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    Simulation of Deposition of Gas in Fluidized Bed

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari Molkabadi, Ali (Author) ; Roostaazad, Reza (Supervisor)
    This project related to gas purification according to difference in the deposition point in the fludized bed.The reason for choosing fluidized bed is increasing erosion on wall of bed & increasing on heat transfer compared to other heat exchangers.Separation process, by cooling the wall causes the self- deposition gas phase shifts to solid phase. Solid formed on the wall, act as an insulating layer and greatly reduces the heat transfer therefore part of vessel not used. To solve this problem, the fluidized bed system is offered because the fluid particles can remove the insulating layer beside improving convection heat transfer coefficient. In this work we studied the quantative of erosion... 

    Inferring APIs Correct Usage Rules From Their Source Code

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Majid (Author) ; Kharrazi, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Researchers show that one of the critical sources of bugs is API incorrect usage which in some cases can cause serious security vulnerabilities. The lack of knowledge about API correct usage rules is one of the main reasons that APIs are employed incorrectly by programmers, however, nding a correct usage rule for an API is time-consuming and error-prone particularly without having access to API documentation in most cases. Existing approaches to automatically extract correct usage rules, consider the majority usages as the correct rule for an API. Although statistically extracting API correct usage rules can achieve reasonable accuracy, it cannot work correctly in the absence of fair amount... 

    Design of a Robust Active Controller to Suppress the Undesirable Vibration of Power Transmission Lines by Using the Intermediate Actuators and Optimization of Their Locations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Saghar (Author) ; Moradi, Hamed (Supervisor)
    Power transmission lines, which are responsible for the distribution and transmission of electrical energy from the power plant to the consumer areas, due to their characteristics such as long length and flexibility with low structural damping, face environmental irritations, especially the galloping phenomenon, causing many damages annually. In this study, it has been attempted to reduce the vibrations of power transmission lines by designing a robust active control and by using intermediate actuators in such a way that the failures of these lines can be prevented. For this purpose, linear modeling of the system and designing the controller using the pole replacement method have been done.... 

    Recovery of Gold Electronic scraps(PCB) By Hydrometallurgical process

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Sanaz (Author) ; Yozbashizadeh, Hossain (Supervisor)
    Increasing demand for Gold in electronic devices and catalysts, and its high cost, makes it crucial to recover the Gold from waste electronic devices such as Printed Circuit Boards. In this research, recovery of Gold by hydrometallurgical process based on heating the scraps along with a strong oxidizing agent, Potassium Persulphate, which is “eco-friendly” or “green”process is concerned. Recovery of Gold achieved by simple filtration process following by washing with water and nitric acid in order to dissolve impurities such as Al and Sn. The systematical and analytical evaluation method of Taguchi quality engineering has been applied for the leaching to evaluate the optimal experimental... 

    Inferring API correct usage rules: A tree-based approach

    , Article 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, ISCISC 2019, 28 August 2019 through 29 August 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 78-84 ; 9781728143736 (ISBN) Zolfaghari, M ; Salimi, S ; Kharrazi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    The lack of knowledge about API correct usage rules is one of the main reasons that APIs are employed incorrectly by programmers, which in some cases lead to serious security vulnerabilities. However, finding a correct usage rule for an API is a time-consuming and error-prone task, particularly in the absence of an API documentation. Existing approaches to extract correct usage rules are mostly based on majority API usages, assuming the correct usage is prevalent. Although statistically extracting API correct usage rules achieves reasonable accuracy, it cannot work correctly in the absence of a fair amount of sample usages. We propose inferring API correct usage rules independent of the... 

    The Study of Nanoparticles on the Droplets Hydrodynamics

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Bastani, Dariush (Supervisor)
    Liquid-liquid extraction is one of the common chemical processes in the industry which its application is increasing day by day. Taking trend of increase of energy resources, chemical materials and industrial system into account, the necessity use of least energy consumption and material for achieving highest output and purity of products in different industries is attracted researches and industerialists.In this research we have studied the effect of presence of nano particles on both disperses and continuous liquids phases on hydrodynamic of deoplets specially their investigated system in this project was watter, toluene and acetone, and chosen nanoparticles wer carbon nanotubes and TiO2.... 

    Metric learning for graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation

    , Article Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition ; 2012 , Pages 3386-3389 ; 10514651 (ISSN) ; 9784990644109 (ISBN) Pourdamghani, N ; Rabiee, H. R ; Zolfaghari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Discriminative approaches to human pose estimation have became popular in recent years. These approaches face a big challenge: Similar inputs might correspond to very dissimilar poses. This property misleads the mapping functions which rely on the Euclidean distances in the input space. In this paper, we use the distances between the labels of the training data to learn a metric and map the input data to a space where this problem is minimized. Our mapping is linear and hence preserves the manifold structure of the input data. We benefit from the unlabeled data to estimate this manifold in the new space as a nearest neighbor graph. We finally utilize Tikhonov regularization to find a smooth... 

    Pore-scale Network Modeling of Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors for CO2 and H2S Separation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Ashkan (Author) ; Moosavi, Abbas (Supervisor) ; Bozorgmehri, Ramin (Supervisor)
    In this study, a tree-dimensional random pore-scale network model is used to simulate the membrane contactor porous medium. Drainage and imbibition phenomena is simulated to have a better knowledge of liquid and/gas intrusion trough the membrane porous structure. A genetic algorithm is used as an optimization tool. Several variables such as the number, radius and location of pores, the coordination number, as well as the radius and length of the throats are used herein as the optimization parameters. The difference between the binary SEM images and virtual sections on the generated network in conjunction with the permeability and mean pore size data were selected as the objective function.... 

    Performance optimization of a long rod penetrator penetrating into a semi-infinite target considering bending characteristics

    , Article Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences ; Volume 33, Issue 1 , 2009 , Pages 9-20 ; 13000160 (ISSN) Vahedi, K ; Zohoor, H ; Nezamabadi, A ; Zolfaghari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this article a new parameter is introduced that optimizes penetration depth of a long rod penetrating into a semi-infinite target. This parameter helps to optimize penetration depth when the projectile is subjected to transverse loading. This parameter is defined using a simple assumption governing bending moment and deflection of the rod as well as the experimental observation of long rod penetrators having aspect ratios (L/D) of greater than 30. In this article the length of the rod that sustains allowable bending stress but does not fail is calculated. Using the results of the bending analysis and solution of the Alekseevskii & Tate (AT) equation, an analytical method to optimize... 

    Lot sizing with non-zero setup times for rework

    , Article Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering ; Volume 17, Issue 2 , 2008 , Pages 230-240 ; 10043756 (ISSN) Haji, R ; Haji, A ; Sajadifar, M ; Zolfaghari, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we consider a single machine multi-product lot scheduling problem in which defective items are produced in any production run of each product. In each cycle after the normal production of each product the machine is setup for the rework of the defectives of the same product and then the rework process starts. We assume that the setup time for the normal production process as well as the rework process is non-zero. Further we consider the waiting time cost of defectives for rework. This paper has two objectives. The first objective is to obtain the economic batch quantity (EBQ) for a single product. The second objective is to extend the result of the first objective to the... 

    Experimental Study of Oily Wastewater Treatment by Hybrid Baffled Bioreactor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Mehdi (Author) ; Alemzadeh, Iran (Supervisor) ; Vosoughi, Manochehr (Supervisor)
    Oil refineries, petrochemical factories and oil platforms produce a large amount of oily wastewater every day. If these wastewaters are released in environment, it can damage soil and water seriously. Although, Biological treatment of oily wastewaters is a well-established method for remediation of these wastes, efficiency of conventional systems such as Activated Sludge, aren’t very high. Also these systems have many problems such as instability during hydraulics shocks and bulking phenomena. the hybrid bioreactor system are designed to increase the efficiency of treatment by allowing greater organic loads, increasing microbial concentration by using attached and suspended bacteria, and... 

    Multiple metric learning for graph based human pose estimation

    , Article Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Daegu, Korea ; Volume 8228 LNCS, Issue PART 3 , November , 2013 , Pages 200-208 ; 03029743 (ISSN) ; 9783642420504 (ISBN) Zolfaghari, M ; Gozlou, M. G ; Shalmani, M. T. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a multiple metric learning scheme for human pose estimation from a single image is proposed. Here, we focused on a big challenge of this problem which is; different 3D poses might correspond to similar inputs. To address this ambiguity, some Euclidean distance based approaches use prior knowledge or pose model that can work properly, provided that the model parameters are being estimated accurately. In the proposed method, the manifold of data is divided into several clusters and then, we learn a new metric for each partition by utilizing not only input features, but also their corresponding poses. The manifold clustering allows the decomposition of multiple manifolds into a... 

    Thermodynamic analysis of combustion processes and pollutants emission using nonlinear optimization approach

    , Article Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 7, Issue 1 , AUG , 2012 , Pages 80-85 ; 19322135 (ISSN) Farshchi Tabrizi, F ; Zolfaghari Sharak, A ; Zolfaghari Shahrak, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Mathematical formulation and modeling of combustion processes is an important tool in the understanding of this phenomenon. Determination of equilibrium temperature and composition is often the first stage in calculation of combustion characteristics. There are number of different techniques for simulation of combustion process. In this study a basic model has been developed based on the minimization of Gibb's free energy to simulate the combustion processes. A nonlinear mathematical optimization has been developed based on Lagrange multipliers and solved using Quasi-Newton method written in MathCAD environment. The effect of various parameters such as initial temperature, pressure, and... 

    Aerodynamics Design of Aviation High-speed Radial Turbine with a Feasibility on Cooling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari Nasab Hajizadeh, Abolfazl (Author) ; Ghorbanian, Kaveh (Supervisor)
    Radial turbines with small dimensions and in small power capacities are of great interest. In general, turbine performance improvement and higher output power may be achieved through increasing the inlet mass flow rates however at the expense of more weight and larger dimensions. On the other hand, increasing the inlet total temperature to the turbine will result in higher power potentials. Nevertheless, the turbine needs to be cooled in case that the intended inlet temperature goes beyond the turbine material limitation. In this thesis, radial turbine equations are reviewed and the logic of a 1D algorithm is developed where parameters like the total temperature, total pressure, and mass... 

    3D Human pToopsice Estimation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Manzuri Shalmani, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this project is estimating the two-or three-dimensional human condition using existing data(images or video). Human pose estimation can be used in applications، including the detection of human behavior، animation،human computer interaction، physical therapy and، etc . We use sparse representation method to estimating human pose In this project .Sparse representation methods in recent years has been used in many fields and probably in pose estimation can achieve good results with this method  

    PSSDL: Probabilistic semi-supervised dictionary learning

    , Article Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) ; Volume 8190 , Issue PART 3 , 2013 , Pages 192-207 ; 03029743 (ISSN) ; 9783642409936 (ISBN) Babagholami Mohamadabadi, B ; Zarghami, A ; Zolfaghari, M ; Baghshah, M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    While recent supervised dictionary learning methods have attained promising results on the classification tasks, their performance depends on the availability of the large labeled datasets. However, in many real world applications, accessing to sufficient labeled data may be expensive and/or time consuming, but its relatively easy to acquire a large amount of unlabeled data. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic framework for discriminative dictionary learning which uses both the labeled and unlabeled data. Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed method is significantly better than the state of the art dictionary based classification methods  

    Gas-liquid membrane contactors: Modeling study of non-uniform membrane wetting

    , Article Journal of Membrane Science ; Volume 555 , 2018 , Pages 463-472 ; 03767388 (ISSN) Zolfaghari, A ; Mousavi, S. A ; Bozarjomehri, R. B ; Bakhtiari, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2018
    Current available models for simulation of the separation process in gas-liquid membrane contactor (MC) systems consider a uniform partial membrane wetting along the membrane length (Lmem). However, transmembrane pressure changes along the Lmem. Additionally, the available models usually consider a simplified uniform pore size to represent the micro-porous MC. Additionally, not all pores in a MC have the same size. In this study, a pore-scale network model is developed to simulate the physical separation of H2S using MCs by taking to account for (i) transmembrane pressure variation and (ii) pore size distribution of MC. The model results are compared with the experimental results of H2S... 

    Gas-liquid membrane contactors: effects of polymer concentration and solvent type on pore size distribution

    , Article Journal of Membrane Science ; Volume 563 , 2018 , Pages 813-819 ; 03767388 (ISSN) Zolfaghari, A ; Mousavi, S. A ; Bozorgmehri Bozarjomehri, R ; Bakhtiari, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    This study investigates the effects of polymer concentration and solvent type on the pore size distribution (PSD) of the fabricated gas-liquid membrane contactors (MCs). Eighteen flat-sheet MCs are fabricated using polysulfone (PSf) and polyethersulfone (PES) polymers, with polymer concentration of 10%, 15%, and 20%. Dimethylformamide (DMF) and n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) solvents are used to prepare the polymeric solutions. The role of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on the mean pore size of MCs is also studied. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis is applied to visualize the pore system of the fabricated MCs. Image processing technique is used to obtain the PSD of the fabricated MCs... 

    3D human pose estimation from image using couple sparse coding

    , Article Machine Vision and Applications ; Vol. 25, issue. 6 , 2014 , p. 1489-1499 Zolfaghari, M ; Jourabloo, A ; Gozlou, S.G ; Pedrood, B ; Manzuri-Shalmani, M.T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Recent studies have demonstrated that high-level semantics in data can be captured using sparse representation. In this paper, we propose an approach to human body pose estimation in static images based on sparse representation. Given a visual input, the objective is to estimate 3D human body pose using feature space information and geometrical information of the pose space. On the assumption that each data point and its neighbors are likely to reside on a locally linear patch of the underlying manifold, our method learns the sparse representation of the new input using both feature and pose space information and then estimates the corresponding 3D pose by a linear combination of the bases... 

    Generation of Endurance Time Functions Compatible with Near-Field Ground Motions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolfaghari, Mohammad (Author) ; Esmail Pourestekanchi, Homayoon (Supervisor) ; Mashayekhi, Mohammad Reza (Co-Supervisor)
    In the last few decades, the severe damages caused by near-field earthquakes have made researchers to investigate and study more of these types of earthquakes. The effect of forward directivity, which causes pulses with strong amplitude and long period in the velocity time history, is the main cause of severe damages of these types of earthquakes. The endurance time method is a dynamic analysis method in which the structure is subjected to increasing excitation functions. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of near-field earthquakes on structures and also to determine the accuracy of estimating responses caused by near-field earthquakes by the existing endurance time...