
Studying the Effect of Using Earth to Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE)in Air Conditioning Applications

Mashayekhi Rad, Ghazal | 2023

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 56267 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Hakkaki Fard, Ali; Kazemzadeh Hannani, Siamak
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nowadays, energy has become a vital issue. Earth to Air Heat Exchanger (EAHE) is a technique that promotes energy saving. EAHE is a non-conventional technique that utilizes the thermal potential of the geothermal energy for space cooling/heating. In the agricultural sector, using the grounds energy for air conditioning of greenhouses can be highly effective. In this study, a transient implicit computational fluid dynamics model is developed to simulate the thermal performance of EAHEs. The developed model is validated against available experimental studies in the literature. Good agreement between simulated results and experimental data is obtained. In the following, the heat exchanger is used for the air conditioning of a greenhouse. Simulation of solar greenhouses is a complex matter. This study presents a mathematical model for the solar greenhouse considering several thermal phenomena at the same time. The parameters that affect the thermal behavior of the greenhouse are analyzed hourly. The model is then used to evaluate the effects of operating parameters, i.e., air velocity, pipe diameter, and pipe length, on the thermal performance of system. As a cases study, an EAHE with pipes 50 meters long and 20 cm in diameter has been investigated for the air conditioning of a tomato greenhouse with an area of 50 square meters in the climate of Tehran. The results indicates that the system provides 37% of the yearly cooling and heating capacity of the greenhouse. The results also revealed that no condensation happens through the pipes. The results showed that for the climate of Tehran, it is reasonable to use the heat exchanger for heating, but in cooling mode the system is not effective. Also to achieve proper performance, it is necessary to use heat recovery system
  9. Keywords:
  10. Geothermal Energy ; Renewable Energy Resources ; Air Conditioning ; Greenhouse ; Earth to Air Heat Exchanger ; Energy Conservation ; Solar Greenhouse

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