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Assessment of waterlogging and provide risk maps by using RS, GIS and field data (case study: Qazvin plain)
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shamsaei, Abolfazl
Groundwater quality protection has a significant importance due to abundant applications of these resources in various fields such as agriculture, industry and drinking water. Removal of groundwater pollution is a time and money consuming process and often pollution is detected when improving the quality of groundwater is nearly impossible. For this vulnerability assessment there are three methods: Processing, Overlap-Index and Statistical Methods. Overlap-Index is composed of variety of maps such as Geology, Soil, Groundwater Depth and etc which uses in determining of vulnerability Index. In the present study for underground pollution potential determining, four indexes such as AVI، GOD،...
Analysis and Evaluation of Router Security Based on a Routing Protocol
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
The importance of routers in information transfer among networks is critical. Thus, vulnerabilities and security deficiencies in routers and the related services like routing protocols can be destructive not only for some hosts, but also for the whole network. Hence, it is necessary that 1) vulnerabilities related to the routers and their services be evaluated and analyzed, and 2) the functional aspects of routers related to the vulnerabilities be formally modeled and analyzed. In this thesis, we present a method for the evaluation and the analysis of OSPF routing protocol from the security point of view. First, reported vulnerabilities on the OSPF are collected and evaluated by a...
Development of Fragility Curves of Confined Masonry Buildings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
Masonry buildings are one of the most vulnerable structures against earthquakes, and therefore their seismic response should be evaluated in order to mitigate casualties in the future. Although there are numerous experimental and analytical studies on these buildings, few have aimed on Confined Masonry (CM) buildings to simulate and predict their seismic performance. To estimate damage, assess vulnerability and choose the best retrofitting method, fragility curves can be utilized as a powerful tool. In this paper, the hysteretic behavior of two typical CM walls with and without opening is calibrated in both In-plane (IP) and Out-of-Plane (OOP) loading directions making use of OPENSEES...
Designing and Evaluation of Hardware Backdoors In a Typical Processor
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
Recently, security of integrated circuits has received more attention as ICs have become more complex and their usage has increased in safety critical systems. Many orgeniaztions use the ICs that made by third party companies. This is due to the high costs to build and maintain state-of-the-art semiconductor factories. This subject puts the trustworthiness of the ICs under the question. The chips might be maliciously modified in each stage of the manufacturing chain. This threat is called hardware backdoor in scientific community. The aim of this project is to assess the features embedded in a microprocessor and evaluate the side channel effect of various hardware backdoors. hardware...
Study and Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability and Contamination to Nitrate: A Case Study of Mashhad City
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ataie-Ashtiani, Behzad (Supervisor)
Groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid regions, which the most parts of them have not had enough surface water, is of great importance. Due to the paramount importance of these vital resources, many scholars have conducted various studies on groundwater contamination and, especially, on nitrate as the best indicator of groundwater contamination because of its ability to transport, its low absorption, and its durability in water. In this study, using qualitative methods, groundwater contamination of Mashhad aquifer was evaluated, and then in order to obtain better adjustment with urban areas, these methods were modified which resulted in better correlation with measured nitrat. Based on...
A Framework to Assess Effect of Interdependent Infrastructures' Disruption on Operation of Hospital during Natural Disasters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haj Kazem Kashani, Hamed (Supervisor)
In earthquake-prone communities, the post-earthquake functionality of hospitals is crucial. Hospitals can dramatically reduce earthquake casualties if they can remain functional and retain service continuity. A variety of earthquake-induced problems such as damage to hospital components, unavailability of medical staff, disruption in medicine supply, and failure of supporting infrastructure systems can negatively affect the functionality of a hospital. Hospital administrators and facility managers require appropriate tools to assess the effect of these problems on hospital functionality. This research presents a probabilistic framework to assess the functionality of hospitals following...
Hydraulic Assessment of Seismic Resilience of Urban Water Supply Network
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Safaie Nematollahi, Ammar (Supervisor) ; Mahsuli, Mojtaba (Co-Supervisor)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the resilience of the urban water supply network against earthquakes, A hydraulic analysis of the water supply network was implemented in Rtx software to study the effective parameters in the resilience of the network. Rtx software is a tool for assessing the reliability and resilience of communities and infrastructure to natural hazards by taking into account related uncertainties. The water supply network, like other networks, is affected by earthquakes. The seismic damage varies depending on the vulnerability of the network, the intensity of the earthquake, the focal depth, and the distance from the epicenter. Thus, it reduces the ability of the...
Alarming System for Extreme Weather Events (Case Study: Bangladesh)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghim, Sanaz (Supervisor)
Climate and extreme hydrometeorological studies are required to reduce risk and vulnerabilities. This study uses different cumulus and microphysics schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to simulate heavy rainfall events and Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh, where many extreme events occur. Results show that WRF can capture the cyclone track, intensity, and landfall position. In addition, regionalization and an ensemble method through Bayesian regression model (BRM) are used to improve WRF rainfall simulations. Although regionalization can improve results of the experiments with different schemes, BRM leads to the best performance. To consider uncertainty and evaluate hazards, a...
Vulnerability Extraction in Large Codebases Through Template Generalization
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Kharrazi, Mehdi (Supervisor)
As the size and complexity of software increase, the number of software vulnerabilities also increases. An examination of vulnerability reports shows that in addition to the fact that a large number of unknown vulnerabilities still exist in software, there is still no proper solution for identifying vulnerabilities that have been observed one sample of them exit in real-world software. The main reason for such an event is the lack of a suitable template for recognized vulnerabilities, which ultimately makes searching for them in other software a problem of scalability and high search cost. This thesis, recognizing the importance of the issue, presents a framework for extracting robust and...
Assessment of Vulnerability and Resilience to Land Degradation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghim, Sanaz (Supervisor)
In recent decades, especially with the increase of greenhouse gases and global warming, land degradation has become one of the important global environmental issues. Land degradation has significant impacts on soil performance, vegetation cover, crops, and even the dispersion of dust particles. Land degradation is a complex phenomenon that is affected by multiple factors. Thus, it is necessary to identify these factors and then assess the degree of vulnerability and resilience to it globally. Proper indicators can clarify the integration and effective linkage between related parameters. This study aims to develop a Land Degradation Vulnerability Index (LDVI) using parameters such as...