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    Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Suction and Wall Porosity on the Surface Pressure and Aerodynamic Forces in Transonic Wind Tunnel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Amiri, Kaveh (Author) ; Soltani, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Transonic speed is one of the most important flight regimes. There are two main significances related to it. First, all of the supersonic air vehicles should pass through this regime to reach to their final speed. Second, nowadays most of the commercial airplanes fly in nearsonic speeds. According to nonlinear nature of the flow through the speeds, the related researchers haven’t been successful in development of a comprehensive theory as well as subsonic and supersonic ones. So, transonic flow is one of the most critical regimes in wind tunnel testing. In order to eliminate the shock-boundary layer interaction and wave cancellation, perforated walls and side suction are used in test section... 

    Neural Network Design and Optimization for Porosity Estimation with Using Seismic Attributs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mesgari, Davood (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor) ; Badakhshan, Amir (Supervisor)
    Todays, the most important thing in the oil and gas fields is how to find the main properteis as porosity and permeability; therefere in this project was tryed to estimate to correct porosity in the reservoir area with using estimated porosity from siesmic attributes. For this study Mishrif reservoir in Sarvak formation was selected and the used data are 3D siesmic and also corrected porosity estimated by analysing siesmic attributes from five wells. For combination sresmic and log data, Simulated Annealing was seleted as a Neural Network optimizer for this project.

    Electrophoretic Deposition of TiO2 Nanoparticles and Fiber for DSC Application

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shooshtari, Leyla (Author) ; Taghavinia, Nima (Supervisor)
    Dye Sensitized Solar cell (DSC) is the third class of solar cell, which consists of a nanocrystalline, mesoporous of semiconductor(The best one is Tio2), covered with a monolayer of dye molecules, platinum coated on FTO as a counter electrode and a redox electrolyte. This Photovoltaic cell which is promising low-cost materials, works on electron separation of dye molecule, and electron injection to semiconductor’s conduction photo- electrode structure and its porosity is affected the DSC’s performance. Recently, use of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) for TiO2 electrode (which best found for photo-electrode in DSC) fabrication has gained increased interests. In this method charged particles... 

    Simulation of High Frequency Acoustic Waves in Porous Media

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taghikhani, Saeed (Author) ; Farshchi, Moammad (Supervisor)
    In this study, a numerical investigation of propagation of sound through a fluid-saturated porous column has been proposed so that we can analyze the effects of porous media parameters on decreasing sound amplitude. The mathematical model applied for our simulation is based on Biot equations solved by an explicit finite difference method. Since Biot model is exclusively applicable to porous solids saturated with single fluid phase, in order to simulate a porous solid saturated with two immiscible fluids, we exploited the general Eulerian model instead of Biot model. Efficiency of porous sound absorbers is directly influenced by four major parameters which are porosity, rigidity and thickness... 

    Effects of Oxide Film on Tensile Properties of A356 Aluminium Alloys

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Fariba (Author) ; Davami, Parviz (Supervisor) ; Varahram, Nasser (Supervisor)
    Since mechanical properties of cast Al-Si-Mg alloys are directly influenced by microstructural defects, understanding the characteristics of these defects and any interaction between them is important for improving the properties of castings. This study investigated the effect of the most common defects normally found in cast aluminium alloys namely, double oxide films, Fe-rich phases and prosity. A different level of each defect was introduced into castings to investigate their effects on tensile properties of A356 Alloy. Differents casting condition experiment produced different entrained oxide film, Fe-rich phases and porosity caused by shrinkage content, from low to high, were tested... 

    The Effect of Porosity on Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Nanocoating Fabricated By Sol-Gel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehmandoust, Ehsan (Author) ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    This thesis is concerned with the synthesis and characterization of high porous Ti based on thin films and the effect of polymer agents on their photocatalytic properties. Ti films can demonstrate different properties like self -cleaning and treatment of broad range of aqueous pollutants when it is exposed to light of wavelength less than 400 nm. This is due to photocatalytic reaction occurring on film surface which results in film superhydrophilicity and the active oxygen species production. This active sites and radicals will cause oxidize organic pollutants and microbe adherent to the material surface.
    In this study Ti thin films have been prepared by the sol-gel method from... 

    Synthesis of Super-porous Nano Structure Nitinol by Milling using Space Holder Technics and Measure of Termomechanical Properties

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khalatbari, Mohammad Saleh (Author) ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
    NiTi is known as a most important material for manufacturing implants and other medical devises duo to its shape memory and super elasticity properties, high energy damping and high corrosion resistance.In this project the possibility of producing nano structured NiTi implant with high porosity was investigated. For reaching to nano scale mechanical alloying process was done on Ti and Ni powder as row materials. Mechanical alloying process and the possibility of reaching nano structure or amorphous phase was investigated. Space holder technic was used for reaching a porous structure. Sintering process was planned in a way to inhibit grain growth as much as possible. The samples sintered in... 

    Comparative Examination and Preparation of Polymeric Hydrogels in Order to use as Cellular Scaffold

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nazaripouya, Amir (Author) ; Alemzadeh, Iran (Supervisor) ; Sharifi Aghdas, Farzane (Supervisor) ; Mashayekhan, Shohre (Supervisor)

    Electrochemical and Photocatalytic Behaviour of V&S Doped Titania Produced with Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadzadeh, Mohammad (Author) ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation is a new and promising method for synthesis of oxide layers and coatings on light metals such as titanium and aluminum. This method is a fast, easy and economicalway to produce TiO2 layers on Ti substrate. Photocatalytic properties of TiO2 can be improved with doping of other elements such as metals and non-metals by expanding its band gap which is in UV area of light spectrum in to visible area.Photocatalytic properties of TiO2 is also dependent on surface area and grain size, oxide layers which has been produced with PEO process has a high surface area due to its porosity. Voltage, electrolyte and additives concentration are among parameters which can affect... 

    Numerical Study of the Effect of Permeability in Single-Phase Flow in Porous Media

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heidari Farsani, Mohammad (Author) ; Sadrhosseini, Hani (Supervisor) ; Ashjari, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Present study is to simulate laminar flow in a channel exposed to heat flux from the walls and filled with porous media by software ANSYS CFX in finite volume method. The analysis is based on the Naviere-Stokes equations in the flow field which are modified to Brinkman-Forchheimer equations to be applicable for porous media. Effect of Reynolds number and permeability on seepage velocity, temperature distribution, heat transfer and pressure drop are investigated.Simulations are performed for two cases: fully developed flow at the entrance of the porous media and developing flow, which are corresponding to the Reynolds numbers of Re=77.6 and Re=1553 respectively (U= 0.01 m/s and U= 0.2 m/s).... 

    Optical Properties of Gel Cast and Sintered Alumina Ceramics

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghorbani, Mohammad (Author) ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this process transparent polycrystalline alumina ceramic was provided by submicron alumina gel casting and spark plasma sintering. The monomer system in this process including met acrylamide and methylene bis acrylamide was chosen as a monomer and cross linker. These two agents comprise 5%wt of the precursor with the ratio of 3 to 1 respectively. With the optimization of Dolapix CE64 as a dispersant and providing the suspension with 76%wt, a greenware with the density of 56.3% wt was obtained. Differential thermal analysis of green body showed that the existing monomers are removed by the time the body reaches 550°C. In order to access high real in-line transmittance, the microstructure... 

    The Application of Signal Processing in Oil Well Logging

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahmasebi Moradi, Faezeh (Author) ; Hajsadeghi, Khosro (Supervisor)
    Determining the porosity, water saturation and permeability values in the reservoir rock, are major steps in the petroleum engineering and formation evaluation. Today in the oil industry, these parameters are obtained using Helium gas injection technique on core (Plug) samples. However, the coring operation is difficult and costly. In addition, there isn't the possibility of coring in some of wells, such as horizontal wells. In fact, the present research is the modelling of artificial neural networks to estimate permeability in one of the Iranian oil field reservoirs by using oil well logging data. In this research, MLP neural network has been used and for network training, the evolutionary... 

    Experimental Investigation of Brine Salinity Effect on Relative Permeability Curve in Tight Reservoir

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinolabedin, Roham (Author) ; Shad, Saeed (Supervisor)
    An experimental study was conducted to investigate the reduction of relative permeability caused by salt precipitation. Series of isothermal sand pack flood experiments were conducted on a sand pack composed of several minerals and relative permeability of the involved phases were determined. This compose was taken south of Iranian reservoir properties. A stainless steel sand-pack of 2.5cm internal diameter and 19.2 cm long was designed and built for experimental procedure. There are is different methods to determine relative permeability of porous media, According to available facilities in the lab and objective of this study unsteady state have been chosen to determine relative... 

    The Effect of Different Stresses in the Three Principal Directions on a Formation with 30 Degree Fractured

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khalighi, Jafar (Author) ; Goodarznia, Iraj (Supervisor)
    In this study we investigated the stress effects on the fractured block in formation and its impact on flow through the matrix. At first the effect of various stresses on reduction of sample's pore volume and thereby reduction the permeability have been studied. The equations used to describe the elasticity relations in saturated matrix block is provided by Bayot theory. In this theory, the system of related equations to stress and strain changes have been developed in matrix. We have used finite element method in COMSOL software to solve the equation system created by elasticity relations in formation. After solving the equations, volume and volumetric strain changes which are caused by the... 

    A Proper Method of Upscaling Permeability data in a Typical Iranian Reservoir

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shokoohi Dehkordi, Mojdeh (Author) ; Shadizadeh, Reza (Supervisor) ; Jonoud, Sima (Co-Supervisor)
    In this paper we have tried to mention a proper method of upscaling permeability data in a typical Iranian reservoir. Firstly a literature review is made on some common upscaling methods witch have been used so far. We introduced common upscaling methods like full tensor method, streamline method, stone method , vertical equilibrium method and also Kyte & Berry method. Additionally we have explained their advantages and also disadvantages. After selecting two upscaling methods, Kyte & Berry method and vertical equilibrium method, we applied these algorithms for upscaling of permeability data of Soroosh Oil Field. Soroosh oilfield is a heavy oil, Iranian reservoir located in Persian Gulf.... 

    Fabrication and Surface Engineering of Pu-Tio2 Nanocomposites with Improved Mechanical, Surface and Hemocompatibility Properties with Usability in Vascular Tissue Engineering

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kianpour, Ghazal (Author) ; Baghery, Reza (Supervisor) ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghanbari, Hossein (Supervisor)
    The main focus of this project is the fabrication of surface engineering scaffolds based on polyurethane and titanium dioxide. The research's aim is the creation of the synergistic properties of TiO2 and PU as a new strategy for engineering artificial autologous blood vessels. In the first section, PU-TiO2 nanocomposites were synthesized by co-insitu synthesis of nanoparticles and polymer. The nanocomposite films were prepared by solvent casting and thermally induced phase separation methods. Mechanical and biological properties of films were compared with pure PU film. In solvent casting method, the outcomes revealed that the rate of endothelialization of the nanocomposite scaffold after 7... 

    Effect of Process Parameters in Selective Laser Melting on Quality (Porosity) of the Component

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Deldar Masrour, Pouria (Author) ; Farrahi, Gholamhossein (Supervisor) ; Tangestani, Reza (Co-Supervisor)
    In the present research, a new material model utilizing anisotropic conduction and track-scale heat input model is used to predict the melt pool geometry, material state and thermal history during the selective laser melting process of SS316L in a large range of laser parameters. The model takes into account the phase transition of the material during the process. Furthermore, the phase transition problem in the track-scale model has been analyzed and a solution has been presented. The simulated melt pools in beam-scale and track-scale simulations are compared with experimental measurements in different laser parameters. It is found that the proposed material model is able to maintain...