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    Numerical Simulation of DBD Plasma Actuator and Optimization for Separation Control

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi, Javad (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    Here we have used CFD to simulate the flow field around a DBD plasma active controller for flow control. Enhanced Electrostatic model is applied to model the plasma actuator, by solution of two elliptic equations to find electric field and charge density in whole flow field. So, it provided the body force by neglecting the magnetic forces in Lorentz equation. The body force is added to the momentum equation as a source term. A commercial software FLUENT is used for this simulation. To validate the algorithm, flow over a flat plate using DBD actuator is solved and results are compared with experimental and numerical results. Flow control around a cylinder with Reynolds number of 18,000 is... 

    An Efficient Routing Method to Reduce Aging Effect in Reconfigurable Devices

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi, Behzad (Author) ; Asadi, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Signifcant downscaling of CMOS technology to provide high performance along with low power consumption has been accompanied by reliability degradations such as increased noise sensitivity and reliability concern due to aging phenomena (transient and permanent failuers). In this regard, with huge number of configuration bits, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are more susceptible to aging since aging not only degrades the performance, but also it may additionally result in corrupting the configuration cells and thus causing permanent circuit malfunctioning. While several works have investigated the aging effects in Look-Up Tables (LUTs), the routing fabric of these devices is seldom... 

    Improving the performance of a numerical model to simulate the EHD interaction effect induced by dielectric barrier discharge

    , Article International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow ; Volume 67 , 2017 , Pages 79-94 ; 0142727X (ISSN) Omidi, J ; Mazaheri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Over the past decade, there has been a growing interest in dielectric-barrier-discharge (DBD) plasma actuators. The lack of a general model to accurately simulate the related phenomena is one of the primary limitations in studying such type of actuators. One of the most frequently used models of this type was proposed by Suzen and Huang (S-H). Despite the numerous efforts made to improve this model, including a recent work of the authors, some deficiencies still exist. In this study, new modifications have been introduced to improve the performance and accuracy of the S-H phenomenological model. Here, a relation between the electrical-potential and charge-density equations has been made in... 

    Micro-plasma actuator mechanisms in interaction with fluid flow for wind energy applications: Physical parameters

    , Article Physics of Fluids ; Volume 32, Issue 7 , 2020 Omidi, J ; Mazaheri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Institute of Physics Inc  2020
    Plasma actuator is a flow control device to improve the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades at low airspeeds. One of the most robust numerical models for simulation of plasma actuator interaction with the fluid flow is the electrostatic model. This model is improved recently and is extensively verified by the authors. Due to the high cost of performing experimental optimizations, the optimized geometrical dimensions and materials of a plasma actuator may be sought by this numerical model. The aim of the present study is the aerodynamic enhancement of a DU21 wind turbine blade airfoil in which the effect of geometric parameters and the dielectric material is examined separately.... 

    Differential evolution algorithm for performance optimization of the micro plasma actuator as a microelectromechanical system

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 2020 Omidi, J ; Mazaheri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2020
    Dielectric Discharge Barrier (DBD) plasma actuators are considered as one of the best active electro-hydrodynamic control devices, and are considered by many contemporary researchers. Here a simple electrostatic model, which is improved by authors, and uses the Maxwell’s and the Navier–Stokes equations, is proposed for massive optimization computations. This model is used to find the optimum solution for application of a dielectric discharge barrier on a curved surface of a DU25 wind turbine blade airfoil, in a range of 5–18 kV applied voltages, and 0.5 to 13 kHz frequency range. Design variables are selected as the dielectric thickness and material, and thickness and length of the... 

    Aerodynamic enhancement and improving the performance of a six-megawatt dowec wind turbine by micro-plasma actuator

    , Article International Journal of Mechanical Sciences ; Volume 195 , 2021 ; 00207403 (ISSN) Omidi, J ; Mazaheri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2021
    We have investigated the usage of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma actuator to improve the aerodynamic performance of an offshore 6 MW wind turbine. By controlling the aerodynamic load combined with pitch angles of 2, 5, and 10 degrees, we studied the plasma actuator effect on the overall harvested power. Actuators were installed in single and tandem configurations in different chord-wise locations to find the optimum design. The improved phenomenological model developed by authors was used in an analysis to simulate the interaction of the electrostatic field, the ionized particles and the fluid flow. A design software was used to estimate the harvested power of the real 3D blade.... 

    Micro-plasma actuator mechanisms in interaction with fluid flow for wind energy applications: operational parameters

    , Article Engineering with Computers ; 2022 ; 01770667 (ISSN) Omidi, J ; Mazaheri, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH  2022
    Plasma actuator is a flow control device which may be used to improve the performance of wind turbine blades at low airspeeds. One of the most robust numerical models to simulate the interaction of the plasma actuator with the fluid flow is the electrostatic model. This model is improved by the authors. Due to the high cost of performing experimental optimization, the optimization of plasma actuators may be investigated by this numerical model. To optimize the aerodynamic performance of a Delft University (DU) wind turbine airfoil in a full stall condition, we used the operational parameters (voltage, frequency and the waveform) applied to the plasma actuator as the main design variables. We... 

    The Study of Certain Evidence of Ooguri, Strominger, Vafa Conjecture for 4D Extremal Black Holes of Type and Heterotic Superstring Theories

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi, Farzad (Author) ; Arfaei, Hessamaddin (Supervisor)
    In 2004 Ooguri, Strominger, and Vafa could write the partition function of 4D N=2 extremal black holes in type IIA superstring theory as the square of the absolute value of the partition function of type A closed topological string theory, which had already been introduced by Edward Witten in 1990. In this study, T and S dualities were applied to the original conjecture of Ooguri, Strominger, and Vafa. By using T duality, we have verified that the conjecture holds for 4D N=2 extremal black holes of type IIB superstring theory to the one loop order in string coupling. In other words, one can write the partition function of these kinds of black holes as the square of the absolute value of... 

    Multi-omic Single-cell Data Integration Using Deep Neural Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi, Alireza (Author) ; Sharifi Zarchi, Ali (Supervisor)
    The advent and advance of single-cell technologies have enabled us to measure the cell function and identity by using different assays and viewing it by different technologies. Nowadays, we are able to measure multiple feature vectors from same- single cells from multiple abstract molecular levels (genome, transcriptome, proteome, ...) simultaneously. Hence, the analysts can view the cell from different yet correlated angles and study their behaviours. Such progress in joint single-cell assessments plus the development and spread of more common single-cell assays - that measure one feature vector per cell - caused the growing need for computational tools to integrate these datasets in order... 

    An Energy-saving Control Strategy for Multi-zone Demand Controlled VAV Systems with Optimal Control of air Handling Unit

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi Jeze, Hossein (Author) ; Moradi, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, due to the increasing use of Air Handling Units (AHU) in buildings, reducing energy consumption and improving the performance of these devices is one of the most important goals of researchers in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technology. The purpose of this project is to design an optimal control system in different parts of the Air Handling Unit in order to provide standard ambient and breathing conditions for the people. Therefore, the mathematical model of the multi-zone space and the equipment of the Air Handling Unit are studied as separate subsystems based on the laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer. The obtained equations provide a... 

    Effect of Surface Treatment on Bioactivity of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi Razani, Abbas Ali (Author) ; Asgari, Sirous (Supervisor)
    In this research Ti-6Al-4V samples were surface treated with acid, alkali and sandblasting treatment. Alkali treatment parameter was the NaOH concentration. The results of roughness measurement demonstrate that increase in NaOH Concentration results in rougher surface. Sandblasting produces rough surfaces in the scale of 1 to 10 micrometers. Acid treatment reduces initial roughness and the resultant roughness is in the under micrometer scale. After surface treatment, samples were soaked in simulated body fluid for invitro assessment. Results of this analysis indicate that sample with sandblasting+chemical treatment has the best invitro bioactivity. Chemical+sandblasting treated sample shows... 

    Effect of axially graded constraining layer on the free vibration properties of three layered sandwich beams with magnetorheological fluid core

    , Article Composite Structures ; Volume 255 , 2021 ; 02638223 (ISSN) Omidi Soroor, A ; Asgari, M ; Haddadpour, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2021
    The free linear vibration of an adaptive sandwich beam consisting of a frequency and field-dependent magnetorheological fluid core and an axially functionally graded constraining layer is investigated. The Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories are utilized for defining the longitudinal and lateral deformation of the sandwich beam. The Rayleigh-Ritz method is used to derive the frequency-dependent eigenvalue problem through the kinetic and strain energy expressions of the sandwich beam. In order to deal with the frequency dependency of the core, the approached complex eigenmodes method is implemented. The validity of the formulation and solution method is confirmed through comparison... 

    Dynamic Response Analysis of a Three-Layered Circular Plate with Magnetorheological Fluid Core Under Low Velocity Impact Loading

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi Soroor, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Haddadpour, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Various public transportation types, e.g., Trains, Buses, and Airplanes, are susceptible to damages made by the impacts of the external objects, which are typically classified as low to medium velocity impacts. This problem reveals the significance of investigating the effects of impact on thin-walled structures, which are the main components of these vehicles' bodies. Owing to the controllable rheological properties of the Magnetorheological fluid with respect to the magnetic field, it can be utilized to control the structure exposed to impact adaptively and minimize the damages. Due to this purpose, sandwich structures such as sandwich beams and plates, thanks to their extended response... 

    Study on the Behavior of Ship’s Bottom Structure under Grounding Phenomenon

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidi, Yaser (Author) ; Abbaspour, Majid (Supervisor) ; Omidvar, Mohammad Taghi (Co-Advisor)
    Whenever and wherever there is shipping, there exist risks of marine accidents. Subsequently, such accidents at sea may result in potential economic loss,environmental pollution and fatalities. In fact, ship grounding accident is a type of marine accident that involves the impact of a ship on seabed or waterway side. It may result in the damage of the submerged part of the ship’s hull and in particularly the bottom structure; potentially leading to water ingress, which may at the end compromise the ship's structural integrity, stability, and finally safety. An overall view on groundings categorizes the accidents in two major groups: Soft Grounding and Hard Grounding. A soft grounding does... 

    Corrigendum to “Decorative reduced graphene oxide/C3N4/Ag2O/conductive polymer as a high performance material for electrochemical capacitors” [Applied surface science 447 (2018) 374–380] (S0169433218309462) (10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.03.249))

    , Article Applied Surface Science ; Volume 455 , 2018 , Pages 1192- ; 01694332 (ISSN) Shabani Shayeh, J ; Salari, H ; Daliri, A ; Omidi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2018
    The authors would like to declare that this investigation was supported by Shahid Beheshti University G.C., research grant. NO. 600/51. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. DOI of original article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.03.249 © 2018  

    Decorative reduced graphene oxide/C3N4/Ag2O/conductive polymer as a high performance material for electrochemical capacitors

    , Article Applied Surface Science ; Volume 447 , 2018 , Pages 374-380 ; 01694332 (ISSN) Shabani Shayeh, J ; Salari, H ; Daliri, A ; Omidi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2018
    Here in, reduced graphene oxide/g-C3N4/Ag2O nano structure (RGO/CAO) was decorated through a facile and simple chemical method. After that RGO/CAO nano structure combined with poly aniline electrochemically to form a composite electrode. Several physicochemical techniques were applied to characterize the composite electrode such as X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, several electrochemical techniques were used to study the performance of composite electrode as an electrochemical capacitor. Results show that RGO/CAO nano... 

    Enhancement the economical and environmental aspects of plus-zero energy buildings integrated with INVELOX turbines

    , Article Renewable Energy ; Volume 153 , 2020 , Pages 1355-1367 Shaterabadi, M ; Jirdehi, M. A ; Amiri, N ; Omidi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    A multi-objective energy management strategy for a plus-zero energy building during a year, incorporating renewable resources, air to water heat pump, micro-CHP, ventilation, energy storage systems and thermal-cooling-electrical loads have been proposed in this paper. In this strategy, a novel technology of wind turbine that has been known as INVELOX has been investigated and collaborated in ZEB planning to reach efficient plus-ZEB at lower cost and pollution. As well the building can sell and buy power to/from the upstream network. The total cost and pollution of the building have been considered as objective functions. Also, the effect of objective function priority on the planning of the... 

    Power Optimization in Wireless Two-Way Relay Channel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimzamani, Arman (Author) ; Golestani, Jamaloddin (Supervisor) ; Omidi, Mohammadjavad (Co-Advisor)
    Technological developments in today’s world followed by the rapid rowth of energy consumption has given rise to global concerns about the environment. Hence, energy-efficiency is widely addressed in various areas of academic and industrial research. In communication technology too, energy-demanding systems such as wireless cellular networks have undergone immense and rapid developments, resulting in major concerns about their energy consumption.To address these concerns, the 4G generation of cellular standards provides an option for relay transmission in order to reduce the energy required for achieving a given communication rate in a certain area of coverage. In this thesis, we address the... 

    Setar Production Modification With Vibration Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mansour, Hossein (Author) ; Behzad, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Setar is a traditional Persian musical instrument. Nowadays, Setar is one of the most common musical instruments in Persian music. A systematic method for Setar production modification has not been introduced yet. This work is the first scientific work about analysis of this instrument. The aim of this study is to undertake early steps for Setar quality improvement. In this thesis, after analysis of the wood using in Setar construction, numerical and experimental methods have been utilized to analyze this instrument. After that, some works has been performed to extract an objective function which can judge about Setar quality. The results show good agreement between experimental and... 

    Vibration Analysis of Edge Cracked Timoshenko Beam with Continuous Crack Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heydari, Mahdi (Author) ; Behzad, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Structural defects such as cracks may be produced in structures and machineries under fatigue load operating conditions. The presence of crack can lead to catastrophic failures in certain conditions. The occurrence of cracks affects the dynamic and vibration behavior of the structure considerably. These vibrations can be used for identifying the cracks and appropriate actions can be taken to prevent more damage to the system. Therefore, in this thesis vibration analysis of a Timoshenko beam with a vertical and horizontal crack has been considered. A continuous model for vibration analysis of a beam with an open edge crack including the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia has been...