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    ZnO quantum dots-graphene composites: Formation mechanism and enhanced photocatalytic activity for degradation of methyl orange dye

    , Article Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; Volume 663 , 2016 , Pages 738-749 ; 09258388 (ISSN) Tayyebi, A ; Outokesh, M ; Tayebi, M ; Shafikhani, A ; Şengör, S. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2016
    The current study demonstrates homogenous decorating of zinc oxide quantum dots (QDs) onto graphene oxide (GO) surface via simple chemical method. The AFM image exhibited that the prepared graphene was 0.8 nm thick and hence practically monolayer. Average size of the ZnO QDs was estimated by transmission electron microscopy around 3 nm. Instrumental and chemical analyses demonstrated formation of a strong bond between ZnO QDs and GO, through C-O-Zn and C-Zn bridges. The UV-visible spectra displayed that the introduction of graphene sheets to ZnO QDs resulted in higher absorption intensity of UV as well as widening of adsorption window toward visible light for ZnO-Graphene due to chemical... 

    Comments on the " A comparative study of chelating and cationic ion exchange resins for the removal of palladium (II) complexes from acidic chloride media"

    , Article Journal of Hazardous Materials ; Volume 229-230 , 2012 , Pages 461-462 ; 03043894 (ISSN) Alahyari, S. A ; Khanchi, A. R ; Outokesh, M ; Tayebi, A ; Sharif University of Technology

    Differential Item Functioning (DIF)in Terms of Gender in a High Stakes Test

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tayebi, Alireza (Author) ; Salehi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Validation is an important enterprise especially when the test to be validated is a high-stakes one the results of which bring about life-changing implications for the candidates (Roever, 2001). Messick’s (1988) notion of construct irrelevant factors is pertinent in test validation. Demographic variables like gender, field of study and age can affect test results and interpretations. A fair test needs to be neutral when it comes to construct irrelevant factors such as gender. Differential Item Functioning is a way of making sure that the test does not favor one group of test takers over the others. The current study investigated differential item functioning (DIF) in terms of gender in the... 

    Developing Inventory Control Policies with No Ordering Costs in Two-Echelon Supply Chains

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Tayebi, Hamed (Author) ; Haji, Rasoul (Supervisor)
    This dissertation attempts to develop four inventory control models for two-echelon supply chains. For the all models, the retailers face Poisson demand and lost sales during a stockout. There is also a time-dependent holding cost and a cost per unit of lost sales. However, there is no (or negligible) cost associated with placing an order.
    For the first model, we consider a two-echelon inventory system with one central warehouse and a number of retailers. The central warehouse applies (R, Q) policy and retailers apply base stock policy. In this model, we approximate the arrival process of the central warehouse and obtain the total cost of the system, as well as the optimal solution.... 

    Proposing a Two-Stage Stochastic Model and a Heuristic Solution Method for a Green Supply Chain Location-Routing Problem with Stochastic Demand Considering Time Windows

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tayebi, Ali (Author) ; Rafiee, Majid (Supervisor)
    Location-routing problems are a class of well-known supply chain problems. the purpose of these problems are to locate depots, assign customers to the located depots, and to determine the routes in a way to minimize the costs of the supply chain.In the past two decades, with a rise in environmental problems including air pollution, green location-routing problems have been introduced and studied, problems in which environmental aspects such as air pollution have been considered.In this study, first, we model a two-stage stochastic green location routing problem; this problem includes a certain number of cities that each represent a customer. the locations of the cities are known and each... 

    LDPE/EVA/graphene nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and gas permeability properties

    , Article Polymers for Advanced Technologies ; Volume 26, Issue 9 , 2015 , Pages 1083-1090 ; 10427147 (ISSN) Tayebi, M ; Ramazani S. A ; Hamed Mosavian, M. T ; Tayyebi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2015
    In the present work, graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) were incorporated at low-density polyethylene (LDPE)/ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer blend using solution casting method. Monolayer GO with 1-nm thickness and good transparency was synthesized using the well-known Hummers's method. Fourier transform infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data exhibited efficient reduction of GO with almost high C/O ratio of RGO. Scanning electron microscopy showed the well distribution of GO and RGO within LDPE/EVA polymer matrix. The integrating effects of GO and RGO on mechanical and gas permeability of prepared films were examined. Young's modulus of nanocomposites are... 

    Joint order (1, T) policy for a two-echelon, single-item, multi-retailer inventory system with Poisson demand

    , Article Computers and Industrial Engineering ; Volume 119 , 2018 , Pages 353-359 ; 03608352 (ISSN) Tayebi, H ; Haji, R ; Ghalebsaz Jeddi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    This study considers a two-echelon inventory system with one central warehouse and a number of non-identical retailers with Poisson demands, constant lead times, and lost sales for a single item. The warehouse works as a cross-docking terminal with no inventory and coordinates shipments to retailers. We apply the Joint order (1, T) policy in such an inventory system. In the standard (1, T) policy, the warehouse sends one unit of the item to each retailer in a fixed cycle time, which is calculated by considering each retailer separately. In the joint order (1, T) policy, the warehouse decides to replenish one unit of the item for each retailer in a cycle time which is adjusted to be an... 

    Bioresorbable composite polymeric materials for tissue engineering applications

    , Article International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials ; 2020 Hajebi, S ; Mohammadi Nasr, S ; Rabiee, N ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Ahmadi, S ; Rabiee, M ; Tahriri, M ; Tayebi, L ; Hamblin, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2020
    This review covers the development of bioresorbable polymeric composites for applications in tissue engineering. Various commercially available bioresobable polymers are described, with emphasis on recent bioresorbable composites based on natural and synthetic polymers. Bioresorbable polymers contain hydrolyzable bonds, which are subjected to chemical degradation via either reactive hydrolysis or enzyme-catalyzed active hydrolysis. For synthetic polymers, chemical hydrolysis is the most important mode of degradation. The degradation rate can be controlled by varying the molecular weight and crystallinity. Examples of bioresorbable polymers are: polyurethane, poly(D,L)lactide,... 

    Bioresorbable composite polymeric materials for tissue engineering applications

    , Article International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials ; Volume 70, Issue 13 , 2021 , Pages 926-940 ; 00914037 (ISSN) Hajebi, S ; Mohammadi Nasr, S ; Rabiee, N ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Ahmadi, S ; Rabiee, M ; Tahriri, M ; Tayebi, L ; Hamblin, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Bellwether Publishing, Ltd  2021
    This review covers the development of bioresorbable polymeric composites for applications in tissue engineering. Various commercially available bioresobable polymers are described, with emphasis on recent bioresorbable composites based on natural and synthetic polymers. Bioresorbable polymers contain hydrolyzable bonds, which are subjected to chemical degradation via either reactive hydrolysis or enzyme-catalyzed active hydrolysis. For synthetic polymers, chemical hydrolysis is the most important mode of degradation. The degradation rate can be controlled by varying the molecular weight and crystallinity. Examples of bioresorbable polymers are: polyurethane, poly(D,L)lactide,... 

    The effect of additives on the properties of HAp-Al2O3nano-composite powders

    , Article Journal of Ceramic Processing Research ; Volume 17, Issue 10 , 2016 , Pages 1033-1041 ; 12299162 (ISSN) Tayebi, S ; Mirjalili, F ; Samadi, H ; Nemati, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Hanyang University  2016
    Hydroxyapatite is the most important bio ceramic, due to its structure and chemical composition which is similar to bone. Since feeble fracture toughness, brittleness and low tensile strength have restricted their use, for overcoming this problem, they were often used as a secondary component. HAp-Al2O3 nano-composite powder combined the benefits of biocompatibility of HAp and high strength of Al2O3. When HAp-Al2O3 nano-composite powders were sintered at a higher temperature than 1100- 1200°C, HAp was decomposed and converted to the second phase of TCP, due to the formation of calcium aluminate increasing decomposition speed of HAp to TCP at higher degree than 1100-1200°C temperatures;... 

    Carbosilane dendrimers: Drug and gene delivery applications

    , Article Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology ; Volume 59 , 2020 Rabiee, N ; Ahmadvand, S ; Ahmadi, S ; Fatahi, Y ; Dinarvand, R ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Rabiee, M ; Tahriri, M ; Tayebi, L ; Hamblin, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Editions de Sante  2020
    Carbosilane dendrimers are a particular type of dendrimer structure that has been used as delivery vehicles for drugs and nucleic acids. They have a defined structure according to their generation number, and their terminal groups can be rendered cationic or anionic. The cationic charges can address the limitation of electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged phosphate groups of nucleic acids and negatively charged cell membranes. Specific drugs can be loaded into the central part of the dendrimer or attached at the exterior, and the overall positive charge may improve the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs. One promising feature of dendrimers is their non-toxicity both in vitro... 

    A robust voice activity detection based on wavelet transform

    , Article 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE, Lahore, 25 March 2008 through 26 March 2008 ; 2008 ; 9781424422937 (ISBN) Aghajani, K ; Manzuri, M. T ; Karami, M ; Tayebi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Voice activity detection is an important step in some speech processing systems, such as speech recognition, speech enhancement, noise estimation, speech compression ... etc. In this paper a new voice activity detection algorithm based on wavelet transform is proposed. In this algorithm we use the energy in each sub band, and by two methods we extract feature vector from these values. Experimental results demonstrate advantage over different VAD methods. ©2008 IEEE  

    How will your tweet be received? predicting the sentiment polarity of tweet replies

    , Article 15th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2021, 27 January 2021 through 29 January 2021 ; 2021 , Pages 370-373 ; 9781728188997 (ISBN) Tayebi Arasteh, S ; Monajem, M ; Christlein, V ; Heinrich, P ; Nicolaou, A ; Naderi Boldaji, H ; Lotfinia, M ; Evert, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2021
    Twitter sentiment analysis, which often focuses on predicting the polarity of tweets, has attracted increasing attention over the last years, in particular with the rise of deep learning (DL). In this paper, we propose a new task: predicting the predominant sentiment among (first-order) replies to a given tweet. Therefore, we created RETwEET, a large dataset of tweets and replies manually annotated with sentiment labels. As a strong baseline, we propose a two-stage DL-based method: first, we create automatically labeled training data by applying a standard sentiment classifier to tweet replies and aggregating its predictions for each original tweet; our rationale is that individual errors... 

    Recent advances in porphyrin-based nanocomposites for effective targeted imaging and therapy

    , Article Biomaterials ; Volume 232 , 2020 Rabiee, N ; Tavakkoli Yaraki, M ; Mokhtari Garakani, S ; Mokhtari Garakani, S ; Ahmadi, S ; Lajevardi, A ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Rabiee, M ; Tayebi, L ; Tahriri, M ; Hamblin, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    Porphyrins are organic compounds that continue to attract much theoretical interest, and have been called the “pigments of life”. They have a wide role in photodynamic and sonodynamic therapy, along with uses in magnetic resonance, fluorescence and photoacoustic imaging. There is a vast range of porphyrins that have been isolated or designed, but few of them have real clinical applications. Due to the hydrophobic properties of porphyrins, and their tendency to aggregate by stacking of the planar molecules they are difficult to work with in aqueous media. Therefore encapsulating them in nanoparticles (NPs) or attachment to various delivery vehicles have been used to improve delivery... 

    Evaluation of whisker alignment and anisotropic mechanical properties of ZK60 alloy reinforced with SiCw during KOBO extrusion method

    , Article Journal of Manufacturing Processes ; Volume 84 , 2022 , Pages 344-356 ; 15266125 (ISSN) Liu, S ; Wang, Y ; Yarigarravesh, M ; Tayyebi, M ; Tayebi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    In current study, microstructure and high-temperature mechanical properties of ZK60 magnesium alloy reinforced by SiC whiskers were investigated after casting, the KOBO extrusion and aging processes. For this purpose, ZK60/SiCw composite specimens were prepared by stir casting technique. In order to achieve a laminar structure and improve the strength, the samples were subjected to KOBO extrusion technique and precipitation hardening, resulting in improved strength and increased ductility. The former is due to grain refining and formation of precipitates in the microstructure, while the latter is attributed to grain refining and formation of laminar structure. To evaluate the strength of the... 

    Mathematical modeling of drug release from biodegradable polymeric microneedles

    , Article Bio-Design and Manufacturing ; Volume 2, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 96-107 ; 20965524 (ISSN) Chavoshi, S ; Rabiee, M ; Rafizadeh, M ; Rabiee, N ; Shamsabadi, A. S ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Salarian, R ; Tahriri, M ; Tayebi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2019
    Transdermal drug delivery systems have overcome many limitations of other drug administration routes, such as injection pain and first-pass metabolism following oral route, although transdermal drug delivery systems are limited to drugs with low molecular weight. Hence, new emerging technology allowing high molecular weight drug delivery across the skin—known as ‘microneedles’—has been developed, which creates microchannels that facilitate drug delivery. In this report, drug-loaded degradable conic microneedles are modeled to characterize the degradation rate and drug release profile. Since a lot of data are available for polylactic acid-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) degradation in the literature,... 

    Synthesis and characterization of 3D-printed functionally graded porous titanium alloy

    , Article Journal of Materials Science ; Volume 55, Issue 21 , 22 April , 2020 , Pages 9082-9094 Hindy, A ; Farahmand, F ; Pourdanesh, F ; Torshabi, M ; Al Janabi, A. H ; Rasoulianboroujeni, M ; Tayebi, L ; Tabatabaei, F. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2020
    This study aims to 3D print titanium alloy constructs incorporating gradient of porosities, from the fully dense core to the porous outer surface. Gradient porous specimens were prepared using selective laser melting (SLM). Fully dense specimens fabricated by SLM were used as the control group. Characterization of samples was done using X-ray tomography, uniaxial compression testing, and optical and scanning electron microscopes. The biocompatibility of fabricated samples was investigated using human periodontal ligament stem cells via assessment of cell attachment, viability, and proliferation by direct and indirect assays. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test.... 

    A new algorithm for fault location on transmission lines by optimal PMU placement

    , Article International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems ; Volume 25, Issue 10 , 2015 , Pages 2071-2086 ; 20507038 (ISSN) Rezaei Jegarluei, M ; Salehi Dobakhshari, A ; Ranjbar, A. M ; Tayebi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2015
    In this paper, the problem of placing a minimum number of phasor measurement units (PMUs) in a transmission system is considered so that faults on all lines of the network can be diagnosed and located irrespective of their locations. For this purpose, a PMU placement algorithm is applied to calculate the required data for impedance-based fault location of any fault line in the network, achieving the full potential of the circuit laws throughout the system. Another algorithm is then proposed to compute the voltage and current values of the fault line for fault-location purposes. Moreover, as many networks are already equipped with PMUs, the proposed algorithm makes it possible to locate... 

    Novel visible light photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical (PEC) activity of carbon-doped zinc oxide/reduced graphene oxide: supercritical methanol synthesis with enhanced photocorrosion suppression

    , Article Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; Volume 723 , 2017 , Pages 1001-1010 ; 09258388 (ISSN) Tayyebi, A ; Soltani, T ; Lee, B. K ; Outokesh, M ; Tayebi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Carbon-doped zinc oxide/reduced graphene oxide (C-ZnO/rGO) was prepared by a facile one-pot supercritical methanol method. The synthesized C-ZnO/rGO nanocomposite with flower-like ZnO micro-rods (MRs) synergistically inherited all the advantages of carbon doping and rGO heterojunction and exhibited high photocatalytic activity for the photodegradation of methyl orange (MO) under visible light. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) results indicated that in presence of GO, a new carbon-doped phase was formed at the high temperature and pressure of supercritical methanol. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) at low binding energies demonstrated that the valence band of C-ZnO-rGO is up-shifted by... 

    Newly designed ternary hematite-based heterojunction for PEC water splitting

    , Article Applied Surface Science ; Volume 550 , 2021 ; 01694332 (ISSN) Farhoosh, S ; Eftekharinia, B ; Tayebi, M ; Lee, B. K ; Naseri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    Hematite is recognized as a promising photoanode for photoelectrochemical water oxidation to produce solar hydrogen due to its favorable properties. However, the high charge carrier recombination rate due to low electrical conductivity and sluggish oxygen reduction kinetics of pure hematite hinder its photocatalytic activity. This work proposed a new hematite-based heterostructure of Ti-Fe2O3/Fe2TiO5/FeOOH, synthesized through a hydrothermal method. The photoanode morphology was branched nanorods that expanded their surface area and improved charge transfer at the photoanode/electrolyte interface. In a novel and complement modification approach, a thin pseudobrookite interlayer was applied...