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Investigation into the effects of weld zone and geometric discontinuity on the formability reduction of tailor welded blanks
, Article Computational Materials Science ; Volume 59 , 2012 , Pages 158-164 ; 09270256 (ISSN) ; Ketabchi, M ; Ramazani, A ; Abbasi, M ; Prahl, U ; Sharif University of Technology
Numerous advantages of application of tailor welded blanks (TWBs) in automobile industry, namely reduction of weight, fuel consumption and air pollution, have made the manufacturers eager to investigate in this field. On the other hand, while experiments generally provide valuable information in regard with mechanical behaviors, but utilization of simulation methods has extended vastly due to time and cost saving issues. One challenging issue in numerically analyzing the forming behavior of transversely welded TWBs, welded by laser welding methods, has been the presence of weld zone. While some researchers believe that during simulation, the weld zone can be neglected due to its minority and...
Application of the GTN model to predict the forming limit diagram of IF-Steel
, Article Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology ; Volume 26, Issue 2 , February , 2012 , Pages 345-352 ; 1738494X (ISSN) ; Shafaat, M. A ; Ketabchi, M ; Haghshenas, D. F ; Abbasi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are extensively used in industries, particularly the auto industry. The establishment of these diagrams using a predictive approach can lead to reduction in both cost and time. In the present work, Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN), a porosity-based model, was used to predict the FLD of an interstitial-free steel via finite element simulation. Optimum values of the GTN model were obtained by applying a response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design. Results show that RSM is a good method for an appropriate determination of the GTN model parameters, such as initial void volume fraction, effective void volume fraction, critical void volume...
Production planning and performance optimization of reconfigurable manufacturing systems using genetic algorithm
, Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Volume 54, Issue 1-4 , 2011 , Pages 373-392 ; 02683768 (ISSN) ; Houshmand, M ; Sharif University of Technology
To stay competitive in the new dynamic market having large fluctuations in product demand, manufacturing companies must use systems that not only produce their goods with high productivity but also allow for rapid response to market changes. Reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) is a new paradigm that enables manufacturing systems to respond quickly and cost effectively to market demand. In other words, RMS is a system designed from the outset, for rapid changes in both hardware and software components, in order to quickly adjust its production capacity to fluctuations in market demand and adapt its functionality to new products. The effectiveness of an RMS depends on implementing its...
Production planning of reconfigurable manufacturing systems with stochastic demands using Tabu search
, Article International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management ; Volume 17, Issue 1-2 , 2009 , Pages 125-148 ; 13682148 (ISSN) ; Houshmand, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In the new competitive dynamic market, manufacturing success and survival are becoming more and more difficult to ensure. In other words, getting the right product with low cost and high quality is not the only key to success. New requirements such as production responsiveness and flexibility should be considered. Reconfigurable Manufacturing System. (RMS) is a new paradigm that enables manufacturing systems to achieve rapid response to market demand. The effectiveness of an RMS depends on implementing key characteristics and capabilities of RMS in system design stage and benefiting from them in utilisation stage. In this paper, we introduced a methodology to adjust rapidly and productively...
Integration of simulation and fuzzy multi-attribute decision making for modelling and assessment of fuzzy parameters
, Article International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering ; Volume 6, Issue 4 , 2010 , Pages 483-502 ; 17485037 (ISSN) ; Seifoory, M ; Abbasi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
This article introduces a methodology to integrate fuzzy multiattribute decision making (FMADM) and fuzzy simulation. According to this method, a fuzzy simulation method is applied to study the effect of different alternative on system's performance and decision criteria taking into account fuzzy inputs. Using a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) and the results of fuzzy simulation, a FMADM is conducted to select the best alternative. This article introduces how to incorporate fuzzy set theory with discrete-event simulation in order to model uncertain activity duration in simulating a realworld system, especially when insufficient or no sample data are available. A case study is...
Integration of simulation and fuzzy multi attribute decision making for modeling and assessment of fuzzy parameters
, Article Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007, SCSC 2007, Part of the 2007 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim 2007, San Diego, CA, 15 July 2007 through 18 July 2007 ; Volume 1 , 2007 , Pages 400-407 ; 9781622763580 (ISBN) ; Seifoory, M ; Abbasi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper introduces how to incorporate fuzzy set theory with discrete-event simulation in order to model uncertain activity duration in simulating a real-world system, especially when insufficient or no sample data are available. A case study is developed to apply this method to select a scenario to implement the maintenance program in a constant work in process (CONWIP) system. The maintenance activities directly or indirectly affect on production system performance such as response time production costs and etc. so we used the fuzzy simulation to determine the maintenance affects on the system performance. Finally we used the fuzzy simulation result to develop a fuzzy multi attribute...
Tracer transport in naturally fractured reservoirs: Analytical solutions for a system of parallel fractures
, Article International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; Volume 103 , 2016 , Pages 627-634 ; 00179310 (ISSN) ; Hossieni, M ; Izadmehr, M ; Sharifi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
In naturally fractured reservoirs, modeling of mass transfer between matrix blocks and fractures is an important subject during gas injection or contaminant transport. This study focuses on developing an exact analytical solution to transient tracer transport problem along a discrete fracture in a porous rock matrix. Using Gauss-Legendre quadrature, an expression was obtained in the form of a double integral which is considered as the general transient solution. This solution has the ability to account the following phenomena: advective transport in fractures and molecular diffusion from the fracture to the matrix block. Certain assumptions are made which allow the problem to be formulated...
Retraction notice to “tracer transport in naturally fractured reservoirs: analytical solutions for a system of parallel fractures” [Int. J. heat mass transfer 103C (2016) 627–634](S0017931016311334)(10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.07.078)
, Article International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; Volume 113 , 2017 , Pages 1342- ; 00179310 (ISSN) ; Hossieni, M ; Izadmehr, M ; Sharifi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (https://www.elsevier.com/about/our-business/policies/article-withdrawal). This article has been retracted at the request of the Editors. Some parts of this paper are similar to the following previously-published paper, but do not include appropriate citation: Amin Sharifi Haddad, Hassan Hassanzadeh, Jalal Abedi; Advective-diffuse mass tranfer in fractured porous media with variable rock matrix block size; Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Volume 133, 15 May 2012, Pages 94–107. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.02.008. The Authors apologise unreservedly for this violation of publishing policies, and for any...
A novel hybrid systemic modeling into sustainable dynamic urban water metabolism management: Case study
, Article Sustainable Cities and Society ; Volume 85 , 2022 ; 22106707 (ISSN) ; Zarghami, M ; Tizghadam, M ; Abbasi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Over the past few years, due to increasing population, limited water resources, and other pressures on the urban water systems (UWS), urban water management has become a major concern for urban policymakers to develop efficient management solutions. In this study, a new hybrid model called sustainable dynamic urban water metabolism management (SDUWMM) is presented, based on urban water metabolism and system dynamics. Isfahan's UWS has been modeled by SDUWMM and its conditions have been simulated until 2041. SDUWMM considers effective internal relationships of the UWS components such as population, climate change, water supply and demand, infrastructures condition, water price, costs and...
Full diversity space time block codes with improved power distribution characteristics
, Article Physical Communication ; Volume 39 , 2020 ; Shayesteh, M. G ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
In this paper, we introduce a technique for improving power distribution characteristics of space time block codes (STBCs) which include peak to average power ratio (PAPR), average to minimum power ratio (Ave/min), and probability of transmitting “zero” by antenna. We consider STBCs in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and multiple input single output (MISO) systems that achieve full diversity for linear or maximum likelihood (ML) receivers. It is proved that by multiplying a specific non-singular square matrix by the code matrix, a new code is obtained that achieves full diversity and the power distribution characteristics are improved. The proposed technique is general can be applied...
A method for improving power distribution characteristics of space time block codes
, Article China Communications ; Volume 17, Issue 6 , 2020 , Pages 223-234 ; Shayesteh, M. G ; Sharif University of Technology
Editorial Department of China Communications
Improving power distribution characteristics of space time block codes (STBCs), namely peak to average power ratio (PAPR), average to minimum power ratio (Ave/min), and probability of transmitting 'zero' by antenna, makes easier their practical implementation. To this end, this study proposes to multiply full diversity STBC with a non-singular matrix in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) or multiple input single output (MISO) systems with linear or maximum likelihood (ML) receivers. It is proved that the obtained code achieves full diversity and the order of detection complexity does not change. The proposed method is applied to different types of STBCs. The bit error rate (BER) and power...
Optimization of a combined heat and power PEFC by exergy analysis
, Article Journal of Power Sources ; Volume 143, Issue 1-2 , 2005 , Pages 179-184 ; 03787753 (ISSN) ; Ehyaei, M. A ; Abbasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, design and exergy method optimization of a 5 kW power output polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) fuel cell with cogeneration application has been investigated. It is assumed that cooling water is passed through the fuel cell cooling channel, warmed up and supplied for space heating applications. The performance of the proposed system has been optimized by the second law based on exergy analysis. Results show that for maximum system efficiency and minimum entropy generation, fuel cell temperature and voltage should be as high as possible in the range of application. Also, the fuel cell pressure and stoichiometric air:fuel ratio should be as low as possible in the range of...
Adaptive neural fuzzy inference (ANFI) modeling technique for production of marine biosurfactant
, Article Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference ; Volume 2, Issue PARTS A AND B , 2012 , Pages 47-52 ; 9780791845011 (ISBN) ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study; a Sugeno type ANFI model which describes the relationship between the bio surfactant concentration as a model output and the critical medium components as its inputs has been constructed. The critical medium components are glucose, urea,SrCl2 and MgSo4 .The experimental data for training and testing capability of the model obtained by a statistical experimental design which have been captured from literatures. Six generalized bell shaped membership function have been selected for each of input variables and based on the training data ANFI model has been trained using the hybrid learning algorithm. The yielded biosurfactant concentration values from the model prediction shows...
Utilization of least square support vector machine (LSSVM) for electrical resistivity prediction of the zn-mn-s nanocrystalline semiconductor films
, Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) ; Volume 3, Issue PARTS A, B, AND C , 2012 , Pages 1099-1104 ; 9780791845196 (ISBN) ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
In this investigation, application of the least square support vector machine (LSSVM) for modeling of the electrical resistivity of the magnetic Zn-Mn-S nanocrystalline semiconductor films has been described. The model has been trained based on the experimental data obtained from a published work by Sreekantha Reddy et al. The model inputs are temperature and variations in the concentrations of Zn, Mn. The results indicate that LSSVM is able to be used for accurate prediction of the electrical resistivity of the Zn-Mn-S nanocrystalline semiconductor films
Deformation characterization of mouse oocyte cell using inverse finite element and LevenbergâMarquardt optimization algorithm in needle injection experiment
, Article Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 12 August 2012 through 12 August 2012 ; Volume 2, Issue PARTS A AND B , August , 2012 , Pages 847-852 ; 9780791845011 (ISBN) ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
In order to better understand the mechanical properties of biological cells, characterization and investigation of their material behavior is necessary. In this paper hyperelastic Neo-Hookean material is used to characterize the mechanicalproperties of mouse oocyte cell. It has been assumed that the cell behavior is continues, isotropic, nonlinear and homogenous material. Then, by matching the experimental data with finite element (FE) simulation result and using the LevenbergâMarquardt optimization algorithm, the nonlinear hyperelastic model parameters have been extracted. Experimental data of mouse oocyte captured from literatures. Advantage of the developed model is that it can be used to...
Whole cell mechanical property characterization based on mechanical properties of its cytoplasm and bio membrane
, Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 9 November 2012 through 15 November 2012 ; Volume 2 , November , 2012 , Pages 545-551 ; 9780791845189 (ISBN) ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Analysis and investigation of the relation between different parts of biological cells such as biomembrane, cytoplasm and nucleus can help to better understand their behaviors and material properties. In this paper, first, the whole elastic properties of mouse oocyte and embryo cells have been computed by inverse finite element and Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm and second, using the derived mechanical properties and the mechanical properties of its bio membrane from the literature, the mechanical properties of its cytoplasm has been characterized. It has been assumed that the cell behavior is as continues, isotropic, nonlinear and homogenous material for modeling. Matching the...
Force controlled manipulation of biological cells using a monolithic MEMS based nano-micro gripper
, Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) ; Volume 2 , 2012 , Pages 193-201 ; 9780791845189 (ISBN) ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Nano-micro grippers are able to pick-transport-place the micro or nanometer -sized materials, such as manipulation of biological cells or DNA molecules in a liquid medium. This paper proposes a novel monolithic nano-micro gripper structure with two axis piezoresistive force sensor which its resolution is under nanoNewton. The results of the study have been obtained by the simulation of the proposed gripper structure in Matlab software. Motion of the gripper arm is produced by a voice coil actuator. The behavior of the cell has been derived using the assumptions in the literatures. Moreover, two simple PID controllers, one for control of the gripper motion and another for control of the force...
Prediction of reaction force on external indenter in cell injection experiment using support vector machine technique
, Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) ; Volume 2 , 2012 , Pages 537-543 ; 9780791845189 (ISBN) ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Evaluation of the reaction force on a tool which is used for exertion of force on biomaterials such as biological cells or soft tissues has applications in virtual reality based medical simulators or haptic tools. In this study, two least square based support vector machine (SVM) models have been constructed to predict the indentation or reaction force on mouse oocyte and embryo cells in cell injection experiment. Inputs of these two models are geometrical parameters of indented cell, namely dimple radius (a), dimple depth (w) and radius of the semicircular curve (R). Experimental data for calibration and prediction of the models have been captured from literatures. The performance of the...
Improved CT image reconstruction through partial Fourier sampling
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 23, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 2908-2916 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Kavehvash, Z ; Shabany, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
A novel CT imaging structure based on Compressive Sensing (CS) is proposed. The main goal is to mitigate the CT imaging time and, thus, X-ray radiation dosage without compromising the image quality. The utilized compressive sensing approach is based on radial Fourier sampling. Thanks to the intrinsic relation between captured radon samples in a CT imaging process and the radial Fourier samples, partial Fourier sampling could be implemented systematically. This systematic compressive sampling helps in better control of required conditions such as incoherence and sparsity to guarantee adequate image quality in comparison to previous CS-based CT imaging structures. Simulation results prove the...
A decision-making framework for subcontractor selection in construction projects
, Article EMJ - Engineering Management Journal ; Volume 30, Issue 2 , 2018 , Pages 141-152 ; 10429247 (ISSN) ; Sepehri, M ; Abbasi, O ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
Subcontractor (SC) selection is a critical part of SC management, and a major challenge is the existence of multiple criteria that the project management team needs to evaluate in the selection process. To overcome this challenge, the Kano model is applied to classify the selection criteria into five categories including must-be, reverse, one-dimensional, attractive, and indifferent. Data were obtained via a questionnaire based on Kano model concepts to categorize the identified selection criteria. The obtained results show that the selection criteria can be categorized into three categories; must-be, one-dimensional, and attractive. According to this categorization, the weight of criteria...