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    An Investigation on the Diffusion Welding of Aluminum to Copper Using ECAE Process

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Peyman (Author) ; Karimi Taheri, Ali (Supervisor)
    A new method for production of bimetallic rods, utilizing the equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) process has been introduced before by previous researchers, but no attempt has been made to assess the effect of different temperatures and holding times in order to achieve a diffusional bond between the mating surfaces. In present research copper sheathed aluminum rods have been ECAEed at room temperature and subsequently held at a constant ECAE pressure, at different temperatures and holding times to produce a diffusional bond between the copper sheath and the aluminum core. The bonding quality of the joints was examined by shear strength test. The microstructure examinations were carried... 

    Developing a Base Guideline for Cost Engineering System in Iranian Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Industry Projects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Majdian, Mohammad Ali (Author) ; Eslami, Hossain (Supervisor)

    Numerical Investigation of Particle Distribution in Clean Room

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Jaber (Author) ; Saeedi, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor)
    These days, according to increasing requirement to the applications of clean rooms in industries in and within the developing industry of computer, positive indicators that show a real need to a compere comprehensive study and research about the Clean rooms, in oder to predict the distribution and dispersal of the particles. Correct determination of indoor airflow and particle concentration distribution results in new standard development for Clean rooms. As computational fluid dynamics has become a powerful tool for indoor airflow studies, in this research, influence of effective parameters on the flow and concentration distribution in clean rooms has been... 

    Structural-Geotechnical Interactions in Piled Raft Foundations (Prf) Design for High Rise Buildings Under Earthquake Loading

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Mohammad (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor)
    It has been realized that the raft (mat) foundations are capable of bearing very large loads when they are assisted with a pile group. The contribution of both raft and piles to carry the surcharge loads is taken into account, considering the stiffness and strength of involved elements in the system, i.e. piles, raft and surrounding soil. Piles are usually required to ensure the stability of the foundation and to act as settlement reducers especially for high rise buildings. The present study focuses on both kinematic and inertial effects of piled foundations and piled raft foundations under earthquake loading. The Finite Element Method (FEM) via ABAQUS will be used as an appropriate tool to... 

    Synergy of Energy Transition of Iran and China Under 25-year Cooperation Agreement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Mohammad Ali (Author) ; Maleki, Abbas (Supervisor)
    The Iran-China 25-year Cooperation Program on the further economic development particularly energy area signed on 27 March 2021 by Iran, which suffered from many years of political and economic isolation and China, the second global economy. Energy transition is an essential issue in both country's energy systems which calls for a medium energy carrier that will be the natural gas. China is seeking for new natural gas resources in order to achieve its ambitious net-zero goals and Iran has targeted 50% reduction in its energy intensity. The necessity of supplying the natural gas for Pakistan and China through the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) by Iran is an important criterion in the... 

    Air Flow and Respiratory Gas Exchange Simulation in Acinar Region of Human Lung

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami Saray, Mohammad Ali (Author) ; Saeedi, Mohammad Saeed (Supervisor)
    The main function of respiratory system is to exchange gasses between air and blood. However selection of the suitable geometry and solution of the fluid flow precede all other phenomena in the lung, including particle deposition and gas exchange. The most complicated phenomena take place at the terminal generations of the lung which is known as acinar region. Due to small dimensions and inability to use experimental measurements, numerical simulations are adequate methods in this region. In the first part of this thesis a method is proposed to reduce the computational space and make it possible to model all acinar region, simultaneously. Results show that the characteristic of streamlines... 

    Synthesis & Properties of Nd-doped Glass-ceramics in the SiO2-CaO-MgO System from Sol-gel Method Used as Solid Lasers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Masoud (Author) ; Hamnabard, Zohreh (Supervisor) ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this study, SiO2-CaO-MgO galsses and glass-ceramic powder doped with Nd3+ were synthesized with sol-gel method. Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), Ca(NO3)2.4H2O, Mg(NO3)2.6H2O, Nd(NO3)3.6H2O, ethanol, distilled water, and HNO3 were used as starting materials. The synthesized powder’s properties were examined with STA, XRD, DRS, PL, FTIR and SEM analysis. From XRD patterns of glass samples, the role of dopant was introduced as intermediate oxide in glass matrix. The XRD patterns of glass-ceramic samples indicated that the bredigite and akermanite crystals were formed in glass matrix. The band gap energy of samples were calculated from DRS analysis and were seen with increasing the dopant... 

    Predictions of some internal microstructural models for polymer melts and solutions in shear and elongational flows

    , Article Macromolecular Theory and Simulations ; Volume 13, Issue 7 , 2004 , Pages 655-664 ; 10221344 (ISSN) Eslami, H ; Ahmad Ramazani, S. A ; Ali Khonakdarl, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, the behavior of some internal microstructural models with different mobility tensors has been studied for polymer melts and solutions under steady and transient simple shear and elongational flows. The time evolution equations for conformation and stress tensors in the models reviewed have their root in the Generalized Poisson bracket formalism. Two different families of conformational models have been selected for this study. The first family is based on the Modified Finitely Extensible Nonlinear Elastic (FENE-P) energy while the second uses a Volume Preserving Conformational Rheological (VPCR) model based on the Hookean Helmholtz free energy function. Several expressions for... 

    Elasticity of DNA Molecule The Role of Anisotropy, Asymmetry and Nonlocal Interactions

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Eslami Mosallam, Behrouz (Author) ; Ejtehadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    The DNA Molecule carries genetic information in almost all living organisms. The information coded on DNA is an instruction which organizes and conducts all living activities of the living organism. The role of DNA in biological processes is so fundamental that life, as we know, is not possible without DNA. Therefore, studying the biological properties of DNA is crucial for understanding the nature of life. In biological conditions, DNA molecule can be found in highly packed configurations. Since the DNA is a rather stiff molecule, the formation of these configurations cost a considerable amount of energy. The elasticity of DNA plays an important role here. The important question is: how... 

    Automatic Labeling of Prosody in Persian Unmarked Speech

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamshidlou, Paria (Author) ; Eslami, Moharram (Supervisor) ; Bahrani, Mohammad (Co-Advisor)
    Prosodic annotations are used for locating and characterizing prominent parts in utterances as well as identifying and describing boundaries of coherent stretches of speech. Automatic detection and labeling of prosodic events in speech has received much attention in recent years since prosody is intricately bound to the semantics of the utterance. Recognition of prosodic events is important for spoken language applications such as automatic understanding and translation of speech. Moreover, corpora labeled with prosodic markers are essential for building speech synthesizers that use data-driven approaches to generate natural speech. Such databases are important to reach a better... 

    Phonetic Representation of Intonation in Persian Vocative Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahmanian, Nasimeh (Author) ; Eslami, Moharram (Supervisor) ; Bahrani, Mohammad (Co-Advisor)
    This study investigates the intonational properties of vocative structure in standard Persian in the framework of Auto-segmental-metrical phonology. Pitch accent is one of the elements whithin this framework, that refers to the prominence in the utterance. In Persian all lexical units are stressed in their final syllable and there is a language-specific feature in Persian according to which pitch accents are aligned with lexically stressed syllables. Contrary to the said feature, previous studies claim that in vocative structure, it is the first syllable that is accented, due to the difference existed between intonation pattern of vocative structure compared to its citation form. The data... 

    Introducing an Approach to Build a Phrase Structure Treebank Using Persian Dependency Treebank

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soltanzadeh, Fatemeh (Author) ; Bahrani, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Eslami, Moharram (Co-Advisor)
    Treebanks are useful in many applications of natural language processing such as machine translation, speech recognition, information extraction, and etc. They are also being used in theoretical linguistics to study languages. For instance, they are valuable for development of different syntactic theories, calculation of frequency of syntactic rules, evaluation and comparison of statistical models and etc.
    The most treebanks are based on phrase structure grammar or dependency grammar. In a phrase structure treebank, a sentence is divided to phrases. In this representation, a phrase is composed of several words. But in the dependency treebank, connection between two words is based on the... 

    Streaming Algorithms for Shape Fitting in High Dimensions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami Bidgoli, Mohammad Javad (Author) ; Zarrabizadeh, Hamid (Supervisor)
    In this research, we investigate shape fitting problems in high dimensional streams and we provide lower bounds for the problems of minimum enclosing spherical shell and minimum enclosing cylindrical shell in streaming model. We will prove that no streaming algorithm can approximate these problems with constant factor with storage sub-exponential in dimension. More precisely, we will prove that every streaming algorithm that can solve these problems with storage sub-exponential in dimension, does not have an approximation factor better than√28 d1/3, where d is dimension of the input points. This is the first lower bound that has been proved for these two problems in high dimensional streams  

    Modification of carbohydrate polymers via grafting in air. 1. Ceric-Induced synthesis of starch-g-polyacrylonitrile in presence and absence of oxygen [electronic resource]

    , Article Starch - Starke ; Volume 54, Issue 3-4, pages 140–147, April 2002 Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Zohurian Mehr, Mohammad J
    Monomer grafting, a unique technique for polysaccharide modification, is always performed under inert (e.g., N2) atmosphere. This work is the first report related to evaluating the possibility and efficiency of the grafting of acrylonitrile (AN) onto starch in presence of oxygen. Thus, corn starch (in both granular and gelatinized states) as well as soluble starch were grafted by AN using a ceric-carbohydrate redox initiating system. Graft copolymerizations were performed under nitrogen, air, and oxygen atmospheres at similar conditions. Grafting occurrence was verified using chemical and spectral proofs. The polymerization mechanism and kinetics were investigated by recording the... 

    Modification of carbohydrate polymers via grafting in Air. 2. Ceric-Initiated graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile onto natural and modified polysaccharides [electronic resource]

    , Article Starch - Stärke ; Volume 54, Issue 10, pages 482–488, October 2002 Pourjavad, A. (Ali) ; Zohuriaan-Mehr, Mohammad J
    Acrylonitrile (AN) was grafted onto various natural and modified polysaccharides (i.e., gum arabic, gum tragacanth, xanthan gum, sodium alginate, chitosan, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose) by using ceric-carbohydrate redox initiating system. After overcoming practical problems, mainly from the high viscosity of the aqueous solutions of the different substrates, the graft copolymerization reactions were run either in air or in N2 atmosphere under similar conditions. Grafting was confirmed using chemical and spectral (FTIR) proofs. The reactions were kinetically investigated using semi-empirical expressions and time-temperature profiles. An anomalous... 

    Study on optimized piled-raft foundations (PRF) performance with connected and non-connected piles- three case histories

    , Article International Journal of Civil Engineering ; Volume 10, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 100-111 ; 17350522 (ISSN) Eslami, A ; Veiskarami, M ; Eslami, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    It has been realized that the raft (mat) foundations are capable of bearing very large loads when they are assisted with a pile group. The contribution of both raft and piles to carry the surcharge loads is taken into account, considering the stiffness and strength of involved elements in the system, i.e. piles, raft and surrounding soil. The piles are usually required not to ensure the overall stability of the foundation but to act as settlement reducers. There is an alternative design in which, the piles are nonconnected from the raft to reduce the settlement, which are then known to be "settlement reducer non-connected piles" to increase the system stiffness. In this paper, two and three... 

    Modified Gravity; From Theory to Observation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Mohammad Ali (Author) ; Baghram, Shant (Supervisor) ; Khosravi, Nima (Co-Advisor)
    The observations of the cosmic background radiation and large-scale structures show that the standard cosmological model is in good agreement with observational data. The standard model is based on the cosmological constant, dark matter, and Gaussian, nearly scale-invariant, adiabatic, and isotropic initial conditions. Although this model has been phenomenologically successful, but the problems of dark energy, dark matter, missing baryons and early universe remain unresolved. One of the most important theoretical questions in cosmology is whether the cosmological constant is the reason for accelerated cosmic expansion. In other words, is Einsteinian gravity the correct theory on the cosmic... 

    Modeling of in Plane Behavior of Retrofitted Adobe Walls with Finite Element Method under Cyclic Loading

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammad Panah, Hossein (Author) ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Co-Advisor)
    Statistical studies indicate the fact that in Iran, like many other developing countries, a significant percentage of buildings are made of traditional materials and most of them are adobe buildings especially in rural areas. Furthermore, geological data indicates that Iran is located in alps-Himalayas seismic zone and exposed by destructive earthquakes and adobe buildings suffer the most damages comparing with other type of the structures. According to these explanations, this research deals with adobe buildings behavior and provides solutions for reinforcing them and improving the seismic response of these buildings. These studies include numerical modeling with finite elements methods by... 

    Silica chloride/wet SiO2 as a novel heterogeneous system for the deprotection of acetals under mild conditions [electronic resource]

    , Article Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements ; Volume 178:2667-2670, Issue 12, 2003 Mirjalili, B. F. (BiBi Fatemeh) ; Pourjavadi, Ali ; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali ; Bamoniri, Abdolhamid
    A combination of silica chloride and wet SiO2 was used as an effective deacetalizating agent for the conversion of acetals to their corresponding carbonyl derivatives under mild and heterogeneous condition  

    Distributed Fault-tolerant Computation for Massive Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahvari Habibabadi, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Maddah-Ali, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we consider the problem of distributed computation by many processors.We mainly concentrate on matrix multiplication problem in this thesis because of its importance. A distributed system consists of N worker processors and one master processor. The master processor should distribute the computation between workers and after computation in each of them, collect the results. In this thesis, we are going to mitigate the effect of straggler processors by using coding methods. Straggler processors can cause delays in the computation time.In this thesis, we firstly introduce a method to multiply any number of matrices in each other. The proposed method occurred in one shot without...