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    Multi-cass Semi-srvised Classification of Data Streams

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sepehr, Arman (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Recent advances in storage and processing have provided the ability of automatic gathering of information which in turn leads to fast and contineous flow of data. The data which are produced and stored in this way are named data streams. It has many applications such as processing financial transactions, the recorded data of various sensors or the collected data by web sevices. Data streams are produced with high speed, large size and much dynamism and have some unique properties which make them applicable in precise modeling of many real data mining applications. The main challenge of data streams is the occurrence of concept drift which can be in four types: sudden, gradual, incremental or... 

    Fault-tolerant Attitude Control of Sattelite Using Neural Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sepehr, Firoozeh (Author) ; Asadian, Nima (Supervisor)
    This research aims to introduce a new integrated fault tolerant attitude control system of satellites based on the neural networks. First, a linear controller and an optimal controller are designed assuming that no fault occurs in the reaction wheels of the satellite. It is obvious that these controllers are not able to respond properly when a fault occurs. Therefore, artificial neural networks are employed in the fault tolerant controller design. Neural networks are well-known for their adaptiveness and the ability to learn the dynamics of a system. Therefore, they can be used to predict the faulty conditions. In this research two approaches are examined to deal with the faulty conditions.... 

    Viral cascade probability estimation and maximization in diffusion networks

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ; 28 May , 2018 ; 10414347 (ISSN) Sepehr, A ; Beigy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2018
    People use social networks to share millions of stories every day, but these stories rarely become viral. Can we estimate the probability that a story becomes a viral cascade If so, can we find a set of users that are more likely to trigger viral cascades These estimation and maximization problems are very challenging since both rare-event nature of viral cascades and efficiency requirement should be considered. Unfortunately, this problem still remains largely unexplored to date. In this paper, given temporal dynamics of a network, we first develop an efficient viral cascade probability estimation method, VICE, that leverages an special importance sampling approximation to achieve high... 

    Viral cascade probability estimation and maximization in diffusion networks

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering ; Volume 31, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 589-600 ; 10414347 (ISSN) Sepehr, A ; Beigy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2019
    People use social networks to share millions of stories every day, but these stories rarely become viral. Can we estimate the probability that a story becomes a viral cascade? If so, can we find a set of users that are more likely to trigger viral cascades? These estimation and maximization problems are very challenging since both rare-event nature of viral cascades and efficiency requirement should be considered. Unfortunately, this problem still remains largely unexplored to date. In this paper, given temporal dynamics of a network, we first develop an efficient viral cascade probability estimation method, ViCE, that leverages an special importance sampling approximation to achieve high... 

    Structural virality estimation and maximization in diffusion networks

    , Article Expert Systems with Applications ; Volume 206 , 2022 ; 09574174 (ISSN) Sepehr, A ; Beigy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities and people shares millions of message in a short time; however this information rarely goes viral. The diffusion process begins with an initial set of source nodes and continues with other nodes. In addition, the viral cascade is triggered when the number of infected nodes exceeds a specific threshold. Then, we find an initial set of source nodes that maximizes the number of infected nodes given the source nodes. This study aims to answer the following questions: how does a spread like a viral cascade propagate in a network? Do the structural properties of the propagation pattern play an important role in virality? If so, can we... 

    Information and Influence Diffusion in Social Network

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sepehr, Arman (Author) ; Beigy, Hamid (Supervisor)
    People use social networks to share millions of stories every day, but these stories rarely become viral. Can we estimate the probability that a story becomes a u/rof cascade? If so, can we find a set of users that are more likely to trigger viral cascades? There are many factors influenced the message virality. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of graph structure, diffusion pattern as well as the message text on virality measure. Finally, the authors solve both source localization and inferring COVID-19 network via propsed methods.First, the authors investigate probability estimation and maximization of cascade virality. In this section, we develop an efficient viral cascade... 

    An analytical model for evaluation of wireless mesh networks

    , Article 2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST 2008, Tehran, 27 August 2008 through 28 August 2008 ; October , 2008 , Pages 295-300 ; 9781424427512 (ISBN) Hamidi Sepehr, F ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are well-promising future networks especially for ubiquitous connection to Internet. In this paper, we propose an analytical model in order to evaluate the maximum stable throughput of a WMN based on a simplified version of IEEE 802.11s MAC protocol. Our modeling approach is based on a multi-class open queueing network. In this respect, we map some of the important features of IEEE 802.11s MAC protocol, esp., its contention-based and contention-free periods onto different parameters of the proposed queueing network. By solving the related traffic equations and applying the stability condition, we determine the maximum stable throughput, i.e., the maximum packet... 

    Three-phase Model for a Fixed-bed Laboratory Scale Diesel Hydrotreating Reactor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fotouhi, Amin (Author) ; Khorasheh, Fahad (Supervisor) ; Sadighi, Sepehr (Supervisor)
    The harmful environmental effects of gases resulting from the combustion of sulfur compounds in fuel, poisoning of catalysts, corrosion of equipment, as well as the intensification of environmental considerations and new standards adopted for the maximum amount of sulfur, have made the desulfurization of fuels important; Meanwhile, the desulfurization method using hydrogen has a high potential to remove sulfur compounds. For example, diesel fuel contains a variety of impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen (basic and Non-basic), and aromatic compounds, the sulfur in diesel fuel causes many problems related to environmental pollution and corrosion of engine components. Also, due to the high... 

    Comparing half-metallic, MOKE, and thermoelectric behavior of the CrTiZ (Z = As, P) half-Heuslers: A DFT study

    , Article Materials Research Express ; Volume 8, Issue 4 , 2021 ; 20531591 (ISSN) Sadeghi, M ; Zelati, A ; Boochani, A ; Arman, A ; Mirzaei, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    IOP Publishing Ltd  2021
    Structural, half-metallic, magneto-optic, and thermoelectric properties of CrTiZ (Z = As, P) half-Heusleres compounds are investigated based on density functional theory. These compounds have mechanical stability in the ferromagnetic state with a high bulk modulus. They are often half-metallic with a large and integer magnetic moment and are very attractive in spintronics, magneto-optics applications. The magnetic moments of CrTiAs and CrTiP were 2.9865 μB and 3.00 μB, respectively, which were attributed to their ferromagnetic phase. Additionally, the positive sign of the phonon branches indicates the dynamic stability of these compounds. Applying both GGA and mBJ approximations, CrTiAs and... 

    The Effect of Rudder Angle on Ship’s Fuel Consumption

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi Bughar, Babak (Author) ; Khorasanchi, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Zare, Arman (Co-Supervisor)
    The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of speed and direction of current on ship fuel consumption. A KCS benchmark model has been numerically studied in calm water and fourteen current and wind conditions with the same speed and different directions to determine how the ship performance is dependent on flow conditions. The model has been simulated in an artificial basin propelled by a single right-handed propeller via a CFD commercial code. Numerical results revealed a linear relationship between the deviation of current and wind from head-sea or following-sea conditions and the rudder angle. The head-sea and following-sea currents and winds increased and decreased the lateral... 

    Study the Interaction between Cytoskleton and Cell Membrane

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sepehr Dehghani Ghahnaviyeh (Author) ; Nejat Pishkenari, Hossein (Supervisor) ; Salarieh, Hassasn (Supervisor)
    In this project the main aim is to model the interaction between the cytoskeleton and cell membrane. In order to model the membrane and cytoskeleton it is used a discrete model, which contains several beads. For modeling the interaction between the beads it is used different kinds of energies. It is used four potentials in a 2D model for modeling the interaction between the membrane beads and it is used SSLJ potential in order to model the interaction between the cytoskeleton and cell membrane. Furthermore, this potential is used to model the interaction between the cytoskeleton filaments. Due to this potential, the cytoskeleton filaments can cross each other in the 2D model. For modeling... 

    Evaluation of the topographical surface changes of silicon wafers after annealing and plasma cleaning

    , Article Silicon ; Volume 12, Issue 11 , 2020 , Pages 2563-2570 Stach, S ; Ţălu, Ş ; Dallaev, R ; Arman, A ; Sobola, D ; Salerno, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science+Business Media B.V  2020
    Purpose: The morphological stability of silicon single crystal wafers was investigated, after performing cleaning surface treatments based on moderate temperature annealing and plasma sputtering. Methods: The wafer surfaces were measured by Tapping mode atomic force microscopy in air, before and after the different treatments. The 3D images were segmented by watershed algorithm identifying the local peaks, and the stereometric parameters were extracted thereof. The analysis of variance allowed to better assess the statistically significant differences. Results: All the resulting quantities were critically discussed. It appeared that the different cleaning treatments affected differently the... 

    Electrokinetic Flow in pH-Regulated Solid-State/Soft Micro-Nanochannels

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi, Morteza (Author) ; Saeedi, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor) ; Mousavi, Ali (Co-Supervisor) ; Sadeghi, Arman (Co-Supervisor)
    In recent years, advances have been made in the field of miniaturization of the devices (in order to increase their efficiency, lessen the materials needed for the constructions and experiments, reduce costs and energy usage) resulting in the dramatic increase of surface to volume ratio in these devices. This progress has led to the dominance of surface forces which can be used to control very important interface phenomena having a special application such as electrokinetic. Using today’s manufacturing technology; it is possible to construct micro-nanochannels made from different materials such as silicon, glass, quartz, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) whose... 

    The effect of thickness and film homogeneity on the optical and microstructures of the ZrO2 thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation method

    , Article Optical and Quantum Electronics ; Volume 53, Issue 8 , 2021 ; 03068919 (ISSN) Shakoury, R ; Talebani, N ; Zelati, A ; Ţălu, Ş ; Arman, A ; Mirzaei, S ; Jafari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    In this study, ZrO2 coatings with different thicknesses were grown by the electron beam evaporation technique. The crystalline structure was studied by XRD analysis which suggested the tetragonal and monoclinic phases for ZrO2 coatings. Additionally, the film thickness slightly enhanced the crystallinity. The surface morphology and fractal features were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface statistical parameters and the fractal geometry were employed to analyze the impact of the coating thickness and homogeneity on the morphology of the films. The statistical processing and fractal dimension revealed variations in the morphology parameters due to the electron beam... 

    Plasma surface functionalization of boron nitride nano-sheets

    , Article Diamond and Related Materials ; Volume 77 , 2017 , Pages 110-115 ; 09259635 (ISSN) Achour, H ; Achour, A ; Solaymani, S ; Islam, M ; Vizireanu, S ; Arman, A ; Ahmadpourian, A ; Dinescu, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    On silicon substrates, boron nitride nanosheets (BNNS) consisting of interconnected hexagonal boron nitride nano-layers were produced via chemical vapor deposition process at 1200 °C whose roughness's are at the micrometer- and nanometer-scale. The BNNS were functionalized in argon plasma admixed with ammonia or nitrogen or oxygen. The samples were characterized to investigate the surface chemistry and structural changes after plasma treatment using X-ray photoelectron spectroscope and Micro-Raman spectroscope techniques, respectively. While no significant changes in the surface features, upon plasma treatments of the BNNS, were noticed during SEM and TEM examination, the oxygen functional... 

    Multiferroic behavior of the functionalized surface of a flexible substrate by deposition of Bi2O3 and Fe2O3

    , Article Microscopy Research and Technique ; 2021 ; 1059910X (ISSN) Ramazanov, S ; Sobola, D ; Ţălu, Ş ; Orudzev, F ; Arman, A ; Kaspar, P ; Dallaev, R ; Ramazanov, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Inc  2021
    Thin films of bismuth and iron oxides were obtained by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on the surface of a flexible substrate poly(4,4′-oxydiphenylene-pyromellitimide) (Kapton) at a temperature of 250°C. The layer thickness was 50 nm. The samples were examined by secondary-ion mass spectrometry, and uniform distribution of elements in the film layer was observed. Surface morphology, electrical polarization, and mechanical properties were investigated by atomic force microscope, piezoelectric force microscopy, and force modulation microscopy. The values of current in the near-surface layer varied in the range of ±80 pA when a potential of 5 V was applied. Chemical analysis was performed by... 

    Multifractal and optical bandgap characterization of Ta2O5 thin films deposited by electron gun method

    , Article Optical and Quantum Electronics ; Volume 52, Issue 2 , 2020 Shakoury, R ; Rezaee, S ; Mwema, F ; Luna, C ; Ghosh, K ; Jurečka, S ; Ţălu, Ş ; Arman, A ; Grayeli Korpi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2020
    The micromorphology of tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) thin films, deposited on glass substrates by electron gun method, has been analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV–Vis–NIR spectrophotometry and multifractal analyses. Two samples were grown at basic pressure of 7 × 10−6 mbar, work pressures of 1.3 × 10−4 and 2.0 × 10−4 mbar, and thicknesses of 0.38 μm and 0.39 μm, respectively. Subsequently, these samples were annealed at 300 °C for 2 h. The physical, structural and optical analyses were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry, spectrophotometry and AFM. The measured transmittance spectra were studied based on the Swanepoel method, whose results also yielded to the estimation of... 

    Characterization of the ion beam current density of the rf ion source with flat and convex extraction systems

    , Article Silicon ; Volume 10, Issue 6 , 2018 , Pages 2743-2749 ; 1876990X (ISSN) Salehi, M ; Zavarian, A. A ; Arman, A ; Hafezi, F ; Rad, G. A ; Mardani, M ; Hamze, K ; Luna, C ; Naderi, S ; Ahmadpourian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2018
    The characterization of ion beam current density distribution and beam uniformity is crucial for improving broad-beam ion source technologies. The design of the broad ion beam extraction system directly affects these two parameters, therefore, depending on the application, the design and geometry of the source is changed. In this study, the effect of the presence or the absence of a neutralization process on the ion beam density was investigated. Also, the effect of the probe bias on the ion beam current measurement was evaluated. Eventually, using a flat probe, the ion beam profiles obtained from the extraction system of the ion source (Model RFIS 60, ACECR, Iran) were measured at energies... 

    Role of nitrogen doping at the surface of titanium nitride thin films towards capacitive charge storage enhancement

    , Article Journal of Power Sources ; Volume 359 , 2017 , Pages 349-354 ; 03787753 (ISSN) Achour, A ; Chaker, M ; Achour, H ; Arman, A ; Islam, M ; Mardani, M ; Boujtita, M ; Le Brizoual, L ; Djouadi, M. A ; Brousse, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    We recently reported an impressive cycling stability (over 20,000 cycles) of titanium nitride (TiN) electrodes with high specific capacitance. It is anticipated that nitrogen (β−N) doping in the oxidized surface of TiN film plays a crucial role in charge storage mechanism and stability of this material. In this work, we offer an evidence on the effect of β−N doping on improvement in specific capacitance of vacuum annealed TiN thin films. The annealing of the TiN films leads to the diffusion of the excess β−N from sub-surface to oxidized TiN film surface without further oxidation of the electrode surface. We demonstrate an increase in the TiN areal capacitance upon an increase in the amount...