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, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ayatolahy, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
The concept of causality٫continually٫from the seventeenth century٫ As yet has been debated between philosopfers and partly physicists. This diversity of opinions rely on their’s ontologic and epistemologic positions. In the article, is attempted to compare causality in the philosophy of contem -porary(west) and Quantum physics with Islamic Philosophy (according to motahhary) In first chapter, universal hypothesizes and reasons of requirement to analyze causality is expressed. In second chapter,we turn to views of four famous hilosophers in the seventeenth and eiyhteenth century: locke ,Berkeley, Hume, kant. In third chapter, we attend to some current approach the recent philosophers...
Laws and Lawmakers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karbasi Zadeh, Amir Ehsan (Supervisor)
In Laws and Lawmakers: Science Metaphysics and the laws of nature, Mark Lang has presented an engagingly written, tightly argued, and novel philosophical account of the laws of nature. One of the intuitions behind the notion of a law of nature is, roughly, that of the many regularities we observe in the world there are some which appear to be due to mere happen-stance(“accidental” regularities, in the philosopher’s jargon)while others, which we call “laws,” seem to be possessed of a degree of necessity. although many philosophers, and certainly most scientists, will readily agree that there is a difference between logical, law-like, and accidental regularities, spelling out the nature of...
Heidegger on Science and Tool (Emphasized on "Being and Time")
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Sefidkhosh, Meisam
Taghavi, Mostafa
This thesis is going to investigate the ontological foundation of Science and Tool. To this aim, it refers to Heidegger’s works especially the Being and time. Heidegger gets involve in analyzing Science in the Being and Time. He emphasizes on importance of establishment of a fundamental knowledge which should ontologically recognize basic concepts and methods of Sciences, to cause a real progress in sciences. Heidegger also asserts that the Mathematical interpretation of the world is not a fundamental, and it must be replaced with phenomenological interpretation, which clarifies the ontological foundation of the theoretical view, and regards to all aspects of world’s existence. In this...
A Critical Reading of Russel on Causation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Causation is one of the most old and difficult problems of Metaphysics which is also important in Science and Philosophy of Science. There are three different views in the Ontology of Causation—Eliminativism, Fundamentalism and Reductionism. Also we know that the Ontology of Causation can be equated with the question of the difference between Causal and Non-Causal series of events, such that the answers to this question are correspondent to the mentioned views: 1)Eliminativism: There is not any difference between those two series and the concept of Causation does not have any objective or external being. 2)Primitivism: There is a difference between them but it can not be explained in any...
Will The (Super)Symmetry Survive?
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
The concept of symmetry has long been the focus of numerous debates in different fields; some have come up with an artistic approach looking for a beautiful notion germane to the concept of symmetry. Others have examined this issue from a philosophical viewpoint and studied the ontology of symmetry and philosophers like Kant moved beyond the limits and have given their symmetry a transcendental position. On the other hand, in an anti-realist position relying on the fact that the goal of science is not truth but merely it’s an empirical adequacy, Van Fraassen argued that “science was rapidly gaining autonomy not only from theology but from all of philosophy, and was exploiting concepts and...
The Relationship between Metaphysics and Epistemology; In the Light of Sadr’s Philosophy and Kant’s Philosophy
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Golshani, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Parsania, Hamid (Supervisor)
On the one hand, the general schema of systems of thought-philosophy is in the light of an initial position and a brief overview of the "being of reality", and on the other hand, by analyzing "the recognition of man from the world." Accordingly, philosophical systems will be dealt with from the point of view of the philosophy of philosophy by explaining the mechanism and stages of development, evaluation and evaluation of the recognition of "the foundation of the universe."An overview of these two concepts and their relationship is necessary in order to prepare the preconditions for the relationship between metaphysics and epistemology. "Metaphysics," refers to the existing Mamma, and...
Time Travel: The Paradoxes of Freedom
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taheri Khorramabadi, Ali (Supervisor)
The possibility of time travel in modern physics based on the theory of relativity has led to the study of this issue from various aspects. In this research, the metaphysical possibility of time travel will be examined and therefore its physical and technological possibility is out of the subject of this research. Metaphysical possibility is also considered to mean the compatibility of time travel with the laws of metaphysics. The metaphysical possibility of time travel is challenged by the paradoxes that arise from it. These paradoxes, despite their great diversity, fall into four general categories: Temporal Paradoxes, The paradoxes of freedom, The paradoxes of Causal, and The paradoxes of...