Revision, Modification, Fabrication, and Examining the Behavior of Ribbed Bracing System (RBS)under Test
Mohammadi, Hossein | 2016
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 48332 (09)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Civil Engineering
- Advisor(s): Golafshani, Ali Akbar; Toufigh, Vahab
- Abstract:
- As a result of numerous earthquakes happened in recent decades, widespread failures were observed in conventional braced frames, which were mostly created due to buckling of the braces under compression. To find a solution to overcome this problem, Ribbed Bracing System (RBS) was developed by Golafshani et al. in 2004. In this study, continuing the experimental investigation and considering the previous outcomes, the RBS bracing was redesigned based on some modifications. Then, two half-scale RBS braces with pinned frames were constructed and tested under cyclic loading. RBS systems were utilized in two options, CC-RBS and SC-RBS, in X configuration, the first of which was constantly involved through the test, and the latter showed the length modification capability after each loading cycle. The test results were then showed in the form of hysteretic curves, energy dissipation curves, and the behavior of the frames within the loading. The important outcomes of this study can be categorized as the following: 1) The RBS braced frames exhibited good behavior in large deformations (3 and 4% drift). CC-RBS braced frames performed better with respect to providing a continuous stiffness for the structure. On the other hand, frames with SC-RBS underwent more cycles with more deformations.
2) The maximum plastic tensile capacity of the bracings was utilized in the optimum condition. 3) The bracings could be rehabilitated and ready-to-use quickly after the test, or earthquake, without any considerable expenses. This advantage will be more important when the “disaster resilience” of the structure is taken into account. 4) Scrutinizing the results certifies that the proposed bracing system can be suggested as a viable earthquake-resisting system in design codes, providing that complementary tests are performed on this system - Keywords:
- Hysteresis ; Energy Absorption ; Ribbed Bracing System (RBS) ; Resilience ; X-Bracing
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