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    Network-adaptive multipath video delivery over wireless multimedia sensor networks based on packet and path priority scheduling

    , Article Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing Communication and Applications, BWCCA 2010, 4 November 2010 through 6 November 2010 ; 2010 , Pages 351-356 ; 9780769542362 (ISBN) Rastegar Lari, A ; Akbari, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we investigate multi-path transmission of video over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs). Our objective is to provide a transmission mechanism to improve the video quality perceived at the receiver while considering energy, bandwidth and delay constraints of the network. Our approach is based on packet and path priority scheduling in multipath video transmission over WMSN. Video packets are classified according to their types and more important packets are transmitted through paths with better conditions. Path conditions are evaluated by a score mechanism using variant parameters such as free buffer size, energy, hop count and packet loss. Since path conditions are... 

    Improving Packet Scheduling in Multpath Video Delivery Over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rastegar Lari, Amir (Author) ; Akbari, Behzad (Supervisor)
    Recent advances in WSN have led to next generation of it for multimedia transmission which is WMSN. WMSN has several applications like environmental monitoring, advance health care delivery and etc. However, providing QoS requirements of transmitting video data like delay, bandwidth and packet loss with minimum distortion at perceived video quality over WMSN with resource constraints is a challenging problem. Using multipath routing protocol for video communication can increase bandwidth and decrease delay over WMSN. Moreover, all video packets have not the same effect on video distortion. We propose a scheduling mechanism which classifies packets according to their types and contents and... 

    The Impact of Climate Shock on Child Labor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Lari, Hanie (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    Precipitation in the water year 1396-1397 is the lowest in the past decade. The present study is conducted during this water year and focuses on the effects of climate variables such as temperature and precipitation on child labor supply between Tir 1397 and Farvardin 1398. Children and household characteristics are also taken into account when evaluating child labor supply using OLS and Logit methods. Estimation results indicate that both child work hours and participation in the job market decline with an increase in precipitation. Furthermore, how much time children spend working or studying is heavily influenced by parents' income. The temperature variable does not have a significant... 

    Modelling of 2D Fluidized Beds using the DPM Method and Investigation of the Pressure Effect on Particle-Wall Collision Frequency

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Arjomandi Lari, Mojtaba (Author) ; Molaei Dehkordi, Asghar (Supervisor)
    In this work, a comprehensive survey on the different methods of modeling fluidized beds was done. Finally, the discrete particle method with soft particle approach was selected as the method of modeling the solid phase. For the gas phase, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as the method of modeling is used. In order to verify our simulation results for the solid phase, a simulation of a bed with many particles distributed all around the bed was done. At the first second of the simulation, the gas phase flow was truned off and the particles were falling down. The results obtained with this method were verified with the references. For verification of the gas phase, a 2D bed with the gas... 

    Successful learning of academic word list via MALL: Mobile assisted language learning

    , Article International Education Studies ; Volume 5, Issue 6 , Volume 5, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 99-109 ; 19139020 (ISSN) Alemi, M ; Sarab, M. R. A ; Lari, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
    Mobile phones as new addition to information and communication technologies have created new ways to help learners in the process of foreign language learning. Given the importance of academic vocabularies for university students, this study tried to investigate the effectiveness of SMS on Iranian university students' vocabulary learning and retention. To this end forty five university freshman students with upper intermediate proficiency level were chosen to take part in this study. During 16 weeks of experiment, the participants of the experimental group (N = 28) were taught 320 head words from the Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000) via SMS. During the same period of time the participants... 

    Assessment of message missing failures in FlexRay-based networks

    , Article 13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, PRDC 2007, Melbourne, VIC, 17 December 2007 through 19 December 2007 ; 2007 , Pages 191-194 ; 0769530540 (ISBN); 9780769530543 (ISBN) Lari, V ; Dehbashi, M ; Miremadi, S. G ; Farazmand, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper assesses message missing failures in a FlexRay-based network. The assessment is based on about 35680 bit-flip fault injections inside different parts of the FlexRay communication controller; the parts are: controller host interface, protocol operation control, coding and decoding unit, media access control and clock synchronization process. To do this, a FlexRay communication controller is modeled by Verilog HDL at the behavioral level. This HDL model of the controller is exploited to setup a FlexRay-based network composed of four nodes. The results of fault injection show that about 35% of faults led to the message missing failures. The controller host interface and the clock... 

    Evaluation of babbling idiot failures in FlexRay-based networkes

    , Article IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) ; Volume 7, Issue PART 1 , 2007 , Pages 399-406 ; 14746670 (ISSN); 9783902661340 (ISBN) Lari, V ; Dehbashi, M ; Miremadi, S. G ; Amiri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IFAC Secretariat  2007
    This paper evaluates the error propagation and its effects in babbling idiot failure in a FlexRay-based network. The evaluation is based on about 35680 bit-flip fault injections inside different parts of the FlexRay communication controller. To do this, a FlexRay communication controller is modeled by Verilog HDL at the behavioral level. Then, this controller is exploited to setup a FlexRay-based network composed of four nodes. Nodes in this experiment are considered in two forms: 1) node without bus guardian, 2) node with bus guardian. The results of fault injection show that in first form about 4.57% of faults lead to the babbling idiot failures. Also in second form about 0.75% faults lead... 

    A misbehavior‐tolerant multipath routing protocol for wireless Ad hoc networks [electronic resource]

    , Article International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems (IJRWS) ; Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. , Sep. 2013 Sedghi, H. (Haniyeh) ; Pakravan, Mohammad Reza ; Aref, Mohammad Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
    Secure routing is a major key to service maintenance in ad hoc networks. Ad hoc nature exposes the network to several types of node misbehavior or attacks. As a result of the resource limitations in such networks nodes may have a tendency to behave selfishly. Selfish behavior can have drastic impacts on network performance. We have proposed a Misbehavior-Tolerant Multipath Routing protocol (MTMR) which detects and punishes all types of misbehavior such as selfish behavior, wormhole, sinkhole and grey-hole attacks. The protocol utilizes a proactive approach to enforce cooperation. In addition, it uses a novel data redirection method to mitigate the impact of node misbehavior on network... 

    Casing Collapse Analysis in Kupal Field

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas Lari, Sajjad (Author) ; Shad, Said (Supervisor) ; Jamshidi, Said (Supervisor)
    Casing collapse is a long-standing problem in Kopal oil field, located at a distance of 60 km of east of Ahwaz, Iran. In this field, so far casing collapse has encountered in 18 well-bore out of the 56 drilled-well-bore (~32%) due to creep loading caused by salt flow, which resulted in tremendous economic loss. Among all the different set of factors leading to such a problem, the effects of the local stress distribution on the wellbore wall and casing (resulted from the in-situ stresses, and stress perturbation due to drilling), pore pressure, the casing quality and material, and the applied-cement type are important. In order to investigate these factors and their effects, they should be... 

    Gaining Competitive Advantages on E-CRM in Financial Institutions in Iran Through B2B Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahbaz Keshvari, Rozita (Author) ; Miremadi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Amini Lari, Mansour (Supervisor)
    Due to violent and ferocious competition and global changes of new trends, directions and new ways of doing business, financial institutions grapple with new challenges and opportunities in today business. The advancement in technology, information and communication has forced banks and financial institutions into hard competition. In this new era technology, people as the customer are the elements on which the banks are concentrating them to manage customer relationship. In this complicated situation, Electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) is seen applicatory and beneficial solution to improve customers‟ service, develop a profitable and long term relationship and retain... 

    The Impact of eCRM on Loyalty and Retention of Customers in Iranian Mobile Telecommunication Sector

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abdolhosseini Khaligh, Alireza (Author) ; Miremadi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Amini Lari, Mansour (Co-Advisor)
    Today, almost all the Iranian mobile telecommunication companies should rely heavily on customer loyalty and customer retention as essential and vital tools to provide a competitive advantage in this competitive telecommunication world by offering value and upper hand service with respect to the existing demand in the Iranian market, hence these determinants arise the need for studying eCRM, Loyalty and Retention in order to achieve customer satisfaction in the Iranian mobile telecommunication field. 400 customers who use the Iranian mobile telecom operators’ services (Hamrah-e Avval, Irancell, and Talia) have been asked as respondents in this research. The study is based mainly on primary... 

    A Motivational Model for Building Virtual Auction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sargazi Kousheh, Elham (Author) ; Amini Lari, Mansour (Supervisor) ; Beirjandi, Heshmat ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Construction is a large industry in Iran, it engages in a wide range of products. The raw materials which are used in making a building are fairly standard items: iron, cement, glass, and so on. Because the technologies for making a building are well-known, contractor can solicit bids from variety suppliers for raw materials without worrying about the possible disclosure of trade secrets. Unfortunately bidding processing in Iran becomes very slow and inefficient. Each transaction required to request the relevant telephone number to supplier that might be interested in bidding on the item, it would often take purchasing personnel more than one week to gather the information, send it to... 

    The Effect of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) on University Students' Immediate and Sustained Vocabulary Acquisition

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Lari, Zahra (Author) ; Alemi, Minoo (Supervisor) ; Anani Sarab, Mohammad Reza (Co-Advisor)
    Mobile phones as new addition to information and communication technologies have created new ways to help learners in the process of foreign language learning in general and vocabulary learning in particular. Due to the importance of academic vocabularies for university students, this study set out to investigate the effectiveness of SMS on Iranian university students’ academic vocabulary learning and retention and to explore their attitudes towards SMS vocabulary learning. To this end, 52 university freshman students at upper intermediate proficiency level were chosen to take part in this study. Before the study in order to assess the participants’ vocabulary knowledge, a... 

    Assessment of BNPP Containment Systems, Against LB-LOCA by MELCOR Code

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heydari Lari Nejad, Mohammad Amin (Author) ; Ghofrani, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
    In this study the modeling of Bushehr power plant containment is considered. In Bushehr atomic power plant, which has a unique design, the containment is similar to PWR power plants with a metal sphere, but the installed reactor is a VVER-1000. After a full study on the containment and its systems, the required date for modeling is gathered and afterwards, the engineering handbook is prepared for MELCOR input code and then the modeling and size classification of the containment is done in 4 different ways, including the control volumes of 1, 9, 23 and 30 and then the temperature, pressure and density of hydrogen is examined. The result of studying control volume sensitivity reveals that 23... 

    Multilayer Network Approach to Brain Connectivity Analysis in Cognitive Disorder

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Talezade Lari, Emran (Author) ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor) ; Manzori, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
    Brain is the most complex part of the human body. This three pound organ acting as seed of intelligence, database of memories, interpreter of the senses, and managing our movement. Network neuroscience plays an important role in revealing hidden aspects of brain functions. Recently, multilayer network models have been proposed to achieve a deeper analysis on the brain networks. Multilayer network is a framework that can represent multiple relations between nodes. In a single layer brain network, different shared information methods can be used to find connection between Regions of Interests (ROIs), but in a multilayer approach, ROIs can have multiple connections in different domains such as... 

    Evaluation of the ankylosing spondylitis transcriptome for oxidative phosphorylation pathway: the shared pathway with neurodegenerative diseases

    , Article Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology ; Volume 20, Issue 5 , 2021 , Pages 563-573 ; 17355249 (ISSN) Lari, A ; Gholami Pourbadie, H ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Aslani, S ; Nejatbakhsh Samimi, L ; Jamshidi, A ; Mahmoudi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    NLM (Medline)  2021
    Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a systemic inflammatory disorder of joints and entheses. Recent studies have reported an increased prevalence of dementia in AS patients. However, data for exploring the association between dementia and AS remain uncertain. In this study, enriched pathways and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in whole blood transcription data of AS patients obtained from the gene expression omnibus (GEO) database; using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and differential expression analysis. Four pathways, including oxidative phosphorylation, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases were significantly enriched in AS patients compared to the... 

    Downregulation of ITM2A gene expression in macrophages of patients with ankylosing spondylitis

    , Article International Archives of Allergy and Immunology ; Volume 182, Issue 11 , 2021 , Pages 1113-1121 ; 10182438 (ISSN) Lari, A ; Pourbadie, H. G ; Jafari, M ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Akhtari, M ; Nejatbakhsh Samimi, L ; Jamshidi, A ; Mahmoudi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    S. Karger AG  2021
    Objectives: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rheumatic disorder that is mostly determined by genetic and environmental factors. Given the known importance of macrophage in AS pathogenesis, we investigated the transcriptional profile of macrophage cells in the disease. Methods and Results: Two approaches of differential expression and subsequently, weighted gene co-expression network analysis was utilized to analyze a publicly available microarray dataset of macrophages. Integral membrane protein 2A (ITM2A) was among the most significant genes with a decreased trend in the common results of both methods. In order to confirm the finding, the expression of ITM2A was evaluated in... 

    Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000-17: Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

    , Article The Lancet ; Volume 395, Issue 10239 , 2020 , Pages 1779-1801 Reiner, R. C., Jr ; Wiens, K. E ; Deshpande, A ; Baumann, M. M ; Lindstedt, P. A ; Blacker, B. F ; Troeger, C. E ; Earl, L ; Munro, S. B ; Abate, D ; Abbastabar, H ; Abd-Allah, F ; Abdelalim, A ; Abdollahpour, I ; Abdulkader, R. S ; Abebe, G ; Abegaz, K. H ; Abreu, L. G ; Abrigo, M. R. M ; Accrombessi, M. M. K ; Acharya, D ; Adabi, M ; Adebayo, O. M ; Adedoyin, R. A ; Adekanmbi, V ; Adetokunboh, O. O ; Adham, D ; Adhena, B. M ; Afarideh, M ; Ahmadi, K ; Ahmadi, M ; Ahmed, A. E ; Ahmed, M. B ; Ahmed, R ; Ajumobi, O ; Akal, C. G ; Akalu, T. Y ; Akanda, A. S ; Alamene, G. M ; Alanzi, T. M ; Albright, J. R ; Alcalde Rabanal, J. E ; Alemnew, B. T ; Alemu, Z. A ; Ali, B. A ; Ali, M ; Alijanzadeh, M ; Alipour, V ; Aljunid, S. M ; Almasi, A ; Almasi Hashiani, A ; Al-Mekhlafi, H. M ; Altirkawi, K ; Alvis-Guzman, N ; Alvis-Zakzuk, N. J ; Amare, A. T ; Amini, S ; Amit, A.M.L ; Andrei, C.L ; Anegago, M.T ; Anjomshoa, M ; Ansari, F ; Antonio, C.A.T ; Antriyandarti, E ; Appiah, S.C.Y ; Arabloo, J ; Aremu, O ; Armoon, B ; Aryal, K.K ; Arzani, A ; Asadi-Lari, M ; Ashagre, A.F ; Atalay, H.T ; Atique, S ; Atre, S.R ; Ausloos, M ; Avila-Burgos, L ; Awasthi, A ; Awoke, N ; Ayala Quintanilla, B.P ; Ayano, G ; Ayanore, M.A ; Ayele, A.A ; Aynalem, Y.A ; Azari, S ; Babaee, E ; Badawi, A ; Bakkannavar, S.M ; Balakrishnan, S ; Bali, A.G ; Banach, M ; Barac, A ; Barnighausen, T.W ; Basaleem, H ; Bassat, Q ; Bayati, M ; Bedi, N ; Behzadifar, M ; Behzadifar, M ; Bekele, Y.A ; Bell, M.L ; Bennett, D.A ; Berbada, D.A ; Beyranvand, T ; Bhat, A.G ; Bhattacharyya, K ; Bhattarai, S ; Bhaumik, S ; Bijani, A ; Bikbov, B ; Biswas, R.K ; Bogale, K.A ; Bohlouli, S ; Brady, O.J ; Bragazzi, N.L ; Briko, A.N ; Briko, N.I ; Burugina Nagaraja, S ; Butt, Z.A ; Campos-Nonato, I.R ; Campuzano Rincon, J.C ; Cárdenas, R ; Carvalho, F ; Castro, F ; Chansa, C ; Chatterjee, P ; Chattu, V.K ; Chauhan, B.G ; Chin, K.L ; Christopher, D.J ; Chu, D.-T ; Claro, R.M ; Cormier, N.M ; Costa, V.M ; Damiani, G ; Daoud, F ; Dandona, L ; Dandona, R ; Darwish, A.H ; Daryani, A ; Das, J.K ; Das Gupta, R ; Dasa, T.T ; Davila, C.A ; Davis Weaver, N ; Davitoiu, D.V ; De Neve, J.-W ; Demeke, F.M ; Demis, A.B ; Demoz, G.T ; Denova-Gutierrez, E ; Deribe, K ; Desalew, A ; Dessie, G.A ; Dharmaratne, S.D ; Dhillon, P ; Dhimal, M ; Dhungana, G.P ; Diaz, D ; Ding, E.L ; Diro, H.D ; Djalalinia, S ; Do, H.P ; Doku, D.T ; Dolecek, C ; Dubey, M ; Dubljanin, E ; Duko Adema, B ; Dunachie, S.J ; Durães, A.R ; Duraisamy, S ; Effiong, A ; Eftekhari, A ; El Sayed, I ; El Sayed Zaki, M ; El Tantawi, M ; Elemineh, D.A ; El-Jaafary, S.I ; Elkout, H ; Elsharkawy, A ; Enany, S ; Endalamaw, A ; Endalew, D.A ; Eskandarieh, S ; Esteghamati, A ; Etemadi, A ; Farag, T.H ; Faraon, E.J.A ; Fareed, M ; Faridnia, R ; Farioli, A ; Faro, A ; Farzam, H ; Fazaeli, A.A ; Fazlzadeh, M ; Fentahun, N ; Fereshtehnejad, S.-M ; Fernandes, E ; Filip, I ; Fischer, F ; Foroutan, M ; Francis, J.M ; Franklin, R.C ; Frostad, J.J ; Fukumoto, T ; Gayesa, R.T ; Gebremariam, K.T ; Gebremedhin, K.B ; Gebremeskel, G.G ; Gedefaw, G.A ; Geramo, Y.C.D ; Geta, B ; Gezae, K.E ; Ghashghaee, A ; Ghassemi, F ; Gill, P.S ; Ginawi, I.A ; Goli, S ; Gomes, N.G.M ; Gopalani, S.V ; Goulart, B.N.G ; Grada, A ; Gugnani, H.C ; Guido, D ; Guimarães, R.A ; Guo, Y ; Gupta, R ; Gupta, R ; Hafezi-Nejad, N ; Haile, M.T ; Hailu, G.B ; Haj-Mirzaian, A ; Haj-Mirzaian, A ; Hall, B.J ; Handiso, D.W ; Haririan, H ; Hariyani, N ; Hasaballah, A.I ; Hasan, M.M ; Hasanzadeh, A ; Hassankhani, H ; Hassen, H.Y ; Hayelom, D.H ; Heidari, B ; Henry, N.J ; Herteliu, C ; Heydarpour, F ; de Hidru, H.D ; Hoang, C.L ; Hoogar, P ; Hoseini-Ghahfarokhi, M ; Hossain, N ; Hosseini, M ; Hosseinzadeh, M ; Househ, M ; Hu, G ; Humayun, A ; Hussain, S.A ; Ibitoye, S.E ; Ilesanmi, O.S ; Ilic, M.D ; Inbaraj, L.R ; Irvani, S.S.N ; Islam, S.M.S ; Iwu, C.J ; Jaca, A ; Jafari Balalami, N ; Jahanmehr, N ; Jakovljevic, M ; Jalali, A ; Jayatilleke, A.U ; Jenabi, E ; Jha, R.P ; Jha, V ; Ji, J.S ; Jia, P ; Johnson, K.B ; Jonas, J.B ; Jóźwiak, J.J ; Kabir, A ; Kabir, Z ; Kahsay, A ; Kalani, H ; Kanchan, T ; Karami Matin, B ; Karch, A ; Karki, S ; Kasaeian, A ; Kasahun, G.G ; Kayode, G.A ; Kazemi Karyani, A ; Keiyoro, P.N ; Ketema, D.B ; Khader, Y.S ; Khafaie, M.A ; Khalid, N ; Khalil, A.T ; Khalil, I ; Khalilov, R ; Khan, M.N ; Khan, E.A ; Khan, G ; Khan, J ; Khatab, K ; Khater, A ; Khater, M.M ; Khatony, A ; Khayamzadeh, M ; Khazaei, M ; Khazaei, S ; Khodamoradi, E ; Khosravi, M.H ; Khubchandani, J ; Kiadaliri, A.A ; Kim, Y.J ; Kimokoti, R.W ; Kisa, A ; Kisa, S ; Kissoon, N ; Kondlahalli, S.K.M ; Kosek, M.N ; Koyanagi, A ; Kraemer, M.U.G ; Krishan, K ; Kugbey, N ; Kumar, G.A ; Kumar, M ; Kumar, P ; Kusuma, D ; La Vecchia, C ; Lacey, B ; Lal, A ; Lal, D.K ; Lami, F.H ; Lansingh, V.C ; Lasrado, S ; Lee, P.H ; Leili, M ; Lenjebo, T.L ; Levine, A.J ; Lewycka, S ; Li, S ; Linn, S ; Lodha, R ; Longbottom, J ; Lopukhov, P.D ; Magdeldin, S ; Mahasha, P.W ; Mahotra, N.B ; Malta, D.C ; Mamun, A.A ; Manafi, F ; Manafi, N ; Manda, A.-L ; Mansournia, M.A ; Mapoma, C.C ; Marami, D ; Marczak, L.B ; Martins-Melo, F.R ; März, W ; Masaka, A ; Mathur, M.R ; Maulik, P.K ; Mayala, B.K ; McAlinden, C ; Mehndiratta, M.M ; Mehrotra, R ; Mehta, K.M ; Meles, G.G ; Melese, A ; Memish, Z.A ; Mena, A.T ; Menezes, R.G ; Mengesha, M.M ; Mengistu, D.T ; Mengistu, G ; Meretoja, T.J ; Miazgowski, B ; Mihretie, K.M.M ; Miller-Petrie, M.K ; Mills, E.J ; Mir, S.M ; Mirabi, P ; Mirrakhimov, E.M ; Mohamadi-Bolbanabad, A ; Mohammad, D.K ; Mohammad, K.A ; Mohammad, Y ; Mohammad Darwesh, A ; Mohammad Gholi Mezerji, N ; Mohammadifard, N ; Mohammed, A.S ; Mohammed, J.A ; Mohammed, S ; Mohebi, F ; Mokdad, A.H ; Monasta, L ; Moodley, Y ; Moradi, G ; Moradi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Lancet Publishing Group  2020
    Background Across low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), one in ten deaths in children younger than 5 years is attributable to diarrhoea. The substantial between-country variation in both diarrhoea incidence and mortality is attributable to interventions that protect children, prevent infection, and treat disease. Identifying subnational regions with the highest burden and mapping associated risk factors can aid in reducing preventable childhood diarrhoea. Methods We used Bayesian model-based geostatistics and a geolocated dataset comprising 15 072 746 children younger than 5 years from 466 surveys in 94 LMICs, in combination with findings of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries,... 

    Department of Error: Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (The Lancet (2020) 395(10239) (1779–1801), (S0140673620301148), (10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30114-8))

    , Article The Lancet ; Volume 395, Issue 10239 , 2020 , Pages 1762- Reiner, R. C., Jr ; Wiens, K. E ; Deshpande, A ; Baumann, M. M ; Lindstedt, P. A ; Blacker, B. F ; Troeger, C.E ; Earl, L ; Munro, S. B ; Abate, D ; Abbastabar, H ; Abd-Allah, F ; Abdelalim, A ; Abdollahpour, I ; Abdulkader, R. S ; Abebe, G ; Abegaz, K. H ; Abreu, L. G ; Abrigo, M. R. M ; Accrombessi, M. M. K ; Acharya, D ; Adabi, M ; Adebayo, O. M ; Adedoyin, R. A ; Adekanmbi, V ; Adetokunboh, O. O ; Adham, D ; Adhena, B. M ; Afarideh, M ; Ahmadi, K ; Ahmadi, M ; Ahmed, A. E ; Ahmed, M. B ; Ahmed, R ; Ajumobi, O ; Akal, C. G ; Akalu, T. Y ; Akanda, A. S ; Alamene, G. M ; Alanzi, T. M ; Albright, J. R ; Alcalde Rabanal, J. E ; Alemnew, B. T ; Alemu, Z. A ; Ali, B. A ; Ali, M ; Alijanzadeh, M ; Alipour, V ; Aljunid, S.M ; Almasi, A ; Almasi-Hashiani, A ; Al-Mekhlafi, H.M ; Altirkawi, K ; Alvis-Guzman, N ; Alvis-Zakzuk, N.J ; Amare, A.T ; Amini, S ; Amit, A.M.L ; Andrei, C.L ; Anegago, M.T ; Anjomshoa, M ; Ansari, F ; Antonio, C.A.T ; Antriyandarti, E ; Appiah, S.C.Y ; Arabloo, J ; Aremu, O ; Armoon, B ; Aryal, K.K ; Arzani, A ; Asadi-Lari, M ; Ashagre, A.F ; Atalay, H.T ; Atique, S ; Atre, S.R ; Ausloos, M ; Avila-Burgos, L ; Awasthi, A ; Awoke, N ; Ayala Quintanilla, B.P ; Ayano, G ; Ayanore, M.A ; Ayele, A.A ; Aynalem, Y.A ; Azari, S ; Babaee, E ; Badawi, A ; Bakkannavar, S.M ; Balakrishnan, S ; Bali, A.G ; Banach, M ; Barac, A ; Barnighausen, T.W ; Basaleem, H ; Bassat, Q ; Bayati, M ; Bedi, N ; Behzadifar, M ; Behzadifar, M ; Bekele, Y.A ; Bell, M.L ; Bennett, D.A ; Berbada, D.A ; Beyranvand, T ; Bhat, A.G ; Bhattacharyya, K ; Bhattarai, S ; Bhaumik, S ; Bijani, A ; Bikbov, B ; Biswas, R.K ; Bogale, K.A ; Bohlouli, S ; Brady, O.J ; Bragazzi, N.L ; Briko, A.N ; Briko, N.I ; Burugina Nagaraja, S ; Butt, Z.A ; Campos-Nonato, I.R ; Campuzano Rincon, J.C ; Cárdenas, R ; Carvalho, F ; Castro, F ; Chansa, C ; Chatterjee, P ; Chattu, V.K ; Chauhan, B.G ; Chin, K.L ; Christopher, D.J ; Chu, D.-T ; Claro, R.M ; Cormier, N.M ; Costa, V.M ; Damiani, G ; Daoud, F ; Dandona, L ; Dandona, R ; Darwish, A.H ; Daryani, A ; Das, J.K ; Das Gupta, R ; Dasa, T.T ; Davila, C.A ; Davis Weaver, N ; Davitoiu, D.V ; De Neve, J.-W ; Demeke, F.M ; Demis, A.B ; Demoz, G.T ; Denova-Gutierrez, E ; Deribe, K ; Desalew, A ; Dessie, G.A ; Dharmaratne, S.D ; Dhillon, P ; Dhimal, M ; Dhungana, G.P ; Diaz, D ; Ding, E.L ; Diro, H.D ; Djalalinia, S ; Do, H.P ; Doku, D.T ; Dolecek, C ; Dubey, M ; Dubljanin, E ; Duko Adema, B ; Dunachie, S.J ; Durães, A.R ; Duraisamy, S ; Effiong, A ; Eftekhari, A ; El Sayed, I ; El Sayed Zaki, M ; El Tantawi, M ; Elemineh, D.A ; El-Jaafary, S.I ; Elkout, H ; Elsharkawy, A ; Enany, S ; Endalamaw, A ; Endalew, D.A ; Eskandarieh, S ; Esteghamati, A ; Etemadi, A ; Farag, T.H ; Faraon, E.J.A ; Fareed, M ; Faridnia, R ; Farioli, A ; Faro, A ; Farzam, H ; Fazaeli, A.A ; Fazlzadeh, M ; Fentahun, N ; Fereshtehnejad, S.-M ; Fernandes, E ; Filip, I ; Fischer, F ; Foroutan, M ; Francis, J.M ; Franklin, R.C ; Frostad, J.J ; Fukumoto, T ; Gayesa, R.T ; Gebremariam, K.T ; Gebremedhin, K.B ; Gebremeskel, G.G ; Gedefaw, G.A ; Geramo, Y.C.D ; Geta, B ; Gezae, K.E ; Ghashghaee, A ; Ghassemi, F ; Gill, P.S ; Ginawi, I.A ; Goli, S ; Gomes, N.G.M ; Gopalani, S.V ; Goulart, B.N.G ; Grada, A ; Gugnani, H.C ; Guido, D ; Guimarães, R.A ; Guo, Y ; Gupta, R ; Gupta, R ; Hafezi-Nejad, N ; Haile, M.T ; Hailu, G.B ; Haj-Mirzaian, A ; Haj-Mirzaian, A ; Hall, B.J ; Handiso, D.W ; Haririan, H ; Hariyani, N ; Hasaballah, A.I ; Hasan, M.M ; Hasanzadeh, A ; Hassankhani, H ; Hassen, H.Y ; Hayelom, D.H ; Heidari, B ; Henry, N.J ; Herteliu, C ; Heydarpour, F ; de Hidru, H.D ; Hoang, C.L ; Hoogar, P ; Hoseini-Ghahfarokhi, M ; Hossain, N ; Hosseini, M ; Hosseinzadeh, M ; Househ, M ; Hu, G ; Humayun, A ; Hussain, S.A ; Ibitoye, S.E ; Ilesanmi, O.S ; Ilic, M.D ; Inbaraj, L.R ; Irvani, S.S.N ; Islam, S.M.S ; Iwu, C.J ; Jaca, A ; Jafari Balalami, N ; Jahanmehr, N ; Jakovljevic, M ; Jalali, A ; Jayatilleke, A.U ; Jenabi, E ; Jha, R.P ; Jha, V ; Ji, J.S ; Jia, P ; Johnson, K.B ; Jonas, J.B ; Jóźwiak, J.J ; Kabir, A ; Kabir, Z ; Kahsay, A ; Kalani, H ; Kanchan, T ; Karami Matin, B ; Karch, A ; Karki, S ; Kasaeian, A ; Kasahun, G.G ; Kayode, G.A ; Kazemi Karyani, A ; Keiyoro, P.N ; Ketema, D.B ; Khader, Y.S ; Khafaie, M.A ; Khalid, N ; Khalil, A.T ; Khalil, I ; Khalilov, R ; Khan, M.N ; Khan, E.A ; Khan, G ; Khan, J ; Khatab, K ; Khater, A ; Khater, M.M ; Khatony, A ; Khayamzadeh, M ; Khazaei, M ; Khazaei, S ; Khodamoradi, E ; Khosravi, M.H ; Khubchandani, J ; Kiadaliri, A.A ; Kim, Y.J ; Kimokoti, R.W ; Kisa, A ; Kisa, S ; Kissoon, N ; Kondlahalli, S.K.M ; Kosek, M.N ; Koyanagi, A ; Kraemer, M.U.G ; Krishan, K ; Kugbey, N ; Kumar, G.A ; Kumar, M ; Kumar, P ; Kusuma, D ; La Vecchia, C ; Lacey, B ; Lal, A ; Lal, D.K ; Lami, F.H ; Lansingh, V.C ; Lasrado, S ; Lee, P.H ; Leili, M ; Lenjebo, T.L ; Levine, A.J ; Lewycka, S ; Li, S ; Linn, S ; Lodha, R ; Longbottom, J ; Lopukhov, P.D ; Magdeldin, S ; Mahasha, P.W ; Mahotra, N.B ; Malta, D.C ; Mamun, A.A ; Manafi, F ; Manafi, N ; Manda, A.-L ; Mansournia, M.A ; Mapoma, C.C ; Marami, D ; Marczak, L.B ; Martins-Melo, F.R ; März, W ; Masaka, A ; Mathur, M.R ; Maulik, P.K ; Mayala, B.K ; McAlinden, C ; Mehndiratta, M.M ; Mehrotra, R ; Mehta, K.M ; Meles, G.G ; Melese, A ; Memish, Z.A ; Mena, A.T ; Menezes, R.G ; Mengesha, M.M ; Mengistu, D.T ; Mengistu, G ; Meretoja, T.J ; Miazgowski, B ; Mihretie, K.M.M ; Miller-Petrie, M.K ; Mills, E.J ; Mir, S.M ; Mirabi, P ; Mirrakhimov, E.M ; Mohamadi-Bolbanabad, A ; Mohammad, D.K ; Mohammad, K.A ; Mohammad, Y ; Mohammad Darwesh, A ; Mohammad Gholi Mezerji, N ; Mohammadifard, N ; Mohammed, A. S ; Mohammed, J.A ; Mohammed, S ; Mohebi, F ; Mokdad, A. H ; Monasta, L ; Moodley, Y ; Moradi, G ; Moradi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Lancet Publishing Group  2020
    Reiner RC Jr, Hay SI. Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2020; 395: 1779–801—In this Article, the author byline has been amended to Local Burden of Disease Diarrhoea Collaborators. This correction has been made to the online version as of June 4, 2020, and the printed version is correct. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd