
Hydraulic Assessment of Seismic Resilience of Urban Water Supply Network

Nasiri, Nastaran | 2020

416 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54319 (09)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Civil Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Safaie Nematollahi, Ammar; Mahsuli, Mojtaba
  7. Abstract:
  8. The purpose of this study is to investigate the resilience of the urban water supply network against earthquakes, A hydraulic analysis of the water supply network was implemented in Rtx software to study the effective parameters in the resilience of the network. Rtx software is a tool for assessing the reliability and resilience of communities and infrastructure to natural hazards by taking into account related uncertainties. The water supply network, like other networks, is affected by earthquakes. The seismic damage varies depending on the vulnerability of the network, the intensity of the earthquake, the focal depth, and the distance from the epicenter. Thus, it reduces the ability of the network to meet the water demands of citizens and the ability to provide relief services such as hospitals and fire by sequential damage events. In this study, a resilience index has been used to evaluate the seismic resilience of the water supply network based on a Monte-Carlo simulation. The hydraulic analysis of the water distribution network was conducted to investigate the effect of changes in demand due to post-earthquake fires, hospital's water needs, and population displacement, as well as the effect of water quality disturbance changes due to aftershocks. The results highlight that the higher the magnitude of the earthquake, the greater the effect of the water quality disturbance on the resilience index. Considering changes in water demand in the simulations became more important as the magnitude of the earthquake increased. However, its effect on the resilience index was negligible in high-intensity magnitude earthquakes, such as 8 Richter, due to high failure rates. In addition, modeling the damage to tanks due to the effect of tanks on the overall performance of the network and their relatively long recovery time reduces the impact of modeling changes in water demand in the resilience index. Moreover, in this study, the effect of the number of repair groups and the existence of emergency water reservoirs on the resilience of the water supply network have been investigated, which can be a suitable model for the relevant agencies and help them to increase the resilience of the water supply network by prioritization of repair and recovery tasks and construction of emergency water tanks
  9. Keywords:
  10. Resilience ; Reliability ; Vulnerability ; Earthquake ; Water Distribution Network Resiliance ; Water Supply ; Hydrodynamic Survey

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