Evaluation of Ankle Rehabilitation Robot Based on Kinematic Compatibility with Human Anatomy
Torabi Parizi, Ali | 2013
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 44244 (08)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Mechanical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Behzadipour, Saeed
- Abstract:
- The rehabilitating of lower extremity to regain the walking ability in a sick person is one of the main fields in rehabilitation. A problem in an ankle of a sick person is one of the factors which causes that person loses his walking ability. It can fairly be recovered through physiotherapy. This sort of rehabilitation is via constant relationship between the sick person and the therapist by doing many repeated exercises. The repeated natures of these types of exercises and also their high expenses have inspired many scholars to design some robots with the capability of observing and controlling the exercises. Although these robots exist in this field, a few of them have been put into practice. So it seems the assessment of these robots functions and the appropriate criterions have rarely been regarded. These criterions must have the ability of showing how much a new scheme for rehabilitation purpose has the merit of being compatible with different sick person’s anatomy or how much it can ease a sick person within working.
The present research aims to achieve a criterion via using kinematic model of ankle which is utilized for assessing the rehabilitating of an ankle. In a simple explanation, the offered criteria quantification the amount of pain working with the robot. With respect to this, the introduced criteria have been designed based on total energy which has been saved in stiffness elements that has been attached to ankle joints.
For performing this project, first the presented models for ankles were considered, and then a suitable redundant kinematic model of ankle was developed. Pain criteria was defined and counted based on potential energy of some stiffness elements which has been attached to the model. Some experimental tests by using isokinetic machine from BIODEX Company was designed and performed to gain the parameters of the model and understanding the pain criteria. After calibrating of pain criteria, two famous robots in ankle rehabilitation field were assessed through these criteria. The results of this performance have precisely been shown at the end of this thesis - Keywords:
- Rehabilitation Robots ; Ankle Joint ; Ankle Kinematic ; Ankle Modeling
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