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    A new application of measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) in solar site location for electricity and hydrogen production: A case study in the southern climate of Iran

    , Article Energy ; Volume 261 , 2022 ; 03605442 (ISSN) Hosseini Dehshiri, S. S ; Firoozabadi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    In recent years, declining fossil fuel reserves and increasing environmental concerns led to higher utilization of renewable energy source (RES). One of the RES is Solar energy which is abundantly found in different areas of the globe, particularly in Iran. The aim of this research is to select a suitable site for constructing a solar power plant to generate electricity-hydrogen in southern Iran, Kerman province. For this purpose, a new hybrid Multi criteria decision making method is used. The Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA)method is used to weigh the criteria and the Measurement of alternatives and ranking according to Compromise solution (MARCOS)method is used to rank... 

    Measurement of the higgs boson width and evidence of its off-shell contributions to ZZ production

    , Article Nature Physics ; Volume 18, Issue 11 , 2022 , Pages 1329-1334 ; 17452473 (ISSN) Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Andrejkovic, J. W ; Bergauer, T ; Chatterjee, S ; Damanakis, K ; Dragicevic, M ; Del Valle, A.E ; Frühwirth, R ; Jeitler, M ; Krammer, N ; Lechner, L ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Paulitsch, P ; Pitters, F.M ; Schieck, J ; Schöfbeck, R ; Schwarz, D ; Templ, S ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C.-E ; Chekhovsky, V ; Litomin, A ; Makarenko, V ; Darwish, M.R ; De Wolf, E.A ; Janssen, T ; Kello, T ; Lelek, A ; Sfar, H.R ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Putte, S ; Van Remortel, N ; Bols, E.S ; D’Hondt, J ; De Moor, A ; Delcourt, M ; El Faham, H ; Lowette, S ; Moortgat, S ; Morton, A ; Müller, D ; Sahasransu, A.R ; Tavernier, S ; Van Doninck, W ; Vannerom, D ; Beghin, D ; Bilin, B ; Clerbaux, B ; De Lentdecker, G ; Favart, L ; Kalsi, A.K ; Lee, K ; Mahdavikhorrami, M ; Makarenko, I ; Paredes, S ; Pétré, L ; Popov, A ; Postiau, N ; Starling, E ; Thomas, L ; Bemden, M.V ; Vander Velde, C ; Vanlaer, P ; Cornelis, T ; Dobur, D ; Knolle, J ; Lambrecht, L ; Mestdach, G ; Niedziela, M ; Rendón, C ; Roskas, C ; Samalan, A ; Skovpen, K ; Tytgat, M ; Van Den Bossche, N ; Vermassen, B ; Wezenbeek, L ; Benecke, A ; Bethani, A ; Bruno, G ; Bury, F ; Caputo, C ; David, P ; Delaere, C ; Donertas, I.S ; Giammanco, A ; Jaffel, K ; Jain, S ; Lemaitre, V ; Mondal, K ; Prisciandaro, J ; Taliercio, A ; Teklishyn, M ; Tran, T.T ; Vischia, P ; Wertz, S ; Alves, G.A ; Hensel, C ; Moraes, A ; Teles, P.R ; Júnior, W.L.A ; Pereira, M.A.G ; Filho, M.B.F ; Malbouisson, H.B ; Carvalho, W ; Chinellato, J ; Da Costa, E.M ; Da Silveira, G.G ; De Jesus Damiao, D ; Sousa, V.D.S ; De Souza, S.F ; Herrera, C.M ; Amarilo, K.M ; Mundim, L ; Nogima, H ; Santoro, A ; Do Amaral, S.M.S ; Sznajder, A ; Thiel, M ; De Araujo, F.T.D.S ; Pereira, A.V ; Bernardes, C.A ; Calligaris, L ; Tomei, T.R.F.P ; Gregores, E.M ; Lemos, D.S ; Mercadante, P.G ; Novaes, S.F ; Padula, S.S ; Aleksandrov, A ; Antchev, G ; Hadjiiska, R ; Iaydjiev, P ; Misheva, M ; Rodozov, M ; Shopova, M ; Sultanov, G ; Dimitrov, A ; Ivanov, T ; Litov, L ; Pavlov, B ; Petkov, P ; Petrov, A ; Cheng, T ; Javaid, T ; Mittal, M ; Wang, H ; Yuan, L ; Ahmad, M ; Bauer, G ; Dozen, C ; Hu, Z ; Martins, J ; Wang, Y ; Yi, K ; Chapon, E ; Chen, G.M ; Chen, H.S ; Chen, M ; Iemmi, F ; Kapoor, A ; Leggat, D ; Liao, H ; Liu, Z.-A ; Milosevic, V ; Monti, F ; Sharma, R ; Tao, J ; Thomas-Wilsker, J ; Wang, J ; Zhang, H ; Zhao, J ; Agapitos, A ; An, Y ; Ban, Y ; Chen, C ; Levin, A ; Li, Q ; Lyu, X ; Mao, Y ; Qian, S.J ; Wang, D ; Xiao, J ; Yang, H ; Lu, M ; You, Z ; Gao, X ; Okawa, H ; Zhang, Y ; Lin, Z ; Xiao, M ; Avila, C ; Cabrera, A ; Florez, C ; Fraga, J ; Guisao, J.M ; Ramirez, F ; Alvarez, J.D.R ; Giljanovic, D ; Godinovic, N ; Lelas, D ; Puljak, I ; Antunovic, Z ; Kovac, M ; Sculac, T ; Brigljevic, V ; Ferencek, D ; Majumder, D ; Roguljic, M ; Starodumov, A ; Susa, T ; Attikis, A ; Christoforou, K ; Kole, G ; Kolosova, M ; Konstantinou, S ; Mousa, J ; Nicolaou, C ; Ptochos, F ; Razis, P.A ; Rykaczewski, H ; Saka, H ; Finger, M ; Finger, M., Jr ; Kveton, A ; Ayala, E ; Jarrin, E.C ; Abdalla, H ; Salama, E ; Mahmoud, M.A ; Mohammed, Y ; Bhowmik, S ; Dewanjee, R.K ; Ehataht, K ; Kadastik, M ; Nandan, S ; Nielsen, C ; Pata, J ; Raidal, M ; Tani, L ; Veelken, C ; Eerola, P ; Kirschenmann, H ; Osterberg, K ; Voutilainen, M ; Bharthuar, S ; Brücken, E ; Garcia, F ; Havukainen, J ; Kim, M.S ; Kinnunen, R ; Lampén, T ; Lassila-Perini, K ; Lehti, S ; Lindén, T ; Lotti, M ; Martikainen, L ; Myllymäki, M ; Ott, J ; Rantanen, M.M ; Siikonen, H ; Tuominen, E ; Tuominiemi, J ; Luukka, P ; Petrow, H ; Tuuva, T ; Amendola, C ; Besancon, M ; Couderc, F ; Dejardin, M ; Denegri, D ; Faure, J.L ; Ferri, F ; Ganjour, S ; Gras, P ; de Monchenault, G.H ; Jarry, P ; Lenzi, B ; Malcles, J ; Rander, J ; Rosowsky, A ; Sahin, M.Ö ; Savoy-Navarro, A ; Simkina, P ; Titov, M ; Yu, G.B ; Ahuja, S ; Beaudette, F ; Bonanomi, M ; Perraguin, A.B ; Busson, P ; Cappati, A ; Charlot, C ; Davignon, O ; Diab, B ; Falmagne, G ; Alves, B.A.F.S ; Ghosh, S ; de Cassagnac, R.G ; Hakimi, A ; Kucher, I ; Motta, J ; Nguyen, M ; Ochando, C ; Paganini, P ; Rembser, J ; Salerno, R ; Sarkar, U ; Sauvan, J.B ; Sirois, Y ; Tarabini, A ; Zabi, A ; Zghiche, A ; Agram, J.-L ; Andrea, J ; Apparu, D ; Bloch, D ; Bourgatte, G ; Brom, J.-M ; Chabert, E.C ; Collard, C ; Darej, D ; Fontaine, J.-C ; Goerlach, U ; Grimault, C ; Le Bihan, A.-C ; Nibigira, E ; Van Hove, P ; Asilar, E ; Beauceron, S ; Bernet, C ; Boudoul, G ; Camen, C ; Carle, A ; Chanon, N ; Contardo, D ; Depasse, P ; El Mamouni, H ; Fay, J ; Gascon, S ; Gouzevitch, M ; Ille, B ; Laktineh, I.B ; Lattaud, H ; Lesauvage, A ; Lethuillier, M ; Mirabito, L ; Perries, S ; Shchablo, K ; Sordini, V ; Touquet, G ; Vander Donckt, M ; Viret, S ; Lomidze, I ; Toriashvili, T ; Tsamalaidze, Z ; Botta, V ; Feld, L ; Klein, K ; Lipinski, M ; Meuser, D ; Pauls, A ; Röwert, N ; Schulz, J ; Teroerde, M ; Dodonova, A ; Eliseev, D ; Erdmann, M ; Fackeldey, P ; Fischer, B ; Hebbeker, T ; Hoepfner, K ; Ivone, F ; Mastrolorenzo, L ; Merschmeyer, M ; Meyer, A ; Mocellin, G ; Mondal, S ; Mukherjee, S ; Noll, D ; Novak, A ; Pozdnyakov, A ; Rath, Y ; Reithler, H ; Schmidt, A ; Schuler, S.C ; Sharma, A ; Vigilante, L ; Wiedenbeck, S ; Zaleski, S ; Dziwok, C ; Flügge, G ; Ahmad, W.H ; Hlushchenko, O ; Kress, T ; Nowack, A ; Pooth, O ; Roy, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2022
    Since the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, detailed studies of its properties have been ongoing. Besides its mass, its width—related to its lifetime—is an important parameter. One way to determine this quantity is to measure its off-shell production, where the Higgs boson mass is far away from its nominal value, and relating it to its on-shell production, where the mass is close to the nominal value. Here we report evidence for such off-shell contributions to the production cross-section of two Z bosons with data from the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We constrain the total rate of the off-shell Higgs boson contribution beyond the Z boson pair production threshold,... 

    A fine-grained data set and analysis of tangling in bug fixing commits

    , Article Empirical Software Engineering ; Volume 27, Issue 6 , 2022 ; 13823256 (ISSN) Herbold, S ; Trautsch, A ; Ledel, B ; Aghamohammadi, A ; Ghaleb, T. A ; Chahal, K. K ; Bossenmaier, T ; Nagaria, B ; Makedonski, P ; Ahmadabadi, M. N ; Szabados, K ; Spieker, H ; Madeja, M ; Hoy, N ; Lenarduzzi, V ; Wang, S ; Rodríguez-Pérez, G ; Colomo-Palacios, R ; Verdecchia, R ; Singh, P ; Qin, Y ; Chakroborti, D ; Davis, W ; Walunj, V ; Wu, H ; Marcilio, D ; Alam, O ; Aldaeej, A ; Amit, I ; Turhan, B ; Eismann, S ; Wickert, A. K ; Malavolta, I ; Sulír, M ; Fard, F ; Henley, A. Z ; Kourtzanidis, S ; Tuzun, E ; Treude, C ; Shamasbi, S. M ; Pashchenko, I ; Wyrich, M ; Davis, J ; Serebrenik, A ; Albrecht, E ; Aktas, E. U ; Strüber, D ; Erbel, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2022
    Context: Tangled commits are changes to software that address multiple concerns at once. For researchers interested in bugs, tangled commits mean that they actually study not only bugs, but also other concerns irrelevant for the study of bugs. Objective: We want to improve our understanding of the prevalence of tangling and the types of changes that are tangled within bug fixing commits. Methods: We use a crowd sourcing approach for manual labeling to validate which changes contribute to bug fixes for each line in bug fixing commits. Each line is labeled by four participants. If at least three participants agree on the same label, we have consensus. Results: We estimate that between 17% and... 

    Forced and free vibrational analysis of viscoelastic nanotubes conveying fluid subjected to moving load in hygro-thermo-magnetic environments with surface effects

    , Article Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering ; Volume 22, Issue 4 , 2022 ; 16449665 (ISSN) Sarparast, H ; Alibeigloo, A ; Borjalilou, V ; Koochakianfard, O ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH  2022
    Forced and free vibrational analyses of viscoelastic nanotubes containing fluid under a moving load in complex environments incorporating surface effects are conducted based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory and the Rayleigh beam model. To model the internal nanoflow, the slip boundary condition is employed. Adopting the Galerkin discretization approach, the reduced-order dynamic model of the system is acquired. Analytical and numerical methods are exploited to determine the dynamic response of the system. The impacts of geometry, scale parameter ratio, Knudsen number, fluid velocity, rotary inertia parameter, viscoelastic parameter, surface residual stress, surface elastic modulus, and... 

    Dynamics of electrostatic interaction and electrodiffusion in a charged thin film with nanoscale physicochemical heterogeneity: Implications for low-salinity waterflooding

    , Article Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ; Volume 650 , 2022 ; 09277757 (ISSN) Pourakaberian, A ; Mahani, H ; Niasar, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2022
    The slow kinetics of wettability alteration toward a more water-wetting state by low-salinity waterflooding (LSWF) in oil-brine-rock (OBR) systems is conjectured to be pertinent to the electrokinetic phenomena in the thin brine film. We hypothesize that the nanoscale physicochemical heterogeneities such as surface roughness and surface charge heterogeneity at the rock/brine interface control further the dynamics of electrodiffusion and electrostatic disjoining pressure (Πel), thus the time-scale and the magnitude of the low salinity effect (LSE). In this regard, film-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed. The coupled Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations were... 

    Evaluation of geopolymer concrete at high temperatures: An experimental study using machine learning

    , Article Journal of Cleaner Production ; Volume 372 , 2022 ; 09596526 (ISSN) Rahmati, M ; Toufigh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Studying the mechanical performance of concrete after being exposed to high temperatures is an important step in the damage assessment of buildings and fire safety applications. However, predicting the compressive strength of GPC accurately after exposure to high temperatures is a challenging task. In this paper, artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector regression (SVR) models were developed to predict the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete (GPC) at high temperatures ranging from 100 °C to 1000 °C. A series of experiments consisting of different mix designs were conducted at elevated temperatures to prepare a dataset. Besides experiments' results, the data of previously... 

    Radiopaque crystalline, non-crystalline and nanostructured bioceramics

    , Article Materials ; Volume 15, Issue 21 , 2022 ; 19961944 (ISSN) Montazerian, M ; Gonçalves, G. V. S ; Barreto, M. E. V ; Lima, E. P. N ; Cerqueira, G. R. C ; Sousa, J. A ; Malek Khachatourian, A ; Souza, M. K. S ; Silva, S. M. L ; Fook, M. V. L ; Baino, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI  2022
    Radiopacity is sometimes an essential characteristic of biomaterials that can help clinicians perform follow-ups during pre- and post-interventional radiological imaging. Due to their chemical composition and structure, most bioceramics are inherently radiopaque but can still be doped/mixed with radiopacifiers to increase their visualization during or after medical procedures. The radiopacifiers are frequently heavy elements of the periodic table, such as Bi, Zr, Sr, Ba, Ta, Zn, Y, etc., or their relevant compounds that can confer enhanced radiopacity. Radiopaque bioceramics are also intriguing additives for biopolymers and hybrids, which are extensively researched and developed nowadays for... 

    An economic evaluation framework for cryptocurrency mining operation in microgrids

    , Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Volume 142 , 2022 ; 01420615 (ISSN) Hajipour, E ; Khavari, F ; Hajiaghapour Moghimi, M ; Azimi Hosseini, K ; Vakilian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    The introduction of cryptocurrencies as a new form of money has attracted a tremendous amount of attention in recent years. This new financial paradigm relies on miners to validate transactions by running their cryptocurrency mining devices (CMDs). Nowadays, the significant profitability of the mining business has tempted a large number of private players in the electrical industry to employ their renewable energy resources to mine digital currency. Here, microgrid (MG) owners may use their excessive generated power to mine digital money instead of exporting it to the main grid. This paper is devoted to investigate the influential potentials of this trending business on distribution networks... 

    Building circularity as a measure of sustainability in the old and modern architecture: A case study of architecture development in the hot and dry climate

    , Article Energy and Buildings ; Volume 275 , 2022 ; 03787788 (ISSN) Hosseini Honarvar, S. M ; Golabchi, M ; Bararzadeh Ledari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Nowadays, the construction industry has turned to the consumption of large amounts of natural resources in line with global population growth, which has led to the shortage of resources, and consequently increases in the construction debris; therefore, the present article has studied the positive and negative points of the architectural development process. The results have indicated that being compared to the former architecture; the development of architecture has reduced energy consumption by 78%. Hence, the scarcity of virgin resources and consequently the increase of environmental effects such as Global Warming Potential (GWP) have been measured based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).... 

    A study on the cementitious mortars containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanographene

    , Article Journal of Testing and Evaluation ; Volume 51, Issue 2 , 2022 ; 00903973 (ISSN) Pachideh, G ; Toufigh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    ASTM International  2022
    In this paper, the effects of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and nanographene (GP) on the mechanical performance of the cementitious mortars were investigated in different environments. Six mix designs were fabricated by considering the previous studies and exposed to potable water, acidic, and alkaline environments. The GP and MWCNTs partially replaced the cement with 0.25 %, 0.5 %, and 1 % of its weight. The standard mechanical tests, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis were performed on the specimens. The results indicated that including the MWCNTs and GP increases the compressive strength by 10 % and 20 % and similarly improves the tensile... 

    Tunable gain SnS2/InSe Van der waals heterostructure photodetector

    , Article Micromachines ; Volume 13, Issue 12 , 2022 ; 2072666X (ISSN) Hosseini, S ; Iraji zad, A ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Esfandiar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI  2022
    Due to the favorable properties of two-dimensional materials such as SnS2, with an energy gap in the visible light spectrum, and InSe, with high electron mobility, the combination of them can create a novel platform for electronic and optical devices. Herein, we study a tunable gain SnS2/InSe Van der Waals heterostructure photodetector. SnS2 crystals were synthesized by chemical vapor transport method and characterized using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The exfoliated SnS2 and InSe layers were transferred on the substrate. This photodetector presents photoresponsivity from 14 mA/W up to 740 mA/W and detectivity from 2.2 × 108 Jones up to 3.35 × 109 Jones by gate modulation from... 

    Capacities of the covariant Pauli channel

    , Article Physical Review A ; Volume 106, Issue 6 , 2022 ; 24699926 (ISSN) Poshtvan, A ; Karimipour, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Physical Society  2022
    We study four well-known capacities of a two-parameter family of qubit Pauli channels. These are the channels that are covariant under the SO(2) group and contain the depolarizing channel as a special case. We find exact expressions for the classical capacity and entanglement-assisted capacities, and analytically determine the regions where the quantum capacity of the channel vanishes. We then use a flag extension to find upper bound for the quantum capacity and private capacity of these channels in the entire region of parameter space and also obtain the lower bound for the quantum capacity by calculating the single-shot quantum capacity numerically. In conjunction with previous results on... 

    Erratum to: Searches for long-lived charged particles in pp collisions at s = 7 and 8 TeV (Journal of High Energy Physics, (2013), 2013, 7, (122), 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)122)

    , Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2022, Issue 11 , 2022 ; 10298479 (ISSN) Chatrchyan, S ; Khachatryan, V ; Sirunyan, A.M ; Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Bergauer, T ; Dragicevic, M ; Erö, J ; Fabjan, C ; Friedl, M ; Frühwirth, R ; Ghete, V.M ; Hörmann, N ; Hrubec, J ; Jeitler, M ; Kiesenhofer, W ; Knünz, V ; Krammer, M ; Krätschmer, I ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Rabady, D ; Rahbaran, B ; Rohringer, C ; Rohringer, H ; Schöfbeck, R ; Strauss, J ; Taurok, A ; Treberer-Treberspurg, W ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C.-E ; Mossolov, V ; Shumeiko, N ; Suarez Gonzalez, J ; Alderweireldt, S ; Bansal, M ; Bansal, S ; Cornelis, T ; De Wolf, E.A ; Janssen, X ; Knutsson, A ; Luyckx, S ; Mucibello, L ; Ochesanu, S ; Roland, B ; Rougny, R ; Van Haevermaet, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Remortel, N ; Van Spilbeeck, A ; Blekman, F ; Blyweert, S ; D’Hondt, J ; Kalogeropoulos, A ; Keaveney, J ; Maes, M ; Olbrechts, A ; Tavernier, S ; Van Doninck, W ; Van Mulders, P ; Van Onsem, G.P ; Villella, I ; Clerbaux, B ; De Lentdecker, G ; Favart, L ; Gay, A.P.R ; Hreus, T ; Léonard, A ; Marage, P.E ; Mohammadi, A ; Perniè, L ; Reis, T ; Seva, T ; Thomas, L ; Vander Velde, C ; Vanlaer, P ; Wang, J ; Adler, V ; Beernaert, K ; Benucci, L ; Cimmino, A ; Costantini, S ; Dildick, S ; Garcia, G ; Klein, B ; Lellouch, J ; Marinov, A ; Mccartin, J ; Ocampo Rios, A.A ; Ryckbosch, D ; Sigamani, M ; Strobbe, N ; Thyssen, F ; Tytgat, M ; Walsh, S ; Yazgan, E ; Zaganidis, N ; Basegmez, S ; Beluffi, C ; Bruno, G ; Castello, R ; Caudron, A ; Ceard, L ; Delaere, C ; du Pree, T ; Favart, D ; Forthomme, L ; Giammanco, A ; Hollar, J ; Jez, P ; Lemaitre, V ; Liao, J ; Militaru, O ; Nuttens, C ; Pagano, D ; Pin, A ; Piotrzkowski, K ; Popov, A ; Selvaggi, M ; Vizan Garcia, J.M ; Beliy, N ; Caebergs, T ; Daubie, E ; Hammad, G.H ; Alves, G.A ; Correa Martins Junior, M ; Martins, T ; Pol, M.E ; Souza, M.H.G ; Aldá Júnior, W.L ; Carvalho, W ; Chinellato, J ; Custódio, A ; Da Costa, E.M ; De Jesus Damiao, D ; De Oliveira Martins, C ; Fonseca De Souza, S ; Malbouisson, H ; Malek, M ; Matos Figueiredo, D ; Mundim, L ; Nogima, H ; Prado Da Silva, W.L ; Santoro, A ; Sznajder, A ; Tonelli Manganote, E.J ; Vilela Pereira, A ; Bernardes, C.A ; Dias, F.A ; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R ; Gregores, E.M ; Lagana, C ; Marinho, F ; Mercadante, P.G ; Novaes, S.F ; Padula, S.S ; Genchev, V ; Iaydjiev, P ; Piperov, S ; Rodozov, M ; Sultanov, G ; Vutova, M ; Dimitrov, A ; Hadjiiska, R ; Kozhuharov, V ; Litov, L ; Pavlov, B ; Petkov, P ; Bian, J.G ; Chen, G.M ; Chen, H.S ; Jiang, C.H ; Liang, D ; Liang, S ; Meng, X ; Tao, J ; Wang, J ; Wang, X ; Wang, Z ; Xiao, H ; Xu, M ; Asawatangtrakuldee, C ; Ban, Y ; Guo, Y ; Li, W ; Liu, S ; Mao, Y ; Qian, S.J ; Teng, H ; Wang, D ; Zhang, L ; Zou, W ; Avila, C ; Carrillo Montoya, C.A ; Gomez, J.P ; Gomez Moreno, B ; Sanabria, J.C ; Godinovic, N ; Lelas, D ; Plestina, R ; Polic, D ; Puljak, I ; Antunovic, Z ; Kovac, M ; Brigljevic, V ; Duric, S ; Kadija, K ; Luetic, J ; Mekterovic, D ; Morovic, S ; Tikvica, L ; Attikis, A ; Mavromanolakis, G ; Mousa, J ; Nicolaou, C ; Ptochos, F ; Razis, P.A ; Finger, M ; Finger, M., Jr ; Assran, Y ; Ellithi Kamel, A ; Mahmoud, M.A ; Mahrous, A ; Radi, A ; Kadastik, M ; Müntel, M ; Murumaa, M ; Raidal, M ; Rebane, L ; Tiko, A ; Eerola, P ; Fedi, G ; Voutilainen, M ; Härkönen, J ; Karimäki, V ; Kinnunen, R ; Kortelainen, M.J ; Lampén, T ; Lassila-Perini, K ; Lehti, S ; Lindén, T ; Luukka, P ; Mäenpää, T ; Peltola, T ; Tuominen, E ; Tuominiemi, J ; Tuovinen, E ; Wendland, L ; Korpela, A ; Tuuva, T ; Besancon, M ; Choudhury, S ; Couderc, F ; Dejardin, M ; Denegri, D ; Fabbro, B ; Faure, J.L ; Ferri, F ; Ganjour, S ; Givernaud, A ; Gras, P ; Hamel de Monchenault, G ; Jarry, P ; Locci, E ; Malcles, J ; Millischer, L ; Nayak, A ; Rander, J ; Rosowsky, A ; Titov, M ; Baffioni, S ; Beaudette, F ; Benhabib, L ; Bianchini, L ; Bluj, M ; Busson, P ; Charlot, C ; Daci, N ; Dahms, T ; Dalchenko, M ; Dobrzynski, L ; Florent, A ; Granier de Cassagnac, R ; Haguenauer, M ; Miné, P ; Mironov, C ; Naranjo, I.N ; Nguyen, M ; Ochando, C ; Paganini, P ; Sabes, D ; Salerno, R ; Sirois, Y ; Veelken, C ; Zabi, A ; Agram, J.-L ; Andrea, J ; Bloch, D ; Bodin, D ; Brom, J.-M ; Chabert, E.C ; Collard, C ; Conte, E ; Drouhin, F ; Fontaine, J.-C ; Gelé, D ; Goerlach, U ; Goetzmann, C ; Juillot, P ; Le Bihan, A.-C ; Van Hove, P ; Gadrat, S ; Beauceron, S ; Beaupere, N ; Boudoul, G ; Brochet, S ; Chasserat, J ; Chierici, R ; Contardo, D ; Depasse, P ; El Mamouni, H ; Fay, J ; Gascon, S ; Gouzevitch, M ; Ille, B ; Kurca, T ; Lethuillier, M ; Mirabito, L ; Perries, S ; Sgandurra, L ; Sordini, V ; Tschudi, Y ; Vander Donckt, M ; Verdier, P ; Viret, S ; Tsamalaidze, Z ; Autermann, C ; Beranek, S ; Calpas, B ; Edelhoff, M ; Feld, L ; Heracleous, N ; Hindrichs, O ; Klein, K ; Ostapchuk, A ; Perieanu, A ; Raupach, F ; Sammet, J ; Schael, S ; Sprenger, D ; Weber, H ; Wittmer, B ; Zhukov, V ; Ata, M ; Caudron, J ; Dietz-Laursonn, E ; Duchardt, D ; Erdmann, M ; Fischer, R ; Güth, A ; Hebbeker, T ; Heidemann, C ; Hoepfner, K ; Klingebiel, D ; Kreuzer, P ; Merschmeyer, M ; Meyer, A ; Olschewski, M ; Padeken, K ; Papacz, P ; Pieta, H ; Reithler, H ; Schmitz, S.A ; Sonnenschein, L ; Steggemann, J ; Teyssier, D ; Thüer, S ; Weber, M ; Cherepanov, V ; Erdogan, Y ; Flügge, G ; Geenen, H ; Geisler, M ; Haj Ahmad, W ; Hoehle, F ; Kargoll, B ; Kress, T ; Kuessel, Y ; Lingemann, J ; Nowack, A ; Nugent, I.M ; Perchalla, L ; Pooth, O ; Stahl, A ; Aldaya Martin, M ; Asin, I ; Bartosik, N ; Behr, J ; Behrenhoff, W ; Behrens, U ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH  2022

    Global mortality of snakebite envenoming between 1990 and 2019

    , Article Nature Communications ; Volume 13, Issue 1 , 2022 ; 20411723 (ISSN) Roberts, N. L. S ; Johnson, E. K ; Zeng, S. M ; Hamilton, E. B ; Abdoli, A ; Alahdab, F ; Alipour, V ; Ancuceanu, R ; Andrei, C. L ; Anvari, D ; Arabloo, J ; Ausloos, M ; Awedew, A. F ; Badiye, A. D ; Bakkannavar, S. M ; Bhalla, A ; Bhardwaj, N ; Bhardwaj, P ; Bhaumik, S ; Bijani, A ; Boloor, A ; Cai, T ; Carvalho, F ; Chu, D.-T ; Couto, R. A. S ; Dai, X ; Desta, A. A ; Do, H. T ; Earl, L ; Eftekhari, A ; Esmaeilzadeh, F ; Farzadfar, F ; Fernandes, E ; Filip, I ; Foroutan, M ; Franklin, R. C ; Gaidhane, A. M ; Gebregiorgis, B. G ; Gebremichael, B ; Ghashghaee, A ; Golechha, M ; Hamidi, S ; Haque, S. E ; Hayat, K ; Herteliu, C ; Ilesanmi, O. S ; Islam, M. M ; Jagnoor, J ; Kanchan, T ; Kapoor, N ; Khan, E. A ; Khatib, M. N ; Khundkar, R ; Krishan, K ; Kumar, G. A ; Kumar, N ; Landires, I ; Lim, S. S ; Madadin, M ; Maled, V ; Manafi, N ; Marczak, L. B ; Menezes, R. G ; Meretoja, T. J ; Miller, T. R ; Mohammadian Hafshejani, A ; Mokdad, A. H ; Monteiro, F. N. P ; Moradi, M ; Nayak, V. C ; Nguyen, C. T ; Nguyen, H. L.T ; Nuñez-Samudio, V ; Ostroff, S. M ; Padubidri, J. R ; Pham, H. Q ; Pinheiro, M ; Pirestani, M ; Quazi Syed, Z ; Rabiee, N ; Radfar, A ; Rahimi Movaghar, V ; Rao, S. J ; Rastogi, P ; Rawaf, D. L ; Rawaf, S ; Reiner, R.C., Jr ; Sahebkar, A ; Samy, A. M ; Sawhney, M ; Schwebel, D. C ; Senthilkumaran, S ; Shaikh, M. A ; Skryabin, V. Y ; Skryabina, A. A ; Soheili, A ; Stokes, M. A ; Thapar, R ; Tovani Palone, M. R ; Tran, B. X ; Travillian, R. S ; Velazquez, D. Z ; Zhang, Z. J ; Naghavi, M ; Dandona, R ; Dandona, L ; James, S. L ; Pigott, D.M ; Murray, C. J. L ; Hay, S. I ; Vos, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2022
    Snakebite envenoming is an important cause of preventable death. The World Health Organization (WHO) set a goal to halve snakebite mortality by 2030. We used verbal autopsy and vital registration data to model the proportion of venomous animal deaths due to snakes by location, age, year, and sex, and applied these proportions to venomous animal contact mortality estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study. In 2019, 63,400 people (95% uncertainty interval 38,900–78,600) died globally from snakebites, which was equal to an age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) of 0.8 deaths (0.5–1.0) per 100,000 and represents a 36% (2–49) decrease in ASMR since 1990. India had the greatest number... 

    Deep long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for ultrasonic-based distributed damage assessment in concrete

    , Article Cement and Concrete Research ; Volume 162 , 2022 ; 00088846 (ISSN) Ranjbar, I ; Toufigh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    This paper presented a comprehensive study on developing a deep learning approach for ultrasonic-based distributed damage assessment in concrete. In particular, two architectures of long short-term memory (LSTM) networks were proposed: (1) a classification model to evaluate the concrete's damage stage; (2) a regression model to predict the concrete's absorbed energy ratio. Two input configurations were considered and compared for both architectures: (1) the input was a single signal; (2) the inputs were four signals from four sides of the specimen. A comprehensive experimental study was designed and conducted on ground granulated blast furnace slag-based geopolymer concrete, providing a... 

    A large dataset of white blood cells containing cell locations and types, along with segmented nuclei and cytoplasm

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2022 ; 20452322 (ISSN) Kouzehkanan, Z. M ; Saghari, S ; Tavakoli, S ; Rostami, P ; Abaszadeh, M ; Mirzadeh, F ; Satlsar, E. S ; Gheidishahran, M ; Gorgi, F ; Mohammadi, S ; Hosseini, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2022
    Accurate and early detection of anomalies in peripheral white blood cells plays a crucial role in the evaluation of well-being in individuals and the diagnosis and prognosis of hematologic diseases. For example, some blood disorders and immune system-related diseases are diagnosed by the differential count of white blood cells, which is one of the common laboratory tests. Data is one of the most important ingredients in the development and testing of many commercial and successful automatic or semi-automatic systems. To this end, this study introduces a free access dataset of normal peripheral white blood cells called Raabin-WBC containing about 40,000 images of white blood cells and color... 

    Search for charged-lepton flavor violation in top quark production and decay in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

    , Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2022, Issue 6 , 2022 ; 10298479 (ISSN) Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Andrejkovic, J.W ; Bergauer, T ; Chatterjee, S ; Dragicevic, M ; Escalante Del Valle, A ; Frühwirth, R ; Jeitler, M ; Krammer, N ; Lechner, L ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Paulitsch, P ; Pitters, F.M ; Schieck, J ; Schöfbeck, R ; Schwarz, D ; Templ, S ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C.-E ; Chekhovsky, V ; Litomin, A ; Makarenko, V ; Darwish, M.R ; De Wolf, E.A ; Janssen, T ; Kello, T ; Lelek, A ; Rejeb Sfar, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Putte, S ; Van Remortel, N ; Blekman, F ; Bols, E.S ; D’Hondt, J ; Delcourt, M ; El Faham, H ; Lowette, S ; Moortgat, S ; Morton, A ; Müller, D ; Sahasransu, A.R ; Tavernier, S ; Van Doninck, W ; Van Mulders, P ; Beghin, D ; Bilin, B ; Clerbaux, B ; De Lentdecker, G ; Favart, L ; Grebenyuk, A ; Kalsi, A.K ; Lee, K ; Mahdavikhorrami, M ; Makarenko, I ; Moureaux, L ; Pétré, L ; Popov, A ; Postiau, N ; Starling, E ; Thomas, L ; Vanden Bemden, M ; Vander Velde, C ; Vanlaer, P ; Wezenbeek, L ; Cornelis, T ; Dobur, D ; Knolle, J ; Lambrecht, L ; Mestdach, G ; Niedziela, M ; Roskas, C ; Samalan, A ; Skovpen, K ; Tytgat, M ; Vermassen, B ; Vit, M ; Benecke, A ; Bethani, A ; Bruno, G ; Bury, F ; Caputo, C ; David, P ; Delaere, C ; Donertas, I.S ; Giammanco, A ; Jaffel, K ; Jain, S ; Lemaitre, V ; Mondal, K ; Prisciandaro, J ; Taliercio, A ; Teklishyn, M ; Tran, T.T ; Vischia, P ; Wertz, S ; Alves, G.A ; Hensel, C ; Moraes, A ; Aldá Júnior, W.L ; Alves Gallo Pereira, M ; Barroso Ferreira Filho, M ; Brandao Malbouisson, H ; Carvalho, W ; Chinellato, J ; Da Costa, E.M ; Da Silveira, G.G ; De Jesus Damiao, D ; Fonseca De Souza, S ; Matos Figueiredo, D ; Mora Herrera, C ; Mota Amarilo, K ; Mundim, L ; Nogima, H ; Rebello Teles, P ; Santoro, A ; Silva Do Amaral, S.M ; Sznajder, A ; Thiel, M ; Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F ; Vilela Pereira, A ; Bernardes, C.A ; Calligaris, L ; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R ; Gregores, E.M ; Lemos, D.S ; Mercadante, P.G ; Novaes, S.F ; Padula, S.S ; Aleksandrov, A ; Antchev, G ; Hadjiiska, R ; Iaydjiev, P ; Misheva, M ; Rodozov, M ; Shopova, M ; Sultanov, G ; Dimitrov, A ; Ivanov, T ; Litov, L ; Pavlov, B ; Petkov, P ; Petrov, A ; Cheng, T ; Javaid, T ; Mittal, M ; Yuan, L ; Ahmad, M ; Bauer, G ; Dozen, C ; Hu, Z ; Martins, J ; Wang, Y ; Yi, K ; Chapon, E ; Chen, G.M ; Chen, H.S ; Chen, M ; Iemmi, F ; Kapoor, A ; Leggat, D ; Liao, H ; Liu, Z.-A ; Milosevic, V ; Monti, F ; Sharma, R ; Tao, J ; Thomas-Wilsker, J ; Wang, J ; Zhang, H ; Zhao, J ; Agapitos, A ; An, Y ; Ban, Y ; Chen, C ; Levin, A ; Li, Q ; Lyu, X ; Mao, Y ; Qian, S.J ; Wang, D ; Wang, Q ; Xiao, J ; Lu, M ; You, Z ; Gao, X ; Okawa, H ; Lin, Z ; Xiao, M ; Avila, C ; Cabrera, A ; Florez, C ; Fraga, J ; Mejia Guisao, J ; Ramirez, F ; Ruiz Alvarez, J.D ; Salazar González, C.A ; Giljanovic, D ; Godinovic, N ; Lelas, D ; Puljak, I ; Antunovic, Z ; Kovac, M ; Sculac, T ; Brigljevic, V ; Ferencek, D ; Majumder, D ; Roguljic, M ; Starodumov, A ; Susa, T ; Attikis, A ; Christoforou, K ; Erodotou, E ; Ioannou, A ; Kole, G ; Kolosova, M ; Konstantinou, S ; Mousa, J ; Nicolaou, C ; Ptochos, F ; Razis, P.A ; Rykaczewski, H ; Saka, H ; Finger, M ; Finger, M., Jr ; Kveton, A ; Ayala, E ; Carrera Jarrin, E ; Elgammal, S ; Ellithi Kamel, A ; Mahmoud, M.A ; Mohammed, Y ; Bhowmik, S ; Dewanjee, R.K ; Ehataht, K ; Kadastik, M ; Nandan, S ; Nielsen, C ; Pata, J ; Raidal, M ; Tani, L ; Veelken, C ; Eerola, P ; Forthomme, L ; Kirschenmann, H ; Osterberg, K ; Voutilainen, M ; Bharthuar, S ; Brücken, E ; Garcia, F ; Havukainen, J ; Kim, M.S ; Kinnunen, R ; Lampén, T ; Lassila-Perini, K ; Lehti, S ; Lindén, T ; Lotti, M ; Martikainen, L ; Myllymäki, M ; Ott, J ; Siikonen, H ; Tuominen, E ; Tuominiemi, J ; Luukka, P ; Petrow, H ; Tuuva, T ; Amendola, C ; Besancon, M ; Couderc, F ; Dejardin, M ; Denegri, D ; Faure, J.L ; Ferri, F ; Ganjour, S ; Givernaud, A ; Gras, P ; Hamel de Monchenault, G ; Jarry, P ; Lenzi, B ; Locci, E ; Malcles, J ; Rander, J ; Rosowsky, A ; Sahin, M.Ö ; Savoy-Navarro, A ; Titov, M ; Yu, G.B ; Ahuja, S ; Beaudette, F ; Bonanomi, M ; Buchot Perraguin, A ; Busson, P ; Cappati, A ; Charlot, C ; Davignon, O ; Diab, B ; Falmagne, G ; Ghosh, S ; Granier de Cassagnac, R ; Hakimi, A ; Kucher, I ; Motta, J ; Nguyen, M ; Ochando, C ; Paganini, P ; Rembser, J ; Salerno, R ; Sarkar, U ; Sauvan, J.B ; Sirois, Y ; Tarabini, A ; Zabi, A ; Zghiche, A ; Agram, J.-L ; Andrea, J ; Apparu, D ; Bloch, D ; Bourgatte, G ; Brom, J.-M ; Chabert, E.C ; Collard, C ; Darej, D ; Fontaine, J.-C ; Goerlach, U ; Grimault, C ; Le Bihan, A.-C ; Nibigira, E ; Van Hove, P ; Asilar, E ; Beauceron, S ; Bernet, C ; Boudoul, G ; Camen, C ; Carle, A ; Chanon, N ; Contardo, D ; Depasse, P ; El Mamouni, H ; Fay, J ; Gascon, S ; Gouzevitch, M ; Ille, B ; Laktineh, I.B ; Lattaud, H ; Lesauvage, A ; Lethuillier, M ; Mirabito, L ; Perries, S ; Shchablo, K ; Sordini, V ; Torterotot, L ; Touquet, G ; Vander Donckt, M ; Viret, S ; Khvedelidze, A ; Lomidze, I ; Tsamalaidze, Z ; Botta, V ; Feld, L ; Klein, K ; Lipinski, M ; Meuser, D ; Pauls, A ; Röwert, N ; Schulz, J ; Teroerde, M ; Dodonova, A ; Eliseev, D ; Erdmann, M ; Fackeldey, P ; Fischer, B ; Ghosh, S ; Hebbeker, T ; Hoepfner, K ; Ivone, F ; Mastrolorenzo, L ; Merschmeyer, M ; Meyer, A ; Mocellin, G ; Mondal, S ; Mukherjee, S ; Noll, D ; Novak, A ; Pook, T ; Pozdnyakov, A ; Rath, Y ; Reithler, H ; Roemer, J ; Schmidt, A ; Schuler, S.C ; Sharma, A ; Vigilante, L ; Wiedenbeck, S ; Zaleski, S ; Dziwok, C ; Flügge, G ; Haj Ahmad, W ; Hlushchenko, O ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH  2022
    Results are presented from a search for charged-lepton flavor violating (CLFV) interactions in top quark production and decay in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The events are required to contain one oppositely charged electron-muon pair in the final state, along with at least one jet identified as originating from a bottom quark. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. This analysis includes both the production (q → eμt) and decay (t → eμq) modes of the top quark through CLFV interactions, with q referring to a u or c quark. These interactions are parametrized using an effective field theory approach. With... 

    Analysis of the CP structure of the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

    , Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2022, Issue 6 , 2022 ; 10298479 (ISSN) Tumasyan, A ; Adam, W ; Andrejkovic, J.W ; Bergauer, T ; Chatterjee, S ; Dragicevic, M ; Escalante Del Valle, A ; Frühwirth, R ; Jeitler, M ; Krammer, N ; Lechner, L ; Liko, D ; Mikulec, I ; Paulitsch, P ; Pitters, F.M ; Schieck, J ; Schöfbeck, R ; Schwarz, D ; Templ, S ; Waltenberger, W ; Wulz, C.-E ; Chekhovsky, V ; Litomin, A ; Makarenko, V ; Darwish, M.R ; De Wolf, E.A ; Janssen, T ; Kello, T ; Lelek, A ; Rejeb Sfar, H ; Van Mechelen, P ; Van Putte, S ; Van Remortel, N ; Blekman, F ; Bols, E.S ; D’Hondt, J ; Delcourt, M ; El Faham, H ; Lowette, S ; Moortgat, S ; Morton, A ; Müller, D ; Sahasransu, A.R ; Tavernier, S ; Van Doninck, W ; Van Mulders, P ; Beghin, D ; Bilin, B ; Clerbaux, B ; De Lentdecker, G ; Favart, L ; Grebenyuk, A ; Kalsi, A.K ; Lee, K ; Mahdavikhorrami, M ; Makarenko, I ; Moureaux, L ; Pétré, L ; Popov, A ; Postiau, N ; Starling, E ; Thomas, L ; Vanden Bemden, M ; Vander Velde, C ; Vanlaer, P ; Wezenbeek, L ; Cornelis, T ; Dobur, D ; Knolle, J ; Lambrecht, L ; Mestdach, G ; Niedziela, M ; Roskas, C ; Samalan, A ; Skovpen, K ; Tytgat, M ; Vermassen, B ; Vit, M ; Benecke, A ; Bethani, A ; Bruno, G ; Bury, F ; Caputo, C ; David, P ; Delaere, C ; Donertas, I.S ; Giammanco, A ; Jaffel, K ; Jain, S ; Lemaitre, V ; Mondal, K ; Prisciandaro, J ; Taliercio, A ; Teklishyn, M ; Tran, T.T ; Vischia, P ; Wertz, S ; Alves, G.A ; Hensel, C ; Moraes, A ; Aldá Júnior, W.L ; Alves Gallo Pereira, M ; Barroso Ferreira Filho, M ; Brandao Malbouisson, H ; Carvalho, W ; Chinellato, J ; Da Costa, E.M ; Da Silveira, G.G ; De Jesus Damiao, D ; Fonseca De Souza, S ; Matos Figueiredo, D ; Mora Herrera, C ; Mota Amarilo, K ; Mundim, L ; Nogima, H ; Rebello Teles, P ; Santoro, A ; Silva Do Amaral, S.M ; Sznajder, A ; Thiel, M ; Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F ; Vilela Pereira, A ; Bernardes, C.A ; Calligaris, L ; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T.R ; Gregores, E.M ; Lemos, D.S ; Mercadante, P.G ; Novaes, S.F ; Padula, S.S ; Aleksandrov, A ; Antchev, G ; Hadjiiska, R ; Iaydjiev, P ; Misheva, M ; Rodozov, M ; Shopova, M ; Sultanov, G ; Dimitrov, A ; Ivanov, T ; Litov, L ; Pavlov, B ; Petkov, P ; Petrov, A ; Cheng, T ; Javaid, T ; Mittal, M ; Yuan, L ; Ahmad, M ; Bauer, G ; Dozen, C ; Hu, Z ; Martins, J ; Wang, Y ; Yi, K ; Chapon, E ; Chen, G.M ; Chen, H.S ; Chen, M ; Iemmi, F ; Kapoor, A ; Leggat, D ; Liao, H ; Liu, Z.-A ; Milosevic, V ; Monti, F ; Sharma, R ; Tao, J ; Thomas-wilsker, J ; Wang, J ; Zhang, H ; Zhao, J ; Agapitos, A ; An, Y ; Ban, Y ; Chen, C ; Levin, A ; Li, Q ; Lyu, X ; Mao, Y ; Qian, S.J ; Wang, D ; Wang, Q ; Xiao, J ; Lu, M ; You, Z ; Gao, X ; Okawa, H ; Lin, Z ; Xiao, M ; Avila, C ; Cabrera, A ; Florez, C ; Fraga, J ; Mejia Guisao, J ; Ramirez, F ; Ruiz Alvarez, J.D ; Salazar González, C.A ; Giljanovic, D ; Godinovic, N ; Lelas, D ; Puljak, I ; Antunovic, Z ; Kovac, M ; Sculac, T ; Brigljevic, V ; Ferencek, D ; Majumder, D ; Roguljic, M ; Starodumov, A ; Susa, T ; Attikis, A ; Christoforou, K ; Erodotou, E ; Ioannou, A ; Kole, G ; Kolosova, M ; Konstantinou, S ; Mousa, J ; Nicolaou, C ; Ptochos, F ; Razis, P.A ; Rykaczewski, H ; Saka, H ; Finger, M ; Finger, M., Jr ; Kveton, A ; Ayala, E ; Carrera Jarrin, E ; Ellithi Kamel, A ; Salama, E ; Lotfy, A ; Mahmoud, M.A ; Bhowmik, S ; Dewanjee, R.K ; Ehataht, K ; Kadastik, M ; Nandan, S ; Nielsen, C ; Pata, J ; Raidal, M ; Tani, L ; Veelken, C ; Eerola, P ; Forthomme, L ; Kirschenmann, H ; Osterberg, K ; Voutilainen, M ; Bharthuar, S ; Brücken, E ; Garcia, F ; Havukainen, J ; Kim, M.S ; Kinnunen, R ; Lampén, T ; Lassila-Perini, K ; Lehti, S ; Lindén, T ; Lotti, M ; Martikainen, L ; Myllymäki, M ; Ott, J ; Siikonen, H ; Tuominen, E ; Tuominiemi, J ; Luukka, P ; Petrow, H ; Tuuva, T ; Amendola, C ; Besancon, M ; Couderc, F ; Dejardin, M ; Denegri, D ; Faure, J.L ; Ferri, F ; Ganjour, S ; Givernaud, A ; Gras, P ; Hamel de Monchenault, G ; Jarry, P ; Lenzi, B ; Locci, E ; Malcles, J ; Rander, J ; Rosowsky, A ; Sahin, M.Ö ; Savoy-Navarro, A ; Titov, M ; Yu, G.B ; Ahuja, S ; Beaudette, F ; Bonanomi, M ; Buchot Perraguin, A ; Busson, P ; Cappati, A ; Charlot, C ; Davignon, O ; Diab, B ; Falmagne, G ; Ghosh, S ; Granier de Cassagnac, R ; Hakimi, A ; Kucher, I ; Motta, J ; Nguyen, M ; Ochando, C ; Paganini, P ; Rembser, J ; Salerno, R ; Sarkar, U ; Sauvan, J.B ; Sirois, Y ; Tarabini, A ; Zabi, A ; Zghiche, A ; Agram, J.-L ; Andrea, J ; Apparu, D ; Bloch, D ; Bourgatte, G ; Brom, J.-M ; Chabert, E.C ; Collard, C ; Darej, D ; Fontaine, J.-C ; Goerlach, U ; Grimault, C ; Le Bihan, A.-C ; Nibigira, E ; Van Hove, P ; Asilar, E ; Beauceron, S ; Bernet, C ; Boudoul, G ; Camen, C ; Carle, A ; Chanon, N ; Contardo, D ; Depasse, P ; El Mamouni, H ; Fay, J ; Gascon, S ; Gouzevitch, M ; Ille, B ; Laktineh, I.B ; Lattaud, H ; Lesauvage, A ; Lethuillier, M ; Mirabito, L ; Perries, S ; Shchablo, K ; Sordini, V ; Torterotot, L ; Touquet, G ; Vander Donckt, M ; Viret, S ; Bagaturia, I ; Lomidze, I ; Tsamalaidze, Z ; Botta, V ; Feld, L ; Klein, K ; Lipinski, M ; Meuser, D ; Pauls, A ; Röwert, N ; Schulz, J ; Teroerde, M ; Dodonova, A ; Eliseev, D ; Erdmann, M ; Fackeldey, P ; Fischer, B ; Ghosh, S ; Hebbeker, T ; Hoepfner, K ; Ivone, F ; Mastrolorenzo, L ; Merschmeyer, M ; Meyer, A ; Mocellin, G ; Mondal, S ; Mukherjee, S ; Noll, D ; Novak, A ; Pook, T ; Pozdnyakov, A ; Rath, Y ; Reithler, H ; Roemer, J ; Schmidt, A ; Schuler, S.C ; Sharma, A ; Vigilante, L ; Wiedenbeck, S ; Zaleski, S ; Dziwok, C ; Flügge, G ; Haj Ahmad, W ; Hlushchenko, O ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH  2022
    The first measurement of the CP structure of the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and τ leptons is presented. The measurement is based on data collected in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV by the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1. The analysis uses the angular correlation between the decay planes of τ leptons produced in Higgs boson decays. The effective mixing angle between CP-even and CP-odd τ Yukawa couplings is found to be −1 ± 19°, compared to an expected value of 0 ± 21° at the 68.3% confidence level. The data disfavour the pure CP-odd scenario at 3.0 standard deviations. The results are compatible with predictions for the... 

    Facile electrochemical detection of morpholine in boiler water with carbon nanostructures: a comparative study of graphene and carbon nanotubes

    , Article Bulletin of Materials Science ; Volume 45, Issue 2 , 2022 ; 02504707 (ISSN) de Oliveira, S. M ; dos Santos Castro Assis, K. L ; Paiva, V. M ; Hashempour, M ; Bestetti, M ; de Araújo, J. R ; D’Elia, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2022
    Two electrochemical sensors based on modified glassy carbon electrodes with carbon nanostructures as graphene (GCE–EG) and carbon nanotubes (GCE–CNT) were evaluated for morpholine analysis. The carbon nanostructures were obtained and characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry. All spectroscopic and microscopic techniques confirmed the procurement of graphene and CNT. The electrochemical studies proved the efficient behaviour of both electrodes GCE–EG and GCE–CNT in sensing and detection of morpholine via differential pulse voltammetry.... 

    Protecting unknown qubit states from decoherence of qubit channels by weak measurement

    , Article Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical ; Volume 55, Issue 23 , 2022 ; 17518113 (ISSN) Heibati, O ; Mani, A ; Faizi, E ; Karimipour, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics  2022
    The problem of combating de-coherence by weak measurements has already been studied for the amplitude damping channel and for specific input states. We generalize this to a large four-parameter family of qubit channels and for the average fidelity over all pure states. As a by-product we classify all the qubit channels which have one invariant pure state and show that the parameter manifold of these channels is isomorphic to S 2 × S 1 × S 1 and contains many interesting sub-classes of channels. By tuning the parameter of the weak measurement, we show that it is possible to increase the average input-output fidelity without blocking too many particles to pass through the channel. Quantitative...