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    A Comparison between Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)and P2MP IP-only LAN Service (IPLS)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yousefi, Dariush (Author) ; Ajorloo, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Today Ethernet is the predominant technology for implementing Local Area Networks. Its privileges encourage service providers to extend Ethernet from Local Area Networks to Metropolitan Area Networks or even Wide Area Networks. Ethernet benefits such as low operational costs, well interoperability, plug-n-paly characteristic and rapid provisioning on demand make Ethernet ideal for Metropolitan Area Networks.But Ethernet by itself has some weakness like flat structure that makes it unfit for use in Metropolitan Area Networks. A suitable solution for taking advantages of Ethernet benefits in service provider network is using Ethernet in access network and applying multi-point to multi-point... 

    HBIR: Hypercube-based image retrieval

    , Article Journal of Computer Science and Technology ; Volume 27, Issue 1 , January , 2012 , Pages 147-162 ; 10009000 (ISSN) Ajorloo, H ; Lakdashti, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we propose a mapping from low level feature space to the semantic space drawn by the users through relevance feedback to enhance the performance of current content based image retrieval (CBIR) systems. The proposed approach makes a rule base for its inference and configures it using the feedbacks gathered from users during the life cycle of the system. Each rule makes a hypercube (HC) in the feature space corresponding to a semantic concept in the semantic space. Both short and long term strategies are taken to improve the accuracy of the system in response to each feedback of the user and gradually bridge the semantic gap. A scoring paradigm is designed to determine the... 

    A feature relevance estimation method for content-based image retrieval

    , Article International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making ; Volume 10, Issue 5 , 2011 , Pages 933-961 ; 02196220 (ISSN) Ajorloo, H ; Lakdashti, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Feature relevance estimation is one of the most successful techniques used for improving the retrieval results of a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system based on users' feedbacks. In this class of approaches, the weights of the feature elements (FEs) are adjusted based on the relevance feedbacks (RFs) given by the users to reduce the so-called semantic gap in the underlying CBIR system. An analytical approach is proposed in this paper to convert the users' feedbacks to the appropriate FE weights by solving a constrained optimization problem. Experiments on a set of 11,000 images from the Corel database show that the proposed approach outperforms other existing short-term RF approaches... 

    Irfum: Image retrieval via fuzzy modeling

    , Article Computing and Informatics ; Volume 30, Issue 5 , 2011 , Pages 913-941 ; 13359150 (ISSN) Ajorloo, H ; Lakdashti, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    To reduce the semantic gap in the content based image retrieval (CBIR) systems we propose a fuzzy rule base approach. By submitting a query to the proposed system, it first extracts its low-level features and then checks its rule base for determining the proper weight vector for its distance measure. It then uses this weight vector to determine what images are more similar to the query image. For the training purpose, an algorithm is provided by which the system adjusts its fuzzy rules' parameters by gathering the trainers' opinions on which and how much the image pairs are relevant. For further improving the performance of the system, a feature space dimensionality reduction method is also... 

    Statistical Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Target Range Profiles for Radar Target Recognition

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ajorloo, Abdollah (Author) ; Bastani, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor)
    Range Profile (RP) is known as one of the most important tools for radar target recognition. The main problem with range profile for radar target recognition is its sensitivity to aspect angle. To overcome this problem, range profiles are assumed to have the same statistical characteristics in small frames of aspect angles or context dependent models such as HMM may be used. All methods presented, seems to have some shortcomings to offer a model based on physical circumstances of target maneuver. For example in such models, consecutive samples of RPs in an aspect frame are assumed to be statistically independent with the same distribution (IID). Here we propose dynamic system (DS) for... 

    Modeling beacon period length of the UWB and 60-GHz mmWave WPANs based on ECMA-368 and ECMA-387 standards

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing ; Volume 12, Issue 6 , 2013 , Pages 1201-1213 ; 15361233 (ISSN) Ajorloo, H ; Manzuri Shalmani, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    To evaluate the performance of the distributed medium access control layer of the emerging ultrawideband and 60-GHz millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless personal area networks based on ECMA-368 and ECMA-387 standards, the first step is to determine the beacon period length (BPL) of the superframe in a given network. In this paper, we provide an analytical model for the probability mass function (PMF) of the BPL as a function of the network dimensions, number of beaconing devices, antenna beamwidth, and the transmission range of the devices. To enable devices with steerable directional antennas in the ECMA-387 standard to have simultaneous communications with neighbors in their different antenna... 

    Modeling the beaconing mechanism in short range wireless networks based on the DRP protocol in outdoor environments

    , Article Wireless Personal Communications ; Volume 70, Issue 2 , 2013 , Pages 831-846 ; 09296212 (ISSN) Ajorloo, H ; Manzuri Shalmani, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    A probabilistic method is developed here to model the beacon period length (BPL) defined in the ECMA-368 and ECMA-387 standards for the distributed reservation protocol. The model computes the probability mass function (PMF) of the BPL in a superframe which will be used in modeling of throughput, delay, fairness, power and other major distributed medium access control layer parameters of the emerging ultra wideband and 60- GHz millimeter wave wireless personal area networks. The model relates the PMF of the BPL to the network density, antenna beamwidth, and the transmission range of the devices assuming that the devices are distributed in an outdoor environment based on Two-dimensional... 

    Throughput modeling of distributed reservation protocol

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing ; Volume 15, Issue 2 , 2016 , Pages 503-515 ; 15361233 (ISSN) Ajorloo, H ; Manzuri Shalmani, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2016
    To evaluate the performance of distributed mediumaccess control (MAC) layer of emerging ultra wideband (UWB) and 60-GHz millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless personal area networks (WPANs) based on distributed reservation protocol (DRP) of ECMA-368 and ECMA-387 standards, we provide an analytical model for the probability distribution of steady state throughput as a function of the network dimensions size, number of devices, antenna beamwidth, transmission range, bit error rate (BER), antenna disturbance rate (ADR), aggregation length, payload size, and incoming frame rate. Using this model, the optimal payload size is computed as an example of optimization problem.We also propose a formula for... 

    2D-Bert: Two dimensional burst error recovery technique

    , Article 2007 15th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2007, Split - Dubrovnik, 27 September 2007 through 29 September 2007 ; 2007 , Pages 411-415 ; 9789536114931 (ISBN) Ajorloo, H ; Kialashaki, H ; Lakdashti, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Compressed images such as JPEG when transmitted over communication channels are susceptible to channel noise and/or erasure, which causes losses of blocks of pixels or macroblocks. Recovery of a large block in an image is a difficult task. In this paper we propose a novel method that addresses this problem and can exactly recover a lost block. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is fast enough to be implemented in real time. Simulation results show that our method is faster than previous methods proposed in the literature with less distortion  

    LPRE: Lost speech packet recovery withenhancement

    , Article 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC'07, Glasgow, Scotland, 24 June 2007 through 28 June 2007 ; August , 2007 , Pages 1778-1783 ; 05361486 (ISSN); 1424403537 (ISBN); 9781424403530 (ISBN) Ajorloo, H ; Manzuri Shalmani, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    In the internet telephony, loss of IP packets causes instantaneous discontinuities in the received speech. In this paper, we have focused on finding an error resilient method for this problem. Our proposed method creates artificial correlation between speech samples that pre-distorts the speech signal. The receiver uses this correlation to reconstruct the lost speech packets. An appropriate speech enhancement technique is designed for the reduction of the processing error in the recovered speech caused by the speech codecs. The SegSNR results show the superiority of our proposed speech enhancement method over a recently proposed one. © 2007 IEEE  

    A joint scheme of antenna placement and power allocation in a compressive-sensing-based colocated MIMO radar

    , Article IEEE Sensors Letters ; Volume 6, Issue 10 , 2022 ; 24751472 (ISSN) Ajorloo, A ; Amini, A ; Amiri, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2022
    The spatial sparsity of targets in the radar scene is widely used in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar signal processing, either to improve the detection/estimation performance of the radar or to reduce the cost of the conventional MIMO radars (e.g., by reducing the number of antennas). While sparse target estimation is the main challenge in such an approach, here, we address the design of a compressive-sensing-based MIMO radar, which facilitates such estimations. In particular, we propose an efficient solution for the problem of joint power allocation and antenna placement based on minimizing the number of transmit antennas while constraining the coherence of the sensing matrix.... 

    Entanglement, Quantum Phase Transition and Topological Order

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kargarian, Mehdi (Author) ; Langari, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    We are interested in the relation between entanglement and quantum phase transitions. We have presented a formulation on how the entanglement of a very large the system is related to the entanglement of a small part of system. The renormalization of entanglement is an indicator of the critical behavior of the models. The framework of our approach is introduced about the Ising model. In particular, we show that derivative of entanglement developes a minimum close to the critical point. We further clarify that this minimum point approaches to the exact critical point of the system as the system becomes thermodynamic. This phenomenon is governed by an exponent that is closely related to the... 

    An Investigation on Pitting Corrosion of 304, 316 and 316L Stainless Steels in 3.5%NaCl Solution and Effect of polyethyleneimine on Pitting Corrosion of These Steels

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazazi, Mahdi (Author) ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    In this study, pitting corrosion of 304, 316 and 316L stainless steels in 3.5% NaCl solution at different temperatures (25, 40, and 70°C), were studied by electrochemical methods such as Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Immersion tests. Also, the effects of different concentrations of polyethyleneimine with two molecular weights (2000 and 60000 g/mol) on pitting corrosion of these steels were investigated. Finally, the adsorption behavior of inhibitors on surface of alloys was investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier transform spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). It was found that both inhibitors prevent... 

    The Role of Anisotropies in the Quantum Critical and Thermal Properties of Spin Models: a Green's Function Approach to the Bose Condensation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezania, Hamed (Author) ; Langari, Abdollah (Supervisor)

    Factorized Ground State and Magnetic Properties of Ferrimagnets

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezai, Mohammad (Author) ; Langari, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    The anisotropic Heisenberg ferrimagnet which is composed of two different kind of spins is studied. We have found the exact (factorized) ground state of a general class of ferrimagnets in the presence of a magnetic field which includes the frustrated, anisotropic and long range interactions for arbitrary dimensional space. The factorized ground state is a product of single particle kets on a bipartite lattice composed of two different spins (σ, ρ) which is characterized by two angles, a bi-angle state. The spin waves analysis around the exact ground state show two branch of excitations which is the origin of two dynamics of the model. The signature of these dynamics is addressed as a peak... 

    Entanglement Spectrum of One Dimensional Ising Model in Transverse Field

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Safaei, Alireza (Author) ; Langari, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    Entanglement spectrum is the set of eigenvalues of reduced density matrix for a definite state. It contains more information than the entanglement entropy. This spectrum can show entanglement measure, quantum phase transition and topological order in a system. In recent years, the entanglement spectrum for several models has been studied. The entanglement spectrum shows a correspondence to the energy spectrum within some specific regions, which are related to the edge state of the system; It has been verified for the Heisenberg ladder [1] and fractional quantum Hall effect [3]. Moreover, the topological order can be seen in the entanglement spectrum. There exists an acceptable adaption... 

    Quantum Phase Transition in Kondo-Necklace Model: Concurrence Measure Within Perturbative Continuous Unitary Transformation Formalism

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hemmatiyan, Shayan (Author) ; Langari, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we consider the Kondo-necklace model to investigate the quantum phase transition between the Kondo-singlet and antiferromagnetic phases. There is no exact solution for this model. We would like to study the quantum critical behaviour of this model on one, two and three dimensional spaces in addition to ladder geometry. In this respect, we looked for a proper method which can give us some information for our model on any spaces mentioned above. Therefore, we implemented the perturbation continuous unitary transformation (PCUT) for the Kondo-necklace model. By using this method, we can not only calculate the ground state energy for 1, 2, 3 dimension and n-leg ladder... 

    Bioglass Coating on 316L Stainless Steel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pourhashem, Sepideh (Author) ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    Bioactive glasses are able to bond to soft and hard tissues in living body and their application as coating on metallic implants like 316L stainless steel has two important effects: (1) intimate link between bone and materials and (2) corrosion protection of metallic implant in body fluid and protection from tissues in front of corrosion products. Therefore, in this research, 45S5 bioactive glass prepared via sol- gel method was dip coated on 316L stainless steel substrates and its characteristics was investigated.Results of phase analysis showed that by sintering 45S5 bioglass at 600 ˚C for 5 h, an amorph sample with small amount of Na2Ca2Si3O9 was obtained. So, the bioglass coated samples... 

    Fermionic Approach To The One Dimensional Kondo Necklace Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Arab, Arian (Author) ; Langari, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    Strongly correlated materials are kind of materials in which novel electric and magnetic properties will appear as a result of strong correlations among their electrons like “heavy fermion materials”. Kondo lattice model is a model to describe heavy fermion materials. If we are merely interested in the magnetic properties of heavy fermions we can replace the Kondo lattice Model with the simpler model called the Kondo-necklace model which consists of the interactions only among the spins of the itinerant (conduction) and localized electrons (magnetic impurities) and also the interactions between the spins of the itinerant electrons. In this thesis we investigate the properties of the one... 

    Simulatin of Reinforcement Corrosion in Pozzolanic Concrete by Neural Network

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Noori, Hassan (Author) ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
    One of the most important factors of reducing durability of concrete structures is corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete. In this paper, corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in concrete is investigated in two different methods of protection based on neural network. As regard the first method, pozzolanic additives with optimized percentage were added to Concrete mix design (the percentage of these additives are 25% Weight of cement of fly ash, Micro silica with 10 percent of weight of cement and 25% of Blast Furnace slag weight of cement). In the second approach of protection, 0/5 percent weight of cement of ferrogard 901 inhibitor is added to basic mix concrete design and the...