
Three-phase Model for a Fixed-bed Laboratory Scale Diesel Hydrotreating Reactor

Fotouhi, Amin | 2022

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 55656 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Khorasheh, Fahad; Sadighi, Sepehr
  7. Abstract:
  8. The harmful environmental effects of gases resulting from the combustion of sulfur compounds in fuel, poisoning of catalysts, corrosion of equipment, as well as the intensification of environmental considerations and new standards adopted for the maximum amount of sulfur, have made the desulfurization of fuels important; Meanwhile, the desulfurization method using hydrogen has a high potential to remove sulfur compounds. For example, diesel fuel contains a variety of impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen (basic and Non-basic), and aromatic compounds, the sulfur in diesel fuel causes many problems related to environmental pollution and corrosion of engine components. Also, due to the high consumption of diesel fuel among oil cuts, it is very important to reduce the impurity of these cuts, including sulfur. This goal can be done by means of desulfurization, denitrogenation, and dearomatization with hydrogen in trickle bed reactors, which is a three-phase reactor, and the catalyst bed is fixed in the reactor. Considering the time-consuming and expensive nature of such a process, modeling and simulating such processes on a laboratory scale will be important and very useful. Therefore, in this research, while collecting related scientific reports and reviewing the studies conducted in the hydrogen desulfurization process, a suitable model for the said process was written and simulation and modeling work was done using equations and boundary conditions governing the process in MATLAB software. It should be noted that the results of the modeling work are given in the form of a diagram at the end of the research, which includes optimization by comparing the laboratory data with the model results
  9. Keywords:
  10. Modeling ; Trickle Bed Rector ; Hydrodesulfurization ; Sulfur Compounds ; Diesel Hydrogen Treatment ; Diesel Fuel

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