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    Improving Resource Allocation in Self Organized Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aghababaiyan, Keyvan (Author) ; Pakravan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Recently studies have shown that about 50% to 70% of voice calls and other traffics are used in indoors by users. Due to the growing need to increase the rate of communication networks and macrocells resource constraints in providing this need, the idea of using femtocells was proposed. These cells transmite traffics via IP network to the operator. This would reduce the load of macrocells and thereby increase the rate of network users. So the idea of using femtocells inside macrocells was introduced. In addition to increasing the rate of network, the other advantages of using femtocells are lower cost, lower power consumption and better user channel condition. The important challenge of... 

    Interference Management in Two Tier Femtocell Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Hosseinzadeh Salati, Azam Sadat (Author) ; Nasiri Kenari, Masoumeh (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, interference management techniques, including frequency, power, and space resource managements in two tier femtocell networks are investigated with the aim of increasing the throughput and decreasing the outage probability for both femto and macro users. Previous studies indicate that Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) is an effective interference management scheme for OFDMA based two tier femtocell networks. In this thesis, based on FFR scheme, in the first part, a comprehensive method to model the cross tier interference in both uplink and downlink, and for closed access as well as open access femtocells is introduced and by using this model, a static frequency and power...