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    α-Amylase Immobilization on Nanocomposite Magnetic Silica Particles and Characterization of the Prepared Nanobiocatalysts

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sayyahmanesh, Maryam (Author) ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor)
    Enzymes are widely used in industry, however, the expensive cost, low stability, and the limited activity in a certain range of temperature and pH, have limited the usage of such bio-catalists. In addition to increasing and preserving their activity under different conditions, the enzyme immobilization can improve its stability in different pH, temperature values and increase its thermostability, storage stability and the possibility of their recycling. Meanwhile, utilizing the super-magnetic systems could be very helpful as well. For instance, separation of the the magnetic nano-particles like Fe3O4 from reaction system using an external magnetic field is easily possible. In this study,... 

    Investigation and Determination of Optimal Composition of Hydrogels and Nanoparticles for Proliferation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Alginate Beads

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akbari Kenari, Mahsa (Author) ; Yaghmaei, Soheila (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor)
    The aim of this dissertation is to investigate and determine the optimal composition of hydrogels that can meet the needs of stem cells for the growth and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. In this research, firstly, unfunctionalized and functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (with an average diameter of approximately 90 nm), were synthesized. Scanning electron microscopy and zeta potential measurement were utilized to study their morphology and surface charge. Then, graphene oxide nanosheets were synthesized. Field emission electron microscopy, zeta potential measurement and Fourier transform infrared spectrum analysis were used to examine their morphology, surface charge and... 

    The Study of Function of Lipase Biocatalyst Immobilized on Silica Nanoparticles Used for Biodiesel Production

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kalantari, Mohammad (Author) ; Kazemini, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor) ; Tabandeh, Fatemeh (Co-Advisor)
    Superparamagnetic core/shell nonporous (S1) and core/shell/shell mesoporous (S2 and S3) nanocomposite magnetite/silica particles with a magnetite cluster core of 130±30 nm, a nonporous silica shell of 90±10 nm thickness, and a mesoporous silica shell of 70±15 nm thickness were prepared thorough a simple method. Mesoporous particles were prepared with two BJH pore sizes (2.44 for S2 and 3.76 nm for S3 particles, respectively). The fabricated S1, S2 and S3 particles present high saturation magnetization values of 20, 13 and 17 emu/g, respectively. As a biological application, the lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia was successfully immobilized onto the amino-functionalized nanocomposite particles... 

    Fabrication and Characterization of a Drug Release System Based on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Hydrophobic Drugs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taebnia, Nayyera (Author) ; Yaghmaei, Soheila (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor) ; Morshedi, Dina (Co-Advisor)
    This research aims to develop a drug delivery system based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) for hydrophobic drugs and evaluating their cytotoxicity. The internal environment of the body is aqueous, while most of effective drugs display poor aqueous solubility, resulting in insufficient bioavailability. Due to their several unique properties, such as a large surface area, tunable pore size, facile surface multi functionalization and excellent biocompatibility, MSNPs are recognized as promising and powerful tools to overcome this hurdle. In the present study, MSNPs were synthesized using template removing method and then were functionalized through grafting procedure. They were... 

    Synthesis of Cationic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as a Carrier for the Deliveryof Nucleic Acids

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kermanshah, Leyla (Author) ; Vosoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor) ; Javadi, Hamid Reza (Co-Advisor)
    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNP) have attracted lots of attentions because of their particular characteristics. Physical characteristics such as structure, morphology, porosity, and size of these nanoparticles have strong impact on their function and it can be conceived a wide range of applications for them by manipulating these characteristics. In this research, monodispersed MSNPs with a controllable size in the range of 50-130 nm and pore size in the range of 4-24 nm were synthesized and positively functionalized in order to develop a carrier for the delivery of nucleic acids (siRNA and pDNA). The MSNPs were synthesized by the template removing method.In this method, sodium... 

    3D Stem Cell Culture and Differentiation Using Alginate Hydrogel Scaffolds Incorporated with Silicon-Based Nanoparticles

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Hassani, Masoud (Author) ; Yaghmaei, Soheila (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Co-Supervisor) ; Dolatshahi Pirouz, Alireza (Co-Supervisor)
    Bone is one of the most vital parts of the body for almost any functional movement. Due to its many involved diseases, traumas and injuries, bone maintenance and regeneration are of high importance. Engineering and design of complex tissues, with impeccable mimicry of the native ones, are always accounted as the solution to dysfunction of body organs due to aging, various diseases, etc. However, the inability to complete mimicry of the native tissue architecture and cell microenvironment are the main barriers to functional tissue regeneration. In this project, in order to design a suitable scaffold for bone regeneration, hydrogel nanocomposites with polysaccharide basis were developed by... 

    Preparation of Polyelectrolyte-Coated Magnetic Silica Nanocomposite Particles and Investigation of their Application for Enzyme Immobilization and Biodiesel Production

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Esmaeilnejad-Ahranjani, Parvaneh (Author) ; Kazemeini, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor) ; Singh, Gurvinder (Co-Advisor)
    In this study, polyelectrolyte-coated magnetic silica nanocomposites were prepared via the covalent attachment of polyelectrolytes onto the as-prepared magnetite-silica particles with core-shell structures and average diameter of 210±50 nm, and subsequently applied for the immobilization of lipase molecules. In this regard, polyethyleneimine (PEI) with two molecular weights of 10000 and 750000 and polyacrylic acid (PAA) with two molecular weights of 1800 and 100000 were utilized. The type and molecular weight of the polyelectrolyte molecules greatly impacted the concentration of binding sites on the particles surface and consequently on the lipase immobilization efficiency and loading... 

    Design and Construction of Alginate-Silica Nanocomposite and Its Application for Mammalian Cell Culture

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi Fard, Hossein (Author) ; Vossughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor) ; Kabir Salmani, Maryam (Co-Advisor)
    Three sizes of silica nanoparticles (160±7, 450±10 and 600±25) were sythetized via template-removing method. The synthetized nanoparticles were functionalized with N-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl trimethoxy-silane (EDS) to provide a positive charge on the surface of nanoparticles. BET analysis showed that the average pore diameter, surface area and pore volume of nanoparticles were 2.3 nm, 769 m2.g-1 and 0.44 cm3.g-1, respectively. showed that the Amine-functionalized silica nanoparticles were used to enhance the application of alginate polymer for 3D encapsulation of mammalian cells. Incorporating of silica nanoparticles can be suitable for the bead integrity and attachement of mammalian... 

    Fabrication of Fe-oxide@Silica@Gold (core/shell/shell) in Order to Development of Biomarkers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammad-Beigi, Hossein (Author) ; Yaghmaei, Soheyla (Supervisor) ; Arpanaei, Ayyoob (Supervisor) ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Co-Advisor)
    The aim of this work is fabrication of magnetite@silica@gold particles. Study of the effect of pH showed that increasing pH from 9 to 12 resulted in a decrease in the size of magnetite nanoparticles from 7.9±1.38 nm to 5±0.64 nm. The TEM results indicated that modifying magnetic nanoparticles with sodium citrate prior to coating with silica leads to a narrow particle size distribution (275±16.1nm) and less number of silica nanoparticles without any magnetite core. Three methods were applied for attachment of gold nanoparticles seeds onto the silica surface: 1) use of an electrostatic interaction between positively-charged aminated silica and negatively-charged gold nanoparticles surfaces, 2)... 

    Evaluation of biodiesel production using lipase immobilized on magnetic silica nanocomposite particles of various structures

    , Article Biochemical Engineering Journal ; Volume 79 , 2013 , Pages 267-273 ; 1369703X (ISSN) Kalantari, M ; Kazemeini, M ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nonporous and mesoporous silica-coated magnetite cluster nanocomposites particles were fabricated with various silica structures in order to develop a desired carrier for the lipase immobilization and subsequent biodiesel production. Lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia was covalently bound to the amino-functionalized particles using glutaraldehyde as a coupling agent. The hybrid systems that were obtained exhibited high stability and easy recovery regardless of the silica structure, following the application of an external magnetic field. The immobilized lipases were then used as the recoverable biocatalyst in a transesterification reaction to convert the soybean oil to biodiesel with methanol.... 

    Facile fabrication and characterization of amino-functionalized Fe 3O4 cluster@SiO2 core/shell nanocomposite spheres

    , Article Materials Research Bulletin ; Volume 48, Issue 6 , 2013 , Pages 2023-2028 ; 00255408 (ISSN) Kalantari, M ; Kazemeini, M ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    We developed a modified straightforward method for the fabrication of uniformly sized silica-coated magnetite clusters core/shell type nanocomposite particles. Proposed simple one-step processing method permits quick production of materials in high yield. The structural, surface, and magnetic characteristics of the nanocomposite particles were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR). The sphere-shaped particles almost have the average diameter of 120 nm, with a magnetic cluster core of 80 ± 15 nm, and a silica shell of 25 ± 10 nm... 

    Green biodiesel production from various plant oils using nanobiocatalysts under different conditions

    , Article Bioenergy Research ; Volume 13, Issue 2 , 2020 , Pages 552-562 Esmaeilnejad Ahranjani, P ; Kazemeini, M ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2020
    The lipase-immobilized polyethyleneimine (PEI)- and polyacrylic acid (PAA)–coated magnetic silica nanocomposite particles (L-PEI-MS and L-PAA-MS, respectively) were prepared and applied at various transesterification reaction conditions. The reactions were carried out with soybean, sunflower, canola, and palm oils along with methanol or ethanol in the solvent-free and n-hexane systems. The highest fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and fatty acid ethyl ester (FAEE) synthesis yields were obtained from the transesterification of palm oil, i.e., almost 7.7–10.2% higher than other oils. At the constant reaction conditions, the application of ethanol leads to higher (6.0–8.7%) reaction yields in... 

    Lipase immobilisation on magnetic silica nanocomposite particles: Effects of the silica structure on properties of the immobilised enzyme

    , Article Journal of Materials Chemistry ; Volume 22, Issue 17 , 2012 , Pages 8385-8393 ; 09599428 (ISSN) Kalantari, M ; Kazemeini, M ; Tabandeh, F ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Uniformly sized superparamagnetic single-shell nonporous (S1) and double-shell mesoporous silica nanocomposite particles with ∼130 nm magnetite cluster cores are synthesised in this study. Mesoporous particles are prepared with two BJH pore sizes (2.44 and 3.76 nm, designated as S2 and S3 particles, respectively). Once the lipase was immobilised on particles, our results showed that the enzyme loading capacities of mesoporous structures, i.e. S2 and S3, are higher than that for nonporous particles (S1). Hydrolytic activity tests reveal that immobilised lipases retain about 90% of the free enzyme's activity. Furthermore, comparing to the free enzyme, the thermal stability of immobilised... 

    Comparison of different strategies for the assembly of gold colloids onto Fe3O4@SiO2 nanocomposite particles

    , Article Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; Volume 49 , 2013 , Pages 30-38 ; 13869477 (ISSN) Mohammad Beigi, H ; Yaghmaei, S ; Roostaazad, R ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Three strategies were employed for the assembly of gold nanoparticles on silica-coated magnetite particles (SCMPs). In strategy I, citrate-coated gold nanoparticles were attached on the surface of amine-SCMPs. In strategy II, amine-SCMPs were coated with carboxylated gold nanoparticles via amide bond formation. In strategy III, the thiol-SCMPs surface was coated with gold nanoparticles. Among the above examined strategies, coating amine-SCMPs with gold nanoparticles via strategy I resulted in a better coverage and stronger intensity of absorption bands. Furthermore, results obtained through strategy I showed that decreasing the pH of the solution from 7 to 3 leads to a further red-shift of... 

    Amine-functionalized magnetic nanocomposite particles for efficient immobilization of lipase: effects of functional molecule size on properties of the immobilized lipase

    , Article RSC Advances ; Volume 5, Issue 42 , Apr , 2015 , Pages 33313-33327 ; 20462069 (ISSN) Esmaeilnejad Ahranjani, P ; Kazemeini, M ; Singh, G ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Royal Society of Chemistry  2015
    A cost-effective design of reusable enzyme-functionalized particles with better catalytic activity is of great scientific interest due to their applications in a wide range of catalytic reactions in several industrial processes. In this work, a systematic approach for preparing amine-functionalized magnetic nanocomposite particles through the surface modification of core/shell type Fe3O4 cluster@SiO2 particles by the small molecules of 3-(2-aminoethyl)aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (AAS) or the large molecules of polyethyleneimine (PEI) with two different molecular weights, as the support materials for enzyme immobilization, has been demonstrated. The functional... 

    Study of molecular conformation and activity-related properties of lipase immobilized onto core-shell structured polyacrylic acid-coated magnetic silica nanocomposite particles

    , Article Langmuir ; Volume 32, Issue 13 , 2016 , Pages 3242-3252 ; 07437463 (ISSN) Esmaeilnejad Ahranjani, P ; Kazemeini, M ; Singh, G ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2016
    A facile approach for the preparation of core-shell structured poly(acrylic acid) (PAA)-coated Fe3O4 cluster@SiO2 nanocomposite particles as the support materials for the lipase immobilization is reported. Low- or high-molecular-weight (1800 and 100 000, respectively) PAA molecules were covalently attached onto the surface of amine-functionalized magnetic silica nanoacomposite particles. The successful preparation of particles were verified by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), zeta potential measurement, and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) techniques. Once lipase is covalently... 

    Effects of physicochemical characteristics of magnetically recoverable biocatalysts upon fatty acid methyl esters synthesis from oils

    , Article Renewable Energy ; Volume 116 , 2018 , Pages 613-622 ; 09601481 (ISSN) Esmaeilnejad Ahranjani, P ; Kazemeini, M ; Singh, G ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    This study reports the importance of physicochemical characteristics of the core-shell structured polymer-coated Fe3O4 cluster@SiO2 nanocomposite particles for designing the biocatalysts used for transesterification of soybean oil. To demonstrate this issue, two different types of polymer molecules such as polyethylenimine (PEI) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) each with two different molecular weights are employed. The highest fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) synthesis yield values are achieved by the lipases immobilized onto the low- and high-molecular-weight PEI-coated particles as compared to those of the low- and high-molecular-weight PAA-coated particles (i.e., ∼64.8% and ∼73.1% versus... 

    Effect of pH, citrate treatment and silane-coupling agent concentration on the magnetic, structural and surface properties of functionalized silica-coated iron oxide nanocomposite particles

    , Article Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; Volume 44, Issue 3 , December , 2011 , Pages 618-627 ; 13869477 (ISSN) Mohammad Beigi, H ; Yaghmaei, S ; Roostaazad, R ; Bardania, H ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitation of iron chloride salts at various pH values (9, 10, 11 and12) that were adjusted using an ammonia solution. Increasing the pH from 9 to 12 led to decreases in the size of iron oxide nanoparticles from 7.9±1.4 to 5±0.6 nm and the saturation magnetization (M s) from 82.73 to 67.14 emu/g, respectively, when analyzed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). X-ray diffraction patterns as well as M s values showed that magnetite is the dominantly synthesized phase in the examined pH values. Unmodified iron oxide nanoparticles were coated with silica via the hydrolysis and... 

    Curcumin-loaded amine-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles inhibit α-synuclein fibrillation and reduce its cytotoxicity-associated effects

    , Article Langmuir ; Volume 32, Issue 50 , 2016 , Pages 13394-13402 ; 07437463 (ISSN) Taebnia, N ; Morshedi, D ; Yaghmaei, S ; Aliakbari, F ; Rahimi, F ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2016
    This study aimed to develop a drug carrier based on amine-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (AAS-MSNPs) for a poorly water-soluble drug, curcumin (CUR), and to study its effects on α-synuclein (α-Syn) fibrillation and cytotoxicity. Here, we show that AAS-MSNPs possess high values of loading efficiency and capacity (33.5% and 0.45 mg drug/mg MSNPs, respectively) for CUR. It is also revealed that α-Syn species interact strongly with the CUR-loaded AAS-MSNPs, leading to a significant inhibition of the fibrillation process. Furthermore, these samples reduce the toxic effects of CUR. However, drug-loaded AAS-MSNPs do not affect the cytotoxic properties of the formed fibrils... 

    The effect of mesoporous silica nanoparticle surface chemistry and concentration on the α-synuclein fibrillation

    , Article RSC Advances ; Volume 5, Issue 75 , Jul , 2015 , Pages 60966-60974 ; 20462069 (ISSN) Taebnia, N ; Morshedi, D ; Doostkam, M ; Yaghmaei, S ; Aliakbari, F ; Singh, G ; Arpanaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Royal Society of Chemistry  2015
    The aggregation of an amyloid protein, α-synuclein (α-Syn), has been suggested as a potential cause of Parkinson's and several other neurodegenerative diseases. To explore the possibility of using nanoparticle-based therapeutic agents for the treatment of such diseases, we investigated the influence of surface chemistry and concentration of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) on the fibrillation of recombinant human α-Syn protein in the present work. Bare MSNPs as well as MSNPs of different surface functionalities, including 3-(2-aminoethyl amino) propyltrimethoxysilane (AAS), succinic anhydride (carboxyl), and polyethyleneimine (PEI) were prepared and characterized by electron...