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    Imprinting Technology in Tumor Marker Detection

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazemi Ahmadabadi, Roya (Author) ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
    Tumor markers are substances that are naturally found in blood and other fluids in body, but in abnormal conditions such as cancer and metastasis, their level increase. The aim of researching about tumor markers is to find a way for discovering cancer only with a blood test and replace with the current methods such as ELISA, and any type of cancer can be detected by these tests. In this study, molecular imprinted polymers were synthesized with biomolecules. To do that, silica microparticles were used as solid base and after functionalizing their surface, a thin film of polymer was synthesized on them. To optimize the components concentrations and the polymer thickness on the silica surface,... 

    Optimization of Dose-Planning in Electrochemical Treatment of Tumors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Niroumand Shirazi, Maryam (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, a model of electrochemical treatment of tumor is simulated by numerical method. The orthogonal collocation method is used for numerical solution. The model is solved in two situations, one in the absence of chemical reaction (water hydrolysis) and the other when chemical reaction is occurring in the electrolyte. In transient mode, it is possible to solve the model in low level currents (about 20 A/m2) by few number of collocation points (about 15 points) and only in a single domain. However, by increasing current, it is necessary to use more points in domain especially in the first 10% of the domain (very close to the electrode) where the maximum rate of diffusion/migration... 

    Optimal Control of Electrochemical Treatment of Tumors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Soroush (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
    In this project, we have assessed the electrochemical treatment method. In this method, pH decrease of the place where a tumor is located engenders the necrosis of cancer cells and consequently they are destroyed. The process of pH decrease is caused by exerting voltage on electrods that are located near the tumor. The aims of optimizing this methods are to minimize the pH that results in the increase of cancer cell annihilation and to minimize the HClO and Cl2 products which are toxic and chage the healthy tissues to cancer cells. In this project, the model of electrochemical treatment method is explained, and then this model is simulated using the parametes which are provided in the... 

    Air Pollution Effects on Mortality

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moghani, Vahid (Author) ; Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor) ; Vesal, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this paper evaluate the short-term effects of air pollution on the mortality rate caused by cardiovascular problems, respiratory problems, digestive problems and tumors and cancers. This is done by using daily mortality data of Tehran, Tabriz, Mashad, Shiraz, Ahwaz and Isfahan during the years 1390 to 1394, we also use daily measurements of pollutant levels including Carbon-monooxcide, Sulfure-dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Ozone and Particulate matters in the same period. The effects are estimad by looking at the relation of daily mortality in each city along with its pollution level. By controling for the weather conditions and city and month fixed effects, we find significant positive... 

    Device on a Chip, in Order to Control and Separation of Circulating Tumor Cells

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Masoudi, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Shamloo, Amir (Supervisor) ; Khodaygan, Saeed (Supervisor)
    The process of separating cells from a laboratory sample, is a crucial step in biotechnology and medical science. Cells separation is important for various reasons, including the identification and treatment of diseases, as an example, separation of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) from patient blood sample. CTCs are cells that shed from a tumor and diffuse into blood vessels. These cells are the starters of metastasis, the process in which cancer spreads in body, and are main reason of deaths caused by cancer. Extremely low percentages of target cells in the blood, clarify the importance of highly accurate and sensitive separation. Currently, conventional separation methods are of macro-order... 

    Model Predictive Control of pH in Electrochemical Treatment of Tumors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hashemzadeh, Pouya (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
    Electrochemical treatment of tumors introduces cancer therapy method that uses direct current which passes through cancer tissue. The manipulated variable (direct current density) is applied to the surface of the electrode. As a result of applying direct current on the anode's surface, two competition reactions start to happen on the electrode's surface, Chlorine and Oxygen evolutions. The productions of these two reactions for instance Cl_2 , Cl^- and H^+ caused different reactions in the domain of the electrolyte which is the body tissue. According to the buffer characteristic of blood and organic features of tissue, various types of acids like HClO form in the electrolyte. If the pH in... 

    A Stochastic Model for Cancer Tumor Growth

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miraboutalebi, Mohamad Hosein (Author) ; Foroughmand Arabi, Mohamad Hadi (Supervisor) ; Alishahi, Kasra (Co-Supervisor)
    Cancer can be defined as a stochastic phenomenon. Thus, the tumor growth can be defined as a stochastic process. A Cancer tumor can be analyzed by its geometric shape. Furthermore, computing fractal dimension of shapes is a useful technique to analyze chaosity and complexity of shapes. This approach can be used to compare results from laboratory with simulated results of a mathematical model. A stochastic model of tumor growth will be presented. And some geometrical properties will be analyzed through computer simulation of the model  

    Cancer Models Based on Reaction-Diffusion Equations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khanzad, Zahra (Author) ; Fotouhi, Morteza (Supervisor)
    The role of a mathematical model is to explain a set of experiments, and to make predictions. In setting up a mathematical model of a biological process, by a set of differential equations, it is very important to determine the numerical value of the parameters. For biological processes are typically valid only within a limited range of parameters. In the last decades, various cancer models have been developed in which the evolution of the densities of cells (abnormal, normal, or dead) and the concentrations of biochemical species are described in terms of differential equations. Some of these models use only ordinary differential equations (ODEs), ignoring the spatial effects of tumor... 

    Design and Fabrication of Micro-Fluidic Chip for Formation, Culture and Analysis of Cancer Tumor Cell Spheroids

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khoshravesh, Hirad (Author) ; Saeedi, Mohammad Saeed (Supervisor) ; Kazemzadeh Hannani, Siamak (Co-Supervisor)
    Simulating the in-vivo environment of cancer tumors outside the body, can provide an appropriate condition for studying different key processes of the tumor micro-environment, such as aggregation, formation, growth, angiogenesis and metastasis of the cancer tumor cells, which can be useful in finding methods to cure, or at least control cancer. Every year, a variety of drugs are being developed to overcome cancer, all of which need to be experimented. Although, these drugs are now experimented on animals, and some human volunteers, the reaction of different patients’ cancer cells to different drugs may differ with the experimented animals, or even with other people. So, there needs to be a... 

    Model Predictive Inferential Control for Electrochemotherapy of Tumors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Valibeknejhad, Mohammad (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this project is to use adaptive model predictive and fuzzy controllers to control the pH in a proper location and right amount as well as applying optimal dose of electrical current to prevent the destruction of healthy tissue during treatment. Comsol software has been used to simulate the electrochemical treatment of liver cancer. Since the Comsol software does not have the ability to solve the tumor model in spherical coordinates, the modeling/simulation was performed in cylindrical ordinates. In this study, only the reactions of oxygen and chlorine production in the anode were considered. The predictive control used in this study is GPC type and fmincon algorithm is used... 

    Immunotherapy of Cancer Tumors Using Model Predictive Control Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirbak, Mohammad (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
    Statistics show that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. In recent years, several studies have shown that combination therapy is more effective than single therapy. Modeling and simulation the dynamics of cancer and the immune system and controlling the dose of cancer drugs complement preclinical trials. The aim of this study was to apply the model predictive control approach to determine the optimal dose of chemotherapy and immunotherapy drugs to treat cancerous tumors. Thus, with a preliminary analysis of the analytics, a six-state dynamic model has been selected as a hypothetical patient to advance therapeutic goals. Two sets of parameters for the hypothetical... 

    Investigation of Molecular Interactions of VEGFR and its Inhibitors by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Didandeh, Mohsen (Author) ; Bastani, Daruoosh (Supervisor) ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Co-Supervisor) ; Karami, Layla (Co-Supervisor)
    One of the chief kinds of receptors in cancer angiogenesis is the tyrosine kinase VEGFR-2. This target receptor is presented in both forms; active and inactive. adenosine triphosphate (ATP) residue is the location of deformational change from inactive to active form. Small molecule inhibitors have been designed for various forms of this receptor. In current study, the interaction of small molecular inhibitors including; Regorafenib, Cabozantinib and Thiosanib with dual VEGFR-2 receptor forms was investigated by molecular dynamics with Gromacs software. Cabozantinib and Regorafenib inhibitors had a lower binding energy in interaction with the inactive state however, Thiosanib inhibitors in... 

    Pattern of the Acoustic Wave Penetration Into Soft Tissue and the Related Heat Generation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinalian Khameneh, Ali (Author) ; Assempour, Ahmad (Supervisor) ; Ahmadian, Mohamad Taghi (Supervisor)
    nowadays Acoustic play an important role in the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. in 2020 cancer has been the cause of death for more than 10 million patients. High intensity focused ultrasound is a non-invasive technique that used successfully to treat Malignant cancers like liver, pancreas and prostate. One of the major problems of using acoustic waves is the absorption of high frequency waves by the tissue before reaching the target area. in this study, a finite element model used to find the relation between frequency and acoustic pressure of transducer and focal region intensity. the results show, the maximum intensity in focal region linearly proportional to frequency...