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    Calculation of effective parameters of high permittivity integrated artificial dielectrics

    , Article IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation ; Volume 9, Issue 12 , September , 2015 , Pages 1287-1296 ; 17518725 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Rejaei ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2015
    An analysis is presented of the effective electromagnetic parameters of high-permittivity, anisotropic artificial dielectrics which are built by stacking arrays of metallic elements and conventional dielectric films, with adjacent arrays shifted with respect to each other. The effective parameters of the artificial dielectric are extracted from the scattering coefficients of plane electromagnetic waves which are normally or obliquely incident on a slab of the artificial material with finite thickness. These coefficients are derived from the generalised scattering matrix of a single layer of metallic elements which is computed using the integral equation technique. Both two-dimensional and... 

    Millimeter-wave artificial dielectric waveguides for integrated applications

    , Article IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference 2014, IMaRC 2014 - Collocated with Intemational Symposium on Microwaves, ISM 2014, 15 December 2014 through 17 December 2014 ; 2015 , Pages 225-228 ; 9781479963164 (ISBN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Rejaei, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    High-quality guided wave devices are key components in integrated millimeter-wave circuits. In this paper, we propose mm-wave planar dielectric waveguides based on thin, anisotropic artificial dielectric layers with very high in-plane permittivity. Waves propagating on such films are surface waves whose field exponentially decays outside the film in the vertical direction, similar to waveguides commonly used in integrated optics. The very high in-plane permittivity of the artificial dielectric layers leads to strong field confinement, and allows the implementation of relatively thin waveguides. This fact, together with the planar structure of these devices, make them highly suitable for... 

    An exact method for the extraction of effective bulk and surface parameters of periodic artificial media

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ; Volume 63, Issue 6 , 2015 , Pages 2521-2531 ; 0018926X (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Rejaei, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    A new method is presented for the extraction of the bulk and surface parameters of a periodic artificial medium which uses the eigenvectors of the generalized transfer matrix of a unit layer. These eigenvectors correspond to the Bloch modes of the periodic structure. The eigenvector related to the propagating Bloch mode directly yields an expression for the effective, intrinsic wave impedance of the medium. Moreover, the interface between the artificial material and a surrounding, conventional (dielectric) region is described by an interface impedance matrix which accounts for the excitation of higher order, nonpropagating Bloch modes at the interface. Although these modes do not propagate... 

    Tunable extraordinary transmission through a graphene-covered hole array: an analytical equivalent-circuit modeling approach

    , Article Plasmonics ; 2018 ; 15571955 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2018
    We study two-dimensional (2D) hole arrays drilled into a perfect conductor slab covered with a graphene sheet. Such arrays support the extraordinary transmission of electromagnetic waves and allow tunability via graphene properties. We investigate the effect of graphene on transmission spectra by proposing an accurate analytical circuit model for the structure, where the graphene contributes an admittance component at the interface. The model demonstrates how extraordinary transmission can be tuned via the graphene conductivity. We study the free-standing structure, where the hole array is covered by a graphene sheet on both sides of the conductor slab, and a substrate-bound hole array... 

    Tunable extraordinary transmission through a graphene-covered hole array: an analytical equivalent-circuit modeling approach

    , Article Plasmonics ; Volume 14, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 569-577 ; 15571955 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2019
    We study two-dimensional (2D) hole arrays drilled into a perfect conductor slab covered with a graphene sheet. Such arrays support the extraordinary transmission of electromagnetic waves and allow tunability via graphene properties. We investigate the effect of graphene on transmission spectra by proposing an accurate analytical circuit model for the structure, where the graphene contributes an admittance component at the interface. The model demonstrates how extraordinary transmission can be tuned via the graphene conductivity. We study the free-standing structure, where the hole array is covered by a graphene sheet on both sides of the conductor slab, and a substrate-bound hole array... 

    Designing dual-band absorbers by graphene/metallic metasurfaces

    , Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 55, Issue 2 , 2019 ; 00189197 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    This paper presents a novel approach for designing dual-band absorbers based on graphene and metallic metasurfaces for terahertz and mid-infrared regimes, respectively. The absorbers are composed of a 2D array of square patches deposited on a dielectric film terminated by a metal plate. Using an analytical circuit model, we obtain closed-form relations for different parameters of the structure to achieve the dual-band absorber. Two absorption bands with an obtained absorptivity of 98% at 0.53 and 1.53 THz for the graphene-based structure and 7 and 25 THz for the metallic-based case are achieved. We demonstrate that the graphene-based absorber remains as the dual band for a wide range of the... 

    Analysis of Artificial Dielectric Waveguides for Millimeter Wave Applications

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Barzegar Parizi, Saeedeh (Author) ; Rejaei, Behzad (Supervisor)
    Millimeter wave technology may prove to be one of the key technologies of the 21st century, covering a broad range of applications including high-speed telecommunication, wireless sensing, and ultra-fast digital computing. The ultimate (commercial) success of these technologies depends on the ability to integrate mm-wave circuitry on a chip, bringing about significant size and cost reduction. Traditionally, mm-wave systems have made extensive use of waveguides based on hollow- or dielectric-filled metallic cavities for the transfer and processing of signals. Cavity waveguides exhibit very low loss, but are not well-suited to high volume manufacturing or on-chip integration due to their... 

    Electromagnetic wave scattering analysis from 2-D periodic rough surfaces using complex images technique

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ; Volume 53, Issue 2 , July , 2015 , Pages 862-868 ; 01962892 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    The integral equation technique, in combination with the method of moments, is widely used for treating the electromagnetic scattering from periodic rough surfaces. This method, however, requires the computation of a kernel (a periodic Green's function) that consists of a slowly converging infinite series of conventional Green's functions. To accelerate the convergence of this series, different methods have been proposed in literature. In this paper, we use a complex image (CI) technique to find a closed-form expression for the periodic Green's function, which is then used to analyze the electromagnetic scattering from arbitrary periodic rough surfaces. The resulting CI Green's function... 

    Electromagnetic scattering from perfectly conducting periodic rough surfaces using complex images technique

    , Article 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting - Leading the Wave, AP-S/URSI 2010, 11 July 2010 through 17 July 2010 ; July , 2010 ; 9781424449682 (ISBN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Eelectromagnetic analysis of periodic structures is important in the electromagnetic theory. Among them, the electromagnetic wave scattering analysis from rough surfaces is of importance due to both theoretical and practical points of view. For slow variation periodic surfaces the solution can be obtained under the Rayleigh hypothesis in terms of Floquet modes [1]. Integral equation approaches in combination with the method of Moments are among the most frequently used in the solution of scattering problems related to periodic surface due to their flexibility in modeling different geometries [2-3]. Due to slowly convergence of infinite series periodic Green's function, these methods need... 

    Evaluation of Ankle Rehabilitation Robot Based on Kinematic Compatibility with Human Anatomy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Torabi Parizi, Ali (Author) ; Behzadipour, Saeed (Supervisor)
    The rehabilitating of lower extremity to regain the walking ability in a sick person is one of the main fields in rehabilitation. A problem in an ankle of a sick person is one of the factors which causes that person loses his walking ability. It can fairly be recovered through physiotherapy. This sort of rehabilitation is via constant relationship between the sick person and the therapist by doing many repeated exercises. The repeated natures of these types of exercises and also their high expenses have inspired many scholars to design some robots with the capability of observing and controlling the exercises. Although these robots exist in this field, a few of them have been put into... 

    Analytical circuit model for periodic arrays of graphene disks

    , Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 51, Issue 9 , July , 2015 ; 00189197 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Rejaei, B ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    In this paper, an analytical circuit model is proposed for 2-D arrays of graphene disks. First, we derive an analytical expression for the surface current density on a single graphene disk in the subwavelength regime, induced by a normally incident plane wave. The solution is then extended to 2-D arrays of graphene disks using perturbation theory. Finally, by applying appropriate boundary conditions, an R - L - C equivalent circuit of the structure is obtained. It is shown that both a single graphene disk and periodic array of graphene disks have dual capacitive-inductive nature. The results of the proposed model are in excellent agreement with those obtained by full-wave simulations  

    Deriving surface impedance for 2-d arrays of graphene patches using a variational method

    , Article IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics ; Volume 53, Issue 1 , 2017 ; 00189197 (ISSN) Barzegar Parizi, S ; Tavakol, M. R ; Khavasi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we extract the fundamental resonant mode of a graphene patch using a variational method. We use 2-D eigenvalue problem obtained from the integral equation governing the surface current on graphene patterns under quasi-static approximation. To compute the eigenvalues, we propose three trial eigenfunctions, which meet the boundary conditions. We investigate the accuracy of these eigenfunctions with comparing to the results obtained by full wave simulations. Finally, we analyze square-lattice arrangements of graphene patches using the most accurate proposed eigenfunction and derive a very accurate surface impedance for it. The proposed surface impedance is much more precise than... 

    Rigid-bar loading on pregnant uterus and development of pregnant abdominal response corridor based on finite element biomechanical model

    , Article International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering ; Volume 36, Issue 1 , January , 2020 Irannejad Parizi, M ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Mohammadi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wiley-Blackwell  2020
    During pregnancy, traumas can threaten maternal and fetal health. Various trauma effects on a pregnant uterus are little investigated. In the present study, a finite element model of a uterus along with a fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, and two most effective ligament sets is developed. This model allows numerical evaluation of various loading on a pregnant uterus. The model geometry is developed based on CT-scan data and validated using anthropometric data. Applying Ogden hyper-elastic theory, material properties of uterine wall and placenta are developed. After simulating the “rigid-bar” abdominal loading, the impact force and abdominal penetration are investigated. Findings are compared... 

    Interaction analysis of a pregnant female uterus and fetus in a vehicle passing a speed bump

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; Volume 118 , March , 2021 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Irannejad Parizi, M ; Ahmadian, M. T ; Mohammadi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2021
    Pregnant vehicle occupants experience relatively large acceleration when the vehicle passes a speed-bump. In this paper, the effect of such sudden acceleration on a pregnant uterus is investigated. A biomechanical model representing the fundamental dynamic behaviors of a pregnant uterus has been developed. The model relates to the 32nd week of gestation when the fetus is in head-down, occipito-anterior position. Considering the drag and squeeze effects of the amniotic fluid, we derive a comprehensive differential equation that represents the interaction of the uterus and fetus. Solving the governing equation, we obtain the system response to different speed-bump excitations. Using the fetal... 

    Scattering from Periodic Rough Surfaces Using Complex Images Green’s Function

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Barzegar Parizi, Saeedeh (Author) ; Shishegar, Amir Ahmad (Supervisor)
    Analysis of periodic structures is an important topic in the electromagnetic wave theory. Also, scattering from rough surfaces is of importance due to its theoretical and practical aspects. Integral equation approaches in combination with the Method of Moments (MoM) are among the most frequently used techniques for solving scattering problems related to rough surfaces due to their flexibility in modeling different geometries. Here, the electromagnetic wave scattering from periodic rough surfaces is carried out using MoM and a closed form Green’s function that accelerates the computation. Different methods, previously proposed to accelerate the convergence of periodic Green’s function are... 

    Numerical Study of the Behavior of Two-Dimensional Materials with Microstructure Bistability

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Talebpour Parizi, Mohammad (Author) ; Arghavani Hadi, Jamal (Supervisor)
    In the present study, the energy absorption mechanism is presented that used in two-dimensional microstructures. By studying the angular geometric parameters and the narrow ratio of the tilted members, we can use the property of the geometry of the structure to be bistable. In this way, there can be two stable geometries with different energies, which enters energy into the structure, such as the phase transformation to the second geometry that has more energy. By changing the geometric parameters, the deformed state can be stable or unstable. Because of the complex geometries that exist in this mechanism, additive production methods are more effective than geometric ratios or sharp points... 

    Game Theoretic Approach to Resource Allocation in Distributed Cloud Environment

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohajeri Parizi, Mostafa (Author) ; Izadi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Ghodsi, Mohammad (Co-Advisor)
    With ever-increasing usage of cloud pattern, resources allocation in cloud environments is drawing an emerging importance. Due to nature of cloud environment, and in particular the presence of independent selfish agents, game theory is used as a modeling and problem solving tool in this field. Most of current cloud providers, use static pricing and rather long contracts in their provisioning and allocation process, which is in contrast with cloud’s elasticity principles. Various studies in this area, use game theory, and provide dynamic allocation and pricing mechanisms in form of auctions. An important shortcoming of these studies is oversight of distribution in cloud environment. This... 

    Application of unmanned aerial vehicle Dem in flood modeling and comparison with global dems: case study of atrak river basin, Iran

    , Article Journal of Environmental Management ; Volume 317 , 2022 ; 03014797 (ISSN) Parizi, E ; Khojeh, S ; Hosseini, S. M ; Jouybari Moghadam, Y ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press  2022
    Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) play a significant role in hydraulic modeling and flood risk management. This study initially investigated the effect of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) DEM resolutions, ranging from 1 m to 30 m, on flood characteristics, including the inundation area, mean flow depth, and mean flow velocity. Then, the errors of flood characteristics for global DEMs, comprising ALOS (30 m), ASTER (30 m), SRTM (30 m), and TDX (12 m) were quantified using UAV DEM measurements. For these purposes, the HEC-RAS 2D model in steady-state conditions was used to simulate the flood with return periods of 5- to 200 years along 20 km reach of Atrak River located in northeastern Iran.... 

    Quantifying lake–aquifer water exchange: the case of Lake Urmia, Iran

    , Article Hydrological Sciences Journal ; Volume 67, Issue 5 , 2022 , Pages 725-740 ; 02626667 (ISSN) Parizi, E ; Hosseini, S. M ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Nikraftar, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2022
    This study investigated the lake–aquifer hydraulic interactions in Lake Urmia (LU) as the second largest hypersaline lake in the world. Due to the scarcity of hydrogeological data required for modelling, a method based on Darcy’s Law and lake water budget was used to quantify the lake–aquifer interaction. Long-term ground- and satellite-based hydrological datasets over the time frame 2001–2019 were used. Results indicate that the groundwater flux between LU and the aquifers controls 18.74 ± 1.67% of the lake’s water storage. While 10 out of 14 adjacent aquifers recharge LU at a rate of less than 180 m3/m.month, one phreatic aquifer recharges the LU up to 1400 m3/m.month. Two aquifers are... 

    Representative pumping wells network to estimate groundwater withdrawal from aquifers: Lessons from a developing country, Iran

    , Article Journal of Hydrology ; Volume 578 , 2019 ; 00221694 (ISSN) Parizi, E ; Mossa Hosseini, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Simmons, C. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2019
    In this study a review of the developed methods to estimate groundwater withdrawal (GWW) from aquifers by pumping wells is provided. Then, a method adopted by Iran's Basic Studies Bureau of Water Resources Management Company for estimation of GWW through 536 aquifers across Iran is presented and modified. This so-called “representative pumping wells network” (RPWN) approach is a combination of statistical and rate-and-time methods which has been implemented for all aquifers in Iran since 2007. The RPWN approach is based on the overlaying of 10 important features in a GIS environment and classified in a number of zones in which their withdrawals are statistically different. The representative...