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    Project Management Performance Measurement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salary, Mohsen (Author) ; Modares, Abdolhamid (Supervisor)
    Increasing of competency, urged organizations to perform their maximum endeavor for establishing effective communication with customers. Customers' demand for optional production along with minimum cost and time, has become a principle for many organizations. Organizations' general tendency for using project management methods in their businesses is increasing day by day and this matter necessitates research in various aspects of project management processes. Furthermore; outsourcing of activities and tendency to adopt contract methods, has persuaded organizations to use project management. For project-focused organizations, identification of daily changes in business theme and customer... 

    Identification of Factors Affecting the Implementation of CRM Systems in Project Based Firms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asgari Sabet, Parisa (Author) ; Najmi, Manoochehr (Supervisor)
    Customer relationship management is a comprehensive strategy for managing the relationships with customers. Customer relationship management involves technology for automation, organizing, and adaptation of business processes, including sales activities, marketing and customer service. Main purpose of CRM is finding and attracting new customers, maintaining current customers, attracting the organization's former customers, reducing marketing costs and customer service. Most studies in this area are related to B-C organizations and few studies are related to B-B and especially project based organizations. This study aimed to identify the factors affecting the implementation of customer... 

    Reengineering of Customs Exports Processes, Case Study

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abniki, Mahdi (Author) ; Akbari Jokar, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Sensitivity and importance of exports of goods and services has led countriesto identify its tools and factors in order todeveloptheirexports. One of the mostimportant factorsin the development ofexports of goodsandservices, is the customsformalities.Dueto the high volumeof trade and the increasingspeed ofbusiness,Customsisalsoinevitablybe transformed, Because the Customsclients, expect as fast as they trade their goods, the Customs formalities done.In this research , we have tried to improve the customs export procedures, in accordance with the objectives and outlined prospects for foreign trade space provided. Thus, while recognizing the duties and customs policies and the study of the... 

    Reliability Improvement in Aging-sensitive Units of a Processor

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Rohbani, Nezam (Author) ; Miremadi, Ghasem (Supervisor) ; Ejlali, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Despite the advantages of shrinking transistors’ dimensions, e.g. decrease in power consumption and fabrication cost and increase in their switching speed, it has an adverse impact on some characteristics of nano-scale (less than 130nm) transistors that can reduce the system lifetime. Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) are amongst the most important adverse effects of transistor shrinkage. These two effects, are known as transistor aging, decrease the switching speed of the transistors by increasing the threshold voltage and decreasing the charge carriers’ mobility in the channel of transistors. Temperature, operating voltage, and the size of transistors have...