Improving QoS in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs) for Multimedia Applications
Pishdad, Leila | 2009
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39118 (19)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Computer Engineering
- Advisor(s): Rabiei, Hamid Reza
- Abstract:
- Multimedia applications which exploit the network resources are best provided in broadband networks. Additionally, broadband wireless access systems enable broadband access in places where the wired solutions are not applicable. The IEEE 802.16 standard is designed to provide broadband wireless access and addresses the PHY and MAC layers of wireless metropolitan area networks. This standard has been designed to support quality of service for different applications, and due to their various requirements has considered four classes of service for connections. However, quality of service support mechanisms (such as admission control and packet scheduling), are out of the scope of the standard. In this work to improve the quality of service in wireless metropolitan area networks, two scheduling schemes are proposed which both fulfill the network guarantees made to different connections by modeling the scheduling problem as an optimization problem. In the first scheduling problem with the goal of maximizing the throughput, the guarantees made to connections are introduced in the model and satisfied as constraints. In the second scheduler the objective is to maximize the fairness index of the system and the guarantees made to connections are fulfilled by defining the allocation metrics based on the guaranteed parameters. Finally, both of the schemed are compared with the priority scheduling scheme (which is the most common scheduling scheme). The simulation results show that the fairness index maximizing scheduler has the fairest behavior especially to BE connections
- Keywords:
- Service Quality ; Scheduling ; Institute Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)802.16 Standard ; Wimax Standard ; Wireless Metropolitan Area Network ; Multimedia Applications
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