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    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Boraghi, Mahsa Sadat (Author) ; Parsafar, Gholamabbas (Supervisor)
    In 2009, a general equation of state (EOS-III) based on an effective near-neighbor pair interaction of an extended Lennard-Jones (3, 6, 12) type has been introduced as : , where is the compressibility factor, p and ρ stand for pressure and molar density , respectively, T is Temperature , and e, f and g are the temperature dependent coefficient of the equation of state . the Z_th and Z_in are the thermal and internal contributions of pressure in the compressibility factor, respectively. this equation of state gives a good description of all types of nano- and bulk –solid and bulk fluid at entire temperature and pressure ranges for which thee is experimental data. Investigation show that... 

    Comparison models evaluating countermeasures at Highway-Railway Grade Crossings

    , Article ICTIS 2013: Improving Multimodal Transportation Systems - Information, Safety, and Integration - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety ; 2013 , Pages 1934-1945 ; 9780784413036 (ISBN) Ghafouri, R ; Bagheri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper reviews the literature concerning the effectiveness of countermeasures at Highway-Railway Grade Crossings (HRGC). HRGC are considered as the hotspots in railway transportation systems. So far, there has been significant discussion about different types of countermeasure to mitigate the risk of accidents at HRGC. Different approaches have been developed about the effectiveness of the countermeasures including the Before-After and Cross-Sectional. This paper compares all different studies to evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasure in reduction of accident frequency and severity  

    Topics in Measurability and Integrability in Constructive Analysis

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ghafouri, Zahra (Author) ; Ardeshir, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we investigate constructive measure theory in two schools of constructivism; intuitionistic mathematics and Bishop’s constructive mathematics.In this regard, first, we examine some classical propositions on measurability in both schools. Then we give a comparison between measurability in the two schools  

    Photoelectrocatalytic Performance of Mesoporous TiO2 Nanostructures Decorated with Cu-Ag-Zn Particles for CO2 Conversion

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Adel Rastkhiz, Mahsa Sadat (Author) ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor)
    The rise in carbon dioxide levels has led to the manifestation of numerous environmental challenges. Currently, the absorption and conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable fuel resources such as synthetic gas, methane, and ethylene are deemed crucial from both environmental and economic standpoints. Despite the presentation of photocatalysts such as titanium oxide and electrocatalysts such as copper, silver, and zinc, their efficiency in CO2 conversion is found to be insufficient. One potential solution to this problem is the utilization of photoelectrocatalytic CO2 recovery. In this study, the aim was to enhance the photoelectrocatalytic reduction of CO2 by designing and manufacturing... 

    Time-Cost efficient scheduling algorithms for executing workflow in infrastructure as a service clouds

    , Article Wireless Personal Communications ; Volume 103, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 2035-2070 ; 09296212 (ISSN) Ghafouri, R ; Movaghar, A ; Mohsenzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2018
    Cloud Computing enables delivery of IT resources over the Internet and follows the pay-as-you-go billing model. The cloud infrastructures can be used as an appropriate environment for executing of workflow applications. To execute workflow applications in this environment, it is necessary to develop the workflow scheduling algorithms that consider different QoS parameters such as execution time and cost. Therefore, in this paper we focus on two criteria: total completion time (makespan) and execution cost of workflow, and propose two heuristic algorithms: MTDC (Minimum Time and Decreased Cost) which aims to create a schedule that minimizes the makespan and decreases execution cost, and CTDC... 

    A budget constrained scheduling algorithm for executing workflow application in infrastructure as a service clouds

    , Article Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ; 2018 , Pages 1-28 ; 19366442 (ISSN) Ghafouri, R ; Movaghar, A ; Mohsenzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2018
    Cloud computing technology, which is a new model of service provisioning in distributed systems, has been raised as a way to execute workflow applications. To profit from this technology for executing workflow applications, it is necessary to develop workflow scheduling algorithms that consider different QoS parameters such as execution time and cost. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on two criteria: makespan (completion time) and execution cost of workflow application and propose a scheduling algorithm named CB-DT (Constrained Budget-Decreased Time) which aims to create a schedule that decreases the makespan while satisfying the budget constraint of the workflow application. In the... 

    A budget constrained scheduling algorithm for executing workflow application in infrastructure as a service clouds

    , Article Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2019 , Pages 241-268 ; 19366442 (ISSN) Ghafouri, R ; Movaghar, A ; Mohsenzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2019
    Cloud computing technology, which is a new model of service provisioning in distributed systems, has been raised as a way to execute workflow applications. To profit from this technology for executing workflow applications, it is necessary to develop workflow scheduling algorithms that consider different QoS parameters such as execution time and cost. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on two criteria: makespan (completion time) and execution cost of workflow application and propose a scheduling algorithm named CB-DT (Constrained Budget-Decreased Time) which aims to create a schedule that decreases the makespan while satisfying the budget constraint of the workflow application. In the... 

    Simulation and Implementation of Active Energy Management Algorithm on Residential Photovoltaic System with Storage

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghafouri Varzaneh, Saeed (Author) ; Abbaspour, Ali (Supervisor)
    In majority of the (standalone or grid-connected) PV Systems, predefined rule-based algorithms are utilized in order to manage and control the flow of power. The function of these algorithms is to send the generated energy from solar panels either to load for consumption, or to battery for storage, or to the grid for sale. Their performance is based on predefined instructions and regardless of load change and consumption patterns. Therefore the total efficiency of these systems depend greately upon individual user’s load type and consumption pattern. In current research, an optimum and dynamic energy management algorithm is proposed using dynamic programming (DP) method, in order to increase... 

    Power system stability improvement using self-tuning fuzzy logic controlled STATCOM

    , Article EUROCON 2007 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, Warsaw, 9 September 2007 through 12 September 2007 ; December , 2007 , Pages 1444-1449 ; 142440813X (ISBN); 9781424408139 (ISBN) Ghafouri, A ; Zolghadri, M. R ; Ehsan, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents the application of a fuzzy logic controlled Static Compensator (STATCOM) to improve stability of power system. The nonlinear fuzzy logic controller is used to overcome the problems generated by different uncertainties exist in power systems. Different input variables are used to design the controller. Parameters of the proposed controller are adjusted by means of Neural Network techniques to improve performance of the system. Proposed controller is implemented on a single machine infinite bus system to confirm the performance of the controller through simulation results  

    Coating of Sewage Pipes with Appropriate Nanomaterials Aimed at Preventing Biological Growth (Algae+Biofilm)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nezameddin, Mahsa Sadat (Author) ; Borghei, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Ghasemi, Shahnaz (Co-Supervisor)
    Biological layers are one of the main problems related to water transfer with pipe lines which are formed through time in the inner surface of the pipes by the water nutrients. Hence, the inner surfaces in the pipe lines and water refineries should be made in order not to let these biological layers to be made. The reason is that when the biofilm is formed on these surfaces, the traversing water is polluted. Dredging of these pipes is not only necessary in most of the countries in the world and needs huge amounts of water but is also very complex and expensive.In this research, nanomaterials, namely ZnO, T〖iO〗_2،S〖iO〗_2 have been used to cover the surface of concrete and steel pipes (The... 

    Synthesis and Application of Preformed Viscoelastic Hydrogels in Enhanced Oil Recovery

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aqcheli, Farzad (Author) ; Taghikhani, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Baghban Salehi, Mahsa (Supervisor)
    Preformed particle gels (PPGs) due to its advatantage over commonly used in situ gels has been successfully applied for controlling excess water production in mature oil reservoirs. Field results of using PPGs in oil fields shows that commonly used PPGs are highly sensitive to hard reservoir conditions such as high temperature and salinity and can not effectively block fractures and high permeability layers.Objects of this study are synthesis and evaluating performance of this novel polymer based hydrogel in oil reservoirs with high temperature and salinity. Central composite design ( which is a experiment design approach) was used for synthesizing thirteen gel samples and optimal sample was... 

    Design and Manufacture of Polymeric Nanocomposite in Order to Control the Production and Migration of Sand in Reservoirs

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Saghandali, Farzin (Author) ; Taghikhani, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Baghban Salehi, Mahsa (Supervisor)
    Sand production from oil reservoirs leads to various problems, such as well productivity reduction, operating equipment corrosion, and increased production costs. Therefore, controlling sand production in unconsolidated reservoirs is crucial for operating companies. Chemical injection into the formation in order to strengthen and reduce sand production is one of the most important methods of sand control. In this study, a hydrogel nanocomposite was designed and its effectiveness in sand control was investigated. Various tests were carried out to define and assess its efficacy, as follows: Morphological tests demonstrated the creation of a dense, homogeneous, and porous structure. Structural... 

    Effect of Initial Static Shear Stress on Undrained Cyclic Resistance of Well Graded, Medium Dense Gravelly Soils by Cyclic Triaxial Tests

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Seyed Ghafouri, Mohammad Hosein (Author) ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Softening and liquefaction of granular soils due to earthquakes have been a major cause for much destruction in preceding decades. This phenomenon mostly occurs in sandy soils, yet its occurrence has also been reported in gravelly soils in the last three decades. Despite the numerous researches which have investigated the undrained cyclic behavior of gravelly soils during earthquakes, there are still some aspects that need further study.This research investigates the effect of initial static shear stress on undrained cyclic resistance of a well graded, medium dense gravelly soil by conducting a series of cyclic triaxial tests. The 23 performed tests are categorized into 5 groups with... 

    Vibrational analysis of Ag, Cu and Ni nanobeams using a hybrid continuum-atomistic model

    , Article International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ; Volume 165 , 2020 Ghafouri Pourkermani, A ; Azizi, B ; Nejat Pishkenari, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    An important issue in the study of the nanostructures behaviors is the surface effects, which increases with the increase of the surface-to-volume ratio. Continuum theories are capable of modeling structures at micro and larger scales with enough precision and low computational costs. However, these theories are unable to predict the mechanical properties of nanostructures accurately. On the other hand, due to their high precision, atomistic modeling techniques are extensively employed for the study of systems at nanoscale; however, computational costs of these techniques are relatively high. In this research, we aim to study the vibrational behavior of nanobeams made of three FCC metals;... 

    Design and Simulation of Dust Control System in the Air with the FPGA

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghafouri, Rasool (Author) ; Vosoughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor) ; Hashemi, Matin (Co-Advisor)

    Utilizing a simulation approach for analysis of patient flow in the emergency department: a case study

    , Article 15th Iran International Industrial Engineering Conference, IIIEC 2019, 23 January 2019 through 24 January 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 151-157 ; 9781728117751 (ISBN) Seyed Ghafouri, S. M. M ; Haji, B ; Shakhsi Niaei M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    Simulation has been shown to be one of the most powerful tools in many areas of the health-care system, a system which attracted the attention of researchers due to its intricacy. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the patients' flow in an emergency department (ED). Discrete event simulation (DES)has been used as the core of this research so that it offers various ways to reduce the length of stay (LOS)of patients in different segments of ED by assessing various scenarios. In particular, a new approach for verification of the simulated model will be discussed. This study reports on the results that extracted from a case study on patient record data in one of the EDs located in Tehran... 

    Personalized Assortment Optimization Using a Non-Parametric Choice Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Seyed Ghafouri, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Modarres Yazdi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this study, the problem of assortment optimization considering a non-parametric choice model will be introduced. The present study is generally divided into two main parts. The first part deals with modeling customer behavior using the definition of tree models of customer preference behavior. The second part is related to the main problem solving framework in order to get the best product combination in the product classification basket. This research is related to the online seller who intends to sell a certain number of types of products without inventory limit. Customers entering the system, according to their specifications, are provided with the appropriate product classification... 

    Treatment of Triclosan Through Enhanced Microbial Biodegradation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghafouri, Mahsa (Author) ; Yaghmaei, Soheila (Supervisor) ; Ghobadi Nejad, Zahra (Supervisor)
    Triclosan is widely used as an antibacterial agent in personal health care products, especially in recent years with the spread of the Coronavirus. This substance is one of the emerging contaminants, and due to its stable and toxic nature, this material cannot be destroyed in the process of biological wastewater treatment. In this research, a new bacterial strain was isolated and purified from industrial wastewater for the biological removal of triclosan. Based on 16S rRNA sequencing, it was found that the isolated strain belongs to the Enterobacter cloacae family and can grow in high concentrations of triclosan. It was observed that naphthalene dioxygenase and laccase enzymes are active... 

    Butanol Production from Bagasse Sugarcane Black Liquor by Native Strain and Clostridium Acetobutylicum Species

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hassani Atashgah, Milad (Author) ; Shayegan, Jalaleddin (Supervisor) ; Vossoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Sedighi, Mahsa (Co-Supervisor)
    Considering the limitations of fossil fuels in recent years, as well as increasing demand for biofuels, it is anticipated that future attention to biofuels will increase further. Among biofuels, due to some disadvantages of bioethanol and biodiesel fuel, there is a tendency to use biobutanol, which does not have the disadvantages of the mentioned fuels. The cost of chemical production of butanol also led researchers to use biotechnology production of butanol. According to studies, butanol production can be achieved by fermenting some sugars such as glucose, xylose, and ... by anaerobic microorganism, but the cost of using these sugars has resulted in the use of natural sources of these... 

    Performance Evaluation of Rhamnolipid & Sophorolipid Biosurfactants Capable of Wettability Change and Oil Recovery Increase

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aghaei, Sadegh (Author) ; Taghikhani, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Baghban Salehi, Mahsa (Supervisor) ; Mokhtarani, Babak (Co-Supervisor)
    As fossil fuels are still the world's most important source of energy, as well as the maturity of most of the world's oil reservoirs, there is a need for enhanced oil recovery methods to meet the world's increasing oil demands. MEOR methods are new and promising methods that are still in the research and development stage. One of the MEOR methods is the use of biosurfactants, which increase the oil recovery by two mechanisms: 1) reducing the interfacial tension between water and oil and 2) changing the wettability of the rock. In this study, the performance of two glycolipid biosurfactants, rhamnolipid and sophorolipid, in increasing oil recovery has been investigated. Initially, surface...