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    An analytical model for evaluation of wireless mesh networks

    , Article 2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST 2008, Tehran, 27 August 2008 through 28 August 2008 ; October , 2008 , Pages 295-300 ; 9781424427512 (ISBN) Hamidi Sepehr, F ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are well-promising future networks especially for ubiquitous connection to Internet. In this paper, we propose an analytical model in order to evaluate the maximum stable throughput of a WMN based on a simplified version of IEEE 802.11s MAC protocol. Our modeling approach is based on a multi-class open queueing network. In this respect, we map some of the important features of IEEE 802.11s MAC protocol, esp., its contention-based and contention-free periods onto different parameters of the proposed queueing network. By solving the related traffic equations and applying the stability condition, we determine the maximum stable throughput, i.e., the maximum packet... 

    Block adaptive compressive sensing for distributed MIMO radars in clutter environment

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium, 10 May 2016 through 12 May 2016 ; Volume 2016-June , 2016 ; 21555753 (ISSN) ; 9781509025183 (ISBN) Abtahi, A ; Mohajer Hamidi, S ; Marvasti, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2016
    For the target parameter estimation in MIMO radars in the presence of strong clutter, non-adaptive compressive sensing methods have a poor performance. On the other hand, the adaptive ones usually need higher data acquisition time. In this paper, we propose an adaptive compressive sensing method called L-BGT that has tolerable data acquisition time. furthermore, we have presented the essential changes in a distributed MIMO radar to exploit an adaptive group testing compressive sensing method  

    Multi-cass Semi-srvised Classification of Data Streams

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sepehr, Arman (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Recent advances in storage and processing have provided the ability of automatic gathering of information which in turn leads to fast and contineous flow of data. The data which are produced and stored in this way are named data streams. It has many applications such as processing financial transactions, the recorded data of various sensors or the collected data by web sevices. Data streams are produced with high speed, large size and much dynamism and have some unique properties which make them applicable in precise modeling of many real data mining applications. The main challenge of data streams is the occurrence of concept drift which can be in four types: sudden, gradual, incremental or... 

    Fault-tolerant Attitude Control of Sattelite Using Neural Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sepehr, Firoozeh (Author) ; Asadian, Nima (Supervisor)
    This research aims to introduce a new integrated fault tolerant attitude control system of satellites based on the neural networks. First, a linear controller and an optimal controller are designed assuming that no fault occurs in the reaction wheels of the satellite. It is obvious that these controllers are not able to respond properly when a fault occurs. Therefore, artificial neural networks are employed in the fault tolerant controller design. Neural networks are well-known for their adaptiveness and the ability to learn the dynamics of a system. Therefore, they can be used to predict the faulty conditions. In this research two approaches are examined to deal with the faulty conditions.... 

    Viral cascade probability estimation and maximization in diffusion networks

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ; 28 May , 2018 ; 10414347 (ISSN) Sepehr, A ; Beigy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2018
    People use social networks to share millions of stories every day, but these stories rarely become viral. Can we estimate the probability that a story becomes a viral cascade If so, can we find a set of users that are more likely to trigger viral cascades These estimation and maximization problems are very challenging since both rare-event nature of viral cascades and efficiency requirement should be considered. Unfortunately, this problem still remains largely unexplored to date. In this paper, given temporal dynamics of a network, we first develop an efficient viral cascade probability estimation method, VICE, that leverages an special importance sampling approximation to achieve high... 

    Viral cascade probability estimation and maximization in diffusion networks

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ; Volume 31, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 589-600 ; 10414347 (ISSN) Sepehr, A ; Beigy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2019
    People use social networks to share millions of stories every day, but these stories rarely become viral. Can we estimate the probability that a story becomes a viral cascade? If so, can we find a set of users that are more likely to trigger viral cascades? These estimation and maximization problems are very challenging since both rare-event nature of viral cascades and efficiency requirement should be considered. Unfortunately, this problem still remains largely unexplored to date. In this paper, given temporal dynamics of a network, we first develop an efficient viral cascade probability estimation method, ViCE, that leverages an special importance sampling approximation to achieve high... 

    Structural virality estimation and maximization in diffusion networks

    , Article Expert Systems with Applications ; Volume 206 , 2022 ; 09574174 (ISSN) Sepehr, A ; Beigy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities and people shares millions of message in a short time; however this information rarely goes viral. The diffusion process begins with an initial set of source nodes and continues with other nodes. In addition, the viral cascade is triggered when the number of infected nodes exceeds a specific threshold. Then, we find an initial set of source nodes that maximizes the number of infected nodes given the source nodes. This study aims to answer the following questions: how does a spread like a viral cascade propagate in a network? Do the structural properties of the propagation pattern play an important role in virality? If so, can we... 

    Information and Influence Diffusion in Social Network

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sepehr, Arman (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    People use social networks to share millions of stories every day, but these stories rarely become viral. Can we estimate the probability that a story becomes a u/rof cascade? If so, can we find a set of users that are more likely to trigger viral cascades? There are many factors influenced the message virality. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of graph structure, diffusion pattern as well as the message text on virality measure. Finally, the authors solve both source localization and inferring COVID-19 network via propsed methods.First, the authors investigate probability estimation and maximization of cascade virality. In this section, we develop an efficient viral cascade... 

    Improvement of the thermal cracking product quality of heavy vacuum residue using solvent deasphalting pretreatment

    , Article Energy and Fuels ; Volume 30, Issue 12 , 2016 , Pages 10322-10329 ; 08870624 (ISSN) Hamidi Zirasefi, M ; Khorasheh, F ; Ivakpour, J ; Mohammadzadeh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2016
    In this work we used the vacuum distillation residue from an Iranian heavy crude oil refinery in a solvent deasphalting (SDA) process using different temperatures (60-120°C), pressures (5-9 bar), solvents (n-pentane and ethyl acetate), and solvent to feed ratios (3 to 1, 5 to 1, and 7 to 1). The resulting products included deasphalted oil (DAO) and residue (PITCH). The DAO yields in SDA when n-pentane was used as solvent were significantly higher than those when ethyl acetate was used as solvent. The DAO was subsequently processed by thermal cracking at 500°C and atmospheric pressure to investigate the effect of solvent deasphalting processing conditions on the yield of coke and liquid... 

    Three-phase Model for a Fixed-bed Laboratory Scale Diesel Hydrotreating Reactor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fotouhi, Amin (Author) ; Khorasheh, Fahad (Supervisor) ; Sadighi, Sepehr (Supervisor)
    The harmful environmental effects of gases resulting from the combustion of sulfur compounds in fuel, poisoning of catalysts, corrosion of equipment, as well as the intensification of environmental considerations and new standards adopted for the maximum amount of sulfur, have made the desulfurization of fuels important; Meanwhile, the desulfurization method using hydrogen has a high potential to remove sulfur compounds. For example, diesel fuel contains a variety of impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen (basic and Non-basic), and aromatic compounds, the sulfur in diesel fuel causes many problems related to environmental pollution and corrosion of engine components. Also, due to the high... 

    Hydrogen storage in single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanotube bundles

    , Article Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ; Volume 5, Issue 7 , 2011 , Pages 483-490 ; 19918178 (ISSN) Hamidi, S ; Golnabi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    This article describes the hydrogen storage capacity in different carbon nanotubes. The hydrogen storage capacities in the armchair, zigzag, and chiral nanotubes are investigated. The hydrogen storing capacities as a function of the carbon nanotube (CNT) diameter are investigated for the single-walled (SWNT), multi-walled (MWNT), and CNT bundles and results are compared. Hydrogen storage capacity in SWNTs is increased by increasing the nanotube diameter. For diameter d=0.3887 nm of (5,0) CNT the hydrogen capacity is 0.99%, while for the (17,17) SWNT with a diameter d=2.289 nm the capacity is increased to 5.06%. In comparison of different MWNTs for a common external diameter d=1.6064 nm the... 

    An Investigation on the Effect of Filler Type and Content on the Performance of Asphaltic Materials

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi, Arman (Author) ; Motamed, Arash (Supervisor)
    The objective of this research is evaluating the effect of filler type and content on the characteristics of asphaltic materials. The properties of the asphalt mixture are greatly influenced by its components. As asphalt mixtures are composed of two prominent components, aggregates and binder, the change in type and contents of these materials may lead to altering the performance of asphalt mixtures. Aggregates in the asphalt mixtures are categorized into three groups based on their particle sizes: coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler. The effect of filler on the characteristics of asphalt mixtures can be examined by changing the type and content of filler and holding the... 

    The effect of filler type and content on rutting resistance of asphaltic materials

    , Article International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology ; Volume 12, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 249-258 ; 19966814 (ISSN) Hamidi, A ; Motamed, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2019
    This research evaluates the effect of filler type and content on rutting resistance of asphaltic materials by using laboratory experiments. To examine the effect of filler type, two traditional fillers (Silica sandstone powder and Portland cement) and a new recycled lime powder (Eggshell) were considered. To investigate the effect of filler content, three different filler contents were used. Marshall Stability test was performed on full mixes in order to determine the optimum binder content of the mixtures. Then, the static creep test was performed on Fine Aggregate Matrix (FAM) samples. The permanent strain after 10 minutes of recovery (PS-660) was considered as the indicator of potential... 

    Design and implementation of a new body weight support (BWS) system

    , Article 5th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, IcRoM 2017, 25 October 2017 through 27 October 2017 ; 2018 , Pages 69-75 ; 9781538657034 (ISBN) Hamidi Rad, M ; Behzadipour, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    Gait training is a critical rehabilitation procedure for patients suffering from walking problems. It, however, puts the therapist in high orthopedic risk since he should prevent the patient from possible falling. Body weight support system is a new technology helping such patients and the involved therapist by unloading a percent of the patient's weight. A new over-ground body weight support is introduced in this article. The system is composed of two main modules namely unloading and traction. The unloading module is capable of suspending an individual's weight up to 1000N dynamically. The whole system is attached to an overhead rail, moving over the head of the patient by the traction... 

    Critical state concepts for a cemented gravely sand

    , Article Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering ; Volume 10 E , 2005 ; 10893032 (ISSN) Hamidi, A ; Haeri, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The shear behavior of a cemented gravely sand that can be considered as the representative of Tehran alluvium has been studied using triaxial equipment. Artificially cemented samples were prepared using gypsum plaster as the cementing agent. The plaster was mixed with the base soil at the weight percentages between 1.5 and 6. The critical state concepts were used to illustrate the mechanical behavior of tested soil. © 2005 ejge  

    Modeling and Optimization of Energy Engineering Department Building HVAC System Operation by Online Monitoring of Indoor Conditions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi, Mohammad Bagher (Author) ; Rajabi, Abbas (Supervisor)
    Increasing global final energy demand and the use of fossil fuels to meet this amount of energy demand have raised concerns about environmental impacts of fossil fuel consumption and the reduction of fossil energy reserves. Among the energy consumer sectors including industry, transport activities, agriculture, and households, the household sector is one of the most important sectors, regarding its share of total final energy consumption. Heating and cooling systems, which mainly use fossil fuels, are the biggest energy consumers in the household sector. Hence, optimal management of the heating and cooling systems can play an effective role in reducing energy costs in buildings. In this... 

    An Agent-based Architecture for Reverse Logistics in Cloud Manufacturing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi Moghaddam, Simin (Author) ; Houshmand, Mahmoud (Supervisor)
    Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) which is one of the newest and important business models, can have a great effect in enterprises' success by sharing information and production resources among them. Due to the semi-made products which should be transferred between distributed production centers, Logistics and Transportation concept in CMfg are very important. Reverse Logistics (RL) that is the flow of used products from customer to manufacturer, by its role in recycling and proper disposal of components, has a great impact on industry effect on environment and helps enteprises to make better profit. Despite this importance, working on RL in CMfg has not been paid attention to in former researches.... 

    Design of Transmit Code & Receive Filter in Radar Via Manifold Optimization

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Attar Hamidi, Farzin (Author) ; Karbasi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The problem of joint design of transmit code and receive filter is considered in many application scenarios of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar systems. The performance of the joint design problem is evaluated with the signal-to-interference ratio (SINR) metric in the presence of noise. In such problems, the optimization problem is to maximize SINR on the receiver side with the constraints that are applied on the transmitted waveform. Our proposed method, RTR, is a manifold-based geometric method that performs better than the SDP method in terms of algorithm execution speed and calculation complexity. For simulation, we took sampled and real TIR with Target Aspect Angle (TAA) in a... 

    Kolyvagin’s Theorem

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi, Mohammad Masih (Author) ; Rastegar, Arash (Supervisor)
    Kolyvagin’s theorem, stated in the late 1980s, is a very important theorem in the theory of elliptic curves, which, together with Gross-Zagier’s work, results in a special case of the Birch and Swinerton-Dyer conjecture, which relates algebraic and analytic properties of the rational elliptic curves to each other. Although the correctness of this conjecture, in general, is an open problem, Kolyvagin’s idea and the concepts he introduced while proving his theorem are very powerful and can be applied to more general situations. The purpose of writing this dissertation is to collect the equivalent forms of Kolyvagin’s theorem with proofs of the main results. We will also give a brief overview... 

    Optical Conductivity of Fermi Arc States

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidi Ravari, Zeinab (Author) ; Jafari, Akbar (Supervisor)
    Recently, some materials, such as Weyl and Dirac semimetals, have been found in condensed matter physics whose band structure behaves like Weyl fermions of elementary particles near some points of the first Birillouin zone. The Weyl equation that governs these materials, have boundary because they are finite. By applying proper boundary conditions, two-dimensional surface states have been emerged. these states are called fermi arc sates because the surface corresponding to the fermi energy is not a closed surface. Surface states are mixed with bulk states because by getting close to the end of fermi arcs, surface states tend to bulk states con-tinuously. Being able to distinguish between...