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    Correlation of shear wave velocity with liquefaction resistance for silty sand based on laboratory study

    , Article 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2015: New Innovations and Sustainability, 9 November 2015 through 13 November 2015 ; 2015 , Pages 794-799 Akbari-Paydar, N ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering  2015
    Several methods have been used for the evaluation of liquefaction potential, among which the simplified method is mostly used. In this method, which is mainly based on standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT) and shear wave velocity (Vs) measurement, a boundary curve is provided to separate the liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil zones. Vs measurement is a good alternative method of penetration-based methods (SPT and CPT). This is especially true in micro-zonation of liquefaction potential. Although relatively large studies have been carried out to establish the correlation between Vs and liquefaction resistance for sands; there are uncertainties about the effects of... 

    Effect of fines type and content of sand on correlation between shear wave velocity and liquefaction resistance

    , Article Geotechnical and Geological Engineering ; 2016 , Pages 1-20 ; 09603182 (ISSN) Akbari Paydar, N ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer International Publishing  2016
    The use of shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements as an in situ test for evaluation of liquefaction potential has increased substantially due to its advantages. Relatively large numbers of studies have been performed to establish the correlation between Vs and liquefaction resistance (CRR) of clean sands. Usually, natural sands contain silt and/or clay, and previous studies have shown that both the amount of fines and their nature influence the values of CRR as well as Vs. Therefore, the CRR–Vs correlations may also be affected by fines content and type of sandy soils. However, effect of fines content and especially fines type of sandy soils on the correlation between Vs and CRR is... 

    The Effect of Fines Content and its Type on Shear Wave Velocity and Liquefaction Resistance of Sandy Soils

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Akbari Paydar, Nima (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Liquefaction is one of the most destructive geotechnical phenomena, and so the determination of soil liquefaction is very important. Shear wave velocity measurement is one of the methods of the soil liquefaction potential evaluation. The use of this method has increased substantially in recent years, due to its advantages compared to other methods, especially for microzonation of liquefaction potential. However, proposed curves for liquefaction evaluation which are based on the shear wave velocity measurement are more conservative than curves based on SPT and CPT, especially for sands containing fines. Local information from sites that have been liquefied previously and the shear wave... 

    Influence of fines content and type on the small-strain shear modulus of sand

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Vol. 21, issue. 4 , 2014 , p. 1281-1296 Paydar, N. A ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The small-strain shear modulus, Go, is an important fundamental soil property. Although many studies have been conducted on this property for clean sands and pure clays, small-strain behavior for mixtures of sand and fines has been less addressed. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive laboratory study on G0 value of sand containing various amounts of different fines. To this aim, bender elements were integrated into a conventional triaxial apparatus, and shear wave velocity was measured on samples of sand with different amounts of highly-plastic, medium-plastic, low-plastic, or non-plastic fines at different void ratios. Measuring the shear wave velocity and thus... 

    Requirements for soil-specific correlation between shear wave velocity and liquefaction resistance of sands

    , Article Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ; Vol. 57, issue , 2014 , pp. 152-163 ; ISSN: 02677261 Ahmadi, M. M ; Akbari Paydar, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    The application of the simplified method for evaluating the liquefaction potential based on shear wave velocity measurements has increased substantially due to its advantages, especially for microzonation of liquefaction potential. In the simplified method, a curve is proposed to correlate the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) with overburden stress-corrected shear wave velocity (Vs1). However, the uniqueness of this curve for all types of soils is questionable. The objective of this research is to study whether the correlation between CRR and Vs1 is unique or not. Besides, the necessity of developing the soil-specific correlations is also investigated. Based on laboratory test data, a new... 

    Designing a dynamic buyer-supplier coordination model in electronic markets using stochastic petri nets

    , Article International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management ; Volume 1, Issue 3 , 2008 , Pages 1-20 ; 19355726 (ISSN) Mahdavi, I ; Mohebbi, S ; Cho, N ; Paydar, M. M ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Functional relationship between supplier and buyer in an open market place leads to investigate the role of both quantifiable and non-quantifiable parameters in coordination mechanism with the aim of achieving higher performance in supply chain activities. Here, we develop a supply chain model and a new agent to analyze and simulate the players' behavior in the network. A cooperative game theory framework is utilized between buyer and supplier in order to increase the supply chain performance. The study is supported by presenting SC Net Optimizer as a tool for implementing the proposed coordination mechanism and evaluates the performance of the chain by simulation using stochastic Petri nets... 

    Optimizing decentralized production–distribution planning problem in a multi-period supply chain network under uncertainty

    , Article Journal of Industrial Engineering International ; Volume 14, Issue 2 , 2018 , Pages 367-382 ; 17355702 (ISSN) Nourifar, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Paydar, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    SpringerOpen  2018
    Decentralized supply chain management is found to be significantly relevant in today’s competitive markets. Production and distribution planning is posed as an important optimization problem in supply chain networks. Here, we propose a multi-period decentralized supply chain network model with uncertainty. The imprecision related to uncertain parameters like demand and price of the final product is appropriated with stochastic and fuzzy numbers. We provide mathematical formulation of the problem as a bi-level mixed integer linear programming model. Due to problem’s convolution, a structure to solve is developed that incorporates a novel heuristic algorithm based on Kth-best algorithm, fuzzy... 

    Optimizing decentralized production–distribution planning problem in a multi-period supply chain network under uncertainty

    , Article Journal of Industrial Engineering International ; 2017 , Pages 1-16 ; 17355702 (ISSN) Nourifar, R ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Paydar, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Decentralized supply chain management is found to be significantly relevant in today’s competitive markets. Production and distribution planning is posed as an important optimization problem in supply chain networks. Here, we propose a multi-period decentralized supply chain network model with uncertainty. The imprecision related to uncertain parameters like demand and price of the final product is appropriated with stochastic and fuzzy numbers. We provide mathematical formulation of the problem as a bi-level mixed integer linear programming model. Due to problem’s convolution, a structure to solve is developed that incorporates a novel heuristic algorithm based on Kth-best algorithm, fuzzy... 

    A multi-objective optimization model for dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing systems

    , Article International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research ; Volume 33, Issue 2 , 2022 ; 20084889 (ISSN) Razmjoei, V ; Mahdavi, I ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Paydar, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Iran University of Science and Technology  2022
    Companies and firms, nowadays, due to mounting competition and product diversity, seek to apply virtual cellular manufacturing systems to reduce production costs and improve quality of the products. In addition, as a result of rapid advancement of technology and the reduction of product life cycle, production systems have turned towards dynamic production environments. Dynamic cellular manufacturing environments examine multi-period planning horizon, with changing demands for the periods. A dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing system is a new production approach to help manufacturers for decision making. Here, due to variability of demand rates in different periods, which turns to flow... 

    An Efficient Decision Making Model for Reducing the Rate of Crashes in Accidents in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Paydar Zarnaghi, Mahnaz (Author) ; Kourosh, Eshghi (Supervisor)
    Today the losses due to road accidents in Iran are very high. For this reason, it is essential to investigate the effective factors on the road accidents. Therefore, at first, there is a need to identify the solutions of reducing the accidents, their priories and finally their efficiency improvement. In this research, using Hierarchical Analysis Method, the solutions to reduce the accidents are prioritized and then In order to conduct the AHP analysis, Expert Choice software was chosen. According to research findings, the factors that lead to accidents are categorized as: Human factors, road environmental factors, vehicle, natural factors and managerial factors. The findings show that in... 

    Measuring the bullwhip effect in order-up-to policies with continuous and periodic review: A system dynamics simulation approach

    , Article International Conference on Risk Management and Engineering Management, Toronto, ON, 18 April 2008 through 18 April 2008 ; 2008 , Pages 24-29 ; 9780978348458 (ISBN) Kianfar, S ; Saeidi, A ; Esfahani, N. N ; Akbari, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    The inventory replenishment policy exploited by a supply chain has a principle role in amplification of order variability compared to fluctuations in customers' demands. This phenomenon is known as the bullwhip effect. In this paper, a four echelon supply chain is simulated and the impacts of continuous and periodic review order-up-to policies on the bullwhip effect are examined. Experiments have been conducted to analyze the influence of the lead time in deterministic conditions, and also the variance of demand and lead time in stochastic circumstances on the bullwhip effect and the corresponding cost. It was observed that in low demand and lead time variances, it is more efficient to... 

    r-Strong edge colorings of graphs

    , Article Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 306, Issue 23 SPEC. ISS , 2006 , Pages 3005-3010 ; 0012365X (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Bidkhori, H ; Nosrati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2006
    Let G be a graph and for any natural number r, χs ′ (G, r) denotes the minimum number of colors required for a proper edge coloring of G in which no two vertices with distance at most r are incident to edges colored with the same set of colors. In [Z. Zhang, L. Liu, J. Wang, Adjacent strong edge coloring of graphs, Appl. Math. Lett. 15 (2002) 623-626] it has been proved that for any tree T with at least three vertices, χs ′ (T, 1) ≤ Δ (T) + 1. Here we generalize this result and show that χs ′ (T, 2) ≤ Δ (T) + 1. Moreover, we show that if for any two vertices u and v with maximum degree d (u, v) ≥ 3, then χs ′ (T, 2) = Δ (T). Also for any tree T with Δ (T) ≥ 3 we prove that χs ′ (T, 3) ≤ 2 Δ... 

    Anodizing behavior and electrochemical evaluation of accumulative roll bonded Al and Al-SiC composite

    , Article Surface and Coatings Technology ; Volume 408 , 2021 ; 02578972 (ISSN) Ebadi, M ; Alishavandi, M ; Paydar, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    Accumulative roll bonded (ARBed) AA1050 and Al-2 vol% SiCp (AMC) samples were anodized in an H2SO4 electrolyte to improve corrosion resistance. The SEM images revealed that the anodic oxide's morphology is significantly dependent on the microstructure of the ARBed bare samples, owing to high internal energy that accelerates Al consumption during anodizing process. Potentiodynamic polarization measurements and EIS evaluation showed that anodic oxide improves the corrosion resistance of both ARBed AA and AMC samples; however, the electrochemical behavior of the processed samples changed due to the formation of a complex oxide structure comprising of twisted pore channels and attack routes. ©... 

    On N2-vertex coloring of graphs

    , Article Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications ; 2017 ; 17938309 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Alipourfard, N ; Jandaghi, P ; Mirtaheri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let (Formula presented.) be a graph. A vertex coloring (Formula presented.) of (Formula presented.) is called (Formula presented.)-vertex coloring if (Formula presented.) for every vertex (Formula presented.) of (Formula presented.), where (Formula presented.) is the set of colors of vertices adjacent to (Formula presented.). Let (Formula presented.) be the maximum number of colors used in an (Formula presented.)-vertex coloring of (Formula presented.). We provide some lower and upper bounds for (Formula presented.) in terms of girth, diameter or size of (Formula presented.). Also, for every tree (Formula presented.), we obtain (Formula presented.). © 2018 World Scientific Publishing Company... 

    Nordhaus–Gaddum and other bounds for the chromatic edge-stability number

    , Article European Journal of Combinatorics ; Volume 84 , 2020 Akbari, S ; Klavžar, S ; Movarraei, N ; Nahvi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press  2020
    Let G be a graph. The chromatic edge-stability number esχ(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of edges of G whose removal results in a graph H with χ(H)=χ(G)−1. A Nordhaus–Gaddum type inequality for the chromatic edge-stability number is proved. Sharp upper bounds on esχ are given for general graphs in terms of size and of maximum degree, respectively. All bounds are demonstrated to be sharp. Graphs with esχ=1 are considered and in particular characterized among k-regular graphs for k≤5. Several open problems are also stated. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd  

    On N2-vertex coloring of graphs

    , Article Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 2018 ; 17938309 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Alipourfard, N ; Jandaghi, P ; Mirtaheri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd  2018
    Let G be a graph. A vertex coloring ψ of G is called N2-vertex coloring if |ψ(v)|≤ 2 for every vertex v of G, where ψ(v) is the set of colors of vertices adjacent to v. Let t2(G) be the maximum number of colors used in an N2-vertex coloring of G. We provide some lower and upper bounds for t2(G) in terms of girth, diameter or size of G. Also, for every tree T, we obtain t2(T). © 2018 World Scientific Publishing Company  

    On the chromatic vertex stability number of graphs

    , Article European Journal of Combinatorics ; Volume 102 , 2022 ; 01956698 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Beikmohammadi, A ; Klavžar, S ; Movarraei, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press  2022
    The chromatic vertex (resp. edge) stability number vsχ(G) (resp. esχ(G)) of a graph G is the minimum number of vertices (resp. edges) whose deletion results in a graph H with χ(H)=χ(G)−1. In the main result it is proved that if G is a graph with χ(G)∈{Δ(G),Δ(G)+1}, then vsχ(G)=ivsχ(G), where ivsχ(G) is the independent chromatic vertex stability number. The result need not hold for graphs G with [Formula Presented]. It is proved that if [Formula Presented], then vsχ(G)=esχ(G). A Nordhaus–Gaddum-type result on the chromatic vertex stability number is also given. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd  

    Influence of autogenous seeding on densification and microstructure in processing of γ-alumina nanopowders

    , Article Phase Transitions ; Volume 84, Issue 1 , 2011 , Pages 1-14 ; 01411594 (ISSN) Khodabakhshi, F ; Maleksaeedi, S ; Paydar, M. H ; Saadat, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    The effect of α-Al 2O 3 seeds and MgO on the densification behavior and microstructure of the nanocrystalline γ-Al 2O 3 powder was investigated. The required α-Al 2O 3 seeds were produced by 'autogenous seeding' where the seeds were obtained by calcination of the initial nanosized γ-Al 2O 3 powders above its transformation temperature and incorporated into γ-Al 2O 3 matrix. The seeds were characterized by means of laser particle size analyzer, X-ray diffraction, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface analyzer. The simultaneous influence of α-Al 2O 3 seeds and MgO on γ-Al 2O 3 behavior was evaluated by differential thermal analysis, densitometry, and electron microscopy. The results showed that... 

    Nano-TiO2: An eco-friendly and re-usable catalyst for the synthesis of 14-aryl or alkyl-14H-dibenzo[a,j]xanthenes

    , Article Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society ; Volume 8, Issue SUPPL. 1 , February , 2011 , Pages S129-S134 ; 1735207X (ISSN) Mirjalili, B. F ; Bamoniri, A ; Akbari, A ; Taghavinia, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Synthesis of 14-aryl or alkyl-14H-dibenzo[a,j]xanthenes using nano-TiO 2 as eco-friendly and efficient catalyst is reported. Short reaction times, high yields, a clean process, simple methodology, easy work-up and green conditions are advantages of this protocol  

    A note on zero-sum 5-flows in regular graphs

    , Article Electronic Journal of Combinatorics ; Volume 19, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 1-5 ; 10778926 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Ghareghani, N ; Khosrovshahi, G. B ; Zare, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let G be a graph. A zero-sum flow of G is an assignment of non-zero real numbers to the edges of G such that the sum of the values of all edges incident with each vertex is zero. Let k be a natural number. A zero-sum k-flow is a flow with values from the set {±1,...,±(k - 1)}. It has been conjectured that every r-regular graph, r ≥ 3, admits a zero-sum 5-flow. In this paper we provide an affirmative answer to this conjecture, except for r = 5