Experimental Investigation of Brine Salinity Effect on Relative Permeability Curve in Tight Reservoir
Zeinolabedin, Roham | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: English
- Document No: 49356 (66)
- University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Department: Science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Shad, Saeed
- Abstract:
- An experimental study was conducted to investigate the reduction of relative permeability caused by salt precipitation. Series of isothermal sand pack flood experiments were conducted on a sand pack composed of several minerals and relative permeability of the involved phases were determined. This compose was taken south of Iranian reservoir properties. A stainless steel sand-pack of 2.5cm internal diameter and 19.2 cm long was designed and built for experimental procedure. There are is different methods to determine relative permeability of porous media, According to available facilities in the lab and objective of this study unsteady state have been chosen to determine relative permeability. Pressure drop across the core, injection pressure and fluid volumes were collected to use Corey model and JBN methods to calculate relative permeability for two-phase system. Two-phase oil-water experiments were started with a primary drainage process followed by imbibition process and Then brine was injected to the sand pack and secondary drainage were started and oil injected to the porous media, After that, secondary imbibition were conducted by injecting brine to the sample. Hysteresis was found to exist in both wetting-phase and non-wetting-phase relative permeability in two-phase water/oil and brine/oil systems. Overall, the individual phase relative permeability was higher when its saturation was increasing than when decreasing. It was determined that oil relative permeability’s data in water/oil system have lower values compared with brine/oil during imbibition process. During imbibition process data of water relative permeability in water/oil system has greater value compare to brine/oil system Formation damage has been seen along the sample which means saturation change and salt precipitation have occurred. Recover factor have been considered as an important factor of brine injection efficiency. And after running three set of experiment, it was found that recovery factor not only improved but also because of salt precipitation this factor was decrease
- Keywords:
- Relative Permeability ; Brine ; Porosity ; Flooding ; Experimental Investigation ; Absolute Permeability
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