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    Optical Conductivity of Fermi Arc States

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi Ravari, Zeinab (Author) ; Jafari, Akbar (Supervisor)
    Recently, some materials, such as Weyl and Dirac semimetals, have been found in condensed matter physics whose band structure behaves like Weyl fermions of elementary particles near some points of the first Birillouin zone. The Weyl equation that governs these materials, have boundary because they are finite. By applying proper boundary conditions, two-dimensional surface states have been emerged. these states are called fermi arc sates because the surface corresponding to the fermi energy is not a closed surface. Surface states are mixed with bulk states because by getting close to the end of fermi arcs, surface states tend to bulk states con-tinuously. Being able to distinguish between... 

    Design and Fabrication of Microfluidic System as Concentration Gradient Generator

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ziabakhsh, Zeinab Sadat (Author) ; Saadatmand, Maryam (Supervisor)
    According to today’s medicine progress, the need for improving the medical facilities have been increased. Within the human body, the biomolecules concentration gradient is regulating the cell functions. Biological processes such as immune response, wound healing, and cancer metastasis have been affected by the bimolecular concentration gradient. So understanding the cell behavior in the presence of a chemical gradient can improve the understanding from these biological processes, and also would help in medical researches. On the other hand, finding the appropriate dose of the drugs and in some cases finding the most effective drug is a clinical challenge that made a new field of research in... 

    Using Information Beyond Text to Generate Language Embedding Vectors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinab Sadat Taghavi (Author) ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we introduce a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) system inspired by the philosophical and psychoanalytical concept of imagination as a ``Re-construction of Experiences". Our AI system is equipped with an imagination-inspired module that bridges the gap between textual inputs and other modalities, enriching the derived information based on previously learned experiences. A unique feature of our system is its ability to formulate independent perceptions of inputs. This leads to unique interpretations of a concept that may differ from human interpretations but are equally valid, a phenomenon we term as ``Interpretable Misunderstanding". We employ large-scale models,... 

    Optical Injection Phase-Locked Loop Application in Continuous-variable Quantum Key Distributions

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Khaksar, Zeinab Sadat (Author) ; Bahrampour, Alireza (Supervisor)
    The primary objective of this thesis is to provide solutions addressing some security loopholes in continuous variables quantum key distribution protocols. The coherent detection method is utilized in this particular quantum key distribution scheme, which is a phase-sensitive detection. To measure in the quantum noise limit in the detection part, we need a local optical oscillator, which must possess a high intensity and a consistent phase correlation with the quantum signal. Therefore, reconstructing the emitter’s reference phase in the receiver’s detection system is considered as one of the most critical challenges in these protocols. In order to attain this goal, in the early versions of... 

    Measurement of Radionuclide Transport Parameters for Soil Samples Taken from Naein Radioactive Waste Disposal Site by Using Column Experiment and Determining the Concentration Profile through the Column

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Poursharifi Ravari, Mohadese (Author) ; Samadfaam, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Radioactive wastes are generated at different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle and other activities related to the handling of the radioactive substances. In order to protect human being and the environment from any harmful effects of ionizing radiation, it’s necessary to isolate radioactive waste by disposing them in near surface or deep geological formations (depending on the radioactive hazard). To ensure that the waste is properly isolated from the environment for required periods of time, the safety assessment of the disposal site is essential. Transport of radionuclides from the disposal site to the environment is the essential part at any safety assessment program. Therefore,... 

    Investigation of the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell Based on Shewanella Bacteria with the Aim of Nanostructured Materials

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davoudi, Omid (Author) ; Yaghmaei, Soheila (Supervisor) ; Sanaee, Zeinab (Co-Supervisor)
    The development of clean, renewable and alternative sources of fossil fuels has increased in recent years due to various factors such as environmental pollution, reduced fossil fuel resources and increased energy consumption. The application of microbial fuel cells is one of the clean energy production methods using renewable sources such as municipal sewage. The microbial fuel cell converts the chemical energy stored in organic materials into electrical energy and simultaneously purifies the sewage. Increasing current density and power density are the most important challenges for microbial fuel cells. In this study, the two biocatalysts of Shewanella Oneidensis MR1 and Escherichia coli... 

    A semantic aware access control model with real time constraints on history of accesses

    , Article Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, IMCSIT 2008, 20 October 2008 through 22 October 2008, Wisla ; Volume 3 , 2008 , Pages 827-836 ; 9788360810149 (ISBN); 9788360810149 (ISBN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the advent of semantic technology, access control cannot be done in a safe way unless the access decision takes into account the semantic relationships among the entities in a semantic-aware environment. SBAC model considers this issue in its decision making process. However, time plays a crucial role in new computing environments which is not supported in the model. In this paper we introduce the Temporal Semantic Based Access Control model (TSBAC), as an extension of SBAC, which enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. A formal semantics for temporal authorizations is provided... 

    A temporal semantic-based access control model

    , Article 13th International Computer Society of Iran Computer Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, CSICC 2008, Kish Island, 9 March 2008 through 11 March 2008 ; Volume 6 CCIS , 2008 , Pages 559-568 ; 18650929 (ISSN); 3540899847 (ISBN); 9783540899846 (ISBN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the advent of semantic technology, access control cannot be done in a safe way unless the access decision takes into account the semantic relationships between entities in a semantic-aware environment. SBAC model considers this issue in the decision making process. However, time plays a crucial role in new computing environments which is not supported in this model. In this paper we introduce temporal semantic based access control model (TSBAC), as an extension of SBAC model, which enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. A formal semantics for temporal authorizations is provided... 

    Hydrogen storage in single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanotube bundles

    , Article Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ; Volume 5, Issue 7 , 2011 , Pages 483-490 ; 19918178 (ISSN) Hamidi, S ; Golnabi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    This article describes the hydrogen storage capacity in different carbon nanotubes. The hydrogen storage capacities in the armchair, zigzag, and chiral nanotubes are investigated. The hydrogen storing capacities as a function of the carbon nanotube (CNT) diameter are investigated for the single-walled (SWNT), multi-walled (MWNT), and CNT bundles and results are compared. Hydrogen storage capacity in SWNTs is increased by increasing the nanotube diameter. For diameter d=0.3887 nm of (5,0) CNT the hydrogen capacity is 0.99%, while for the (17,17) SWNT with a diameter d=2.289 nm the capacity is increased to 5.06%. In comparison of different MWNTs for a common external diameter d=1.6064 nm the... 

    An Investigation on the Effect of Filler Type and Content on the Performance of Asphaltic Materials

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi, Arman (Author) ; Motamed, Arash (Supervisor)
    The objective of this research is evaluating the effect of filler type and content on the characteristics of asphaltic materials. The properties of the asphalt mixture are greatly influenced by its components. As asphalt mixtures are composed of two prominent components, aggregates and binder, the change in type and contents of these materials may lead to altering the performance of asphalt mixtures. Aggregates in the asphalt mixtures are categorized into three groups based on their particle sizes: coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler. The effect of filler on the characteristics of asphalt mixtures can be examined by changing the type and content of filler and holding the... 

    The effect of filler type and content on rutting resistance of asphaltic materials

    , Article International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology ; Volume 12, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 249-258 ; 19966814 (ISSN) Hamidi, A ; Motamed, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2019
    This research evaluates the effect of filler type and content on rutting resistance of asphaltic materials by using laboratory experiments. To examine the effect of filler type, two traditional fillers (Silica sandstone powder and Portland cement) and a new recycled lime powder (Eggshell) were considered. To investigate the effect of filler content, three different filler contents were used. Marshall Stability test was performed on full mixes in order to determine the optimum binder content of the mixtures. Then, the static creep test was performed on Fine Aggregate Matrix (FAM) samples. The permanent strain after 10 minutes of recovery (PS-660) was considered as the indicator of potential... 

    Broadcast Efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini Beghayi Ravari, Amir (Author) ; Izadi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) is one of the basic problems in the theory of distributed cryptography and has important role in secure multi-party computation. In this case, it is tried to share a confidential data as secret, between multiple nodes in a distributed system, in the presence of an active adversary that can destroy a number of nodes, such that the secret can be reconstructed with the participation of certain size of honest nodes. There are two types of active adversary; Static and dynamic which the latter can change it’s corrupted nodes among the protocol. VSS protocols have different types of algorithmic complexity and one of these definitions, is the use of broadcast channel... 

    Reinforcement Learning Approach in Self-Assembly Systems to Acquire Desired Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ravari, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Self-Assembly (SA) plays a critical role in the formation of different phenomena in nature. This phenomenon can be defined as an arrangement of meaningful patterns with the aggregate behavior of simpler structures. One of the examples of Self-Assembly can be considered of the formation of ice crystals from ice molecules. Previous works mainly focus on graph grammar and self-assembly in fully observable environments. These algorithms mainly consist of two main stages: first, constructing simpler structures and then joining these simpler structures to form a complex structure. The challenges of the previous work can be considered as the necessity of a central controller in the formation of... 

    Design and implementation of a new body weight support (BWS) system

    , Article 5th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, IcRoM 2017, 25 October 2017 through 27 October 2017 ; 2018 , Pages 69-75 ; 9781538657034 (ISBN) Hamidi Rad, M ; Behzadipour, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    Gait training is a critical rehabilitation procedure for patients suffering from walking problems. It, however, puts the therapist in high orthopedic risk since he should prevent the patient from possible falling. Body weight support system is a new technology helping such patients and the involved therapist by unloading a percent of the patient's weight. A new over-ground body weight support is introduced in this article. The system is composed of two main modules namely unloading and traction. The unloading module is capable of suspending an individual's weight up to 1000N dynamically. The whole system is attached to an overhead rail, moving over the head of the patient by the traction... 

    An analytical model for evaluation of wireless mesh networks

    , Article 2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST 2008, Tehran, 27 August 2008 through 28 August 2008 ; October , 2008 , Pages 295-300 ; 9781424427512 (ISBN) Hamidi Sepehr, F ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are well-promising future networks especially for ubiquitous connection to Internet. In this paper, we propose an analytical model in order to evaluate the maximum stable throughput of a WMN based on a simplified version of IEEE 802.11s MAC protocol. Our modeling approach is based on a multi-class open queueing network. In this respect, we map some of the important features of IEEE 802.11s MAC protocol, esp., its contention-based and contention-free periods onto different parameters of the proposed queueing network. By solving the related traffic equations and applying the stability condition, we determine the maximum stable throughput, i.e., the maximum packet... 

    Critical state concepts for a cemented gravely sand

    , Article Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ; Volume 10 E , 2005 ; 10893032 (ISSN) Hamidi, A ; Haeri, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The shear behavior of a cemented gravely sand that can be considered as the representative of Tehran alluvium has been studied using triaxial equipment. Artificially cemented samples were prepared using gypsum plaster as the cementing agent. The plaster was mixed with the base soil at the weight percentages between 1.5 and 6. The critical state concepts were used to illustrate the mechanical behavior of tested soil. © 2005 ejge  

    GTHBAC: A generalized temporal history based access control model

    , Article Telecommunication Systems ; Volume 45, Issue 2-3 , 2010 , Pages 111-125 ; 10184864 (ISSN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Haadi Jafarian, J ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Time plays a crucial role in access control for new computing environments, which is not supported in traditional access control models. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Temporal History Based Access Control (GTHBAC) model, aimed at integrating history-based constraints along with a generic access control model. GTHBAC enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. Due to different application needs, GTHBAC uses two different time schemes, i.e., real time and logical time, in its authorization rules. A formal semantics for temporal authorizations is provided, and conflicting... 

    A history based semantic aware access control model using logical time

    , Article Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT 2008, 25 December 2008 through 27 December 2008, Khulna ; 2008 , Pages 43-50 ; 9781424421367 (ISBN) Noorollahi Ravari, A ; Amini, M ; Jalili, R ; Jafarian, J. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    With the advent of semantic technology' access control cannot be done in a safe way unless the access decision takes into account the semantic relationships among the entities in a semantic-aware environment. The SBAC model (Semantic Based Access Control model) considers this issue in its decision making process. However' time plays a crucial role in new computing environments'which is not supported in SBAC. In this paper' we propose the Temporal Semantic Based Access Control (TSBAC) model' as an extension of SBAC' which enhances the specification of user-defined authorization rules by constraining time interval and temporal expression over users' history of accesses. TSBAC uses logical... 

    Synthesis, Evaluation and Modification of Suitable Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFS) for Desulfurization of Hydrocarbon Cuts

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghassa, Mahya (Author) ; Khorashe, Farhad (Supervisor) ; Hajjar, Zeinab (Co-Supervisor) ; Soltanali, Saeed (Co-Supervisor)
    During fuel combustion, aromatic sulfur compounds in energy fuels convert into sulfur oxides, which cause major environmental problems such as acidic rain, global warming, and air pollution. Absorption desulfurization is one of the promising and economical methods to remove these sulfur compounds from fuels. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of nanoporous materials that are of interest for use as adsorbents due to their high specific surface area, unique surface adsorption properties, high adsorption capacity, tunable porosity, flexible dynamic behavior, and diversity in functional and metal groups. In this research, we first synthesized five metal-organic frameworks, namely... 

    Modeling and Optimization of Energy Engineering Department Building HVAC System Operation by Online Monitoring of Indoor Conditions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi, Mohammad Bagher (Author) ; Rajabi, Abbas (Supervisor)
    Increasing global final energy demand and the use of fossil fuels to meet this amount of energy demand have raised concerns about environmental impacts of fossil fuel consumption and the reduction of fossil energy reserves. Among the energy consumer sectors including industry, transport activities, agriculture, and households, the household sector is one of the most important sectors, regarding its share of total final energy consumption. Heating and cooling systems, which mainly use fossil fuels, are the biggest energy consumers in the household sector. Hence, optimal management of the heating and cooling systems can play an effective role in reducing energy costs in buildings. In this...