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    Experimental Study of Flame Stability on a Reheat System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nozari, Hadi (Author) ; Farshchi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In conventional afterburning systems, the burnt products of the primary combustion enter the afterburning zone, where the fuel is injected and the mixture is ignited to form a flame which is stabilized by a flameholder.
    The present experimental study focuses on concepts of afterburning and flame stability in a reheat system. For this purpose an afterburner setup is designed and manufactured. The setup comprises of two main regions; the preheating region and the reheat zone. Fuel used in preheater is LPG while jet fuel is injected in reheat zone. Through the tests the key parameters which are adjusted to be in similar ranges as the conventional afterburners are the oxygen amount of the... 

    The Effects of Tachyonic Instabilities and Non-Gaussian Perturbations During Cosmic Inflation and Reheating

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Abolhasani, Ali Akbar (Author) ; Firouzjahi, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Co-Advisor) ; Sheikh Jabbari, Mohammad Mahdi (Co-Advisor)
    The cosmic inflation paradigmwas first introduced as a possible solution to the standardBig Bang cosmology problems. [1]. The inflationary models not only provide a solutionfor so the called flatness and horizon problems, but also they predict perturbations asprimordial seeds of large scale structures of Universe. Inflationary models can connecthigh-energy physics to the experiments. There is a mutual relation between inflationand high energy physics. It is necessary to find a fundamental description of inflationarymechanism and on the other hand the observational predictions of inflationary modelscan put bound on free parameters of associated fundamental theories. Thanks to vastdata... 

    Numerical Analysis of an Afterburner Combustion Stability

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezaei, Vahid (Author) ; Farshchi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Inlet flow of afterburners comes from the burnt products of the primary combustion chamber. The fuel is injected and the mixture is ignited to form a flame which is stabilized behind a flameholder in the afterburner. Flame stability stems from wake (recirculation zone) of flameholder. With the aid of high residence time of flow behind the flameholder reactants get the time to catch activation energy. Some parameters like oxygen content, mass flow rate, inlet temperature, and nozzle area ratio play an important role in afterburner combustion efficiency and flame stability. In this study we focused on afterburner combustion stability in GE J85-21 engine. This engine will be in service through... 

    Particle Production: From Inflationary Era to Reheating

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Phoroutan Mehr, Mehrdad (Author) ; Abolhassani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
    In this project, in general, we have studied the particle production during and after the Inflation.Today, the Inflation is considered as a part of the standard model of cosmology and it solves so-called two cosmological problems: flatness and horizon problem. According to it,the universe after the inflation becomes supercool; however, the thing we observe today is in contradiction with this theory. The Reheating era is a time period in which the inflationary field gets to its minimum of potential and starts to socialite. Actually, here is the place in which the phenomenon of the particle production occurs. This period is called the Reheating era. therefore, it seems all particles which we... 

    Reheating the Universe after Inflation Via Resonant Interactions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yarahmadi, Amir (Author) ; Abolhasani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
    The inflation paradigm solves the so-called flatness problem of the standard cosmo- logical model and explains the homogeneity of the Universe by adding a period of exponential expansion at early times to the standard scenario. Moreover, it provides a mechanism for generating density perturbations, serving as the seed of large-scale structures. One of the successes of inflation is predicting primordial scale-invariant perturbations that agree with the observations of cosmic background radiation. Nev- ertheless, there will be a cold, matter-free universe after exponential expansion, so one needs a process that leads to a hot cosmos containing standard particles after the end of inflation, the...