
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Fluidized Bed Waste Gasification

Fakhim Ghanbarzadeh, Babak | 2009

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 39177 (08)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Mechanical Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Farhanieh, Bijan
  7. Abstract:
  8. Biomass's utilization provides sufficient energy which can be used for electricity generation, engine applications and etc. In gasitication process, biomass will be converted into clean and combustible gas in presence of steam and air. Biomass integrated-gasifier/gas turbine combined cycle (BIG/GTCC) systems are capable of producing up to twice as much electricity per unit of biomass consumed and are expected to have lower capital investment requirements per kilo Watt of capacity than condensing-extraction steam turbine (CEST) systems. In this Thesis thermodynamic analyses (both energy and exergy analyses) have been conducted for a combined cycle power plant, the investigated system consists of pressurized fluidized bed gasification unit. In this study, exergetic efficiencies and product's exergetic cost are evaluated for an idealized gasifier in which chemical equilibrium is reached, ashes are not considered and heat losses are neglected. The effect of operating variables on the performance of combined cycle power plant has been investigated. Exergoeconom ic combines Exergy analysis and economic principles to provide the system designer with information not available through conventional energy analysis and economic evaluations, but crucial to the design and operation of a cost-effective system. An Exergoeconomic system Analysis is performed to determine all mass flow rates, exergy flow rates, exergy destruction flow rates, component exergetic efficiencies, exergetic cost flow rates, mass cost flow rates, component product and fuel specific exergetic and mass costs, exergy destruction cost flow rates, component investment cost flow rates, and system total cost. Mentioned system's economic considerations, have been evaluated by Specific Cost Method(SPECO). Apart from investment and maintenance costs, system's essential costs consist of electricity, steam and raw material costs; therefore the goal is to reduce their consumption. The aim of the present work is to optimize economic objective
  9. Keywords:
  10. Gasification Process ; Thermodynamic Model ; Combined Heat and Power (CHP)System ; Fluidized Bed ; Exergoeconomics ; Exergo Economic Optimization

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