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Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MCM-41) coated PEGylated chitosan as a pH-Responsive nanocarrier for triggered release of erythromycin [electronic resource]
, Article International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials ; 2014, Volume 63, Issue 13, Pages 692-697 ; Mazaheri Tehrani, Zahra ; Sharif University of Technology
A pH-responsive drug delivery system based on core shell structure of mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN) and chitosan-PEG copolymer was prepared and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and high-resolution transmission microscope (HR-TEM) techniques. In order to improve compatibility MSN and drug, mesoporous nanosilica was modified by 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane. The release of erythromycin (a macrolide antibiotic) as a model drug was investigated in two pHs, 7.4 and 5.5
Theoretical Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding Effects on Interaction of Metal Nanoclusters with Biomolecules & Acidity Enhancement of Alcohols
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Mahmoodi Hashemi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Jamshidi, Zahra (Co-Advisor)
This thesis is divided into three parts: In part I, conformational properties of neutral, anionic, cationic and zwitterionic forms of glutathione tripeptide were investigated by means of DFT-B3LYP method with 6-31+G (d,p) basis set. Results show that glutathione is a very flexible molecule and its conformational energy landscape is strongly influenced by forming intramolecular hydrogen bond and its charge. Conformation of each amino acid in glutathione tripeptide depends on its orientation within the peptide sequence in addition to the conformation of other amino acids within the chain. Investigation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds in these conformers by means of AIM analysis demonstrates...
FEM Analysis of the Effects of Geometric Parameters on the Superplastic Forming of Metal Matrix Composit
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abedian, Ali (Supervisor)
In aerospace applications, the weight of structures is considered as a major performance parameter. One of the most effective ways for weight reduction is then attributed to the structurally continuous manufacturing of mechanical components. In this way, not only the weight, but also the stress concentration, the cost, joints and fasteners applications, and the time of manufacturing are noticeably reduced. With this method, components with complicated shapes could be formed in a single manufacturing step. Special specification of whisker reinforced Metal Matrix Composites (MMC’s) has made these materials very attractive for the aerospace applications.That is why the superplastic forming of...
Bioactivity of Surface Modified Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V ELI by Pack Siliconizing in Simulated Body Fluid
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor) ; Ziaei Moayyed, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V ELI with high biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, has a lot of applications in biomedical engineering. Disadvantage of this alloy is it’s disability to create a fast and good contact with the host/bone environment, after implanting in the body. Beside that it has low wear resistance. Nowadays to optimize the wear resistance, bioactivity and osteoconduction of surface of implants which are made from this alloy, the surface morphology are optimized in size and distribution. Different surface treatments are used for producing rough and porous surfaces to improve bioactivity along with wear resistance. In this study, surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V ELI was done...
Characterization of Metallurgical and Geometrical Parameters on Fracture Behavior of Pure Titanium thin Sheets
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor) ; Ziaei Moayyed, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
Commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) is an important groups of titanium family and because of high strength, low density, high corrosion resistance and biocompatibility, this group of titanium is a suitable choice for application at chemical, petrochemical and medicine industry. Nowadays surgeons have a tendency toward use of CP-Ti instead of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Moreover, because of body anatomy limitation, use of thick sheets result in high volume and damage soft tissue. Therefore, for sheet thickness reduction, study of the effects of metallurgical and geometrical parameter on fracture behavior of thin sheets is important. In this study, the fracture behavior of CP-Ti thin sheets investigated....
Numerical Investigation of Nano-Particles Dispersion and Deposition in Curved and Bifurcating Channels using Lattice Boltzmann Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
Investigation of transport and deposition of aerosol particles attracts interests in many fields of sciences. Various numerical and computational methods has been utilized in particulate flows studies. In recent relevant researches lattice Boltzmann method has been widely used and is reported to be a robust and efficient method. In present study, numerical investigation of dispersion and deposition of aerosol particles is performed in curved and bifurcating channels using LBM. Fluid flow simulations are performed using LBM while one-way coupling Lagrangian point of view is used for particle tracking. As the first showcase, transport and deposition of aerosol particles in channel flow with...
Design of Drug Nanocarriers Based on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Coated with Smart Polymers
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor)
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles have broad application in drud delivery systems due to their porous structure, functionalization, biocompatibility, high surface area and pore volume. Neverthless, pure mesoporous silica nanoparticles without functionality were not smart material and could not release drug in triggered and controlled manner. For this reason, using smart polymeric coating would be considered. Polymer shells also provide colloidal stability, improved blood circulation lifetime and reduced toxicity which are crucial for efficient in vivo drug delivery. Inflammatory and tumor tissue have low pH and high temperature as compared to health tissue. Therefore, using pH and...
Online Health Monitoring of Nonlinear Hysteretic Structures Using System Identification Techniques and Signal Processing Tools
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
Adverse social and economic effects of earthquakes have necessitated the emergence and development of efficient methods to assess and monitor the health status of structures. Many of the structural health monitoring algorithms are based on linear models that are not able to provide sufficient dynamic information. Nonlinear models require monitoring of a larger number of structural parameters and provide a much closer to reality model of the structure. Therefore, the use of nonlinear models in the identification process provides more useful information about the safety and serviceability of post-earthquake structures. Also, most of the existing methods are not applicable for online health...
A Deep Generative Model for Graph-Structured Data
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movaghar, Ali (Supervisor)
In recent years, deep generative models have achieved incredible successes in various fields, including graph generation. Due to the advances made in graph generation by deep generative models, these methods have shown numerous applications from drug discovery and molecular graph generation to modeling social and citation network graphs. Graph generation is an approach to discovering and exploring new graph structures and has been attracting growing attention. One of the most challenging applications of deep graph generative models is molecular graph generation since it requires not only generating chemically valid molecular structures but also optimizing their chemical properties in the...
Implementation of Millimeter-wave Imaging Algorithm Based on Frequency Scanning Antenna
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shabani, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Kavehvash, Zahra (Supervisor)
Nowadays millimeter wave imaging technology has found various applications in industry, medical and security systems. From one side the capability of penetration of this frequency spectrum into non-metal objects, and being harmless to humankind on the other side, has made this spectrum an appropriate alternative instead of dangerous spectrums such as X-ray. Recently, development of millimeter wave electronic circuits and antenna arrays has made the optimal design and implementation of millimeter wave imaging systems feasible. Among actions which have been taken in industry, medical and security systems until now, we can refer to efforts for detection of defects in production line,...
Characterization of Nanohydroxyapatite-Carbon Nanotube on Stainless Steel 316L Produced by Sol-Gel Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor) ; Sadeghian, Zahra (Supervisor)
In this investigation, hydroxyapatite-carbon nanotube nano composite coatings were applied on the 316L stainless steel implants. After polishing with 1200 sand paper, stainless steel implants were coated via dip coating method. The specimens were heat treated at 350˚C after being coated with HAP and HAP-CNTs composite. In vitro test was done in simulated body fluid (SBF) in 1 to 4 weeks periods. XRD evaluation of powder obtained from sol-gel process, showed the presence of HAP and CNTs in the powders. Comparison of XRD results of HAP and HAP-CNTs powders showed the better crystalinity of composite hydroxyapatite. After in vitro tests, specimens were studied with atomic force microscope (AFM)...
Investigation on Synthesis and Properties of TiO2-CNT Nanocomposites Coating on Al Substrate
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor) ; Sadeghian, Zahra (Supervisor)
The aim of this project is investigation on synthesis and characterization of the TiO2-CNT nanocomposite films on aluminum substrate by sol-gel dip coating method. The pure TiO2 and TiO2-CNT nanocomposite layers were coated on aluminum substrate and heat treated in 400 C. In this work Ti-tetra isopropxide and different amounts of CNTs (5,10,15 %wt), were used for obtain the composites. The coatings were characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and the crystallite size of TiO2 was calculated by Scherrer formula. The corrosion properties of coating were examined by polarization test, and corrosion resistance of pure TiO2 was compared with TiO2-CNT coatings, and It showed that the composite...
Design and Implementation of X Band CMOS Vector Modulator
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Medi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Kavehvash, Zahra (Supervisor)
In this thesis, an X band vector modulator chip in CMOS .18 um technology is designed, implemented and measured. The receiver with two RF signal path includes differential amplifier, hybrid, attenuaters, variable gain amplifiers (VGA) and power combiner blocks respectively. Capability of gain and phase control is provided by 14 digital bit. 6 bits are used to control gain of each RF path, so that changing the phase and gain of the output signal in a trigonometric quarter shall be possible. The trigonometric quarter is selected by two single pole double throw switch. Cascode structure is utilized in amplifiers stages for its stability and isolation feature. Furthermore, in order to to enhance...
Developement of Bimodal Grain Size Microstructure in a Stainless Steel using Thermal-Mechanical Treatment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimi Taheri, Ali (Supervisor)
Thermomechanical processing during hot rolling and subsequent annealing of rolled sheets are one of the procedures for improving the tensile and formability properties of metals and alloys. In this regard temperature and reduction in area are the most important variables governing the behavior of 304 L austenitic stainless steel during the hot rolling process. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of rolling temperature and subsequent annealing on 304L steel in order to achieve a microstructure with favorable mechanical properties and bimodal grain size. For this purpose, the rolling process at temperatures of -50, 25, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 900 °C using different thickness...
The Effect of Martensite Volume Fraction on Toughness of Triple-Phase Steels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
AISI 4340 steel bars were austenitized at 900°C for 1 hour followed by heating at 740°C (ferrite and austenite region) for 100 min and quenching into a salt bath at 300°C for different times followed by quenching into water to obtain triple phase microstructures with 34 Vol.% ferrite and various martensite (or bainite) contents. Presence of three phases in adjacent of each other confirmed by metallographic analysis and TEM technique. Volume fraction of different phases was measured by image analyser. The results of optical microscopy showed that by increasing VM, morphology of martensite varies from uniform distribution of small spherical network particles to large blocky islands with...
Effect of Martensite Volume Fraction on Fatigue Properties of Ferrite- Bainite- Martensite Triple Phase Steel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
The introduction of multi phase steels in recent years resulted in a considerable increase in development of some industries such as automobiles. By inducing soft and hard phases together, these steels could bring better mechanical properties than classical ones. Recent studies on 4340 ferritic- bainitic and ferritic- martensitic dual phase steels, indicate that 34 volume percent ferrite with hard phase, has the best combination of strength, toughness and fatigue properties. In present research, by proper heat treatment on a 4340 steel, it is tried to prepare specimens ferritic- bainitic- martensitic triple phase steels with 34 volume percent of ferrite and different percents of martensite....
Effect of TLP Bonding on Microstructure and Thermal Fatigue Properties of Co-Based FSX-414 Superalloy
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
In this research, transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding of FSX-414 superalloy was investigated using MBF-80 interlayer. The bonding was performed at different temperatures (1050-1200oC) for various times (1-120min). Also, different gap sizes were studied using the interlayer with various thicknesses (25-100µm). Homogenizing treatment was performed at different temperatures (1175-1225oC) and times (1-6h) for the samples with complete isothermal solidification. The microstructure of the samples were studied using the optical, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes. Also, XRD, SEM/EDS, SEM/WDS and TEM/EDS analyses were used to analyse the observed phases at the joints. To...
Effect of Transient Liquid Phase(TLP)Diffusion Bonding on Fatingue Properties of Al 6061-SiC Composite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
In the research transient liquid phase bonding of AL6061-SiC composite was performed using copper as interlayer. The joining praocess was performed in various tetemperatures (560c and 580c and 600c) And times (6 and 8 hours). Optimum Joining condition was determined by using optical and of the joint, micro hardness test was performed from the bonding zone to the bulk of the base composite. The fatigue endurance limit of Al6061-SiC composite was determined by several fatigue tests and TLP bonded samples were loaded under achieved endurance limit stress. Finally fatigue fracture surface of both base composite and TLP bonded samples were studied by using of scanning electronic microscope
The Effect of Interlayer Composition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Transient Liquid Phase Bonded Dual Phase Steels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
Interlayer composition as one of the most important factors of TLP bonding could affect bonding region composition and microstructure that both of them govern the mechanical properties of the joint. Due to the risk of substrate microstructure degradation , welding of dual phase steel needs more cautions. TLP bonding ideally acquires joints having more similar microstructure to substrate. Moreover , using this method could avoid the change of base metal microstructure when heat treatment of carbon steel is postponed until after bonding. Fe-based , Ni-based and commercially pure Cu are three different composition has been studied in this work. The bonded samples were investigated by optic and...
The Effect of Pressure on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TLP Bonded Dual Phase Steels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
Dual Phase ferritic-martensitic steels are kind of high strength low alloy steels (HASLA) which are widely used in industry because of their strength and formability. Since welding of dual phase steels in conventional welding methods causes structural change and Subsequently alters mechanical properties of both weld zone and heat affected zone(HAZ), additional operations which are not commercially viable is needed to achieve a dual phase structure in structurally changed regions. In this study, transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding method is used during dual phasing process in order to preserve dual phase ferritic-martensitic structure and avoid extra heat treatment. Applied pressure during...