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Stress Analysis and Optimum Profile Shape Design in Gas Turbine Engine Disk
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In this thesis, turbine disk thermo elastic and creep stresses has been extracted and the turbine disk cross-section is optimized. Gas turbine disks are used at high temperature and high rotational speed. Due to high temperatures gradients, the mechanical properties vary along the radius of the disk. Most of the stresses in the gas turbine are exerted by centrifugal force and thermal strains. At first, thermo elastic and creep equations for these disks are derived, assuming plane stress and axisymmetry. The resulting differential equations are nonlinear and can not be solved using analytical solutions. Two methods are used to solve the equations which finally are verified employing the...
Solution of Coupled Thermoelasticity Problem in Rotating Disks with Constant and Variable Thickness
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
The main purpose of this dissertation is to study thermoelastic behaviors in rotating disks subjected to thermal shock loads based on the generalized and classic theories of coupled thermoelasticity. To this end, this research has been carried out in two stages. In the first stage, thermoelasticity problems in an axisymmetric rotating disk with constant thickness made of a homogeneous isotropic material are analytically solved. In this stage, based on the classical and generalized coupled theories, and dynamic and quasi-static uncoupled theories, an analytical method based on the Fourier-Bessel transform is employed to obtain the thermoelastic solutions. Then, closed-form formulations are...
Buckling and Post-Buckling Analysis of Conical Shells under Non-uniform Axial Loading
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
The thesis addresses the buckling and post-buckling analysis of an elastic conical shell under non-uniform axial loading using finite element method. Non-uniform axial load is applied to one end of the truncated cone in the form of two equal-length loaded zones, diametrically opposite to each other. Material used in this thesis is isotropic with linear elasticity. The results are presented for different boundary condition. The results show that the buckling strength obtained by nonlinear analysis may be upto 40% less than the buckling strength obtained by linear analysis. The effects of boundary conditions and geometry on the results has been investigated
Dynamic Buckling of Laminated Composite Beams Resting on Elastic Foundation under Thermal and Mechanical Load
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali
In this study, static and dynamic buckling of laminated composite beams resting on an elastic foundation under thermal and mechanical load is studied. Beam is resting on an elastic foundation with hardening/softening term. Nonlinear governing equations are obtained based on the energy method and are solved via the multi-term Galerkin method and the Newton-Raphson numerical method. Critical dynamic load is estimated by the Hoff Simitses criterion. The results are validated with the results of available articles in this field. In the following, the effects of different parameters of the problem on the results are examined. Results reveal that for a sufficiently stiff softening elastic...
An Analitical Model for Grid Stiffened Structures of Various Patterns
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Structural efficiency is a primary concern in today’s aerospace and aircraft industries. This brings about the need for strong and light weight structures. To increase the strength of a panel without considerable increase in its weight, we may use a lattice of stiffeners which may have shells connected to one side of the lattice or both sides of it. These structures are usually called grid stiffened structures. Aircraft fuselage and launch vehicle fuel tanks are some of the many applications of these structures in aerospace and aircraft industries. These structures include two major groups; isogrids (grid stiffened structures with equivalent isotropic properties) and orthogrids (grid...
Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis of Joined Conical Shells Using Analytical Methods
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In the present study, buckling and free vibration of two joined conical shells made from isotropic and generally laminated composites are presented. The joined conical shells can be considered as the general case that can be used in analysis of single cylindrical and conical shells, joined cylindrical-conical shells, joined cylinder-plates or cone-plates, cylindrical and conical shells with stepped thicknesses, annular plates, laminates with ply drop-off or any case that the stiffness of the laminate changes in the shell. Governing equations are obtained using thin-walled shallow shell theory of Donnell type and Hamilton’s principle. The joining of shells is exerted using various methods and...
Analytical Approach for Buckling Analysis of Generally Laminated Conical Shells under Axial Compression
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In this thesis, buckling of truncated conical shells made of composite laminates with general lamination sequence is investigated. The conical shell is considered under axial compression with simply supported or clamped boundary condition. First, Donnel type nonlinear equations and boundary conditions for doubly curved shells are obtained using Hamilton principle. Second, using adjacent equilibrium criterion, the nonlinear equations was linearized then with defining lame parameters and curvature radius, the linear equations of conical shell was extracted. The power series and Galerkin method was used to solve differential equations. The obtained results are in good agreement with available...
Damage Map for a Light-Weight Sandwich Beam under Low Velocity Impact Loading
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
The main purpose of this study is the analysis of low velocity impact on the light weight sandwich beams. Some parameters such as weight, failure mode, and impact energy absorption capability are very essential in the design of sandwich beams. The failure mode map is a technique to design sandwich structures, in which no single component is over-designed with respect to other components. In this study, the failure mode map of foam core sandwich beams composed of E-glass/Epoxy and PVC foam is drawn and investigated by an analytical method. For this purpose, displacement relations for bending of a sandwich beam are written using higher order theory. In addition, the sandwich beam is modeled...
Free Vibration of Composite Conical Sandwich Panel with a Flexible Core
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In this thesis, free vibration of composite conical sandwich panel with a flexible is presented. Simply supported boundary condition are applied on the face’s edge only. Hamilton principle and energy method are used to derive equilibrium equations. In the mathematical formulation higher-order sandwich panel theory (HSAPT) was used. First shear deformation theory (FSDT) is used for faces.
Core displacement in various directions is modeled by polynomial function with indeterminate coefficient. It is assumed that the core is able to sustain shear and in-plane stresses. Temprature and humidity effects are neglected. Equations solved using generalized differential quadrature (GDQ) method....
Core displacement in various directions is modeled by polynomial function with indeterminate coefficient. It is assumed that the core is able to sustain shear and in-plane stresses. Temprature and humidity effects are neglected. Equations solved using generalized differential quadrature (GDQ) method....
Buckling Analysis of Composite Truncate Conical Sandwich Panel with Flexible Core under Axial Load and Hydrostatic Pressure
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In the present study, the buckling of conical sandwich panel with composite faces and flexible core is investigated. At first, the nonlinear differential equations based on Donnell and Novozhilov theories with relevant boundary conditions for conical shells are derived using energy method and Hamilton principle. In the following, by applying adjacent-equilibrium criterion, the equations are linearized and the equations of conical shell are obtained. Then, the results obtained from these theories are compared, and based on the benefits and application domain of the theories, Novozhilov theory is selected to model composite faces of the sandwich panel. High-order sandwich theory is used for...
Analysis of Vibrations and Buckling of Conical Shell Homogeneous Orthotropic
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
The purpose of this thesis parametric study the natural frequencies and the criti-cal buckling multilayer composites truncated cone with the effect of lateral shear deformation. For this purpose five-bending tensile deformation equation of motion of the truncated cone shell in a suitable coordinate system have been studied. Then solve the five-coordinate movement for power series-are consid-ered. The natural frequencies and critical buckling force for the various truncat-ed cones with four different boundary conditions are calculated and the results with the results of similar conical shells with the same boundary conditions, tak-ing into account the effect of lateral shear deformation and...
Development of an Adaptive Model for Coupling the Meshfree Peridynamics to the Finite Element Method
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
The presence of spatial partial derivatives in the equations of classical continuum mechanics has led to the fact that methods based on this theory are not valid in displacement discontinuities (such as cracks). The peridynamic theory is a nonlocal formulation of solid mechanics which is most suited to model discontinuities and dynamic fractures in continuous or discrete media. By substituting integral expressions instead of partial differentials in the equations of motion, peridynamics provides an integrated model that is valid and the same in continuous, discontinuous, and discrete media.The capability of the peridynamic theory in modeling discontinuities and cracks has been demonstrated...
Optimization of Dynamic Properties in Rotating Sandwich Beams with Partial Magnetorheological Core
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
The present study investigates the effect of MR materials on the vibrations of three-layer pretwisted rotating beams. For this purpose, by considering MR material as the core of the rotating beam and using Hamilton's principle, the equations governing the three-layer rotating beam are extracted. After solving the desired equation, we optimize the dynamic behavior of the three-layer beam at different rotational speeds. Using the Genetic Algorithm optimization tool, the desired beam weight will be minimized and maximum damping will be applied to the desired system. The goal is to find the optimum magnetic field strength for maximum damping in the system at any rotational speed, in addition to...
Stress and Deformation Analysis of Metallic Flexible Corrugated Cylindrical Shells Under Internal Pressure
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Thin-walled cylindrical shells are commonly used in various industries. One application of these structures is as liners for pressurized tanks (especially type III). One type of failure in these vessels is excessive plastic deformation in the shell. This can occur due to various loading conditions on the structure. Although the plastic deformations induced by each loading are limited, they can cause large permanent deformations and eventually lead to shell failure over repeated cycles. In high-risk industries, this issue can result in irreparable damage. By increasing the flexibility and deformability of the liner, the probability of liner failure due to entering the plastic region can be...
Buckling Analysis of Beaded Metallic Cylindrical Shells
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Cylindrical shells are widely used in industries. For example, they are used as type 3 pressure vessel's liner. In this work, linear buckling of bead stiffened cylindrical shells under axial load or lateral pressure has been investigated by using numerical modeling. Bead form of cylindrical shell in longitudinal and circumferential direction and combination of both direction is considered. Different parameters such as number, dimension, direction (inside or outside) and cross-section's area of beaded form are considered. The obtained results show that creation of longitudinal beads decrease and increase the critical load and pressure compared to the simple cylindrical shell respectively. The...
Nonlinear Buckling Optimization in Laminated Composite Plate Using Genetic Algorithm
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Designing structures made from composite materials is challenging due to the need to select the thickness, number of layers, and fiber orientations. By carefully choosing the lamination sequence, the desired properties can be optimized. Buckling is one of the most critical phenomena in the stability analysis of a structure, as it can lead to failure before the structure reaches its yield point. This thesis investigates the layer configuration of laminated composite plates using a genetic algorithm to maximize the nonlinear buckling critical load. In this approach, the nonlinear behavior of the structure is analyzed up to the critical point, and a genetic algorithm is used to find the global...
Bending and Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Conical Panel Using GDQ Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
This study presents the bending analysis of laminated conical panels under transverse compression with various boundary conditions. Equations was derived using first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and solved using generalized differential quadrature (GDQ) method. Using this method results in the capability of studying any combinations of boundary conditions on four edges of the panel. Results are compared and validated with the results available in the literature. Effect of boundary conditions, panel length, semi-vertex angle and subtended angle on deflection of the panel was investigated.The buckling analysis of cross-ply laminated conical shell panels with simply supported boundary...
XFEM Analysis of Non-Linear Thermomechanical Problems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In this thesis a nonlinear thermomechanical model based on Lagrangian-extended finite element method is proposed to simulate discontinuities under thermal and mechanical loads. At first, a geometrically nonlinear model is presented for large deformation problems and then the model is completed by considering thermomechanical aspects. In extended finite element method, different enrichment functions are stated and also using analytical methods, a new set of functions are introduced to enrich the temperature filed around biomaterial crack tips. For numerical simulations, an object oriented code is created in C++. The results of numerical simulations are verified by the use of ABAQUS
Fracture Analysis of Graphene Using Peridynamic Theory
Ph.D. Dissertation
Sharif University of Technology
Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali
The aim of this research is to analyze the failure and investigate crack growth in graphene using peridynamic theory. The presence of spatial partial derivatives in the equations of classical continuum mechanics has led to the fact that methods based on this theory are not valid in displacement discontinuities such as cracks. Peridynamic theory emerges as a nonlocal reformulation of mechanics, uniquely well-suited for modeling discontinuities and dynamic fractures in both continuous and discrete media. Its adaptability extends to various dimensions, encompassing phenomena at the nanoscale. In the present study, based on the ordinary state-based peridynamic theory, we investigated the...
Optimum Mechanical Joint Design for a Composite Laminate to a Metal Part
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
In this investigation, the behavior of pin loaded composite plates is studied numerically. A failure prediction model is used to predict the ultimate strength considering three different mechanisms of failure: bearing, shearout and net tension. The model consists of two major parts: stress analysis and failure analysis. The main difference between this investigation and others is considering more realistic assumptions in modeling of the problem. As an example, we consider nonlinear behavior in the shear stress/ shear strain relationship of each unidirectional ply and use this model in optimization problem to reach maximum strength. The results are compared with experimental results available...