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    Modeling of Incompressible Materials Using the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirkhosravi, Poorya (Author) ; Khoei, Amir Reza (Supervisor)
    In the limit case of incompressibility, the displacement-based finite element methods are not capable of finding the solutions with adequate accuracy. Moreover, discontinuities in displacement field or strain field which exist in the interior of the elements should be dealt with appropriately. The u/p mixed formulation provides a suitable context for modeling the incompressible problems. It is capable of solving general problems in which there exist geometrical or material nonlinearities. In the case of employing the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM), uniform meshes can be used for problems with discontinuities and in fact the discontinuities can be decoupled from the mesh. In this... 

    Deterministic Compressed Sensing

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Amini, Arash (Author) ; Marvasti, Farrokh (Supervisor)
    The emerging field of compressed sensing deals with the techniques of combining the two blocks of sampling and compression into a single unit without compromising the performance. Clearly, this is not feasible for any general signal; however, if we restrict the signal to be sparse, it becomes possible. There are two main challenges in compressed sensing, namely the sampling process and the reconstruction methods. In this thesis, we will focus only on the deterministic sampling process as opposed to the random sampling. The sampling methods discussed in the literature are mainly linear, i.e., a matrix is used as the sampling operator. Here, we first consider linear sampling methods and... 

    Preconditioning Methods to Accelerate and Improve Solution of Compressible Flow around Rotor

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kamali Moghadam, Ramin (Author) ; Hejranfar, Kazem (Supervisor)
    In the present study, the numerical simulation of the compressible inviscid flow around helicopter rotor is performed using the solution of the preconditioned Euler equations. Three preconditioners proposed by Eriksson, Choi and Merkel, and Turkel are implemented in two- and three-dimensional upwind Euler flow solvers on unstructured meshes. The mathematical formulations of these preconditioning schemes for different sets of primitive variables are drawn and their eigenvalues and eigenvectors are compared with each others. For this aim, these preconditioning schemes are expressed in a unified formulation. A cell-centered finite volume Roe's upwind method is used for the discretization of the... 

    Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flows with Compressibility Effects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahmoudi, Zakaria (Author) ; Hejranfar, Kazem (Supervisor)
    In this study, the numerical simulation of cavitating flows with compressibility effects is performed. The algorithm employs the multiphase Euler equations with homogeneous equilibrium model. The baseline differential equations system is similar to the one-phase system of equations and comprised of the mixture density, mixture momentums and mixture energy equations. Thephases considered for cavitating flows is liquid-vapor and liquid-gas fields. The system of governing equations is discretized using a cell-centered finite volume AUSM’s upwind scheme. The computations are presented for steady noncavitating/cavitating flows around 1D/2Dproblems for different conditions. A sensitivity study is... 

    Numerical Modeling of Two Phase Slug Flow in Horizontal and Slop Variation Pipes

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Bohluly, Asghar (Author) ; Borghei, Mahmood (Supervisor) ; Saidi, Mohammad Hasan (Co-Advisor)
    Designers consider formation of slug flow in pressurized pipes because of hazardous effects of this flow pattern. Therefore, researchers, using different methods, attempt to study formation of slug flow and its effects. For numerical simulation of this phenomenon, In spite of existence of commercial 2D or 3D two-phase models, numerical models used for the slug flow modeling are 1D. In this thesis, a 2D model has been developed to simulate the initiation and formation of slug flow and estimation of the effects in pressurized pipes. Most important assumptions used in this model are existence of turbulence, surface tension and air compressibility. Isothermal condition has been supposed for... 

    The Effect of Gas-oil Contamination on Geomechanical Properties of Sandy Clay Soils

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zohrehvand, Pejman (Author) ; Sedghiani, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
    During recent years, decay, fraction, corrosion and leakage of oil pipe lines have resulted in soil pollution. Gas oil is one of the main causes of soil pollution in different places. Soil and pollutant interaction results in varying soil geotechnical properties which causes shear strength, permeability, etc. to change drastically. After careful recognition of the problem, it should be encountered in a good manner. Therefore, comprehensive investigation regarding the effect of oil production on soil should be done. In this thesis, properties of combination of sand, kaolinite and pollutant in different situation such as different fine grain content, different relative compaction, and... 

    Nonlinear Vibrations of Conical Shells with Concurrent Internal and External Flows

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Rahmanian, Mohammad (Author) ; Dehghani Firouz Abadi, Ruhollah (Supervisor)
    In the current study, nonlinear vibration and stability of conical shells with both separate and concurrent internal and external flows are studied. External and internal flows are in the supersonic and subsonic regimes, respectively. The Krumhar’s aerodynamic piston theory is utilized to model the external loading on the structure as well as the compressible potential flow model to capture the internal fluid dynamics. The so-called compressible fluid model is obtained via simplification of the Navier-Stockes equations after applying the inviscid and irrotational assumptions. The nonlinear structural equations of motion are derived using the Hamiltonian dynamics approach and utilizing the... 

    Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Compressible Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Ducts of Spatially Varying Cross-section

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Shafiei Ghazani, Ardalan (Author) ; Nouri-Borujerdi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, gas-liquid two phase flow through channels of spatially varying cross-sections are investigated numerically. These flows have several industrial applications such as nozzles, diffusers, pipeline blowdown, valves and channels with sudden expansions or contractions. Finite volume method in conjunction with a second order Advection Upstream Splitting Method (AUSM+_up) is employed to discretize the governing equations. At low Mach numbers, a pressure-based algorithm with a pressure correction equation is derived. Using the pressure-based algorithm accelerates the convergence rate of the numerical solution of the flows through sudden expansions. The pressure adjacent to the... 

    Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Artificial Compressibility Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Attari, Reza (Author) ; Hejranfar, Kazem (Supervisor)
    In this research, the numerical simulation of the natural convection is performed by using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics based on the artificial compressibility method. For this aim, the formulation of the artificial compressibility method in the Eulerian reference frame for the mass and momentum equations is written in the Lagragian reference frame and the Lagrangin form of the energy equation is also considered to compute the thermal effects. The benefit of the artificial compressibility-based incompressible SPH (ACISPH) method over the weakly compressible SPH (WCSPH) method for computing the natural convection is that there is no need in the formulation considered here to use any...