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    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Limited water resources in Iran have made dams an important part of the country’s infrastructure. As a result of the large number of in-progress and expected dam projects in the country, consideration of sustainability factors during planning, construction and operation phases of dam projects can create significant economical, social and environmental impacts in the long term. To come up with an inclusive sustainable development, new sustainability assessment approaches seek for sustainable development at the entire project’s life-cycle; they are looking for sustainable development at all design, construction, operation, maintenance and even demolition phases. In this research we have... 

    Developing a Sustainable Model for Bridge Maintenance in Big Organisations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alikhani, Hamed (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    For increasing longevity of a structure, it is not enough to notice only to designing aspects. In operation phase of a construction, we can increase the level of service and longevity. Asset-based Organizations, in addition to design their new assets, should maintain them. Infrastructures, such as road, bridge, dam, and water network, are important because of social and economic aspects. So they need special attention. There are efficient models for infrastructure maintenance that consider infrastructure element information, such as condition rate, weight, dimensions, deterioration rate, and cost of maintenance as inputs and give planning for maintenance in future. This planning, involves a... 

    A Neural Network Based Model for Cost Estimation of Industrial Building at the Project's Definition phase

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shafiee, Alireza (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Annually there are many small-scale industry projects implemented in Iran, most of which are financed by local financial institutes. The financing agreements between project owners and financial institutes are usually formed and finalized during the initiation phase and are based on feasibility studies done at the early stages; before project design and construction begin. However, in many cases actual costs of projects exceed the costs estimated in feasibility studies which have been approved by financial institutes. Limited financial resources in the country, from one side, and the lengthy process of increasing the project financing limit, from another side, cause delays in the project... 

    Sustainability Assessment of Embankment Construction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Iravani, Pooya (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Damming projects always have been important while construction, operation and even demolition due to their major effects on society, environment and economy. Although researchers have focused on one or a few phases of construction projects to develop sustainable infrastructures, the research community has to consider long term effects of developments too. There are a variety of such effects that ignoring them will cause construction of not convenient infrastructures i.e. air pollution and over-consumption of energy resources while construction, operation and demolition. Therefore, it is suggested to consider life cycle assessments to include all bad effects in all phases of a project. Dams... 

    Building Information Modelling in Facility Management of Public Buildings : a Case Study of Public Hospital

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Seyrfar, Abolfazl (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Purpose: The government owns a majority of healthcare infrastructures in Iran. Annual budget assigned to the hospitals and other parts of the healthcare system constitutes a significant portion of the country’s total budget. Despite the huge money spent, and regardless of recent improvements made to the healthcare system, still Iranian’s satisfaction level from public hospitals is low. However, improving complex and congested facility and utility systems of hospital buildings, supporting various delicate hospital services, can play an important role in both reducing hospital costs and enhancing quality level of services provided. Methodology: So far, use of various advantages building... 

    Financing Assessment of Urban Parking Construction and Operation Using Public Private Partnership Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moghaddam, Nader (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    As population increases in the city, infrastructures have to be developed. Because of the limited financial supplies of the governments and infrastructures and high expenses of which, government is not capable of affording infrastructures to develop cities. Therefore,the government needs to encourage the private section to invest in such project for developing cities.One of the most required infrastructures for cities are parkings. parking spaces are inseparable elements of the Cities; their shortages bring many direct and indirect impacts on the quality of life of the Citizens, including waste citizen’s time in seeking for barely found parking spots, car traffic increase, and surge of... 

    Evaluating new Iran Petroleum Contract Responses to the Common Contractual Risks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadi, Moein (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the risks of new contracts for Iranian oil contract IPC response to these risks During the past three decades Public attention on studies related to the risk of spread with great speed So that the review process as an effective and comprehensive common And covers almost all aspects of life. In theory, any contract associated with the degree of risk. Risks cannot be completely eliminated therefore; scientific approach to the problem of risk is nothing Apart from its management. With the development of the oil and gas industry, identify and manage risk is also of special importance in regulating international oil contracts and has been... 

    Developing a Bim-Based Online Framework for Corrective Maintenance Management of Manufacturing Industry

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Azad, Reza (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, maintenance management is very important in manufacturing industries and reducing the time and cost of maintenance can have a significant impact on their performance. Traditional maintenance management systems have weaknesses such as poor user interface, lack of visualization and high complexity, limited access to required documents. On the other hand, in the process of implementation of maintenance management in manufacturing industries, weaknesses in teamwork and poor information flow between different groups, especially production and maintenance groups, are evident. For this purpose, a framework has been presented in this study to improve the process of maintenance management... 

    Evaluating and Designing an Internet-Service Delivery Approach to Use Virtual Reality in the Pre-Selling Process of Under-Construction Projects in Tehran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kafaei, Mohammad (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, the construction industry has undergone extensive changes, with the advent of new technologies, it has departed from the traditional project implementation methods. One of these technologies is Virtual Reality, which is becoming more widespread in various stages of the life cycle of a project from design to delivery. Providing an opportunity for people to see the details of the final construction before completing the project could be regarded as one of the capabilities of this technology. Also, evaluating the project’s features at the time of construction and having a close understanding of product’s reality are the other beneficial aspects of VR. Meanwhile, the emergence and... 

    Facilitating Stakeholders Interaction in Old Urban Texture Projects Using Building Information Modeling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moosavi, Alireza (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Old urban texture has always been one of the concerns of Government due to its high extent and vulnerability. In recent decades, various programs have been implemented to improve and develop old urban texture. According to experts in this field, the government has faced many challenges in old urban texture development projects in recent years, some of which have caused the project to deviate from its first purpose or not be fully implemented. One of the most important challenges in this field, according to the multiple stakeholders, has been the proper stakeholders management. In this research, a framework based on building information modeling is presented to develop old urban texture. In... 

    The Application of BIM for Reducing the Incidents Rate and Increasing Highways Safety

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Iranmanesh, Zahra (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Despite eye-catching progressive trends in highway safety, there have been a great number of unpleasant incidents in highways. A number of 8841 people died in road accidents in the first 6 month this year with 1.7% increase compared to the accidents occurred in 1396 [59]. Operation of a modeling process shall provide the engineers with more opportunities to identify the affecting factors in roads incidents. Safety infrastructure management is mainly aimed at ensuring the efficient measurement, systematic recognition and consequently deterioration of road accidents when they have been designed, constructed and used [37]. Building information modeling (BIM) tends to be a developed managerial... 

    Seismic Damage Prediction for Non-Structural Building Systems: a Framework Based on Building Information Modeling and Machine Learning

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Milad (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Despite the vulnerability of non-structural systems in buildings to disasters, their resilient design has received minimal attention from the practitioners of the construction industry. However, interruption in the performance of these systems jeopardizes the functionality of the buildings and threatens the resilience of the whole community. To address this issue, the present study proposes a novel framework for predicting possible damage states of non-structural building systems under disasters. The proposed framework benefits from an automated combination of Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a visualized 3D database of the building's components and the Machine Learning (ML)... 

    Introducing a Novel Framework for Road Accident Management System Using BIM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Halimi, Zahra (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Despite progressive trends in road safety, thousands of people die in road accidents, and millions are injured each year all around the world. The consequences of traffic accidents are not limited to injuries or fatality. Yet, they have a wide range of indirect economic and social effects, such as the financial burden of medical expenses or young labor loss. Therefore, the need to improve road safety and reduce road accident rates is essential for all communities.The first step to improving road safety is to build a reliable accident information management system. Accident information management systems are effective platforms in the design of highways and vehicles. They also present... 

    Planning the Standards and Instructions Required to Implement BIM Principal in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Foroutan, Amin (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Preparation of a vision document, strategic plan and appropriate roadmap for the development of BIM in the country has a key role in the success of BIM implementation in the construction industry. Therefore, in this study, we tried to study the obstacles and challenges in Iran. In order to achieve the desired result, first the status of BIM use in 6 selected countries with different levels of development was examined. Then, by examining the international documents and standards of BIM in the leading countries of the world and the relationship between these documents and standards, they determined the success indicators, challenges and obstacles of BIM implementation and tried to explain the... 

    Designing a Native Collaboration Environment Based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Managing Public Construction Projects in the Country

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahir, Hossein (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The construction industry involves a wide variety of information and models, and has faced numerous challenges over the years, leading to disputes within the industry. In order to increase productivity on a construction project, collaboration and information exchange are crucial among various stakeholders, including owners, architects, engineers, estimators, surveyors, contractors, and others. This study focuses on the design and development of a native collaboration environment based on construction information modeling. The platform's requirements, specifications, and capabilities were scientifically determined through a literature review, examining collaboration environments in different... 

    Developing a Standard Form of Contract for Structural System Construction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Golzar, Diba (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Iran is a developing country where construction activities are significantly increased annually. Construction project contracts have a crucial effect on the project ensuring implementation that carries out the expectations and requirements of all parties. Additionally, building construction is a cost and time-consuming process. Builders and construction contractors must adhere to balanced contractual norms and standards to reduce the costs incurred by the contracting parties and to appropriately respond to the risks occurred. The next significant concern is reducing contractual claims and disputes that can delay the project's operation for an extended period. The necessity of preparing a... 

    Developing a Contract Model for the Owner Constructor Partnership in Building Projects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Afzali, Ali (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    In recent decades, many building projects have been implemented in the form of partnership agreements between the land owners and the private contractors, investing in the buildings’ construction. The growing trend of implementing such projects is due to the increased price of land and the constructors’ inability to separately buy a piece of land and implement their individual building projects. On the other hand, many owners cannot afford the construction cost of building projects. At present, this form of building partnership agreement arranged and concluded between the landowner and the contractor is not normally signed through balanced and thoroughly thought contract documents. This... 

    Monitoring Risks of Tower Crane Operations Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pazari, Parham (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The utilization of tower cranes at construction sites presents numerous inherent risks. These cranes are commonly employed for lifting heavy loads, which carry the potential hazard of accidental falls. Simultaneously, workers may inadvertently overlook overhead dangers while focusing on their tasks. To mitigate these risks, laws in many countries explicitly prohibit individuals from occupying the vicinity directly beneath suspended loads, known as the fall zone. Such measures are vital to safeguard against the peril of heavy loads plummeting onto people. However, existing studies have not offered a comprehensive and efficient approach to identify crane load fall zone. To address this gap,... 

    A Discrete Event Simulation-Based Framework for Feasibility Assessment of Rainwater Consumption in Buildings

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Namaki, Parsa (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    During the last decades, the exponential population growth as well as the adverse impacts of climate change have brought about serious challenges in supplying freshwater demands. In this regard, buildings account for a considerable portion of freshwater withdrawal. Accordingly, urgent measures should be taken to tackle this crisis. Rainwater harvesting (RWH), Greywater recycling (GWR), and Hybrid rainwater greywater (HRG) systems are considered efficient substitute resources that are able to reduce the consumption of water supplied by centralized networks in buildings. Nonetheless, there is a vital need for the financial and technical assessment of these systems. Additionally, multiple... 

    Building information modeling (BIM) applications in macro-budget management in public construction projects, the case of management and planning organization (MPO) of Tehran province

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Malmir, Alireza (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The construction industry is one of the important and driving sectors of every country's economy, and construction projects are one of the economic development factors of countries. These plans lead to economic growth and development through the mobility they create in public and private capital. Every year, a significant share of the government budget is spent on the implementation of public construction projects. Due to the key role of public construction projects in the development of the country on the one hand and spending huge national funds on the other hand, it is important to pay attention to their efficiency and productivity. Excess costs of public construction projects and delays...