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, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sattari, Sorena (Supervisor)
According to the Government policy in order to make targeted subsidies and apply it on various sectors in the industrial, commercial, agricultural, household and etc. changes in the energy supply needed resources in this section are required to appear. The agriculture sector is one of the most important parts of the food production is the production of security and health product. In this regard, the production of greenhouse products in terms of the use of high yielding varieties, production of the off-season, better control factors in production and reduce water consumption has increased drastically. The main source of supply in the internal energy of the greenhouse heating is mainly fossil...
Optimal Design and Operation of Energy Supply Systems of Energy Efficient Greenhouses Based on Dual Stage Multi-objective Optimization
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor) ; Hellweg, Stefanie (Co-Supervisor)
The purpose of this research is developing an analytical and decision-making tool that examines the interactions between greenhouse energy demand and yield production. Greenhouseholders can use the analytical tool to design and operate existintg and newly built greenhouses in an optimal way. Becides, the decision making tool helps planners and policymakers to improve the performance of greenhouses and extend greenhouse cultivation with respect to their economic or environmental objectives.In order to develop this decision making tool, existing models for greenhouses have been investigated and various algorithms have been combined to develop an integrated energy demand-plant growth model. The...
Technical and Economic Assessment Of a Symbiosis Opportunity for Utilization of Power Plants-Sourced Waste Heat to Supply Greenhouses Demand Considering Spatial Configuration
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor)
The main purpose of this research is analyzing the energy stream of clean food production by using Iran's power plants sourced waste heat. In order to achieve this goal, at first, greenhouse heating demand model according to the type of crops and geographic location of greenhouse, heat transport from power plant to greenhouse model, and heat exchanger model is presented. Then, the potential of constructing clean greenhouse around power plants has been evaluated by using the concept of industrial symbiosis and by integrating greenhouse energy demand, waste heat transport, and heat exchanger models into industrial symbiosis concept framework and also by economical and geographical assessments....
Industrial Symbiosis Analysis between Biogas Plants and Photovoltaic Greenhouses, Using Geographic Information System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor)
Meeting the energy demand of agricultural greenhouses has turned out to be the most important challenge of greenhouse cultivation. In this study, it is proposed to use the concept of industrial symbiosis between agricultural greenhouses and biogas plants to face this challenge. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the potential clean greenhouse area that may be supported by the proposed symbiotic network, in order to provide a decision-making tool for the relevant policymakers. The methodology is based on the agent-based input-output matching economic analysis. The amount of biogas produced by poultry and cattle manure is estimated to be 0.6 (m3 / kg VS) and 0.47 (m3 / kg VS)...
Controlling the Operational Conditions of a Greenhouse
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Vafa, Ehsan (Supervisor)
Researchers have paid more attention to greenhouse cultivation, due to the exacerbation of food and water crisis. Higher production with lower cost could be achieved through greenhouse climate control (temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration). However, greenhouse climate control is a challenging task, because greenhouses have highly interactive nonlinear dynamics and model uncertainties and are subject to input saturation. In light of the fact that Iran is a country with a warm and arid climate, tunnel greenhouses equipped with evaporative cooling system are very common in Iran. Accordingly, this type of greenhouse is considered for modelling, simulation and control in this...
Improvement of Industrial Symbiosis Between Greenhouses and Industrial Waste Heat Sources by Employing Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor) ; Shafii, Mohammad Behshad (Co-Supervisor)
The water crisis caused by climate change and anthropogenic activities in Iran has affected the daily lives of the people, and since the agricultural sector has a large share of water consumption, greenhouse cultivation and indoor farming has been developing in this country, to improve water productivity. Considering that the main source of energy supply in greenhouses is fossil fuels, in this work, the possibility of improving Industrial Symbiosis (IS) between greenhouses and waste heat sources in industries by employing the Organic Rankin Cycle (ORC) has been studied, in order to meet the heating demand of greenhouses in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way.Based on that, by modeling...
Investigating Scenarios for Reducing Carbon Footprint of Greenhouse Products Using Energy-Efficient Technologies in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor)
The present study aims to reduce the carbon footprint of greenhouse products to provide a decision tool for sustainable development of greenhouses. In order to provide this decision tool, the impact of four scenarios or energy-efficient technology for greenhouse heating, including: combine heat and power system(CHP), new greenhouse covering material, industrial symbiosis, and solar collector on the carbon footprint of greenhouse products has been studied because one of the main factors in the release of carbon footprints of greenhouse products is the use of fossil fuels for greenhouse heating. Energy modeling has been used to estimate the amount of heating, cooling, and artificial lighting...
Scenario Evaluation for Nearly Net Zero Energy Greenhouse Considering Photovoltaic, Industrial Symbiosis and Ground to Air Heat Transfer
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor)
To meet the high energy demand in greenhouse cultivation, clean technologies have been suggested. This research provides a computational and modeling framework to examine the integration of three systems including a photovoltaic panel, earth_air heat exchanger, and industrial symbiosis, to produce three types of energy (electricity cooling, and heating) in a Venlo-type greenhouse. To estimate the minimum energy required to maintain environmental parameters in optimal plant conditions, an energy demand model was developed with the ability to consider the effect of energy stored in the ground. For a greenhouse in Tehran, the annual heating requirement was calculated as 432 kWh/m2 and 227...
Studying the Effect of Using Earth to Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE)in Air Conditioning Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hakkaki Fard, Ali (Supervisor) ; Kazemzadeh Hannani, Siamak (Supervisor)
Nowadays, energy has become a vital issue. Earth to Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE) is a technique that promotes energy saving. EAHE is a non-conventional technique that utilizes the thermal potential of the geothermal energy for space cooling/heating. In the agricultural sector, using the grounds energy for air conditioning of greenhouses can be highly effective. In this study, a transient implicit computational fluid dynamics model is developed to simulate the thermal performance of EAHEs. The developed model is validated against available experimental studies in the literature. Good agreement between simulated results and experimental data is obtained. In the following, the heat exchanger is...