preparation and Evaluation of Titanium Oxide sensitized in Visible Light for Obliterating of Pollutants
Mazloomi Tabae, Hoda Sadat | 2008
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 39383 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Kazemeini, Mohammad; Rashidzade, Mehdi; Taghikhani, Vahid
- Abstract:
- The Dye-sensitizers loading on TiO2 is decreasing the electron excitation energy and therefore improving the photocatalytic performance from the increasing the sensitivity under visible light irradiation.in this project CoPCTS , Mordant dye and N3(Ruthenium 535) used as dye-sensitizers. Also The addition of VIII group metals on TiO2 is improving the photocatalytic activity that increasing the photocatalytic reaction rate because of the intermediation role of them for moving the conduction band electrons to electron acceptors and increasing the pair electron-holes long-life that in this case Pt loading used as a VIII group metal. In this project Titanium Isopropoxide as a precursore and Sol-Gel method used for TiO2 synthesizing and its product was compared with commercial TiO2-P25(Consist of 70% anataze phase and 30% rutile phase) and the effect of the different calcination temperatures in forming of the nanosize photocatalysts were compared .The phases were observed with XRD tests and specific surface areas were determined with BET tests
- Keywords:
- Photocatalyst ; Titanium Dioxide ; Rutile ; Anatase ; Dye Sensitization ; Visible Light ; Platinization
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