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Examining Evolution of Technology Performance in the Global Smartphone Industry
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
In this research we have studied the changes in the technology performance in the smartphone industry, and by using theoretical models in technology management literature, we have compared this performance with coustomer’s required level of performance. The study shows that after 2011, the level of customer satisfactions depends less on the technology performance and more on the price. This observation is consistent with Christiensen’s suggested model for technology performance, in which after a certain point technology’s performance surpasses the customer’s need. In addition, we have studied the effect of modular design for smartphones on the customer’s satisfaction. We found that...
Review of Changes and Effectiveness of Boundary Objects Used as a Tool for Creating Common Understanding Between Different Teams in Software Development: a Case Study of Daneshgar co
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
One of the biggest challenges in software companies is reaching a common understanding between staff members across the organization with different expertise. If not solved, this problem could cause other organizational problems, such as project failures, lack of innovation in new products, organizational conflict, and even interppersonal conflicts between employees and/or managers. Recent research has shown that boundary objects can help decrease knowledge gaps between workers.This research reviews boundary objects’ properties, life cycle, and effects by investigating some boundary objects in a startup software company. This research’s goal is to increase the knowledge about boundary...
Factors Explaining the Intention of Blood Sugar Measurement with Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
This study seeks to investigate the factors affecting consumer behavior when using a home blood glucose tester. Most of the previous research has been on improving the performance of home medical equipment to measure vital parameters such as pressure, sugar, oxygen, etc. They have also taken steps to increase the possibility of learning and easy use of the product, which only examines consumer behavior during use .In order to achieve this goal, the theory of planned behavior has been used. In this behavioral theory, the intention to perform a specific behavior, which in this study is the monitoring of blood sugar by the patient, is examined. Behavioral intent is the attitude towards use,...
Extraction of Factors Affecting Nonacceptance of Electric Motorcycles in Tehran Using Theory of Planned Behavior
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
Air and sound pollution in metropolises is a problem vexing every class of citizens, rich and poor. Extensive research has been carried out in recent decades resulting in strict and ever-expanding environmental regulations for automotive and other polluting industries to reduce emissions. Unfortunately, despite significant progress in emission reduction technologies, growth in population along with the number of vehicles on city roads, has intensified related health problems of citizens. As a result, a recent trend has been started around the world with the goal of development and wide-spread use of zero emission vehicles like electric vehicles in metropolises. One variety of electric...
Analyzing Effect of Perceived Risk on Intention to Use of Mobile Bank
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
Mobile Bank is a service that has emerged for about a decadein Iran. while electronic methods and information technologies are used ininternational markets, in Iran using new technologies in the payment and financial industry is limited to the ATMs and Shetab network services. One of the mainreasons for the lack of tendency in using mobile banks and other electronic paymentmethods is these methods’ security concerns. Therefore, in this research, anattempt has been made to provide a model for technology acceptance in order toexamine the main factors of insecurity among users. As a case study, MellatMobile Bank's application has been evaluated in this research and an attempt hasbeen made to...
Csr Effect on Customer Loyalty during a Pandemic: a Case Study of Mobile-Phone Operator Companies in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
Customer loyalty plays one of the most vital roles in business profitability. This concept gives special prominence to attaining new customers, which is by far less costly than attracting new ones. Therefore, investigating the impact of factors affecting customer retention is of precise significance. In the respect, corporate social responsibility, as an imperative factor impacting customer loyalty, gained more attention by various companies in the last decades.Over the past few months, the world has encountered the hazard of the Coronavirus pandemic. Most aspects of daily life in different parts of the globe have been affected by this disease. Companies are no exception. The coronavirus has...
Explore Reasons for Rejection of Agricultural Technologies in Underdeveloped Areas with Water Scarcity Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Respect to increasing water scarcity in the world, it is necessary to ameliorate agriculture methods in order to efficiency enhancement. However, it seems that in underdeveloped counties faced with the water problem, barriers exist which prevent farmers from adopting new technologies. For researching this problem, drop pressure technology studied in Salmas County locate in West Azerbaijan state in Iran. The purpose of this research is to explore factors of lack of diffusion of new agricultural technologies in underdeveloped areas with water scarcity problem. The research problem is that notwithstanding government facilities, the diffusion rate of drop pressure technology in this area is very...
The Effect of Bureaucracy on the Integration of Technical Knowledge and Market Knowledge in the Process of Product Development
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
In this research, the effect of organizational Bureaucracy on the integration of technical knowledge and market knowledge in the process of developing new products, along with other factors mentioned in previous literature, has been studied. To this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared which measured both the degree of integrity and the effect of bureaucracy on integrity. This questionnaire was completed by marketing and research and development managers of 39 innovative companies in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). Regression analysis was used for data analysis. The results of this research show that bureaucracy as an organizational factor, along with other...
Identification of Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Return of Iranian Specialists and Graduates
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Co-Supervisor) ; Salavati, Bahram (Co-Supervisor)
Considering that emigration has been one of the serious and popular issues in Iran during the past decades, the capacity of talents and non-resident elites, who are important pillars of the development of the country's knowledge-based economy, should not be overlooked. One of the best measures in order to achieve the long-term goals of the country's scientific perspective and to take advantage of the scientific reserves of Iranian scientists and specialists abroad is to increase return migration. However, the country does not have enough capacity to hire skilled and specialized labor abroad, Iran can become an entrepreneurial power plant for several reasons. Therefore, the entrepreneurial...
Identifying Factors Affecting the Attraction and Retention of Innovative Foreign Entrepreneurs and Startup Founders through Startup Visa Immigration Policy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Salavati, Bahram (Co-Supervisor)
Establishing mechanisms to attract and retain skilled human resources is on the agenda of many governments worldwide. Iran has recently been looking to take advantage of the capacity of foreign experts and entrepreneurs. Still, the lack of study support and the lack of adequate infrastructure to implement such a plan, its successful implementation has faced challenges. This study's primary purpose is to investigate and identify the logic governing startup visas as a mechanism for attracting innovative foreign entrepreneurs. Also, identifying the factors affecting the attraction and retention of innovative startups and entrepreneurs and determine the factors that create attractiveness for...
Paths of technological capability building in complex capital goods: The case of hydro electricity generation systems in Iran
, Article Technological Forecasting and Social Change ; 2016 ; 00401625 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Inc
This paper investigates the accumulation of technological capability in latecomer suppliers of complex capital goods by exploring the issue in an Iranian supplier of large hydro electricity generation systems. The findings suggest that, contrary to the conventional paths of catch-up in Asian and Latin American mass-producing electronics firms, and instead of starting from early stages of product lifecycle, the technological capabilities in this case were acquired through a non-linear movement within the stages of designing and installing complex capital goods in projects: starting from the middle stage (engineering and realisation of complex goods in projects), moving to the last stage...
Paths of technological capability building in complex capital goods: the case of hydro electricity generation systems in Iran
, Article Technological Forecasting and Social Change ; Volume 122 , 2017 , Pages 215-230 ; 00401625 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper investigates the accumulation of technological capability in latecomer suppliers of complex capital goods by exploring the issue in an Iranian supplier of large hydro electricity generation systems. The findings suggest that, contrary to the conventional paths of catch-up in Asian and Latin American mass-producing electronics firms, and instead of starting from early stages of product lifecycle, the technological capabilities in this case were acquired through a non-linear movement within the stages of designing and installing complex capital goods in projects: starting from the middle stage (engineering and realisation of complex goods in projects), moving to the last stage...
Investigating the Factors Influencing the Trust to Mobile Banking Services
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mahdi (Supervisor)
Although electronic banking service has been introduced in Iran for more than a decade، today half of the people who go to the physical bank branches are the ones can do their affairs via e-banking. The banks’ managers attribute the main reason for these unnecessary travels to insufficient trust towards e-banking systems. One of the important tools in this regard is mobile banking which is prevailing around the world، however it has not prevailed enough in Iran. This research has tried to investigate the cognitive and non-cognitive dimensions of trust to mobile banking. The data for this research has been collected from users of mobile bank service who have filled the online research...
Wind farm layout optimization using imperialist competitive algorithm
, Article Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ; Vol. 6, Issue. 4 , July , 2014 ; ISSN: 19417012 ; Hannani, S. K ; Sharif University of Technology
In this work, the wind farm layout optimization problem is dealt with using a new approach. The aim of wind farm layout optimization is to maximize the output power of a wind farm considering the wake losses. Layout optimization minimizes the wake losses regarding the location of the turbines. Three different wind scenarios with different wind direction angles, wind direction blowing probabilities, and Weibull distribution parameters are assumed. Since, the problem is nonlinear and constrained, imperialist competitive algorithm is used as a modern and powerful algorithm for continuous optimization problems. The optimization outcomes indicate that imperialist competitive algorithm yields...
An efficient ZnO-catalyzed synthesis of novel indole-annulated thiopyrano-chromene derivatives via Domino Knoevenagel-hetero-Diels-Alder reaction
, Article Tetrahedron Letters ; Volume 50, Issue 48 , 2009 , Pages 6723-6727 ; 00404039 (ISSN) ; Matloubi Moghaddam, F ; Sharif University of Technology
An efficient synthesis of pentacyclic indole derivatives is achieved via domino Knoevenagel-hetero-Diels-Alder reactions of indolin-2-thiones and O-propargylated salicylaldehyde derivatives in CH3CN in the presence of 10 mol % of ZnO as a heterogeneous catalyst. The products are formed in good to excellent yields
Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds via Domino Knoevenagel Hetero Diels–Alder Reaction on Thiocarbonyls and Investigation of Tandem Dinucleophilic Addition on Pyridinium Salts
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Matloubi Moghaddam, Firouz (Supervisor)
In the first chapter, three efficient synthesis of novel polyheterocyclic indole and thiochromone-annulated thiopyranocoumarin derivatives are achieved via domino Knoevenagel hetero Diels–Alder reaction of O-acrylated and O-propargylated salicylaldehyde derivatives with indolin-2-thiones and 4-hydroxy dithiocoumarin. The domino Knoevenagel-hetero-Diels–Alder reactions are very efficient process that allows the formation of two or more rings at once, avoiding sequential chemical transformations. The products are formed in good-to-excellent yields with high regio- and stereoselectivity. The major advantage of this reaction is the ease of the work-up during which the products can be isolated...
Latecomer systems integration capability in complex capital goods: The case of Iran's electricity generation systems
, Article Industrial and Corporate Change ; Vol. 23, issue. 3 , 2014 , pp. 689-716 ; ISSN: 09606491 ; Hobday, M ; Kermanshahy, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This article introduces the concept of latecomer systems integration capability (LSIC) as a construct for theory development in the area of emergence and competitiveness of producers of complex capital goods from developing economies. The study draws on three bodies of the literature to conceptualize LSIC and then presents an in-depth case study of the development of LSIC in a major Iranian firm engaged in producing electricity generation systems. Although an exploratory study, the findings suggest that, in this case, LSIC evolved in a fairly short period of time from simple low-cost project management skills to innovative capabilities, supported by some sophisticated engineering and design...
Latecomer firm strategies in complex product systems (CoPS): The case of Iran's thermal electricity generation systems
, Article Research Policy ; Volume 44, Issue 6 , July , 2015 , Pages 1240-1251 ; 00487333 (ISSN) ; Hobday, M ; Hamedi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper examines the strategies of a local supplier of high technology capital goods (or complex product systems, CoPS) in a middle-income developing economy, Iran, in its efforts to acquire technology and catch up with market leaders. The study draws upon both the development and business strategy literatures to develop a novel conceptual framework of latecomer strategy which is then applied to the Iranian firm engaged in the design, production and implementation of electricity generation systems. Although exploratory, the study shows that the firm was able to exploit its linkages with local clients, favorable government policies and a growing domestic demand to overcome barriers to...
Entrepreneur Perceived Authentic Leadership Effect on Venture Success
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mahdi (Supervisor)
Innovative applicable ideas, are driving engine for technological enhances (developments), that are made in mind of entrepreneurs, inventors, and initiators; and with their serious follow up in the form of new business, reaches to successful outcome and the concept of entrepreneurship commences. But most of these entrepreneurs are brainy young graduates without experience in three main factors for success that is, management knowledge and experience, sufficient financial resources, connection with market and customer in competitive market. Nowadays venture capitals who lean over their precious intuition, with accepting computable or incomputable risks, actively accompany entrepreneurs and...
Factors Explaining the Intention of Iranian Apparel Smes to Initiate Export and Internationalization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mahdi (Supervisor)
Researches on internationalization and export have categorized all factors as internal and external and most of them try to explain this behavior by studying external factors. Recent study in this field have shown that simply promoting specific behavior is not enough, and it is important to try to change the attitudes of managers toward internationalization. Utilizing Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this research tries to understand the relationship between attitudes of managers and internationalization behavior of an organization. the explicit objective of this research is to determine the factors which influence the organization behavior on internationalization (specifically indirect...