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Comparison of the Different Classical Structural Optimization Methods and Algorithms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Joghataei, Abdolreza (Supervisor)
In this thesis, the classical methods of structural optimization were studied and compared. After a comprehensive study on different methods of structural optimization, a reduced number of methods were selected in order to be used in this research. Exterior penalty function method, linear and quadratic extended penalty function methods were the selected constrained optimization methods. For unconstrained optimization, univariate method, Powell method, steepest descent method, Fletcher-Reeves method, and quasi-Newton methods of DFP and BFGS were used. And from different one-dimensional search methods studied, we used the golden section method. The structures which were optimally designed by...
Truss Section, Topology and Shape Optimization Considering Uncertainties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Optimization and uncertainty are two main issues in the structure design. In engineering problems and specially the structure, loads are among those issues witch we cannot be commented definitively. The uncertainty also shows itself in material properties and structural shapes. Design optimization is inevitable in order to use resources effectively. In the past, structural design was based on experience and engineering judgment, which was conservative and sometimes structure weight was very high. But today, thanks to computers, high-volume calculations would not be out of reach. With considering uncertainty, we can have prosper sight toward constraints by maintaining proper distance from...