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    Friction stir butt welding of Al-Cu bilayer laminated composites: analysis of force, torque, and temperature

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ; Volume 88, Issue 1-4 , 2017 , Pages 393-400 ; 02683768 (ISSN) Beygi, R ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Zarezadeh Mehrizi, M ; Eisaabadi, B. G ; Loureiro, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The effect of the layer in contact with tool (Al or Cu) and the depth of plunge on friction stir butt welding of Al-Cu bilayer laminated composites produced by cold roll welding were studied. The measurement of weld cross sections and variations of the axial load and torque during welding process showed that material flow is influenced by the material which is in contact with the shoulder. Being Al layer in contact with the shoulder led to higher force and torque during welding, and a defect-free weld could be obtained in this manner. By welding from Cu side, a higher plunge depth was needed to develop enough force and torque and thereby a defect-free weld. The amount of material swept by... 

    Effect of oxide films, inclusions and Fe on reproducibility of tensile properties in cast Al-Si-Mg alloys: Statistical and image analysis

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 558 , 2012 , Pages 134-143 ; 09215093 (ISSN) Eisaabadi B, G ; Davami, P ; Kim, S. K ; Varahram, N ; Yoon, Y. O ; Yeom, G. Y ; Sharif University of Technology
    Double oxide films (hereafter: oxides), inclusions and Fe-rich phases are known to be the most detrimental defects in cast Al-Si-Mg alloys. The effects of these defects on reproducibility of tensile properties in Al-7Si-0.35Mg alloy have been investigated in this study. Four different casting conditions (low oxide-low Fe, high oxide-low Fe, low oxide-high Fe and high oxide-high Fe) were studied. In each case, 30 tensile test samples were prepared by casting in a metallic mold and machining (total of 120 tensile test samples). Results of tensile test were analyzed by Weibull three-parameter and mixture analyses. The microstructure and fracture surface of samples were studied by optical and... 

    Effects of hydrogen and oxides on tensile properties of Al-Si-Mg cast alloys

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 552 , 2012 , Pages 36-47 ; 09215093 (ISSN) Eisaabadi B., G ; Davami, P ; Kim, S. K ; Varahram, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Gas porosities and entrapped double oxide film (hereafter: oxides) are known to be the most detrimental defects in cast Al-Si-Mg alloys. This study investigated the effects of dissolved hydrogen (hereafter: H) and oxides on reproducibility of tensile properties in Al-7Si-0.35 Mg alloys. Also the effects of H and oxides content on the morphology of defects were studied. Four different casting conditions (low oxide-low H, low oxide-high H, high oxide-low H, high oxide-high H) were tested using tensile test bars that were cast in a metallic mold. Results of tensile test that were obtained for each casting condition were analyzed using Weibull two-parameter analysis. Microstructure and fracture... 

    On the effect of hydrogen and Fe on reproducibility of tensile properties in cast Al-Si-Mg alloys

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 565 , 2013 , Pages 278-284 ; 09215093 (ISSN) Eisaabadi B., G ; Davami, P ; Varahram, N ; Kim, S. K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Gas porosities and Fe-rich phases and entrapped double oxide films (hereafter: oxides) are known to be the most detrimental defects in cast Al-Si-Mg alloys. The effects of H (gas porosities) and Fe (Β-Al5FeSi phase) on reproducibility of tensile properties in Al-7Si-0.35Mg alloy have been investigated in this study. Four different casting conditions (Low H-Low Fe, Low H-High Fe, High H-Low Fe and High H-High Fe) were studied. In each case, 30 tensile test samples were prepared by casting in a metallic mold and machining (total of 120 tensile test samples). Results of tensile test were analyzed by Weibull three-parameter analyses. The microstructures of samples were studied by optical... 

    The effect of melt quality and filtering on the Weibull distributions of tensile properties in Al-7%Si-Mg alloy castings

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 579 , 2013 , Pages 64-70 ; 09215093 (ISSN) Eisaabadi B., G ; Davami, P ; Kim, S. K ; Tiryakioglu, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The effects of melt quality and the placement of a filter in the filling system on Weibull distributions of tensile strength and elongation of Al-7%Si-Mg alloy castings were investigated. Three different combinations of melt quality and filtering were used: (a) unstirred, with filter in the filling system, (b) stirred to produce and entrain surface oxide films with no filter in the filling system to emulate poor initial melt preparation and melt handling, and (c) stirred and with a filter placed in the filling system. The results showed that the highest elongation and tensile strength values were obtained from the unstirred, filtered condition and lowest values were from stirred and... 

    The effect of remelting on the melt and casting quality in Al-7%Si-Mg castings

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Vol. 605 , 2014 , Pages 203-209 ; ISSN: 09215093 Eisaabadi, B. G ; Tiryakioglu, M ; Davami, P ; Kim, S. K ; Yoon, Y. O ; Yeom, G. Y ; Kim, N. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    An experiment was conducted to determine whether allowing an aluminum melt to solidify in the crucible and later remelting it would improve the quality of the melt and the casting. To investigate this, data were collected through reduced pressure test, density measurement, metallography, X-ray radiography and tensile testing and analyzed statistically. Results indicated that remelting improved the quality of the melt by reduction of the number of defects in the casting and their area and volume fractions. The improvement in elongation of remelted specimens was found to be statistically significant. Analysis of deformation characteristics showed that the improvement in elongation is due to... 

    Microwave-induced Cannizzaro reaction over neutral γ-alumina as a polymeric catalyst [electronic resource]

    , Article Reactive and Functional Polymers ; 01/2002; 51(1):49-53 Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Soleimanzadeh, B ; Marandi, G. B
    γ-Alumina is used to catalyze the Cannizzaro reaction in the absence of any base under microwave irradiation in high yields. In the case of terephthalaldehyde the reaction is carried out with high selectivity  

    Effect of oxide bifilms on the mechanical properties of cast Al-7Si-0.3Mg alloy and the roll of runner height after filter on their formation

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 548 , 2012 , Pages 99-105 ; 09215093 (ISSN) Eisaabadi Bozchaloei, G ; Varahram, N ; Davami, P ; Kim, S. K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Oxide bifilms (double oxide films) are one of the most important defects that influence the mechanical properties of cast aluminum alloys. To investigate the formation of oxide bifilms, castings with different heights of runner were examined. SEM and EDX analysis were used to study the presence of oxide bifilms and fracture surface of tensile test samples. The fracture surface of the tensile test bars that were cast with lower height of runner revealed no oxide bifilm and features of ductile fracture mechanisms. On the other hand, the test bars that were cast with a higher height of runner showed a brittle fracture with areas covered by oxide bifilms. The results of tensile test were... 

    Investigation of the Effects of Oxide films on the Mechanical Properties of Al-A356.2 alloy and Simulation of Oxide film Entrapment during the Mold Filling

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Eisaabadi Bozchaloei, Ghasem (Author) ; Davami, Parviz (Supervisor) ; Varahram, Naser (Co-Advisor)
    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of old and young oxide films on the mechanical properties and reliability of Cast Al A356.2 alloy. The results indicate that the presence of oxides within the microstructure of the alloy decreased the tensile properties of the alloy and increased their scattering. Beside this, the presence of the oxides decreased the reliability of the alloy. The results showed that the presence of double oxide films (especially old oxides) decreased the Weibull modulus of tensile properties and resulted in bi-Weibull distribution in tensile properties of the alloy. The results also indicate that using of a clean melt (with high quality), is vital for... 

    Microwave-induced Cannizzaro reaction over neutral γ-alumina as a polymeric catalyst

    , Article Reactive and Functional Polymers ; Volume 51, Issue 1 , 2002 , Pages 49-53 ; 13815148 (ISSN) Pourjavadi, A ; Soleimanzadeh, B ; Marandi, G. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Microwave induced Cannizzaro reaction, which was performed in presence of neutral γ-alumina as a polymeric catalyst, was discussed. Cannizzaro reaction was carried out on alumina surface and other unknown products were also obtained. Solvent extraction method was utilized to isolate mild and selective benzyl alcohol and carboxylic acids  

    Application of an optimized SLW model to calculation of non-gray radiation heat transfer in a furnace

    , Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 13 November 2015 through 19 November 2015 ; Volume 8B-2015 , 2015 ; 9780791857502 (ISBN) Darbandi, M ; Abrar, B ; Schneider, G. E
    The spectral line based weighted sum of gray gases (SLW) model is considered as an advanced model, which can solve the radiative transfer equation (RTE) in non-gray participating media by dividing the absorption cross section spectrum into a limited number of intervals. Each interval is then treated as a gray gas medium, in which the attributed RTE should be solved separately. Therefore, the SLW model would be computationally more efficient than the other non-gray participating media solvers because it is faced with a small number of RTE solutions. In this work, we present a novel optimized SLW model and applied it to radiation heat transfer calculation in a model furnace. The current... 

    Semi-IPN carrageenan-based nanocomposite hydrogels: Synthesis and swelling behavior

    , Article Journal of Applied Polymer Science ; Volume 118, Issue 5 , 2010 , Pages 2989-2997 ; 00218995 (ISSN) Mahdavinia, G. R ; Marandi, G. B ; Pourjavadi, A ; Kiani, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    Inclusion of nano-clays into hydrogels is an efficient approach to produce nanocomposite hydrogels. The introduction of nano-clay into hydrogels causes an increase in water absorbency. In the present work, Nanocomposite hydro-gels based on kappa-carrageenan were synthesized using sodium montmorillonite as nano-clay. Acrylamide and meth-ylenebisacrylamide were used as monomer and crosslinker, respectively. The structure of nanocomposite hydrogels was investigated by XRD and SEM techniques. Swelling behavior of nanocomposite hydrogels was studied by varying clay and carrageenan contents as well as methylenebisacrylamide concentration. An optimum swelling capacity was achieved at 12% of sodium... 

    Weighted sparse signal decomposition

    , Article ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings ; 2012 , Pages 3425-3428 ; 15206149 (ISSN) ; 9781467300469 (ISBN) Babaie Zadeh, M ; Mehrdad, B ; Giannakis, G. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2012
    Standard sparse decomposition (with applications in many different areas including compressive sampling) amounts to finding the minimum ℓ 0-norm solution of an underdetermined system of linear equations. In this decomposition, all atoms are treated 'uniformly' for being included or not in the decomposition. However, one may wish to weigh more or less certain atoms, or, assign higher costs to some other atoms to be included in the decomposition. This can happen for example when there is prior information available on each atom. This motivates generalizing the notion of minimal ℓ 0-norm solution to that of minimal weighted ℓ 0-norm solution. On the other hand, relaxing weighted ℓ 0-norm via... 

    Azaborininones: synthesis and structural analysis of a carbonyl-containing class of azaborines

    , Article Journal of Organic Chemistry ; Volume 82, Issue 10 , 2017 , Pages 5380-5390 ; 00223263 (ISSN) Davies, G. H. M ; Mukhtar, A ; Saeednia, B ; Sherafat, F ; Kelly, C. B ; Molander, G. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    An approach to access azaborininones (carbonyl-containing, boron-based heterocyclic scaffolds) using simple reagents and conditions from both organotrifluoroborates and boronic acids is described. An inexpensive, common reagent, SiO2, was found to serve as both a fluorophile and desiccant to facilitate the annulation process across three different azaborininone platforms. Computational analysis of some of the cores synthesized in this study was undertaken to compare the azaborininones with the analogous carbon-based heterocyclic systems. Computationally derived pKa values, NICS aromaticity calculations, and electrostatic potential surfaces revealed a unique isoelectronic/isostructural... 

    Modeling of damage in soft biological tissues

    , Article Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling ; 2017 , Pages 101-123 ; 9780128040607 (ISBN); 9780128040096 (ISBN) Holzapfel, G. A ; Fereidoonnezhad, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2017
    The mechanical responses of biological tissues are well characterized by hyperelastic or viscoelastic models within the physiological loading range. However, during supra-physiological mechanical loading, as occurs during interventional procedures such as balloon angioplasty and arterial clamping, damage may occur in the tissue. The continuum and computational treatments of damage in soft biological tissues have attracted considerable attention over the recent years. In this chapter, we review the state of the art of this challenging area. We summarize and critically discuss various damage models, which are based on continuum damage mechanics, the theory of pseudo-elasticity, and the... 

    Selective synthesis of conjugated enynes from α-arylalkynols using LiCl-Acidic Al2O3 under solvent-free conditions

    , Article Journal of Chemical Research - Part S ; Issue 8 , 2002 , Pages 378-380 ; 03082342 (ISSN) Pourjavadi, A ; Marandi, G. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Scientific Reviews Ltd  2002
    α-Arylalkynols were converted into conjugated enynes (in a selective manner under solvent-free conditions) using the LiCl-acidic Al2O3 couple as catalyst and support  

    On the smallest edge defining sets of graphs

    , Article Ars Combinatoria ; Volume 63 , 2002 , Pages 293-303 ; 03817032 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Khosrovshahi, G. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    For a given sequence of nonincreasing numbers, d = (d1, . . ., dn a necessary and sufficient condition is presented to characterize d when its realization is a unique labelled simple graph. If G is a graph, we consider the subgraph G′ of G with maximum edges which is uniquely determined with respect to its degree sequence. We call the set of E(G)/E(G′) the smallest edge defining set of G. This definition coincides with the similar one in design theory  

    Selective preparation of fluorescent 1,8-naphthalimides using acidic alumina under microwave irradiation

    , Article Journal of Chemical Research - Part S ; Issue 11 , 2001 , Pages 485-487 ; 03082342 (ISSN) Pourjavadi, A ; Marandi, G. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Scientific Reviews Ltd  2001
    7H-benzimidazo[2,1-a]benz[de]isoquinolin-7-one compounds were prepared in a selective manner by reaction between o-phenylenediamines and appropriate 1,8-naphthalenedicarboxylic anhydrides using acidic alumina under microwave irradiation  

    Palladium-catalyzed carbamate-directed regioselective halogenation: A route to halogenated anilines

    , Article Journal of Organic Chemistry ; Volume 81, Issue 9 , 2016 , Pages 3868-3876 ; 00223263 (ISSN) Matloubi Moghaddam, F ; Tavakoli, G ; Saeednia, B ; Langer, P ; Jafari, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2016
    This study describes an efficient method for ortho-selective halogenation of N-arylcarbamates under mild conditions for the first time. Although being weakly coordinating, N-arylcarbamates act very well as a removable directing group for activation of C-H bonds. The developed procedure results in extremely valuable halogenated N-arylcarbmates that can further be hydrolyzed to halogenated anilines. The obtained reaction conditions showed broad scope and wide functional group tolerance. All the products were formed in good yields with extremely high selectivity  

    Effect of different configurations on 3-D analysis of flow through stay vanes And guide vanes of a francis turbine

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 17, Issue 6 B , NOVEMBER-DECEMBER , 2010 , Pages 419-432 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Dadfar, R ; Firoozabadi, B ; Ahmadi, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    Stay and guide vanes (distributor) are essential parts of a turbine. They are used to control the flow rate and to appropriately transfer the flow momentum to the runner. In this work, flow through the distributor is analyzed. For various Boundary Conditions (BC) and different configurations, threedimensional flows in the distributor of a Francis turbine are evaluated and compared with each other. The numerical simulations were carried out using Fluent software and the results were validated with a GAMM Francis turbine, where the geometry and detailed best efficiency measurements were publically available. In these simulations, the flow was assumed to be steady and the effect of turbulence...