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    Integration Operation Management for Outpatient Clinics Case Study: Milad Hospital

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradi, Shahryar (Author) ; Eshghi, Kourosh (Supervisor) ; Delavari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Outpatient clinics always encounter a huge deal of demand and due to the variety of the services they provide and the existence of uncertainties, operation management is such a difficult task. This issue has made problems related to this issue popular among scientists and researchers. In this research, we are going to address several popular problems related to outpatient appointment scheduling. Initially, an M/M/c/K queuing system is developed in order to obtain the optimum scheduling window for different sub clinics. Secondly, the real demand for each sub clinics will be estimated using data analysis techniques for each 24-hour period. Having the results of the previous section, we build a... 

    An Optimization Model for Designing an Appointment-Making Procedure for Outpatients–Case Study: Milad Hospital Clinic

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mesgari, Sara (Author) ; Eshghi, Kourosh (Supervisor) ; Delavari, Vahid (Co-Supervisor)
    Patient scheduling is one of the most important problems in healthcare optimization which has been in center of attention in various environments including outpatient clinics and operating rooms. Effective scheduling systems have the goal of matching the demand with capacity so that resources are better utilized and patient waiting times are minimized. Furthermore, patient scheduling can be merged with another problem in which the main goal is to find the optimal sequence of a given list of patients. Moreover, there are several sources of uncertainty such as patients’ unpunctuality, absence, and service time in this problem resulting in having a very complex problem. In this research,... 

    Evaluating Impact of Erasure Codes on Performance and Endurance of SSD-Based RAID Array

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Delavari, Ziba (Author) ; Asadi, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Performance and reliability are the major concerns in design of data storage systems. Using Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) can enhance both performance and reliability. A commonly used configuration in RAID arrays is erasure codes to further enhance system reliability. Due to promising advantages of Solid-State Drives (SSDs)such as low power, shock resistance, and high I/O performance, designers have been encouraged to replace Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) by SSDs in RAID arrays. SSDs, however, suffer from limited endurance due to erase-before-write operation.In this thesis, we investigate the effect of stripe unite size and the number of disks of a RAID array on the endurance of SSDs... 

    Adaptive second-order fractional sliding mode control with application to water tanks level control

    , Article Fractional Calculus: Applications ; 2015 , Pages 149-163 ; 9781634632331 (ISBN)9781634632218 (ISBN) Senejohnny, D ; Faieghi, M ; Delavari, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc  2015
    Combining the fractional calculus with second-order sliding mode control,a novel type of control strategycalled second order fractional sliding mode control is introduced for a class of nonlinear dynamical systemssubject to uncertainty. A fractional-order switching manifold is proposed and the corresponding control law isformulated based on the Lyapunov stability theory to guarantee the sliding condition. A novel adaptation algorithm is derived to ensure perfect tracking, diminish chattering effect and steady state error by estimating switching controller parameters. Finally, numerical simulation results utilizing the dynamic model of interconnected twin tank system are presented to... 

    A simple model for the size and shape dependent Curie temperature of freestanding Ni and Fe nanoparticles based on the average coordination number and atomic cohesive energy

    , Article Chemical Physics ; Volume 383, Issue 1-3 , 2011 , Pages 1-5 ; 03010104 (ISSN) Delavari, H ; Madaah Hosseini, H ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    To study the effect of size and shape of metallic nanoparticle on their Curie temperature, an analytical model is proposed. The core average coordination number (CAC) and surface average coordination number (SAC) of freestanding nanoparticles are considered in the model. Clusters of icosahedral (IC) and body centred cubic (BCC) structure without any vacancies and defects are modelled. A critical Curie temperature is introduced for metallic clusters with a diameter of 2-3 nm. This critical diameter is related to clusters which the ratio of surface atoms to total atoms is about 50%. The "shape effect" is shown to be important at sizes less than 20 nm. The obtained results are supported by... 

    Magnetic domain regime-controlled synthesis of nickel nano-particles by applying statistical experimental design in modified polyol process

    , Article Materials Chemistry and Physics ; Volume 168 , 2015 , Pages 117-121 ; 02540584 (ISSN) Delavari, H ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Wolff, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2015
    In this work, central composite design (CCD) as a statistical experimental design method is performed to prepare nickel nano-particle of different magnetic domain regimes by the modified polyol process. It is shown that not only the concentration of the different chemicals but also the injection rate is determining for the morphology and magnetic properties. The average diameter of the synthesized nickel NPs is smaller than the critical single domain size and thus the single domain or pseudo-single domain nickel nano-particles can be prepared based on Day's plot  

    Modeling of self-controlling hyperthermia based on nickel alloy ferrofluids: Proposition of new nanoparticles

    , Article Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ; Volume 335 , 2013 , Pages 59-63 ; 03048853 (ISSN) Delavari H. H ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Wolff, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In order to provide sufficient heat without overheating healthy tissue in magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH), a careful design of the magnetic properties of nanoparticles is essential. We perform a systematic calculation of magnetic properties of Ni-alloy nanoparticles. Stoner-Wohlfarth model based theories (SWMBTs) are considered and the linear response theory (LRT) is used to extract the hysteresis loop of nickel alloy nanoparticles in alternating magnetic fields. It is demonstrated that in the safe range of magnetic field intensity and frequency the LRT cannot be used for the calculation of the area in the hysteresis for magnetic fields relevant for hyperthermia. The best composition and... 

    Effects of particle size, shape and crystal structure on the formation energy of Schottky vacancies in free-standing metal nanoparticles: A model study

    , Article Physica B: Condensed Matter ; Volume 406, Issue 20 , October , 2011 , Pages 3777-3780 ; 09214526 (ISSN) Delavari H., H ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A simplified model based on cohesive energy is proposed to estimate the formation energy of Schottky vacancies (VFE) in free-standing metal nanoparticles with BCC and FCC crystal structures. To study the effect of particle size and shape, the surface energy, elastic contraction and average coordination number of particles at the surface and core was considered. It is shown that the energy of vacancy formation in FCC nanoparticles increases with decreasing the size while the effect of particle shape (sphere, cubic and icosahedral) is marginal. In spite of this behavior, BCC nanoparticles exhibit a critical particle size at around 25 Å, at which a minimum VFE is attained. Additionally, the... 

    A study on the concentration-dependent relaxometric transition in manganese oxide nanocolloid as mri contrast agent

    , Article ChemistrySelect ; Volume 4, Issue 25 , 2019 , Pages 7596-7601 ; 23656549 (ISSN) Khodaei, A ; Malek, M ; Hosseini, H. R. M ; Delavari H, H ; Vahdatkhah, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wiley-Blackwell  2019
    A green precipitation method has been used for the synthesis of ultra-small APTMS-mPEG conjugated Mn3O4 nanoparticles. Spherical cores in the uniform size of 4±1 nm were characterized by HRTEM. Zeta potential of −45 mV and the invariant turbidimetry results during the time, confirmed super-stability of the colloids. MRI relaxometry by 1.5 T scanner represented two values of r1= 8.23 s−1mM−1 and r1=7.3 s−1mM−1 for diluted and concentrated samples. The r2/r1 ratio was also decreased from 11.86 to 6.9 by dilution of colloids. Particle aggregation and motional narrowing phenomena led to a dual T1/T2 contrast agent in the Mn ion concentrations of more than 0.2 mM. The optimum concentration of Mn... 

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Molybdenum Disulfide for Combined Photothermal-chemo Therapy

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Salimi, Marzieh (Author) ; Vosoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Shokrgozar, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor) ; Delavari, Hamid (Co-Supervisor)
    New methods of cancer treatment are always the attention of researchers all over the world, among which the photothermal treatment method is of particular importance. In addition to being easy, this treatment method has the least invasiveness. Studies have shown that combining this method with other methods such as chemotherapy not only can be very effective in destroying tumor tissue, but can significantly reduce the side effects of chemotherapy drugs.In order to apply the photothermal treatment method, an effective photothermal agent is needed. Molybdenum disulfide nanosheets have performed successfully in this field, which have been of great interest, due to their high efficiency in... 

    Studying the Behaviour and Performance of an Innovative Floating Offshore Platform

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradkhan, Esmaeil (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    The objective of this project is to study the behaviour and performance of an innotative floating offshore platform. Such Platform not only can be used for exploring oil from offshore fields, but for creating artificial islands, where land is in short supply. Due to its specific and, at the same time, simple geometry (symmetric), its fabrication does ont involve much complexity. Studies carried out on this platform include the investigation into its structural behaviour under gravitational (including self weight) and bouyancy forces. Studied cases include a number of platforms with different (geometrical) sizes and under 3 various bouyancy conditions (percentage), namely 1) 50% of the height... 

    The Study of The Behaviour of Steel Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Subject to Fire

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alanchari, Ehsan (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Fire is one the events which threatens the very existence of every building, residential, office, industrial or else. However, this threat is more serious with regard to buildings with steel structures. Steel, despite its many advantages over other structural materials, such as having high strength to weight ratio, ductility, toughness and resilience, has the disadvantage of rapidly losing its strength at elevated temperatures, i.e. in fire. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the designer to make the serious decision of whether to use steel, concrete, timber, or other materials for the structure of the building to be designed. Observations made during full-scale fire tests as well as... 

    Study of the P-^ Effects on the Behavior of Split-Level Steel Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yarahmadi, Arash (Author) ; Khansari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Due to unusual response of structures of buildings with irregularity in their architecture to dynamic excitations, to have a comprehensive knowledge of their behavior during earthquakes is of utmost importance. Building irregularities are in general divided into two major categories, namely Irregularity in Plane and Irregularity in Elevation, and one of the forms of the latter is where there is a split in the levels of the building. In this work, through a series of case studies, the effects of P- phenomenon on the behavior of steel split-level building structures were studied. 5, 10 and 15 story buildings with 5 and 6 bays, and level splitting of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 cm were studied. All... 

    Three Dimensional Simulation of Morphology of Nanodroplets Near and on Structured Substrates

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Vahid, Afshin (Author) ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
    Mesoscopic hydrodynamic equations are solved employing a VOF based method to investigate the equilibrium shape of nanodroplets positioned over various topographic geometries of the supporting substrate for three-dimensional systems. By taking into account liquid-liquid and liquid-solid interactions a complex distribution for inter-molecular forces over the substrates (the disjoining pressure) is observed. In this research we show that motion of nanodroplets not only caused by contact angle difference in drplets two sides, but also depend on disjoining pressure parameters.Geometries with increasing complexities, from wedges to three dimensional edges and wedges, were explored with the main... 

    Investigating the Seismic Behaviour of Split-Level Building Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abdoli, Masoud (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Observations made after previous earthquakes have shown the crucial role of irregularities in initiating damage in buildings with irregularity, either in Plan or in Elevation. Since in existing Building Codes, there is no provision for the distribution of the Equivalent Static Loads for such buildings, designers have no option but to resort to Dynamic Analysis. In this work, the seismic behaviour of a group of two-dimensional steel building structures with irregularity in elevation, namely Split-Level buildings, was studied. The studied structures consist of a series of 5- and 15-storey frames having two parts with splitting distance of 150 cm. Both, moment-resisting and braced frames were... 

    Numerical Study of Base Plates under Biaxial Bending

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology baygi, Sajjad (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Base plates as the connecting components of steel structures to their foundations, have a crucial role in the behavior of these structures. In order to limit the thickness of base plates hence their cost within reasonable values, various types of attachments (stiffeners) are normally added to them. In this project 6 different configurations, Models, for the base plate and its attachments were considered and studied through finite element analysis. Each Model was studied under the combination of biaxial moments and a range of compressive loads including 0, 0.05 P/Py, 0.10 P/Py and 0.15 P/Py, where Py is the plastic load of the column. The moment-rotation curves of all models under various... 

    Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of Base Plates with Various Degrees of Rigidity Under Cyclic Loads

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi, Javad (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Co-Advisor)
    Due to the important role of base plates, both in transferring forces from the structure to the foundation, and also in transferring vibrations from soil to the structure, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge on their behaviour and performance under monotonic and cyclic loading regimes. In fact, the behaviour of the supports of any structure cannot be identified without identifying the behaviour of its base plates. Numerous configurations with/without various types of attachments have been proposed and used for base plates. In this work, altogether six commonly-used types of base plates were studied and their behaviour under monotonic and cyclic loadings was obtained using commercial... 

    Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion Simulation using a Multi-Zone Chemical kinetics Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Voshtani, Sina (Author) ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
    In recent years, the idea of Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines has been in the center of attention as a new generation of internal combustion engines. Intense decrease in pollutant emission rate like NOx, low fuel consumption and high thermal efficiency are the main reasons of why these engines are in center of attention, however, some drawbacks, which the main one combustion control which happens in limited operation range between knock and misfiring has limited the use of these engines. Hence approaches like adding synthesis gas, using exhaust gas recirculation, controling effective comperession ratio by using variable valve timing, changing the input conditions... 

    Factorial Design of Experiments to Identify Effective Factors on Domestic Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Esteghamat, Farzad (Author) ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Reducing air pollutant emissions from vehicles is a difficult and time consuming procedure which needs utilizing of modern emission control equipment and setting strict regulations for car factories and drivers as well. How efficient these policies are and proposing operative solutions for air quality improvement depend on developing a sustainable model which is used in vehicle emission predictions and their share in total emissions. Emission factors are not constant values as they can be affected by various operational and ambient parameters. Development of Emission inventories calls for a huge number of measurements using different vehicles in diverse conditions. Thus, recognition of... 

    Development and Application of Mobile Source Emission Factor Matrix for Use in Wrf/Camx Air Dispersion Model of Tehran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirshi, Samira (Author) ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Tehran, with approximately 750 km2 of land area, a population of more than 8 million people with about 4 million active on-road vehicles, is dealing with serious air pollution problems. To model the environmental phenomenon precisely, this study aims to develop on-road air pollutant emission factor matrices based on existing traffic in Tehran routes and to run air quality modelling within Tehran geographic boundaries. We developed emission factor matrices using SMOKES-MOVES emission modeling system. To do so, we calculated on-road emission factors from actual traffic-related data and run MOVES emission model. And use use them for different pollutants considered in air quality models. Then,...