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    Modern Approaches to Scattering Amplitude with Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Seifi, Aslan (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we first explain how we can construct three-point amplitudes for both massive and massless particles by solely knowing the Lorentz invariance and spin or helicity of particles. Then, using BCFW recursion relation, we determine the tree-level amplitudes. To calculate the loop amplitude, we apply the unitarity of Smatrix.The unitarity relates the tree-level amplitudes to loop level. Finally, I discuss some exciting topics in this field, including color-kinematics duality, some relevant applications of contemporary S-matrix theory in effective field theories  

    Radiative Mass Correction in Supersymmetric Field Theories and its Implications for Supersymmetry Phenomenology

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohseni, Amineh (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    During years, supersymmetry has been a candidate for resolution of Higgs mass fine-tuning problem that is quadratic dependence of scalar mass radiative correction to UV-physics. So, supersymmetry phenomenology is of great importance. As accelerators have reached energy of 13 TeV in recent years and sparticles have not yet been observed, it is important to have a theory in hand, describing SUSY breaking dynamics with scale of SUSY breaking above the energies currently accessible to accelerators. As a result of mass-sum-rule constraint which holds in theories with spontaneous SUSY breaking at tree level and leads to light sparticles and even tachyonic directions, there are currently no... 

    Quantum Field Theory On Time-dependent Background: The Case Of Neutrino and Lepton Asymmetry Generation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bashiri, Javad (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    One of the open questions in particle physics and cosmology is matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. Observations at different scales in the early universe indicates that the number of baryons and leptons are greater than the number of anti-baryons and anti-leptons. Various mechanisms in the last 50 years, have been proposed to generate this asymmetry from a symmetric Universe. They can be classified into two groups: models which add new particles and interactions and models which consider gravity and time dependent background fields. The basic difference is that if they respect CPT symmetry or not. In this thesis we take the second approach. We study the neutrino sector of the... 

    On Massive Gravity from Symmetry Breaking and Dimensional Reduction of Chern-Simons Gauge Theory

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soltani, Sina (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    The dRGT theory of massive gravity is a consistent theory of interacting massive spin 2 particles. As an effective field theory compared to observational data, its UV cutoff is rather low. Namely, unitarity is violated at low energies in scattering of longitudinal modes. In this dissertation, we give a brief review of the dRGT theory and its challenges. Of particular interest is the question of its UV completion in a more consistent model. Then, we show that this theory can be obtained from a topological gauge theory in one higher dimension. After dimensional reduction and symmetry breaking via boundary conditions, we obtained four dimensional effective field theories including the dRGT plus... 

    Positivity Bounds on Effective Field Theories: Galileon Theories as a Case Study

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jalali, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Effective field theory is a practical method for model building and explaining experimental/observational data. These theories are constructed based on knowing low energy degrees of freedom and symmetries (accidental or fundamental). By construction, these theories are applicable up to a cut-off scale and their predictions beyond that are not reliable. For applications to higher energies a UV completion is needed through which modifications are applied or new heavy degrees of freedom are introduced. In order to complete a theory in a Wilsonian approach, scattering amplitudes must satisfy some constraints. These constraints are derived from basic assumptions like Lorentz invariance,... 

    Application of the Coset Construction Method in Theories of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Gravitation as an Example

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    In this manuscript we used the method of coset construction to describe theories of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The mathematical details are included in chapter 2. The utility of the method is that without any knowledge of the UV part of a theory we can construct IR part by just knowing the symmetry breaking pattern. We used the method for some symmetry breaking patterns to construct general relativity, massive gravity and also some symmetry breaking patterns corresponding to conformal gravity  

    In Search of de Sitter Space in Light of Swampland Program

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Mehin Rasulian, Ida (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Exponential expansion of the universe is an important issue in early-time and late-time cosmology . In the widely accepted standard model of cosmology, there are two assumed exponentially expanding phases , early-time inflationary phase and late-time dark energy phase . On the other hand, there are ideas from string theory that limit the possibility of constructing the de Sitter space, which are categorized in the Swampland program . In this work, we first examine no-scale models of de Sitter space in supergravity from the point of view of de Sitter conjectures . In this regard, we observe that satisfying these conjectures limits the parameter and field space and the trans-Planckian... 

    On String Swampland Conjectures from Black Holes Physics

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Barzegar Mirzaei, Shahrzad (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Swampland conjectures are set of conditions that must be satisfied in a quantum field theory in order to be compatible with a theory of quantum gravity. These conditions have been deduced from the features of field theories, which are derived from the compactification of the additional dimensions of the string theory. However, it is thought that the mpatibility of these conditions with the theory of quantum gravity is independent of string theory. One of the important reasons is that the swampland conjectures can be obtained by examining the physics of black holes. Black hole is one of the quantum states of any quantum gravity theory. In this thesis, first we will have an overview of the... 

    Neutrino Footprint in Large-scale Structure

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Esmaeili, Amirfarzan (Author) ; Baghram, Shant (Supervisor) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Today with respect to the particle physics experiments and astrophysical observations we know that Neutrinos are massive. Free streaming of light Neutrinos supresses the density field of matter and opposes gravitational growth, so that clusters formed at fixed mass are fewer and hence more biased than for a pure CDM density field. One way to study the effects of Neutrinos on the formation of large-scale structures is to examine the matter power-spectrum and corellation function in the presence of massive Neutrinos.In the presence of massive Neutrinos, the matter power-spectrum is suppressed in small scales and also correlation function and clustering bias are changed in comparison to the CDM... 

    Hydrodynamics and Holography Approach to Tilted Dirac Cone Systems

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Moradpouri, Ahmad (Author) ; Jafari, Akbar (Supervisor) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we study different aspects of tilted Dirac materials from hydrodynamics and holography approach. Dirac materials are among the most important structures which have been introduced in recent years in condensed matter physics where graphene is the simplest of them. Classification of space groups allows nonsymmorphic structures where the low energy electronic degrees of freedom can be described by tilted Dirac cones. In the long wavelength and time limit, these materials can be effectively described by a metric which is called tilted metric. Dirac materials are usually strongly coupled and cannot be studied using the common perturbative techniques; therefore hydrodynamics and... 

    Top Quark Mass Measurement Via Leptonic Observables in the CMS Experiment using 13 TeV PP Collision Data at the LHC

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naderpour, Farbod (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Zeinali, Maryam (Co-Supervisor)
    The top quark is the heaviest of elementary particles. It gives the dominant contribution to the radiative correction to the Higgs self coupling constant which itself determines the structure of the electroweak vacuum. Therefore, it is extremely important to have a precise measurement of the top quark mass. On the other hand, whereas the lifetime of top quark is short and rapidly decays to lighter particles, it is not easy to compute and measure its mass with a desired precision. In this work, we propose a measurement method to determine the top quark mass in the t▁t→leptons +jets channel by analyzing the decay of the b-hadron in the top quark decay chain. Through the reconstruction of the... 

    Emergence of the Electroweak Vacuum via Quantum Corrections

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi, Ahmad (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Arfaei, Hesamaddin (Co-Advisor)

    Supersymmetry Breaking in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and Impact of Neutralino Dark Matter on µ Bound

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ghaffari, Ghazal (Author) ; Arfaei, Hesamaddin (Supervisor) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Supersymmetry breaking mechanism is an unanswered question. Which is not allowed to break at tree-level in MSSM due to supertrace restrictions. Most theories suppose it’s broken in a dark section, much higher energies than electro-weak and its impacts as soft SUSY breaking terms emerged in Lagrangian. Here, in a different approach, an extension of MSSM with a U(1) and Stueckelberg superfield along with nonlinear gauge transformation, provides an additional condition to present a tree-level SUSY breaking mechanism. Mass mixing term in Stueckelberg’s Lagrangian or kinetic mixing are two methods of such an extension. The particles mass terms, solving the Higgsino mass parameter problem µ,... 

    On Swampland Conjectures and Relations to Entropy of States

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rajabi Dahaki, Mahdi (Author) ; Torabian, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Ashoorioon, Amjad (Co-Supervisor)
    In the framework of quantum field theory, countless consistent theories can be constructed. However, it is understood that only a small subset of these theories can be consistently embedded in a theory of quantum gravity (QG). In string theory, as the best candidate for quantum gravity, there is a landscape of effective field theories (EFTs) which are descended from some compactification of extra dimensions. EFTs which are not derived from a compactification is said to belong to swampland. From a bottom-up point of view, the aim of the swampland program is to find a list of criteria which an EFT must respect so that it survives the swampland. The trans-Planckian censorship conjecture (TCC)... 

    dRGT theory of massive gravity from spontaneous symmetry breaking

    , Article Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics ; Volume 780 , 2018 , Pages 81-85 ; 03702693 (ISSN) Torabian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2018
    In this note we propose a topological action for a Poincare times diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory. We show that there is Higgs phase where the gauge symmetry is spontaneous broken to a diagonal Lorentz subgroup and gives the Einstein–Hilbert action plus the dRGT potential terms. In this vacuum, there are five (three from Goldstone modes) propagating degrees of freedom which form polarizations of a massive spin 2 particle, an extra healthy heavy scalar (Higgs) mode and no Boulware–Deser ghost mode. We further show that the action can be derived in a limit from a topological de Sitter invariant gauge theory in 4 dimensions. © 2018 The Author(s)  

    5-dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory on an interval: Massive spin-2 theory from symmetry breaking via boundary conditions

    , Article Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics ; Volume 810 , 2020 Torabian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    In this note, we revisit the 4-dimensional theory of massive gravity through compactification of an extra dimension and geometric symmetry breaking. We dimensionally reduce the 5-dimensional topological Chern-Simons gauge theory of (anti) de Sitter group on an interval. We apply non-trivial boundary conditions at the endpoints to break all of the gauge symmetries. We identify different components of the gauge connection as invertible vierbein and spin-connection to interpret it as a gravitational theory. The effective field theory in four dimensions includes the dRGT potential terms and has a tower of Kaluza-Klein states without massless graviton in the spectrum. The UV cut of the theory is... 

    Breathing comoving Hubble: Initial condition and eternity in view of the trans-Planckian censorship conjecture

    , Article Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics ; Volume 805 , 2020 Torabian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    In this paper we put forward the idea that the comoving Hubble horizon undergoes multiple stages of contraction (a.k.a. inflationary phase) and expansion. The observable inflation, that produces the CMB anisotropies and generates primordial gravitational waves, follows and is followed by multiple early and late inflations. The trans-Planckian censorship conjecture restricts the duration of each inflationary phases and determines their Hubble rates. Early inflations could start immediately after the universe emerges from the Planck era. It alleviates the initial condition problem for the lower-scale observable inflation. Late inflations collectively assist the observable inflation to... 

    Electroweak vacuum stability and the Higgs field relaxation via gravitational effects

    , Article Classical and Quantum Gravity ; Volume 37, Issue 6 , 2020 Torabian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2020
    The measured values of the standard model parameters favors a shallow metastable electroweak vacuum and a deep global minimum. The Higgs relaxation in its present local minimum can only be explained via a large degree of fine-tuning. In this paper, irrespective of new physics beyond the SM, we study the universal effect of gravity on the Higgs dynamics in the early universe. We consider a two-parameter framework in which the Higgs is non-minimally coupled to a higher-curvature gravity. In the Einstein frame there are genuine couplings between the Higgs field and the Weyl field with interesting predictions. In a broad region in the parameter space and for large field values, the effective... 

    Non-Standard cosmological models and the trans-planckian censorship conjecture

    , Article Fortschritte der Physik ; Volume 68, Issue 2 , 2020 Torabian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wiley-VCH Verlag  2020
    The trans-Planckian censorship conjecture (TCC) puts an upper bound on the life-time of de Sitter spacetimes. It has immediate consequences for inflationary cosmology. In the standard paradigm, the universe has experienced a single stage of inflation and follows a thermal history. Then, the TCC puts an upper bound on the Hubble parameter during inflation Hinf around 0.1 GeV. Consequently, it implies a severe fine-tuning in initial condition for inflation and non-detection of primordial gravitational waves. In this note, we study non-standard cosmological paradigms with non-thermal history and/or multiple stages of inflations. It is motivated by string theory compactifications and axiverse... 

    Matrix theory for the discrete light-cone quantization of type IIB string theory on the AdS and/or plane-wave background

    , Article Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology ; Volume 76, Issue 2 , 2007 ; 15507998 (ISSN) Torabian, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We propose a recipe to construct the discrete light-cone quantization (DLCQ) Hamiltonian of type IIB string theory on the anti-de Sitter (AdS) (and/or plane-wave) background. We consider a system of J number of coincident unstable non-Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) D0 branes of IIB theory in the light-cone gauge and on the plane-wave background with a compact null direction, the dynamics of which is described by the worldline U(J) gauge theory. This configuration suffers from tachyonic instabilities. Having instabilities be cured through the process of open string tachyon condensation, by expanding the theory about true minima of the effective potential and furthermore taking the low...