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"investigation on the Effects of Number of Rows in SMAW on Properties of Stainless Steel Clad with Carbon Steel Base Metal and Optimizing Properties of the Clad"
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kokabi, Amir Hossein (Supervisor) ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
Dilution is a parameter with significant effects in SMAW process. As this factor is in a range of 25-35% in SMAW process, it can increase the portion of base metal in the weld metal. During cladding carbon steel by stainless steel, this parameter causes reaching different composition as the number of weld rows increases. The aim of this project firstly is to investigate the effects of this parameter and then achieving the same properties in different welding rows. Suggested electrodes are as follows; E316-L16 three-row, KST 309-L16 for two-row and KST 310-16 for one-row welds. Corrosion behavior of each clad have been studied and the results show that; although by changing the electrodes the...
A Structural Health Monitoring System for Storage Tanks by Using Fiber Optic Sensor
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Zabihollah, Abolgassem (Supervisor)
Storage tanks are always under different hazards such as corrosion and leaking. In this thesis after studding current damaged detection methods, a new method of corrosion monitoring on storage tanks was performed. Fiber optic technology was explained and Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) was chosen as a sensor. Modeling of optical fiber and storage tank was performed in ANSYS and corrosion damage, in the form of pitting, in two possible states of occurrence was presented. The effect of change of strain, thickness, loading, length, and wavelength on each other was presented in different graphs. The results showed that by decreasing thickness of elements, strain in the damaged area increased and by...
The Corrosion Behavior of Sulfur Concrete in Persian Gulf Sea Water
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
In this project sulfur concretes were prepared. The optimum of casting temperature, weight percent of sulfur cement and weight percent of filler were analyzed, so that better corrosion resistance could be found. It is observed, the optimum sulfur is 15% for sulfur concrete samples with 21% sulfur cement; the optimum filler is 10-15% with 18% sulfur cement and finally the optimum filler is 10% for concrete samples with 15% sulfur cement. The casting temperature for concrete with 15-21% sulfur cement is in the interval of 127-150°C could be achieved. By applying the relation between the optimum filler percent and the content of sulfur cement and choosing a suitable temperature for casting...
The Effect of Inhibitors on the Corrosion of Automotive Aluminum in Water and Ethylene Glycol Environment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
In this study, the effects of different corrosion inhibitors on the corrosion of aluminum alloy which is used in the cooling systems of automotive industries were investigated. Also a comparison between the corrosion behaviour of the mentioned aluminum alloy with and without any galvanic connection to 5 different metals consist of solder, stainless steel, mild steel, brass and copper was done. The corrosion rate became more by establishing galvanic coupling. The base solution was ethylene glycol and water which is the base part of all antifreeze compounds. The tests were done at high temperature about 88ºC. Two different industrial corrosion inhibitors were examined in these conditions....
Investigation Increasing Corrosion Resistance of Reinforcement in Concrete
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor) ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
corrosion of steel reinforcements in concrete is one of the most important reasons for durability reduction of offshore structures. To reduce the diffusion rate of ion reactivity in concrete and its reinforcement surface, different methods such as chemical change and coating of reinforcement and concrete are used. In this research for increase corrosion resistance, effect of Pozzolanic additive materials such as fly ash and micro silica , in optimized percentages, 25% and 10% by weight of cement respectively, the percentage of polypropylene fibers improved 2.5% volume of concrete and Ferrogard-901 industrial inhibitor with 3% by weight of cement in concrete mixing plan, were investigated....
Research and Study of Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Welded Joint of Ductile Cast Iron to AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel with Buttering of Nickel on Cast Iron Side
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kokabi, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
The current work is carried out to characterize welding of AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel to Ductile Cast Iron. The welding method was SMAW and the welds were produced using a Nickel-Buttering by a pure Nickel electrode(ENi1) on Cast Iron side, then by 4 types of filler materials the joints were produced; Ni-base electrode(Ni1), E308 and E309 Austenitic stainless steel electrodes and E7018 electrode. The preheat temperature of Cast Iron has been selected to be 250○ and 500 ○C to avoid crack of weldments. The comparative evaluation was based on metallography, chemical composition, hardness and corrosion behavior on two different preheat temperatures. According to metallography, the best...
The Comparison Between TiN and Hard Chromium Coatings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
This research focuses on finding an appropriate method for increasing wear and corrosion resistance of hard coating TiN PVD and chromium. The substrate was made up of 42CrMo4 (DIN) steel (used for marine industries) and coated by TiN Arc PVD process and hard chromium electro-deposition. The results of these two coatings are compared and the better coating which is TiN Arc PVD is suggested. To find the best method for coating, several test studies are organized such as: the mechanical and tribological properties of TiN PVD and hard chromium coatings for wear and corrosion resistance applications are organized. The potentiodynamic polarization technique was used to measure the corrosion rate...
Protection of Steel Rebar in Concrete with Zinc Based Coatings in Persian Gulf
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
Reinforced concrete is one of the most important structural materials used in the construction industry worldwide. Nevertheless, certain physical and chemical factors in the service environment can contribute to its deterioration and failure. One of the most significant factors is the reinforcing steel bar (rebar) corrosion. In order to minimize the rebars corrosion, different kinds of coatings were investigated and evaluated by scientists. In this investigation comparative studies were performed on two different kinds of coated rebars (zinc-rich epoxy and polyamide epoxy coated rebars) and uncoated rebar. In order to evaluate these reinforced concretes, the adhesion, durability, thickness...
Bioglass Coating on 316L Stainless Steel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
Bioactive glasses are able to bond to soft and hard tissues in living body and their application as coating on metallic implants like 316L stainless steel has two important effects: (1) intimate link between bone and materials and (2) corrosion protection of metallic implant in body fluid and protection from tissues in front of corrosion products. Therefore, in this research, 45S5 bioactive glass prepared via sol- gel method was dip coated on 316L stainless steel substrates and its characteristics was investigated.Results of phase analysis showed that by sintering 45S5 bioglass at 600 ˚C for 5 h, an amorph sample with small amount of Na2Ca2Si3O9 was obtained. So, the bioglass coated samples...
Theoretical and Empirical Investigation on the Anticorrosion Performance of Smart Nano Composite Coating
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Shojaei, Akbar (Supervisor) ; Shariatpanahi, Homira (Supervisor) ; Neshati, Jaber (Co-Advisor)
In the present study, smart anticorrosion coatings were successfully prepared based on epoxy ester (EPE) resin and conductive nano polyaniline particles (nES). Anticorrosion behaviors of these coatings were analyzed by electrochemical techniques. Generally, this thesis consists of two main parts: the theoretical studies (1st and 2nd Chaps.) and empirical investigations (3th to 8th Chaps.).The first Chap. expresses a basic introduction about the corrosion concepts and different types of anticorrosion coating. In the second Chap. main goals and stage works of the thesis about the smart anticorrosion coatings are introduced considering literature researches. The subject of the 3th Chap. is...
Electrodeposition of Cu/WC Nanocomposite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor) ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection of Pipelines
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haj Sadeghi, Khosro (Supervisor)
Pipelines are the preferred means for transporting of liquid or gas phase materials. The economy of many countries is extremely dependent upon a large network of pipelines systems to transport and distribute the nation’s energy resources. Damages to the pipe structure may cause leakage and result in economic losses or even loss of life. Developing methods for detecting the anomalies and damages to the structure before they lead to catastrophic events is vital. Multiple pipeline misadventures over the past several years have resulted in hundreds of fatalities and billions of dollars in property damages. These accidents demonstrate that the current monitoring methods are not sufficient...
Simulatin of Reinforcement Corrosion in Pozzolanic Concrete by Neural Network
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
One of the most important factors of reducing durability of concrete structures is corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete. In this paper, corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in concrete is investigated in two different methods of protection based on neural network. As regard the first method, pozzolanic additives with optimized percentage were added to Concrete mix design (the percentage of these additives are 25% Weight of cement of fly ash, Micro silica with 10 percent of weight of cement and 25% of Blast Furnace slag weight of cement). In the second approach of protection, 0/5 percent weight of cement of ferrogard 901 inhibitor is added to basic mix concrete design and the...
Corrosion and Crack Monitoring of Pipelines Using an Equivalent Electrical and Bond Graph Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khayyat, Amir Aliakbar (Supervisor) ; Zabihollah, Abolghasem (Co-Advisor)
Pipeline systems have a major role in civil infrastructure for transportation of energy sources including, petroleum, natural gas, and water. As most pipelines are located in hard-access location such as underground and sea as well as mountains, they are vulnerable to corrosion, cracks and thus, unpredictable failure. Failure of pipelines not only costs millions of dollars but also causes environmental damage, requiring continuous health monitoring systems to provide early detection and early warning of flaws such as corrosion and leaks. Structural health monitoring based on ultrasonic guided waves is used in structures as plates, composites, rods, piping and tubing. This research aims to...
Study of Designing and Operating Parameters of Rotary Air Preheaters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saidi, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor) ; Kazemzadeh, Siamak (Supervisor)
In order to promote the efficiency of fossil fuel power stations, rotary air preheaters are used to warm the air entering the boiler. So, knowing the essential parameters of such exchangers and their effect on the efficiency is the primary objective and choosing the appropriate parameters and the dimensions reducing the liquid pressure, weight of exchangers and subsequently the maintenance expenses would be the secondary objective.
In this research we tried to know the principles of regenerative convertors introducing the tentative air preheaters and their functional characteristics .We also assessed the factors in designing the ideal tentative air preheaters including the type of...
In this research we tried to know the principles of regenerative convertors introducing the tentative air preheaters and their functional characteristics .We also assessed the factors in designing the ideal tentative air preheaters including the type of...
The Structure and Corrosion Behavior of Synthesized Zn-SiO2 Nano-composite Coating by Sol-Gel Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Zinc–silicanano-composite coatings were produced by successive dip coatand sintering procedure from different sol-gel solutions. The surface and cross-sectional morphologies of Zn-SiO2 nano-particles (NPs) were examined using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Corrosion resistance evaluated by means of polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that even thin films of Zn-SiO2 in orders of 200 nm can have corrosion rates as low as conventional hot dip galvanized steels. Multi-layers coatings have been studied and showed that 10 layers coating with the thickness of 2m has the lowest corrosion rate with the passive region in anodic branch. Corrosion...
Corrosion Detection by Non-destructive Tests
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosughi, Nasser (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Co-Advisor)
Non-destructive Testing (NDT) methodsare among the most important ways that are used for inspection of industrial products. It can measure non-visible properties of material such as defect size and inclusions that is inside of the object.NDT is included several tests such as visual examination, eddy current testing, ultrasonic testing and radiographic testing.Radiography is one of the most common NDT methods that are used to detect the defects in objects by registering an image of the object on the radiography film. Corrosion is one of the most important defects in pipelines, where the most important concern is measuring the remaining thickness in corroded zone.
In this study, some...
In this study, some...
Colorimetric Sensing of Nitrite and Glutathione Based on Morphological Changes of High Aspect Ratio of Gold Nanorods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hormozi Nezhad, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
The fascinating size-dependent properties of noble metal nanop articles have created a great promise for their use in a different applications specially chemical sensing. Gold nanorods (GNRs), specifically, have received a great deal of attention due to their unusual optical properties. The nanoscale confinement of electrons on the surface of gold nanorods grants them aspect ratio-dependent properties not seen in larger particles. Due to the intriguing properties of GNRs, significant work has gone into the application of nanorods for sensing and detection of various an alytes in biological and other systems. The major modalities which have been developed for...
Flexural Response Prediction of Concrete Beams Pre-Stressed with FRP Bars
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) tendons are suitable to be used in concrete beams exposed to aggressive environments. This study proceeds the design and it presents the flexural capacity (in relation to the moment-curvature) for composite sections (reinforced with steel bars and pre-stressed FRP) rectangular, T-section which has been bent and broken. The failure is in attending with strain softening, stress hardening of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) and reinforcing with steel bars and polymer. Using the predicted moment-curvature relationship, a numerical method is used to estimate the load deflection response at sample beams under concentrated and uniform loads. A parametric study will be...
Preparation and Study of Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Tio2 Based Nanocomposite by Electrochemical Deposition Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Ekrami, Ali Akbar (Co-Advisor)
In the present work preparation of Ni-TiO2 films and their microstructural and mechanical properties were studied. For film preparation, DC current mode of electrochemical deposition method was used in Watts Nickel bath with different concentrations of transparent TiO2 sol up to 30 mL/L. It presents a new generation of nano Ni-TiO2 coating as a composite film for corrosion and erosion resistance applications. The best wear volume of 0.0046 mm3 was achieved for 30 mL/L Ni-TiO2 nanocomposite in comparison to 0.0071 mm3 for pure Ni film. Moreover, the coating hardness increased to ~345 HV50 for Ni-TiO2 nanocomposite. Corrosion rate of the coatings improved down to 1.10E-05 mm/year with addition...