Interference Management in Two Tier Femtocell Networks
Hosseinzadeh Salati, Azam Sadat | 2015
- Type of Document: Ph.D. Dissertation
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 47737 (05)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Electrical Engineering
- Advisor(s): Nasiri Kenari, Masoumeh
- Abstract:
- In this thesis, interference management techniques, including frequency, power, and space resource managements in two tier femtocell networks are investigated with the aim of increasing the throughput and decreasing the outage probability for both femto and macro users. Previous studies indicate that Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) is an effective interference management scheme for OFDMA based two tier femtocell networks. In this thesis, based on FFR scheme, in the first part, a comprehensive method to model the cross tier interference in both uplink and downlink, and for closed access as well as open access femtocells is introduced and by using this model, a static frequency and power resource management technique is proposed. In this technique, each femtocell specifies its resources in a static manner, according to its location relative to all neighbor macro base stations. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of the throughput and the outage probability. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms previous FFR based methods up to 35% in femto user’s throughput, while not having degrading effect on the throughput of macro users. In the second part of this thesis, spatial resources management with the use of directional antennas in both macro and femto base stations, and also in user equipments, is investigated. To this end, first the cross tier interference in a femtocell network with directional antennas is modeled in order to study the effect of using these antennas in controlling the cross tier interference. It is shown that deploying directional antennas in user equipments improves the system performance, and more specifically, the femto and macro users’ throughput (up to 50%). In addition, it is realized that by properly selecting the location of the femto base station, the throughput of femto and macro users are further increased up to 10%, and moreover, their outage probabilities are significantly reduced
- Keywords:
- Resources Allocation ; Directional Antenna ; Interference Management ; Femtocell ; Tow-layer Femtocell Networks ; Fractioul Freqency Reuse
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