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Analytical Study of Column Base Plates under Earthquake Loading
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Shervin (Supervisor)
One of the most important connections in a structure is the column base plate connection. In structures subjected to earthquake loading, this connection is usually where a plastic hinge can develop and therefore is of utmost importance. In this paper, behavior of base plates under monotonic and cyclic loading is investigated. The failure modes, that are one of the fundamental targets in this study include base plate yielding, anchor bolt yielding and also failure arising due to crushing of concrete. A parametric study is conducted using nonlinear finite element analysis. Parametes such as plate thickness, anchor bolt size and location and concrete strength are considered. The desired...
Effect if Strengthening of Continuous RC Beams with FRP Laminates on Moment Redistribution under Vertical Loads
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mostofinejad, Davoud (Supervisor)
The continual deterioration and insufficient strength of reinforced concrete (RC) structures has been a vital problem in the field of civil engineering such an extent that traditional methods of strengthening found to be inconvenient. Nowadays by increasing demands for retrofitting of structures, it necessitates the application of efficient, inexpensive and unobtrusive methods of strengthening. Common way on retrofitting was to use of steel plates externally bonded to RC members. Although this technique has proven to be reasonably effective, it has several distinct disadvantages such as susceptibility of the steel plates to corrode and the excessive weight of steel plates when used in...
Compressive Response of Cylindrical Concrete Columns Confined with Steel Spirals and GFRP Composites
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khalu, Alireza (Supervisor)
Concrete structures require reinforcement and retrofitting because of possible mistakes in design or calculation, inconformity between plan and implementation, change in occupancy or applied loads, and decay. Development in technology, production of materials, and new methods play important roles in development of structure construction and reinforcement methods. Emerge of new materials creates great demand in studying, surveying, and determining design characteristic and criteria for these materials. One of these materials is FRP composite which is used in concrete structure reinforcement in different ways. In this laboratory research, the effect of external wrapping by GFRP composite...
Ductility Analysis of L & T Shaped Wall to Wall Connections of 3D Panels Subjected to Lateral & Gravity Loading
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vafaei, Abolhassan (Supervisor) ; Kabir, Mohammad Zaman (Supervisor)
Iran requires basic changes in using construction materials and industrial system of house production due to its particular climatic conditions such as being located on the earthquake belt and social conditions such as lack of house. 3D panel is one of the best options for industrial construction and especially mass building.
In this thesis, different suggested designs for L & T shaped wall to wall connections of 3D panel under lateral-cyclic and gravity loading were modeled and analyzed by ANSYS software. Numerical analysis indicates that concrete perpendicular hank and welded wire mesh WWF 3/3/50/50 have positive effect on the ultimate strength and ductility of the connection. Hence,...
In this thesis, different suggested designs for L & T shaped wall to wall connections of 3D panel under lateral-cyclic and gravity loading were modeled and analyzed by ANSYS software. Numerical analysis indicates that concrete perpendicular hank and welded wire mesh WWF 3/3/50/50 have positive effect on the ultimate strength and ductility of the connection. Hence,...
Pushover Analysis for Soil-Structure Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Controlling damage level of structures for an earthquake with certain intensity is the main purpose in seismic performance based design. This is done by estimating and confining the structure displacements and related global and local response parameters. Even though nonlinear time history analysis method is the most exact method for predicting seismic behavior of structures, but its application is limited because of being complex. Nonlinear static analysis procedure (Pushover analysis) which is based on analyzing the structure subjected to the incremental lateral load is an alternative method that has been recommended by recent structural codes. In order to consider the soil-structure...
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Hysteretic Behavior of Trapezoidally Corrugated Steel Shear Walls
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Mofid, Masoud (Supervisor) ; Vafai, Abolhassan (Co-Advisor)
Steel shear wall system has been used in recent years as the lateral-load resisting system in the design and retrofit of high-rise buildings. This system consists of infill shear panel is framed by surrounding steel frames. Infill shear panel can be applied in two types: stiffened or unstiffened. Considering to the previous studies, the stiffened type is more convenient in the seismic performance and utility condition. However, in the stiffened system, the construction cost is considerably higher because of the complicated construction details. This dissertation concentrates on the experimental and analytical studies of trapezoidally corrugated steel shear walls as an option for removing the...
On The Behavior of Low-Rise, Irregular, Dual Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mofid, Masoud (Supervisor)
The Response modification factor R represents the behavior of the structure such as ductility, overstrength and the inherent redundancy. This factor shall be defined according to the type of lateral force resisting system. However, there are some complexities and/or uncertainties in codes related to the R factor according to the height, form of irregularities and structural systems. Therefore, from the scientific point of view as well as reliability, it is very clear that the R factor cannot be similar for all kinds of structures, categorized as a specific group. In this investigation, assuming a low-rise, vertically irregular structure with a heliport which has a dual structural system...
Plastic Analysis of Steel Grillages Considering Bending-Tortion Iteraction
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Grillage structures are used at roofs of some buildings and community halls and shopping centers and airports, or structures that used as bowers. The grillages is constructed with steel or concrete beams. In most of the carried out Researchs the twisting effect on these structures has been ignored. In this research the behavior of such structures with considering regulation and softwares limits by some simple programable assumptions is simulated. So with using MATLAB software a program extracted for grillages nonlinear analysis and its results was compared with common engineering software. In This approach in addition to pure bending, bending – torsion interaction is considered too and I...
The Effect of Arrangement and Density of Longitude and Tranverse Bars on Prestressed Concrete Beams Under Moment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khalu, Alireza (Supervisor)
These days usage of prestressed structures in civil projects are increased significantly. One of these structures is prestressed concrete beam. Considering of such charactristics as failure loads , maximum loads, ductility and occurence and extension of cracks in prestressed concrete beams are interested by civil engineering so in this project we try to investigate the effect of increasing in nonprestressed bars with different arrangements in six specimens.
The load enters in static way on each specimen and supports are simple. Considering the results of experiments, ductility increases significantly because of adding longitude and transverse bars and brittle behavior of speciments...
The load enters in static way on each specimen and supports are simple. Considering the results of experiments, ductility increases significantly because of adding longitude and transverse bars and brittle behavior of speciments...
Experimental Investigations on Reinforced Concrete Slabs Strengthening by FRP Sheets
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khaloo, Alireza (Supervisor)
A total of four reinforced concrete slabs with dimension of 2200×1000×100 mm strengthened with different layers of GFRP sheets were fabricated and tested. A loading of the slabs was performed using displacement control approach.In addition, nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA) using ANSYS package was used to simulate the behavior of the test specimens. After reasonable validation of NLFEA with the experimental test results of companion slabs, NLFEA was expanded to provide a parametric study of sixty two slabs. Forty two numbers of these sixty two slabs were without any opening and were modeled for different type of concrete strength, ratio of length/wide for slabs, type of FRP, number...
Nonlinear Response of Shear-Flexural MDOF Structures Subjected to Seismic Excitations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
A generic single-span frame has been used to represent a shear-flexural building and the degree of participation of overall shear and flexural behavior in mode shapes, is controlled by dimensionless parameters of α, δk and δp. By evaluation of modal analysis results, one may conclude the extent to which each parameter affects the dominancy of shear/flexural behavior. By understanding the relation between the abovementioned parameters and proportion of shear/flexural behavior of structures, effects of these parameters and consequently trend of modal shapes on the nonlinear analyses results would be investigated. According to nonlinear analyses results of the flexural structures, ductility...
On the Numerical Modeling of Semi Rigid Steel Beam to Column Connection Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loading using Finite Lements Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
To investigate the accurate performance of a structure, the knowledge of the way its connections function, is of great importance. Moreover, cognition of the actual behavior of connections which is often semi-rigid can lead to better apprehension of the actual and more accurate behavior of structures, whilst it is often considered to be pinned or fully-rigid.Therefore, in this study a new semi-rigid steel connection of beam to column will be introduced, and its behavior will be investigated using commercial finite element packages along with mathematical approximate modeling methods. One of the features of this connection is that its behavior mainly depends uponfolding of top and bottom...
Experimental Analysis of Ribbed Bracing System Behaviour
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Golafshani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor) ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
Controlling the structures under seismic excitations is a great challenge in the earthquake engineering. In this regard, bracing systems have been presented and applied to provide additional rigidity for the structures. However, conventional bracing systems are buckled under compressive forces. In this research ribbed bracing system (RBS) is proposed to deal with the buckling problem of conventional bracings. Full capacity of RBS is used under cyclic loading. Ribbed bracing system is constructed by adding a supplement part with a ribbed mechanism to the conventional bracing systems. As the supplement part is locked when the bracing is under tensile forces, the bracing system can absorb...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
This thesis presents an extension of an analytical method previously introduced for evaluation of the deformation capacity of RC columns. The method utilizes fiber elements to arrive at nonlinear moment-curvature relationship for each segment. An existing stress-strain model has been modified and used in this study. This model considers the crushing failure of confined concrete, buckling of longitudinal reinforcements in compression, and their fracture in tension. It also accounts for the spiral fracture. This method was employed to determine the force-displacement diagrams for circular RC columns dominated by flexural mode of failure, and was calibrated against a number of relevant...
A Study on the Effect of Foundation Uplift on Response of Soil-Structure Systems Using Endurance Time Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor) ; Esmaeil Pourestekanchi, Homayun (Supervisor)
In recent decades, the soil-structure effect has been considered in seismic studies. Most of these researches are based on the premise that the foundation is bonded to the ground. However, several examples of structures that experienced uplift have been reported. Uplift affects the soil-structure contribution and nonlinear behavior of the structure. It seems that a parametric study should be done for the simultaneous effects of the soil-structure interaction, foundation uplift and inelastic behavior of the superstructure. Although the most accurate methods to estimate the behavior of structures is the nonlinear time history analysis, this analysis is very time consuming. The endurance time...
Retrofitting of Existing Steel Frames using Ductile Bracing Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Recent earthquakes indicate the importance of retrofitting existing structures to achieve an acceptable level of performance. Use of bracing systems is a cost-effective method for seismic retrofitting of existing steel frames. In particular, Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs) and Special Concentrically Bracing systems (SCB) are practical choices to be used because of their large energy dissipation capacity especially under moderate to severe earthquakes. Buckling restrained braces which yield in both tension and compression, exhibits stable and predictable hysteretic behavior. In this study several existing steel frames, which are designed based on older versions of the building codes, have...
Numerical Study on Bolted End-Plate Connection and The Code Limits
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Regarding the numerous casualties and financial losses due to intense earthquakes, the ductility is considered of the main importance in addition to stability, stiffness, and strength criteria of the structure’s connections. In order to enhance the seismic behavior of the structures in such severe earthquakes, design codes for steel structures have suggested special types of connections. Among them, bolted end plate connection is considered a conventional type of connection used for creating ductile semi-rigid connection.In this study, in order to simulate the behavior of this joint, a 3-D finite element model is developed in Abaqus software, in which the inelastic behavior of the materials...
A Numerical Investigation on Ultimate Strength of Steel Plate Shear Walls Utilizing Various Boundary Frame Elements and Different In-fill Plate Thicknesses
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khalu, Alireza (Supervisor)
In this thesis different steel plate shear walls have been investigated using ABAQUS software. These investigations have been focused on various topics, including both boundary frame elements and also the in-fill plate. The main results have been gathered by utilizing different steel plate thicknesses and different boundary frame elements. In order to achieve a better understanding of the effects of both of these elements, various aspect ratios have also been investigated. Moment of inertia has been noted as the main property of both beams and columns used in SPSW. Comparison of the gained results is noteworthy. They show a variety of changes in the load-displacement diagrams, due to changes...
Study on Behavior of Diagonally Stiffened Steel Plate Shear Walls
Ph.D. Dissertation
Sharif University of Technology
Joghataie, Abdolreza
Khajeh Ahmad Attari, Nader
In this study, the behavior of diagonally stiffened steel plate shear wall systems which have a new configuration of stiffeners is investigated. This dissertation is divided into three main sections which contain experimental studies, finite element analysis and developing design equations. In the section on experimental studies, 5 single-bay, single-story, one-third scale specimens were tested. An unstiffened specimen as a control sample and two other specimens with different configuration of stiffeners were constructed and tested to study the effect of diagonal stiffeners. Based on the observations during the tests, it was decided to add and study two other specimens too, including one...
Investigation on Formability of Two-layered Stainless Steel-copper Sheets with FLDs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ;
In this research, two-layered sheets of copper and stainless steel 316 were produced by roll bonding. These sheets provide a combination of properties of copper and stainless steel; including high strength, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, as well as low weight and cost-efficient means of production. The effects of thickness reduction, different preheat temperatures and varying heating conditions after rolling on bond strength were studied. In some specimens, an aluminum sheet was used as a middle-layer, which significantly improved the bonding quality. In order to observe the interface of the bonded specimens, optical microscope images of the cross sections were studied....