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    Assessment of Seismic Behavior Factor of Irregular Midrise Steel Structure

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Baghi, Alireza (Author) ; Mofid, Masoud (Supervisor)
    The Overstrength, Ductility and the Response Modification Factor (R) for 70 steel X-braced , Inverted-V-Braced and Offcenter Bracing System frames were evaluated by performing pushover analysis of model structure with various stories (3,6,9,12&15 story) and span length (4,6&8 meter). Some result were compared with those from nonlinear dynamic analysis. According to the analysis result the R factors obtained from nonlinear dynamic analysis are 15% more than obtained from pushover analysis and R factors computed from pushover analysis were generally smaller than the values given in the design codes. R factors in Irregular structure in height are about 90% of R values in regular structure in... 

    Parametric Studies of Seismic Behavior of Single Story Concrete Frame Equipped on Yielding Element

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alirezaei, Mehdi (Author) ; Mofid, Massoud (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, in order to evaluate the vulnerability of concrete structures equipped with Yielding Element (YE) against earthquakes, two single story/ span concrete frames with different bay-to-height ratios (B/H<1 and B/H>1) are considered. Since the nature of earthquakes is to release energy due to tectonic movements in the earth and the nature of damages in structures depends on the rate of absorbed energy, investigating the behavior of structures are based on the energy concept which is considered as the most important way to design structures against earthquake load. In order to provide seismic resistance against earthquakes and reduce the damages in main elements, it is required to... 

    Revision, Modification, Fabrication, and Examining the Behavior of Ribbed Bracing System (RBS)under Test

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Hossein (Author) ; Golafshani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor) ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
    As a result of numerous earthquakes happened in recent decades, widespread failures were observed in conventional braced frames, which were mostly created due to buckling of the braces under compression. To find a solution to overcome this problem, Ribbed Bracing System (RBS) was developed by Golafshani et al. in 2004. In this study, continuing the experimental investigation and considering the previous outcomes, the RBS bracing was redesigned based on some modifications. Then, two half-scale RBS braces with pinned frames were constructed and tested under cyclic loading. RBS systems were utilized in two options, CC-RBS and SC-RBS, in X configuration, the first of which was constantly... 

    Investigating the Behaviour Factor of Split-level Steel Braced Frames

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Chehrazi, Ali (Author) ; Khansari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    In this work the response modification factor (RMF), behaviour factor, of two-dimensional regular and split-level steel braced frames was worked out and presented. A total number of 840 frames with various number of stories, spans, braced spans and span lengths were studied. Frames were loaded based on ASCE 7-10 and designed in accordance with AISC 360-10. Static nonlinear analysis and Uang method were used for obtaining the RMFs of the studied frames. The effect of split-level irregularity and parameters such as number of stories on the RMF were worked out and are presented in this thesis. Linear regression was used to develop formulae for RMFs of regular and split-level braced frames.... 

    Numerical and Parametric Investigation of Several Novel Cable Damper Braces

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eftekhari, Mobin (Author) ; Maleki, Shervin (Supervisor)
    In this study, several novel cable-pipe damper brace (CPDB) systems are introduced. The CPDBs consist of steel cables wrapped around supporting pipes and arranged as cross-bracing in steel frames. The arrangements are such that the cables are always in tension when a lateral load is applied to the steel frames. The wrapping of cables around pipes makes the systems act like a friction damper in a seismic event. In addition, the possibility of energy dissipation by plastic pipe deformation and yielding of cables is investigated. Each system is analyzed by nonlinear finite element method to investigate its lateral strength and cyclic behavior. The primary results of this study showed that some...