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    A Comprehensive Method for Air Traffic Management Based on Particles Motion in Force Fields

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khoshini, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Malaek, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
    Considering the annual growth in the air traffic, new challenges arise; one of which is the appropriate level of automation that needs to be brought into the picture. This research focuses on the characteristics of a high level automation device, such as level 6 and upper, which could be used onboard a transport for traffic conflict prevention. The main objective behind such a device is to help ground controllers in crowded airspaces. In this work, we discuss the abilities of a new algorithm to resolve a general conflict in the absence of ground based ATC centers. The proposed algorithm considers the Earth rotation as well as general wind patterns. Mathematically, it is based on real-time... 

    Active Vibration Control of Constrained Industrial Manipulators Using Piezoelectric Actuator

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi Daniali, Mohsen (Author) ; Vossoughi, Gholamreza (Supervisor) ; Boroushaki, Mehrdad (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, due to the advancement of robotic technologies and development of industrial robots, the robot manipulators are widely used for automation of various manufacturing processes, such as finishing processes. In these applications, the contact has to be made between robot end-effector and environment. Therefore, control of interaction force in the constrained manipulators is an important demand. On the other hand, due to use of gear box and belts for energy transmission in robot joints, robot manipulators have flexible joints. The vibration, generated due to the interaction force and robot joint flexibility, can deteriorate surface roughness in automated finishing processes. In order to... 

    Optimization of Machining Features Determination in Prismatic Parts Process Planning by Applying Heuristic Models: Flower Pollinating by Artificial Bees(FPAB( and Modified Combination Model(MCM)

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Imani, Din Mohammad (Author) ; Houshmand, Mahmood (Supervisor) ; Akhavan Niaki, Taghi (Co-Advisor)
    Manufacturing environments has changed in recent decades. Today’s it has specification such as shorten life cycle of products, decrease new product design and manufacturing cycle, increase flexibility, decrease response time for market demands and increase competitive level among manufacturers. For achieve this specification integration of CAD, CAPP and CAM is essential. Process planning is important in manufacturing systems so that down stream activity costs and optimality depends on process plans. To develop a process plan for a prismatic part it is required to interpret part design data; select manufacturing processes; select machines, tools and fixtures; decompose the material volume to... 

    Reliability Oriented Optimal Placement of Sectionalizing Switches and Fault Indicators

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farajollahi, Mohammad (Author) ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Mahmud (Supervisor) ; Safdarian, Amir (Co-Advisor)
    Nowadays, electricity has a substantial impact on various aspects of peoples’ life, which has captured the attention of electricity planners and operators. However, despite the expectation of customers to have access to an uninterrupted electricity, multitude of technical and economical challenges prevent to achieve fully reliable power supply. Due to especial structure of distribution systems and limited investment budgets, distribution systems play a critical role in delivering electricity to the customers. According to past statistical information, up to 80 percent of electricity outage originates from failure of distribution equipment or the matters relevant to distribution level.... 

    Optimum Location of Re-closers, and Fault Indicators in a Distribution Network for Improvement of Reliability Parameters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asghari, Mohammad Omid (Author) ; Vakilian, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, due to the indensible role of electrical energy in life of societies, the reliability of service should be provided in an economic form. Researches has shown that, about 80% of faults occur in the distribution network. In a distribution network that is equipped with automation systems, through the acceleration in the determination of the fault location, and also possibility of reacting against transient and steady faults, the electricity interruption time duration is minimized. This thesis aims to determine the number and to locate the auto reclosers and fault indicators in a distribution network optimally. To make it economically feasible, a limited number of these devices and... 

    Motion Control of Two Magnetic Microrobots

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yousefi, Masoud (Author) ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Microrobots have the potential to access small spaces for manipulation or for acting as a sensor. Magnetic microrobots are the most common types of microrobots. Magnetic microrobots have gained particular traction for medical applications due to safety of tissues. For instance, disease diagnosis, minimally invasive surgery and cell manipulation are potential applications of magnetic microrobots. The performance of a single microrobot could be improved by using multiple robots. For example each microrobot could carry a small payload to a goal inside a microfluidic channel, or could assemble fast and in parallel. In order to employ multiple robots, it is necessary to control each microrobot... 

    Design of Damask Rose Harvesting Machine and Testing a Flower Picker

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakoli, Mohammad Amin (Author) ; Asghari, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Zohoor, Hassan (Co-Supervisor)
    From the past, the damask rose has an important place in various pharmaceutical, food, health and cosmetic industries. This product has the largest cultivated area in Iran, which is about 24,000 hectares, equal to 60% of its total cultivation in the world. Considering the conditions required for the cultivation of this plant, including the low water requirement, the expansion of its cultivation has been considered. One of the important obstacles to not expanding cultivation is manual harvesting, which strongly affects the quality and mass of essential oil and rose water. The efforts that have been made so far in the field of designing and producing the rose harvesting machine have not had... 

    Automation of Vision Measurement Machine to Develop Parts Profile Dimensional Measurement Algorithm based on Machine Vision and Image Processing Technique Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Arian (Author) ; Khodaygan, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Automated dimensional inspection is commonly expensive because of the requirement for high-precision measurement devices. To perform a precision measurement, the technician must be highly skilled and fully understands the operation of the equipment. Moreover, automation of the mentioned process to reduce dimensional measurement time is a complicated task due to restrictions of precise equipment such as CMM. With the expansion of the use of cameras in the industry, the measurement method with the help of machine vision systems is one of the cost-effective methods that can be achieved with the development of a suitable image processing algorithm to achieve acceptable accuracy compared to...