ; Dugad, S ; Etesami, S. M ; Fahim, A ; Jafari, A ; Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S ; Zeinali, M ; Penzo, A ; Afanasyev A ; Bunin, P ; Ershov, Y ; Fedoseev, O ; Gavrilenko, M ; Golutvin, I ; Gorbunov, I ; Konoplynikov, V ; Malakhov, A ; Moisenz, P ; Smirnov, V ; Volodko, A ; Zarubin, A ; Andreev, Y ; Dermenev, A ; Krasnikov, N ; Pashenkov, A ; Tlisov, D ; Toropin, A ; Epshteyn, V ; Erofeeva, M ; Gavrilov, V ; Kossov, M ; Kudinov, I ; Lychkovskaya, N ; Popov, V ; Safronov, G ; Semenov, S ; Stolin, V ; Vlasov, E ; Zhokin, A ; Belyaev, A ; Boos, E ; Demiyanov, A ; Dubinin, M ; Dudko, L ; Ershov, A ; Gribushin, A ; Kaminskiy, A ; Klyukhin, V ; Kodolova, O ; Korotkikh, V ; Lokhtin, I ; Markina, A ; Obraztsov, S ; Perfilov, M ; Petrushanko, S ; Popov, A ; Savrin, V ; Snigirev, A ; Vardanyan, I ; Andreev, V ; Azarkin, M ; Dremin, I ; Kirakosyan, M ; Leonidov, A ; Mesyats, G ; Vinogradov, A ; Bayshev I ; Bitioukov, S ; Grishin, V ; Krychkine, V ; Petrov, V ; Ryutin, R ; Sobol, A ; Tourtchanovitch, L ; Troshin, S ; Uzunian, A ; Volkov, A ; Santanastasio, F ; Adiguzel A ; Bakirci, M. N ; Cerci, S ; Dozen, C ; Dumanoglu, I ; Eskut, E ; Girgis, S ; Gokbulut, G ; Gurpinar, E ; Hos, I ; Kangal, E. E ; Karapinar, G ; Kayis Topaksu, A ; Onengut, G ; Ozdemir, K ; Ozturk, S ; Polatoz, A ; Sogut, K ; Sunar Cerci, D ; Tali, B ; Topakli, H ; Vergili, L. N ; Vergili, M ; Aliev, T ; Deniz, M ; Ozpineci, A ; Serin, M ; Sever, R ; Zeyrek, M ; Deliomeroglu, M ; Gülmez, E ; Isildak, B ; Kaya, M ; Kaya, O ; Ozkorucuklu, S ; Sonmez, N ; Cankocak, K ; Levchuk, L ; Hatakeyama, K ; Liu, H ; Scarborough, T ; Rumerio, P ; Heister, A ; Hill, C ; Lawson, P ; Lazic, D ; Rohlf, J ; St. John, J ; Sulak, L ; Gennadiy, G ; Laird, E ; Landsberg, G ; Narain, M ; Sinthuprasith, T ; Vang Tsang, K ; Long, O. W ; Nguyen, H ; Paramesvaran, S ; Sturdy, J ; Stuart, D ; To, W ; West, C ; Apresyan, A ; Chen, Y ; Mott, A ; Spiropulu, M ; Winn, D ; Abdullin, S ; Anderson, J ; Chlebana, F ; Freeman, J ; Green, D ; Hanlon, J ; Hirschauer, J ; Joshi, U ; Kunori, S ; Los, S ; Musienko, Y ; Sharma, S ; Shaw, T ; Spalding, W. J ; Tkaczyk, S ; Vidal, R ; Whitmore, J ; Wu, W ; Gaultney, V ; Linn, S ; Markowitz, P ; Martinez, G ; Gleyzer, S. V ; Hagopian, S ; Jenkins, M ; Baarmand, M. M ; Dorney, B ; Vodopiyanov, I ; Akgun, U ; Albayrak, E. A ; Bilki, B ; Clarida, W ; Duru, F ; Merlo, J. P ; Mermerkaya, H ; Mestvirishvili, A ; Moeller, A ; Nachtman, J ; Newsom, C. R ; Norbeck, E ; Olson, J ; Onel, Y ; Ozok, F ; Sen, S ; Schmidt, I ; Tiras, E ; Yetkin, T ; Yi, K ; Kenny III, R. P ; Murray, M ; Wood, J. S ; Baden, A ; Calvert, B ; Eno, S. C ; Gomez, J. A ; Grassi, T ; Hadley, N. J ; Kellogg, R. G ; Kolberg, T ; Lu, Y ; Marionneau, M ; Mignerey, A.C ; Peterman, A ; Skuja, A ; Temple, J ; Tonjes, M. B ; Kao, S. C ; Klapoetke, K ; Mans, J ; Pastika, N ; Kroeger, R ; Rahmat, R ; Sanders, D. A ; Cremaldi, L ; Jain, S ; Anastassov, A ; Velasco, M ; Won, S ; Heering, A ; Karmgard, J ; Ruchti, R ; Berry, E ; Halyo, V ; Hebda, P ; Hunt, A ; Lujan, P ; Marlow, D ; Medvedeva, T ; Saka, H ; Tully, C ; Zuranski, A ; Barnes, V. E ; Laasanen, A. T ; Bodek, A ; Chung, Y. S ; De Barbaro, P ; Eshaq, Y ; Garcia-Bellido, A ; Goldenzweig, P ; Han, J ; Harel, A ; Miner, D. C ; Vishnevskiy, D ; Zielinski, M ; Bhatti, A ; Ciesielski, R ; Flanagan, W ; Kamon, T ; Montalvo, R ; Sakuma, T ; Akchurin, N ; Damgov, J ; Dudero, P. R ; Kovitanggoon, K ; Lee, S. W ; Libeiro, T ; Volobouev, I ; Gurrola, A ; Milstene, C ; Sharif University of Technology
A readout box prototype for the CMS Hadron Forward calorimeter upgrade was built and tested in the CERN H2 beamline. The prototype was designed to enable simultaneous tests of different readout options for the four anode upgrade PMTs, new front-end electronics design and new cabling. The response of the PMTs with different readout options was uniform and the background response was minimal. Multi-channel readout options further enhanced the background elimination. Passing all the electronic, mechanical and physics tests, the readout box proved to be capable of providing the forward hadron calorimeter operational requirements in the upgrade era
Design, performance, and calibration of CMS hadron-barrel calorimeter wedges
, Article European Physical Journal C ; Volume 55, Issue 1 , 2008 , Pages 159-171 ; 14346044 (ISSN) ; Abramov, V ; Acharya, B ; Adams, M ; Akchurin, N ; Akgun, U ; Anderson, E.W ; Antchev, G ; Ayan, S ; Aydin, S ; Baarmand, M ; Baden, D ; Banerjee, S ; Banerjee, S ; Bard, R ; Barnes, V ; Bawa, H ; Baiatian, G ; Bencze, G ; Beri, S ; Bhatnagar, V ; Bodek, A ; Budd, H ; Burchesky, K ; Camporesi, T ; Cankoçak, K ; Carrell, K ; Chendvankar, S ; Chung, Y ; Cremaldi, L ; Cushman, P ; Damgov, J ; De Barbaro, P ; Demianov, A ; De Visser, T ; Dimitrov, L ; Dugad, S ; Dumanoglu, I ; Duru, F ; Elias, J ; Elvira, D ; Emeliantchik, I ; Eno, S ; Ershov, A ; Eskut, E ; Fisher, W ; Freeman, J ; Gavrilov, V ; Genchev, V ; Gershtein, Y ; Golutvin, I ; Goncharov, P ; Grassi, T ; Green, D ; Gribushin, A ; Grinev, B ; Gülmez, E ; Gümüş, K ; Haelen, T ; Hagopian, S ; Hagopian, V ; Hauptman, J ; Hazen, E ; Heering, A ; Imboden, M ; Isiksal, E ; Jarvis, C ; Johnson, K ; Kaftanov, V ; Kalagin, V ; Karmgard, D ; Kalmani, S ; Katta, S ; Kaur, M ; Kaya, M ; Kayis-Topaksu, A ; Kellogg, R ; Khmelnikov, A ; Kisselevich, I ; Kodolova, O ; Kohli, J ; Kolossov, V ; Korablev, A ; Korneev, Y ; Kosarev, I ; Krinitsyn, A ; Krokhotin, A ; Kryshkin, V ; Kuleshov, S ; Kumar, A ; Kunori, S ; Polatoz, A ; Laasanen, A ; Lawlor, C ; Lazic, D ; Levchuk, L ; Litvintsev, D ; Litov, L ; Los, S ; Lubinsky, V ; Lukanin, V ; MacHado, E ; Mans, J ; Massolov, V ; Mazumdar, K ; Merlo, J.P ; Mescheryakov, G ; Mestvirishvili, A ; Miller, M ; Mondal, N ; Nagaraj, P ; Norbeck, E ; O'Dell, V ; Olson, J ; Onel, Y ; Onengut, G ; Ozdes-Koca, N ; Ozkorucuklu, S ; Ozok, F ; Paktinat, S ; Patil, M ; Petrushanko, S ; Pikalov, V ; Piperov, S ; Podrasky, V ; Pompos, A ; Posch, C ; Qian, W ; Ralich, R ; Reddy, L ; Reidy, J ; Ruchti, R ; Rohlf, J ; Ronzhin, A ; Ryazanov, A ; Sanders, D.A ; Sanzeni, C ; Sarycheva, L ; Satyanarayana, B ; Schmidt, I ; Senchishin, V ; Sergeyev, S ; Serin-Zeyrek, M ; Sever, R ; Singh, J ; Sirunyan, A ; Skuja, A ; Sherwood, B ; Shumeiko, N ; Smirnov, V ; Sorokin, P ; Stefanovich, R ; Stolin, V ; Sudhakar, K ; Suzuki, I ; Talov, V ; Thomas, R ; Tully, C ; Turchanovich, L ; Ulyanov, A ; Vankov, I ; Vardanyan, I ; Verma, P ; Vesztergombi, G ; Vidal, R ; Vlassov, E ; Vodopiyanov, I ; Volkov, A ; Volodko, A ; Winn, D ; Whitmore, J ; Wu, S.X ; Zalan, P ; Zarubin, A ; Zeyrek, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Extensive measurements have been made with pions, electrons and muons on four production wedges of the compact muon solenoid (CMS) hadron barrel (HB) calorimeter in the H2 beam line at CERN with particle momenta varying from 20 to 300 GeV/c. The time structure of the events was measured with the full chain of preproduction front-end electronics running at 34 MHz. Moving-wire radioactive source data were also collected for all scintillator layers in the HB. The energy dependent time slewing effect was measured and tuned for optimal performance. © 2008 Springer-Verlag / Società Italiana di Fisica
Design, performance, and calibration of the CMS hadron-outer calorimeter
, Article European Physical Journal C ; Volume 57, Issue 3 , 2008 , Pages 653-663 ; 14346044 (ISSN) ; Abramov, V ; Acharya, B ; Adam, N ; Adams, M ; Akchurin, N ; Akgun, U ; Albayrak, E ; Anderson, E. W ; Antchev, G ; Arcidy, M ; Ayan, S ; Aydin, S ; Aziz, T ; Baarmand, M ; Babich, K ; Baden, D ; Bakirci, M. N ; Banerjee, S ; Banerjee, S ; Bard, R ; Barnes, V ; Bawa, H ; Baiatian, G ; Bencze, G ; Beri, S ; Berntzon, L ; Bhandari, V ; Bhatnagar, V ; Bhatti, A ; Bodek, A ; Bose, S ; Bose, T ; Budd, H ; Burchesky, K ; Camporesi, T ; Cankoçak, K ; Carrell, K ; Cerci, S ; Chendvankar, S ; Chung, Y ; Clarida, W ; Cremaldi, L ; Cushman, P ; Damgov, J ; De Barbaro, P ; Debbins, P ; Deliomeroglu, M ; Demianov, A ; De Visser, T ; Deshpande, P. V ; Diaz, J ; Dimitrov, L ; Dugad, S ; Dumanoglu, I ; Duru, F ; Efthymiopoulos, I ; Elias, J ; Elvira, D ; Emeliantchik, I ; Eno, S ; Ershov, A ; Erturk, S ; Esen, S ; Eskut, E ; Fenyvesi, A ; Fisher, W ; Freeman, J ; Ganguli, S. N ; Gaultney, V ; Gamsizkan, H ; Gavrilov, V ; Genchev, V ; Gleyzer, S ; Golutvin, I ; Goncharov, P ; Grassi, T ; Green, D ; Gribushin, A ; Grinev, B ; Guchait, M ; Gurtu, A ; Murat Güler, A ; Gülmez, E ; Gümüş, K ; Haelen, T ; Hagopian, S ; Hagopian, V ; Halyo, V ; Hashemi, M ; Hauptman, J ; Hazen, E ; Heering, A ; Heister, A ; Hunt, A ; Ilyina, N ; Ingram, D ; Isiksal, E ; Jarvis, C ; Jeong, C ; Johnson, K ; Jones, J ; Kaftanov, V ; Kalagin, V ; Kalinin, A ; Kalmani, S ; Karmgard, D ; Kaur, M ; Kaya, M ; Kaya, O ; Kayis-Topaksu, A ; Kellogg, R ; Khmelnikov, A ; Kim, H ; Kisselevich, I ; Kodolova, O ; Kohli, J ; Kolossov, V ; Korablev, A ; Korneev, Y ; Kosarev, I ; Kramer, L ; Krinitsyn, A ; Krishnaswamy, M. R ; Krokhotin, A ; Kryshkin, V ; Kuleshov, S ; Kumar, A ; Kunori, S ; Laasanen, A ; Ladygin, V ; Laird, E ; Landsberg, G ; Laszlo, A ; Lawlor, C ; Lazic, D ; Lee, S. W ; Levchuk, L ; Linn, S ; Litvintsev, D ; Lobolo, L ; Los, S ; Lubinsky, V ; Lukanin, V ; Ma, Y ; MacHado, E ; Maity, M ; Majumder, G ; Mans, J ; Marlow, D ; Markowitz, P ; Martinez, G ; Mazumdar, K ; Merlo, J. P ; Mermerkaya, H ; Mescheryakov, G ; Mestvirishvili, A ; Miller, M ; Moeller, A ; Mohammadi Najafabadi, M ; Moissenz, P ; Mondal, N ; Mossolov, V ; Nagaraj, P ; Narasimham, V. S ; Norbeck, E ; Olson, J ; Onel, Y ; Onengut, G ; Ozkan, C ; Ozkurt, H ; Ozkorucuklu, S ; Ozok, F ; Paktinat, S ; Pal, A ; Patil, M ; Penzo, A ; Petrushanko, S ; Petrosyan, A ; Pikalov, V ; Piperov, S ; Podrasky, V ; Polatoz, A ; Pompos, A ; Popescu, S ; Posch, C ; Pozdnyakov, A ; Qian, W ; Ralich, R. M ; Reddy, L ; Reidy, J ; Rogalev, E ; Roh, Y ; Rohlf, J ; Ronzhin, A ; Ruchti, R ; Ryazanov, A ; Safronov, G ; Sanders, D. A ; Sanzeni, C ; Sarycheva, L ; Satyanarayana, B ; Schmidt, I ; Sekmen, S ; Semenov, S ; Senchishin, V ; Sergeyev, S ; Serin, M ; Sever, R ; Singh, B ; Singh, J. B ; Sirunyan, A ; Skuja, A ; Sharma, S ; Sherwood, B ; Shumeiko, N ; Smirnov, V ; Sogut, K ; Sonmez, N ; Sorokin, P ; Spezziga, M ; Stefanovich, R ; Stolin, V ; Sudhakar, K ; Sulak, L ; Suzuki, I ; Talov, V ; Teplov, K ; Thomas, R ; Tonwar, S ; Topakli, H ; Tully, C ; Turchanovich, L ; Ulyanov, A ; Vanini, A ; Vankov, I ; Vardanyan, I ; Varela, F ; Vergili, M ; Verma, P ; Vesztergombi, G ; Vidal, R ; Vishnevskiy, A ; Vlassov, E ; Vodopiyanov, I ; Volobouev, I ; Volkov, A ; Volodko, A ; Wang, L ; Werner, J ; Wetstein, M ; Winn, D ; Wigmans, R ; Whitmore, J ; Wu, S. X ; Yazgan, E ; Yetkin, T ; Zalan, P ; Zarubin, A ; Zeyrek, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The Outer Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL HO) of the CMS detector is designed to measure the energy that is not contained by the barrel (HCAL HB) and electromagnetic (ECAL EB) calorimeters. Due to space limitation the barrel calorimeters do not contain completely the hadronic shower and an outer calorimeter (HO) was designed, constructed and inserted in the muon system of CMS to measure the energy leakage. Testing and calibration of the HO was carried out in a 300 GeV/c test beam that improved the linearity and resolution. HO will provide a net improvement in missing E T measurements at LHC energies. Information from HO will also be used for the muon trigger in CMS. © 2008 Springer-Verlag / Società...
Faint-source-star planetary microlensing: the discovery of the cold gas-giant planet OGLE-2014-BLG-0676Lb
, Article Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ; Volume 466, Issue 3 , 2017 , Pages 2710-2717 ; 00358711 (ISSN) ; Bennett, D. P ; Sumi, T ; Koshimoto, N ; Bond, I. A ; Udalski, A ; Shvartzvald, Y ; Maoz, D ; Jørgensen, U. G ; Dominik, M ; Street, R. A ; Tsapras, Y ; Abe, F ; Asakura, Y ; Barry, R ; Bhattacharya, A ; Donachie, M ; Evans, P ; Freeman, M ; Fukui, A ; Hirao, Y ; Itow, Y ; Li, M. C. A ; Ling, C. H ; Masuda, K ; Matsubara, Y ; Muraki, Y ; Nagakane, M ; Ohnishi, K ; Oyokawa, H ; Saito, T ; Sharan, A ; Sullivan, D. J ; Suzuki, D ; Tristram, P. J ; Yonehara, A ; Poleski, R ; Skowron, J ; Mróz, P ; Szymański, M. K ; Soszyński, I ; Pietrukowicz, P ; Kozłowski, S ; Ulaczyk, K ; Wyrzykowski, Ł ; Friedmann, M ; Kaspi, S ; Alsubai, K ; Browne, P ; Andersen, J. M ; Bozza, V ; Calchi Novati, S ; Damerdji, Y ; Diehl, C ; Dreizler, S ; Elyiv, A ; Giannini, E ; Hardis, S ; Harpsøe, K ; Hinse, T. C ; Liebig, C ; Hundertmark, M ; Juncher, D ; Kains, N ; Kerins, E ; Korhonen, H ; Mancini, L ; Martin, R ; Mathiasen, M ; Rabus, M ; Rahvar, S ; Scarpetta, G ; Skottfelt, J ; Snodgrass, C ; Surdej, J ; Taylor, J ; Tregloan Reed, J ; Vilela, C ; Wambsganss, J ; Williams, A ; D'Ago, G ; Bachelet, E ; Bramich, D. M ; Figuera Jaimes, R ; Horne, K ; Menzies, J ; Schmidt, R ; Steele, I. A ; Sharif University of Technology
We report the discovery of a planet - OGLE-2014-BLG-0676Lb- via gravitational microlensing. Observations for the lensing event were made by the following groups: Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics; Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment; Wise Observatory; RoboNET/Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope; Microlensing Network for the Detection of Small Terrestrial Exoplanets; and μ-FUN. All analyses of the light-curve data favour a lens system comprising a planetary mass orbiting a host star. The most-favoured binary lens model has a mass ratio between the two lens masses of (4.78 ± 0.13) × 10-3. Subject to some important assumptions, a Bayesian probability density analysis suggests...
Precision measurement of a brown dwarf mass in a binary system in the microlensing event: OGLE-2019-BLG-0033/MOA-2019-BLG-035
, Article Astronomy and Astrophysics ; Volume 663 , 2022 ; 00046361 (ISSN) ; Udalski, A ; Bozza, V ; Rota, P ; Bond, I. A ; Yee, J. C ; Sajadian, S ; Mróz, P ; Poleski, R ; Skowron, J ; Szymanski, M. K ; Soszynski, I ; Pietrukowicz, P ; Kozlowski, S ; Ulaczyk, K ; Rybicki, K. A ; Iwanek, P ; Wrona, M ; Gromadzki, M ; Abe, F ; Barry, R ; Bennett, D. P ; Bhattacharya, A ; Fukui, A ; Fujii, H ; Hirao, Y ; Itow, Y ; Kirikawa, R ; Kondo, I ; Koshimoto, N ; Matsubara, Y ; Matsumoto, S ; Miyazaki, S ; Muraki, Y ; Olmschenk, G ; Ranc, C ; Okamura, A ; Rattenbury, N. J ; Satoh, Y ; Sumi, T ; Suzuki, D ; Silva, S. I ; Toda, T ; Tristram, P. J ; Vandorou, A ; Yama, H ; Beichman, C. A ; Bryden, G ; Novati, S. C ; Carey, S ; Gaudi, B. S ; Gould, A ; Henderson, C. B ; Johnson, S ; Shvartzvald, Y ; Zhu, W ; Dominik, M ; Hundertmark, M ; Jørgensen, U. G ; Longa-Peña, P ; Skottfelt, J ; Tregloan-Reed, J ; Bach-Møller, N ; Burgdorf, M ; D'Ago, G ; Haikala, L ; Hitchcock, J ; Khalouei, E ; Peixinho, N ; Rahvar, S ; Snodgrass, C ; Southworth, J ; Spyratos, P ; Zang, W ; Yang, H ; Mao, S ; Bachelet, E ; Maoz, D ; Street, R. A ; Tsapras, Y ; Christie, G. W ; Cooper, T ; De Almeida, L ; Do Nascimento, J.-D ; Green, J ; Han, C ; Hennerley, S ; Marmont, A ; McCormick, J ; Monard, L. A. G ; Natusch, T ; Pogge, R ; Sharif University of Technology
EDP Sciences
Context. Brown dwarfs are transition objects between stars and planets that are still poorly understood, for which several competing mechanisms have been proposed to describe their formation. Mass measurements are generally difficult to carry out for isolated objects as well as for brown dwarfs orbiting low-mass stars, which are often too faint for a spectroscopic follow-up. Aims. Microlensing provides an alternative tool for the discovery and investigation of such faint systems. Here, we present an analysis of the microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0033/MOA-2019-BLG-035, which is caused by a binary system composed of a brown dwarf orbiting a red dwarf. Methods. Thanks to extensive ground...
OGLE-2018-BLG-1185b: A Low-mass Microlensing Planet Orbiting a Low-mass Dwarf
, Article Astronomical Journal ; Volume 162, Issue 2 , 2021 ; 00046256 (ISSN) ; Yee, J.C ; Bennett, D.P ; Sumi, T ; Koshimoto, N ; Bond, I.A ; Gould, A ; Udalski, A ; Shvartzvald, Y ; Jung, Y.K ; Zang, W ; Bozza, V ; Bachelet, E ; Hundertmark, M.P.G ; Rattenbury, N.J ; Abe, F ; Barry, R ; Bhattacharya, A ; Donachie, M ; Fukui, A ; Fujii, H ; Hirao, Y ; Silva, S.I ; Itow, Y ; Kirikawa, R ; Li, M.C.A ; Matsubara, Y ; Miyazaki, S ; Muraki, Y ; Olmschenk, G ; Ranc, C ; Satoh, Y ; Shoji, H ; Suzuki, D ; Tanaka, Y ; Tristram, P.J ; Yamawaki, T ; Yonehara, A ; Mróz, P ; Poleski, R ; Skowron, J ; Szymański, M.K ; Soszyński, I ; Kozłowski, S ; Pietrukowicz, P ; Ulaczyk, K ; Rybicki, K.A ; Iwanek, P ; Wrona, M ; Albrow, M.D ; Chung, S.-J ; Han, C ; Hwang, K.-H ; Kim, H.-W ; Shin, I.-G ; Cha, S.-M ; Kim, D.-J ; Kim, S.-L ; Lee, C.-U ; Lee, D.-J ; Lee, Y ; Park, B.-G ; Pogge, R.W ; Ryu, Y.-H ; Beichman, C. A ; Bryden, G ; Novati, S. C ; Carey, S ; Gaudi, B. S ; Henderson, C. B ; Zhu, W ; Maoz, D ; Penny, M. T ; Dominik, M ; Jorgensen, U. G ; Longa-Peña, P ; Peixinho, N ; Sajadian, S ; Skottfelt, J ; Snodgrass, C ; Tregloan-Reed, J ; Burgdorf, M. J ; Campbell-White, J ; Dib, S ; Fujii, Y. I ; Hinse, T. C ; Khalouei, E ; Rahvar, S ; Rabus, M ; Southworth, J ; Tsapras, Y ; Street, R. A ; Bramich, D. M ; Cassan, A ; Horne, K ; Wambsganss, J ; Mao, S ; Saha, A ; Sharif University of Technology
American Astronomical Society
We report an analysis of the planetary microlensing event OGLE-2018-BLG-1185, which was observed by a large number of ground-based telescopes and by the Spitzer Space Telescope. The ground-based light curve indicates a low planet-host star mass ratio of q = (6.9 0.2) 10-5, which is near the peak of the wide-orbit exoplanet mass-ratio distribution. We estimate the host star and planet masses with a Bayesian analysis using the measured angular Einstein radius under the assumption that stars of all masses have an equal probability of hosting the planet. The flux variation observed by Spitzer is marginal, but still places a constraint on the microlens parallax. Imposing a conservative constraint...
An isolated stellar-mass black hole detected through astrometric microlensing
, Article Astrophysical Journal ; Volume 933, Issue 1 , 2022 ; 0004637X (ISSN) ; Anderson, J ; Casertano, S ; Bond, H.E ; Udalski, A ; Dominik, M ; Calamida, A ; Bellini, A ; Brown, T. M ; Rejkuba, M ; Bajaj, V ; Kains, N ; Ferguson, H. C ; Fryer, C.L ; Yock, P ; Mróz, P ; Kozłowski, S ; Pietrukowicz, P ; Poleski, R ; Skowron, J ; Soszyński, I ; Szymański, M. K ; Ulaczyk, K ; Wyrzykowski, L ; Barry, R. K ; Bennett, D. P ; Bond, I. A ; Hirao, Y ; Silva, S. I ; Kondo, I ; Koshimoto, N ; Ranc, C ; Rattenbury, N. J ; Sumi, T ; Suzuki, D ; Tristram, P. J ; Vandorou, A ; Beaulieu, J.-P ; Marquette, J.-B ; Cole, A ; Fouqué, P ; Hill, K ; Dieters, S ; Coutures, C ; Dominis-Prester, D ; Bennett, C ; Bachelet, E ; Menzies, J ; Albrow, M ; Pollard, K ; Gould, A ; Yee, J. C ; Allen, W ; Almeida, L. A ; Christie, G ; Drummond, J ; Gal-Yam, A ; Gorbikov, E ; Jablonski, F ; Lee, C.-U ; Maoz, D ; Manulis, I ; McCormick, J ; Natusch, T ; Pogge, R. W ; Shvartzvald, Y ; Jørgensen, U. G ; Alsubai, K. A ; Andersen, M. I ; Bozza, V ; Novati, S. C ; Burgdorf, M ; Hinse, T. C ; Hundertmark, M ; Husser, T.-O ; Kerins, E ; Longa-Peña, P ; Mancini, L ; Penny, M ; Rahvar, S ; Ricci, D ; Sajadian, S ; Skottfelt, J ; Snodgrass, C ; Southworth, J ; Tregloan-Reed, J ; Wambsganss, J ; Wertz, O ; Tsapras, Y ; Street, R. A ; Bramich, D.M ; Horne, K ; Steele, I. A ; Sahu, K. C ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Physics
We report the first unambiguous detection and mass measurement of an isolated stellar-mass black hole (BH). We used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to carry out precise astrometry of the source star of the long-duration (t E ≃ 270 days), high-magnification microlensing event MOA-2011-BLG-191/OGLE-2011-BLG-0462 (hereafter designated as MOA-11-191/OGLE-11-462), in the direction of the Galactic bulge. HST imaging, conducted at eight epochs over an interval of 6 yr, reveals a clear relativistic astrometric deflection of the background star's apparent position. Ground-based photometry of MOA-11-191/OGLE-11-462 shows a parallactic signature of the effect of Earth's motion on the microlensing...
Design, performance, and calibration of CMS forward calorimeter wedges
, Article European Physical Journal C ; Volume 53, Issue 1 , 2008 , Pages 139-166 ; 14346044 (ISSN) ; Abramov, V ; Acharya, B ; Adams, M ; Akchurin, N ; Akgun, U ; Anderson, E.W ; Antchev, G ; Arcidy, M ; Ayan, S ; Aydin, S ; Baarmand, M ; Babich, K ; Baden, D ; Bakirci, M.N ; Banerjee, S ; Banerjee, S ; Bard, R ; Barnes, V ; Bawa, H ; Baiatian, G ; Bencze, G ; Beri, S ; Bhatnagar, V ; Bodek, A ; Budd, H ; Burchesky, K ; Camporesi, T ; Cankoçak, K ; Carrell, K ; Cerci, S ; Chendvankar, S ; Chung, Y ; Cremaldi, L ; Cushman, P ; Damgov, J ; De Barbaro, P ; Deliomeroglu, M ; Demianov, A ; De Visser, T ; Dimitrov, L ; Dindar, K ; Dugad, S ; Dumanoglu, I ; Duru, F ; Elias, J ; Elvira, D ; Emeliantchik, I ; Eno, S ; Eskut, E ; Fenyvesi, A ; Fisher, W ; Freeman, J ; Gamsizkan, H ; Gavrilov, V ; Genchev, V ; Gershtein, Y ; Golutvin, I ; Goncharov, P ; Grassi, T ; Green, D ; Gribushin, A ; Grinev, B ; Gülmez, E ; Gümüş, K ; Haelen, T ; Hagopian, S ; Hagopian, V ; Hashemi, M ; Hauptman, J ; Hazen, E ; Heering, A ; Ilyina, N ; Isiksal, E ; Jarvis, C ; Johnson, K ; Kaftanov, V ; Kalagin, V ; Kalinin, A ; Karmgard, D ; Kalmani, S ; Katta, S ; Kaur, M ; Kaya, M ; Kayis-Topaksu, A ; Kellogg, R ; Khmelnikov, A ; Kim, H ; Kisselevich, I ; Kodolova, O ; Kohli, J ; Kolossov, V ; Korablev, A ; Korneev, Y ; Kosarev, I ; Koylu, S ; Kramer, L ; Krinitsyn, A ; Krokhotin, A ; Kryshkin, V ; Kuleshov, S ; Kumar, A ; Kunori, S ; Kurt, P ; Kuzucu-Polatoz, A ; Laasanen, A ; Ladygin, V ; Laszlo, A ; Lawlor, C ; Lazic, D ; Levchuk, L ; Linn, S ; Litvintsev, D ; Litov, L ; Los, S ; Lubinsky, V ; Lukanin, V ; Ma, Y ; MacHado, E ; Mans, J ; Markowitz, P ; Massolov, V ; Martinez, G ; Mazumdar, K ; Merlo, J.P ; Mermerkaya, H ; Mescheryakov, G ; Mestvirishvili, A ; Miller, M ; Mohammadi-Najafabadi, M ; Moissenz, P ; Mondal, N ; Nagaraj, P ; Norbeck, E ; Olson, J ; Onel, Y ; Onengut, G ; Ozdes-Koca, N ; Ozkan, C ; Ozkurt, H ; Ozkorucuklu, S ; Paktinat, S ; Pal, A ; Patil, M ; Penzo, A ; Petrushanko, S ; Petrosyan, A ; Pikalov, V ; Piperov, S ; Podrasky, V ; Pompos, A ; Posch, C ; Qiang, W ; Reddy, L ; Reidy, J ; Ruchti, R ; Rogalev, E ; Rohlf, J ; Ronzhin, A ; Ryazanov, A ; Safronov, G ; Sanders, D.A ; Sanzeni, C ; Sarycheva, L ; Satyanarayana, B ; Schmidt, I ; Sekmen, S ; Semenov, S ; Senchishin, V ; Sergeyev, S ; Serin-Zeyrek, M ; Sever, R ; Singh, J ; Sirunyan, A ; Skuja, A ; Sharma, S ; Sherwood, B ; Shumeiko, N ; Smirnov, V ; Sogut, K ; Sorokin, P ; Spezziga, M ; Stefanovich, R ; Stolin, V ; Sulak, L ; Suzuki, I ; Talov, V ; Teplov, K ; Thomas, R ; Topakli, H ; Tully, C ; Turchanovich, L ; Ulyanov, A ; Vankov, I ; Vardanyan, I ; Varela, F ; Vergili, M ; Verma, P ; Vesztergombi, G ; Vidal, R ; Vishnevskiy, A ; Vlassov, E ; Vodopiyanov, I ; Volkov, A ; Volodko, A ; Wang, L ; Wetstein, M ; Winn, D ; Wigmans, R ; Whitmore, J ; Wu, S.X ; Yazgan, E ; Yershov, A ; Yetkin, T ; Zalan, P ; Zarubin, A ; Zeyrek, M ; Sharif University of Technology
We report on the test beam results and calibration methods using high energy electrons, pions and muons with the CMS forward calorimeter (HF). The HF calorimeter covers a large pseudorapidity region (3≤|η|≤5), and is essential for a large number of physics channels with missing transverse energy. It is also expected to play a prominent role in the measurement of forward tagging jets in weak boson fusion channels in Higgs production. The HF calorimeter is based on steel absorber with embedded fused-silica-core optical fibers where Cherenkov radiation forms the basis of signal generation. Thus, the detector is essentially sensitive only to the electromagnetic shower core and is highly...
OGLE-2008-BLG-510: First automated real-time detection of a weak microlensing anomaly - brown dwarf or stellar binary?
, Article Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ; Volume 424, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 902-918 ; 00358711 (ISSN) ; Dominik, M ; Rattenbury, N. J ; Jørgensen, U. G ; Tsapras, Y ; Bramich, D. M ; Udalski, A ; Bond, I. A ; Liebig, C ; Cassan, A ; Fouqué, P ; Fukui, A ; Hundertmark, M ; Shin, I. G ; Lee, S. H ; Choi, J. Y ; Park, S. Y ; Gould, A ; Allan, A ; Mao, S ; Wyrzykowski, Ł ; Street, R. A ; Buckley, D ; Nagayama, T ; Mathiasen, M ; Hinse, T. C ; Novati, S. C ; Harpsøe, K ; Mancini, L ; Scarpetta, G ; Anguita, T ; Burgdorf, M. J ; Horne, K ; Hornstrup, A ; Kains, N ; Kerins, E ; Kjærgaard, P ; Masi, G ; Rahvar, S ; Ricci, D ; Snodgrass, C ; Southworth, J ; Steele, I. A ; Surdej, J ; Thöne, C. C ; Wambsganss, J ; Zub, M ; Albrow, M. D ; Batista, V ; Beaulieu, J. P ; Bennett, D. P ; Caldwell, J. A. R ; Cole, A. A ; Cook, K. H ; Coutures, C ; Dieters, S ; Prester, D. D ; Donatowicz, J ; Greenhill, J ; Kane, S. R ; Kubas, D ; Marquette, J. B ; Martin, R ; Menzies, J ; Pollard, K. R ; Sahu, K. C ; Williams, A ; Szymański, M. K ; Kubiak, M ; Pietrzyński, G ; Soszyński, I ; Poleski, R ; Ulaczyk, K ; Depoy, D. L ; Dong, S ; Han, C ; Janczak, J ; Lee, C. U ; Pogge, R. W ; Abe, F ; Furusawa, K ; Hearnshaw, J. B ; Itow, Y ; Kilmartin, P. M ; Korpela, A. V ; Lin, W ; Ling, C. H ; Masuda, K ; Matsubara, Y ; Miyake, N ; Muraki, Y ; Ohnishi, K ; Perrott, Y. C ; Saito, T ; Skuljan, L ; Sullivan, D. J ; Sumi, T ; Suzuki, D ; Sweatman, W. L ; Tristram, P. J ; Wada, K ; Yock, P. C. M ; Gulbis, A ; Hashimoto, Y ; Kniazev, A ; Vaisanen, P ; Sharif University of Technology
The microlensing event OGLE-2008-BLG-510 is characterized by an evident asymmetric shape of the peak, promptly detected by the Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search (ARTEMiS) system in real time. The skewness of the light curve appears to be compatible both with binary-lens and binary-source models, including the possibility that the lens system consists of an M dwarf orbited by a brown dwarf. The detection of this microlensing anomaly and our analysis demonstrate that: (1) automated real-time detection of weak microlensing anomalies with immediate feedback is feasible, efficient and sensitive, (2) rather common weak features intrinsically come with ambiguities that are...
OGLE 2008-BLG-290: An accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing
, Article Astronomy and Astrophysics ; Volume 518, Issue 19 , 2010 ; 00046361 (ISSN) ; Heyrovsky, D ; Dong, S ; Gould, A ; Udalski, A ; Albrow, M. D ; Batista, V ; Beaulieu, J. P ; Bennett, D. P ; Bond, I. A ; Bramich, D. M ; Calchi Novati, S ; Cassan, A ; Coutures, C ; Dieters, S ; Dominik, M ; Dominis Prester, D ; Greenhill, J ; Horne, K ; Jørgensen, U. G ; Kozłowski, S ; Kubas, D ; Lee, C. H ; Marquette, J. B ; Mathiasen, M ; Menzies, J ; Monard, L.A.G ; Nishiyama, S ; Papadakis, I ; Street, R ; Sumi, T ; Williams, A ; Yee, J.C ; Brillant, S ; Caldwell, J.A.R ; Cole, A ; Cook, K.H ; Donatowicz, J ; Kains, N ; Kane, S.R ; Martin, R ; Pollard, K.R ; Sahu, K.C ; Tsapras, Y ; Wambsganss, J ; Depoy, D.L ; Gaudi, B.S ; Han, C ; Lee, C.-U ; Park, B.-G ; Pogge, R.W ; Kubiak, M ; Szymański, M.K ; Pietrzyński, G ; Soszyński, I ; Szewczyk, O ; Ulaczyk, K ; Wyrzykowski, L ; Abe, F ; Fukui, A ; Furusawa, K ; Gilmore, A.C ; Hearnshaw, J.B ; Itow, Y ; Kamiya, K ; Kilmartin, P.M ; Korpela, A.V ; Lin, W ; Ling, C.H ; Masuda, K ; Matsubara, Y ; Miyake, N ; Muraki, Y ; Nagaya, M ; Ohnishi, K ; Okumura, T ; Perrott, Y ; Rattenbury, N.J ; Saito, T ; Sako, T ; Sato, S ; Skuljan, L ; Sullivan, D ; Sweatman, W ; Tristram, P.J ; Yock, P.C.M ; Allan, A ; Bode, M.F ; Burgdorf, M.J ; Clay, N ; Fraser, S.N ; Hawkins, E ; Kerins, E ; Lister, T.A ; Mottram, C.J ; Saunders, E.S ; Snodgrass, C ; Steele, I.A ; Wheatley, P.J ; Anguita, T ; Bozza, V ; Harpsøe, K ; Hinse, T.C ; Hundertmark, M ; Kjærgaard, P ; Liebig, C ; Mancini, L ; Masi, G ; Rahvar, S ; Ricci, D ; Scarpetta, G ; Southworth, J ; Surdej, J ; Thöne, C.C ; Riffeser, A ; Seitz, S ; Bender, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Context. Not only is gravitational microlensing a successful tool for discovering distant exoplanets, but it also enables characterization of the lens and source stars involved in the lensing event. Aims. In high-magnification events, the lens caustic may cross over the source disk, which allows determination of the angular size of the source and measurement of its limb darkening. Methods. When such extended-source effects appear close to maximum magnification, the resulting light curve differs from the characteristic Paczyński point-source curve. The exact shape of the light curve close to the peak depends on the limb darkening of the source. Dense photometric coverage permits measurement...